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  1. HI I have 3 outstanding accounts with Lowell. Totaling approx £3000. They are quite old accounts but not statue barred. I called today and offered to repay 40% of the total amount in order to help repair my credit file and clear these off. It would be on a repayment plan over 15 months. They agreed to this but advised that the debt will be marked as partially satisfied on my credit file and this doesn't look good on a credit file. I imagine there is some element of truth to this but obviously not as bad as unpaid! Is partially satisfied a bad indicator for potential new credit lenders i may use in the future? Thanks
  2. Defence Secretary extends housing offer to veterans READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-secretary-extends-housing-offer-to-veterans
  3. Hi All, Possibly a hypothetical question but like to be prepared. Had an interview earlier, job sounds great but when I got home invite to interview from another employer in my inbox for next Wednesday. This 2nd job would suit me better (nearer home, more akin to my current role and better hours). I was told at this morning's interview that they would let me know either way today. If I am lucky enough to get the offer, I would be mad not to accept, but still inclined to go for next week's interview as well. What are the ethics of accepting a possible offer today, then changing my mind if I get the other offer next week? Other half says I need to do whats best for me, and if I end up needing to rescind my acceptance its not a big deal, but I hate to let people down. Might not even get the offer from today, but trying to get my head straight on what to do if it does come good ... Thanks
  4. gI have also recently received a letter from MBNA regarding the same thing.g In this letter they say,.. " You could now receive some money back if we took a high level of commission on your PPI policy but did not tell you this when you bought it. A high level of commission typically means it was over half what you paid for the policy. Generally we do not tell PPI customers about our commission at the point of sale, as we were not required to ". Interestingly the reply address they give begins with........MBNA Plevin Proactive. Unlike Welcome they include a form to be completed.
  5. Hi Not sure if this is the best part of the forum to post this but here goes. I have recently received the attached letter from Shoosmiths acting on behalf of Arrow Global (Guernsey) who have a debt that was originally with MBNA. The discounted settlement figure is for 60% of the total amount outstanding. A CCJ was awarded in 2011 for circa £12k Jan 2012 we relinquished our house to the mortgage company May 2012 Arrow went back to court to get the house added to the CCJ as I had defaulted on payments On the way way to court my (now ex) wife called to say the mortgage company had sold the house, the letter arrived in the post after I had set out. In the meeting with the judge and Arrows representative I explained what had happened but had no paperwork to back it up (an hour's bus ride each way would have made me late for the meeting) The judge duly gave them rights over the property and within 7 days I received another letter saying that we had sold the property without their permission. I replied stating both the judge and their representative had been made aware of the property sale at the meeting. I have heard nothing back from them since then. The CCJ no longer shows on my credit report. I do understand that the debt is still there but nearly six and a half years after their last correspondence this has come as a bit of a shock. I do not have any capital to pay off the figure requested, I own no assets of any worth and I have no disposable income. The further options they mention (Attachment of Earnings and/or Warrant of Control) have rattled me somewhat. What is the best response to the letter and what are the likely outcomes? Any advice would be much appreciated! Early Settlement Opportunity After CCJ.pdf
  6. I have a couple of debts I am paying monthly to dca' s , balance on each about £550. I have some money coming to me. Even though I am repaying by arrangement, could I still make a full and final settlement offer to clear them?
  7. Hi all, Santander have made an offer based only on the PPI amount and associated interest and no interest because... 'On a rolling line of credit account 8% out of pocket interest is only applied if the loan would have had a credit balance had the PPI not been included. ... This is in line with the requirements of the FOS and FCA' I believe this to be complete nonsense: I take a restitution approach with unjust enrichment. Had I had the PPI amount then I could have invested it and gained at least 8% interest. Has anyone challenged this and been succesful? Do you agree with me? How do you challenge their full and final offer? A letter first stating the argument I assume then ... FOS seem to be under pressure and likely take a while??? or... direct to county court? I have exactly the same argument presented to me for no interest offered on my Credit Card PPI.... Any advice would be helpful... thanks
  8. Hi Everyone I apologise in advance if this seems like a silly question, but I need some advice/opinion as I have been out of the job seeking market for some time. Basically I have worked for the same company for over 20 years, but due to a takeover and potential relocation of the offices I have been looking for a new job. I have been offered a new job with a local company, they have sent me a a official offer letter detailing just the job title, annual salary and proposed start date. The offer expires in a couple of days and I am not sure what to do in terms of the job employment process. I really want to know more about the terms and conditions of the job like holidays, benefits, etc, but I guess that will be in the contract. My question is, if I say yes to the job offer letter, am I legally bound to them if I change my mind a few days later, what I am trying to work out is at what point is no return, because I am guessing that until I get a contract from and sign it, I cannot hand in my notice with my current employer. Hope that makes some sense. Thanks
  9. Hi, My car has been hit by another driver. There is no dispute, and other driver has take responsibility. There are damages to my exhaust system and local garage has estimated costs for £894 in total (parts, labour, VAT). Tesco (who is culprit's insurer) offered me £750 because of corrosion prints, but denied to tell if this will cover costs of genuine exhaust + hangers fixing and if parts are new or used. Important thing here are, that in my opinion there is no corrosion, car passed MOT without any advisories in November, as well as genuine exhaust system has chrome tail pipes whilst non genuine hasn't. This is my first claim in UK, so could anyone please advise what should I do?
  10. This very recent Local Government Ombudsman's decision (released 10 days ago) is another one of importance. In this particular case, a motorist had incurred a penalty charge notice from London Borough of Haringey for wrongful parking. As the contravention was for parking as opposed to a CCTV contravention, she received a Penalty Charge Notice on her car advising that the charge was £130 but if she made payment within 14 days, she would be entitled to a 50% discount bringing the penalty down to £65. She told the council that she could not pay and offered to clear the debt over a 15 month period at £5 per month; the Council refused but offered here a further 14 days to pay at the reduced rate. She refused to pay. A warrant of control has been issued and passed to bailiffs to enforce and the debt has risen from £65 to £513 (to include bailiff fees of £310). PS: Please see the next post for a copy of the decision.
  11. I have been made an offer on a loan taken out in 1994 which ended in 2003. It looks like a goodwill offer and also looks a bit "light". They dont give me exact dates of ppi payments looks like it was added at the start of the loan being about £1200. Their offer is £3300. 2 questions: 1) Can I bank their cheque "without prejudice" taking it as a payment on account to mitigate my losses, and argue about the amount later? They havent mentioned acceptance in their letter, just calling it their "offer". 2) I feel that the 8% stat interest should be compounded, not simple. I would be grateful for any help on this. I have downloaded the spreadsheet, taking £1000 as the initial PPI payment from 01/01/1994 gives simple interest of £1,921.92 but if you use standard compound (1+r)^n * £1,000 = (1+0.08(rate)))^23years*£1,000 = £5,871.46 then add on the principal £1k = £6,871.46 why is it simple instead of compound? the fair calculation of loss is the amount foregone each year, which is the interest lost each year and interest on that interest for the following year?
  12. Hey guys, My mother has just received a section 5A offer notice for the freehold on her flat and has asked me to get some advice on what this actually means to her. She lives in a block of four leasehold privately owned flats and each of the owners has just received this notice. The lease on the flats currently have about 53 years remaining. One of the tenants enquired a couple of years ago regarding extending the lease but they were quoted £10k+ which they considered to be OTT. Now they have received this notice and my mother wants to know what it will mean to them should they accept the offer regarding their tenancies and how many years they have remaining. I have read on lease-advice.org and sort of understand how they will collectively take over the freehold should they all (or the majority) agree to do so but what is the situation then? Do they still have the remaining 53 years on the lease or do they own the building and land outright? Obviously I know one of them will not own all the land but it seems rather confusing as to how it works afterwards. As it currently stands they are only charged a token rent which they do not actually pay until they sell up and leave. It is a very small yearly figure anyway. They have contacted a solicitor but have not had the appointment yet so any advice would be greatly appreciated as my mother is worrying about this because she has had enough to cope with recently with the death of my brother. I just want to ease her mind so she doesn't have to worry about this issue. I have scanned the letter and removed personal information.
  13. Hello all. I submitted a claim using MCOL a few weeks ago for a Deposit I gave to a Landlord (LL) when I lodged with them for 6 months, a total of £600. I am claiming that amount, including interest and court fees totalling just over £700. I took all reasonable steps to get the deposit back but the LL started blanking me and made promises to pay but never did. I started the MCOL process and they submitted an acknowledgment of service, stating they are going to defend the entire claim. Fair enough, thats their right. However herein the problem lies. I had been using the LLs current address to send all my formal letters and put it into MCOL with served the particulars of claim to them at that address (thus enabling them to submit an acknowledgement of service). However in their acknowledgement of service they put changed their address to their old address where they no longer live and havent done so for a year. This now means further documentation from the court will go to their old address - and my best guess is that when it comes to it they will try and get the claim set aside because they haven't received further court correspondence (because they've intentionally put an old/false address). Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? Thank you!
  14. Hi, On the 18th of January I was pulled over. When the police officer asked what I was doing on my mobile phone (which was attached to the magnet holder). I immediately replied I was 'changing the music'. It was about half past midnight with no other cars on the road and I stopped my vehicle just before I entered a small roundabout as there was a car approaching from the right (which I now believe is the police car). I took the opportunity to pick a song to accompany me the rest of the way home. As I saw the police car approaching I pulled off and was pulled over. The police have ticketed me. I am a new driver so the punishment of 6 points and £200 fine would mean my licence will be revoked. I am thinking of letting the issue be decided by the courts as I feel that the punishment is harsh considering the circumstances. I am thinking of representing myself as cannot afford the legal fees. I am aware of the technicality of the law surrounding this issue in order to be guilty of this offence - Firstly said mobile/hand held device must be handheld at some point during alleged offence, secondly phone has to be used for interactive communication and thirdly engine has to be on. Clearly my car engine was on, I would definitely argue that my phone was not held in my hand however the interactive communication part is a gray area as I stream music from Apple music but I also have music stored on my device, the question is whether I was streaming music at around said time of offence. I have requested a solicitor write to my phone company to release such information to me. Other points to note there were 2 police officers in the vehicle. The officer that ticketed me clearly believed that I was changing the music because she made comments at the end of our encounter saying that I can use Siri to change the music. I have never been to court before and any advice is greatly appreciated. My questions are: Is it worth taking to court? Will there be a opportunity to raise the points of law and how my incident does not meet the criteria for said offence and also can I request to see police statements of said incident? Any other opinions and advice is greatly appreciated. I need as much help as i can get. ...
  15. Been reading through the forums about how to manage debt and one thing seems to remain constant in that you work out your income and outgoings and then make an offer to each of your creditors telling them what you are prepared to pay each month over xxx amount of time. That's all well and good but what do you do when you have no income at all or so little income you can just about afford to pay your rent every month let alone anything else. What route do you go down with that one? A little background: My wife had a job in the city with a good salary and that plus my income meant we could pay everything on time and all was good. My wife then became quite ill and could not work and has been like that for the last 6 months. This left a whopping great £3k per month hole in the finances. I managed to plug that for a few months but then my own work dried up and now I am struggling just to make the rent and feed us every month. Right now, as of the time of writing this post we have absolutely zero money at all and huge pile of debts to pay...plus rent of course. So given that situation, how do we deal with creditors? I have a CCJ by the way and have already missed the deadline for last months payment, by a couple of days. I did write to Lowell to explain the situation but of course it's entirely at their discretion whether they enforce the court order or not. My wife bank did give her three months reduced payment on her loan so she only had to pay £1 per month for those three months however they also said they would not load interest on for that time but they have so her debt has already increased by another £1000 and climbing! Also that arrangement has come to an end and despite writing to them several times they have not come back to us (RBS). So what do you do when you have zero finances and need to deal with creditors?
  16. In 2008, I entered a DMP, never missed a payment, and still making monthly payments. Prior to entering a DMP, I received a CCJ and a charging order (for outstanding personal loans - consolidation loans issued by what was then Northern Rock. Forward to 2017, following interview, I've received an offer of promotion, this is based on successful Scottish disclosure & credit reference. Not concerned about Scottish disclosure, however, I am concerned about credit reference. I know nothing about credit reference or credit score, hence why I've never applied for my own. Given it was 9 years ago the CCJ & charging order was issued, and I'm still in a DMP, will this show on my credit report? Also, do I have to provide my credit reference to my new employer, or do they do a credit search, if so, is my credit history likely to affect my offer of employment?
  17. Hi all, Thanks to anyone who would mind taking the time to read this and advise me if possible. I received a 2 fines from the magistrates court. 1 for no tv license (fair enough) and one for driving without insurance (although the car wasn't been driven it was just parked on my street as it was broken down and id transferred my insurance onto a new vehicle. Taxed to be on the road but didn't realise it had to be insured as well, my bad but I guess that's by the by). In the midst of this I was granted a debt relief order and was granted £300 by the official receiver to cover the TV license fine (strange as that fine was for £200) but left the insurance fine outstanding. initially as I wasn't working deductions were been made from my benefits. When I returned to work in January 2017 this stopped I didn't make any payments as id lost my paperwork and expected to hear from them regarding payments and thought id pick it up from there. In the meantime I got myself another fine. ( I know, I know but it was cheaper to be found guilty and pay £400 than pay a solicitor to find me not guilty) I began making payments for this fine immediately. In mid May I received a letter from the South Yorkshire Enforcement unit giving me one reference number to cover all my fines. It showed the amount i'd paid and the balance. (though there was no reference to the £300 that the insolvency officer had written off under the DRO). Again I continued making payments and have regularly paid £50 a month every since. In total since April I have paid £560 towards the fines. Then I received a letter from collectica. A notice of enforcement. Showing the correct balance of £883.50 but they have also added on £75 for god knows what. I rang them and explained to the guy who answered that I had made regular payments to my fines and had been doing since April. I asked if I could continue making payments at the amount I had been - £50.00. This was a big no no. He wanted half the money up front before agreeing to a payment plan. I explained to him that I had just been discharged from my DRO and that I was very careful with my budgeting. I tried to explain to him that by paying him more that I could afford the money would have to come from another pot i'd be sorting one problem and creating another. He told me his was a priority debt, I explained I have no other debt anymore and that this was the only one outstanding my payment history should clearly show that I am trying my best to clear it. We went back and forth for about half an hour. I stood my ground. I refused to pay anymore than I could afford, explained that i'm certainly no sat with a 50" T.V on my wall and that if they come to my house the only thing they will find of value is my sons PS4 which is about 3 years old. (and my car which my mum bought me for work, now been parked out of the way of my house. His final offer was of an initial payment of £280 and a payment plan. Otherwise I would be charged for bailiffs attendance and get more fees, worst case scenario been arrested. I told him at this point id welcome a change to plead my case in court. Although I suspect they would rather just add more fees onto the debt that I have been trying to clear. I told him this was the most insane act of bullying ever. They can clearly say I have been making regular and timely payments directly to the court, now they want to eliminate all that money I've struggled to pay by sticking it back on in fees meaning that it will take me even longer to pay. How the hell is that even I thing?!!!! I told him I may as well have kept all the money I paid so that when they wanted an initial payment I could have made it. This makes absolutely no sense to me. I have worked my ass off to get out of debt and despite paying on time they are determined to land me back in it. I got off the phone and resolved nothing. He told me I have another few days to agree to his terms before a bailiff will call at my house (he'll be very disappointed by the nothing of value that I have ) its hassle I just don't need. I got off the phone and made my due payment of £50 but again to the courts not to collectica. Does anyone have any advise for me please? This is infuriating for me that they can see I am not ignoring the fines I am paying each month yet they seen hell bent on making the debt larger. Also can anyone advise what to do regarding the £300 the DRO shows they have allowed towards these fines that is not showing on the letter I received from the courts. Many Thanks
  18. Hi, A while ago, for various reasons (including being a doormat and allowing someone to leech off me) I got into credit card debt. Paying it back has been a nightmare. I live frugally and pay as much above the minimum payments as I can afford. The balances are going down, but slowly. It's been stressful and I hate thinking about my debt. My brother has been pushing me to make PPI claims for ages now. (The two worst credit cards are ones I've had for years, and at the time I got each one, the PPI box was pre-ticked and I was told when I phoned to activate each card that it was compulsory). I didn't claim as it seemed like stress and hassle and I figured I wouldn't get anything anyway. My brother has been really pushy, and last week pulled up the Resolver website and pushed me into claiming. So I did. One of those claims was with Capital One. When I made the claims, there were separate forms for Plevin claims and traditional claims. My brother told me to make standard/traditional claims, and said Plevin should be a last resort if the standard claims were rejected. So in both cases, I didn't claim under Plevin. Capital One have responded already, saying they are writing to me, they hope I am satisfied with the outcome etc. I checked my Capital One account this morning, and there are several debits and credits, each with the word "Plevin" in the description. Adding them up, apparently I am getting a cheque for nearly £2500. I was happy about this - I can make huge overpayments on these two cards, plus keep a little back to tide myself over this month. (Living frugally due to debt feels mentally exhausting, I was depressed about being the shabby aunt who only buys cheap presents and gives handmade gifts, so for once I went a little over budget on Xmas gifts for my nieces and nephews.) I told my brother and he's outraged on my behalf. He says he's annoyed that they've responded as if I'd made a Plevin claim, when I didn't. He says the fact they've coughed up so fast means they know I am entitled to more under a standard claim, and they are just trying to appease me and weasel out of paying the full amount I'm owed. Is he right? I'd assumed that they would have looked at my claim and decided I'm owed nothing, but have then looked at my claim again under the Plevin ruling and paid up there. My brother is convinced this is a "lowball offer" to make me go away, in the hope they won't have to pay out what he says I'm "really owed". Should I accept the Plevin payment and just drop the original claim? Or should I push back? My brother says a standard claim could end up theoretically leaving me with enough money to pay off a big chunk of my debt. He's convinced I'm due more. I have no idea what to do, and no idea how I should proceed. There are template letters for claiming and appealing claims, but not for "well, you've paid me under Plevin but that's not what I claimed for, so please look at my standard claim". Any advice would be much appreciated, as I'm really not sure what I should do. It seems daft to send them this cheque back and potentially end up with nothing, but my brother is convinced I'm owed more, due to being told PPI was a compulsory charge. He thinks Capital One know this and are just trying to appease me. I'm just confused... Many thanks for any advice anyone can offer.
  19. My mother of 82 took out a Policy with yourrepair in July this year She had swapped from a previous cover as it was getting a bit to expensive for her. She saw yourrepair online and read the reviews and all seemed good so She chose top cover as it was still cheaper than previous care cover. Now she has happily been paying for a good few month with no problems. The boiler has now incurred a problem. It keeps cutting out leaving her without heating and hot water intermittently. She made a claim online as there doesn’t seem to be a telephone number. She was told an engineer would respond within 3 days or less. After 5 days no body had contacted her and the boiler was still cutting out. Now being 82 and having a problem with your boiler can cause unnecessary stress. In her head something serious is wrong if it’s cutting out. i took over and made a complaint she finally gets an engineer out After 13 days. He diagnosed the problem as the sensors and said they need changing. He said he would speak to yourrepair and get back. Next day heText messaged my self saying that the repair had been refused by Yourrepair. i made another complaint about the refusal of the repair and get a phone call almost straight away from a lady saying that the problem is sludge in the system and it’s not covered in their policy. But I can have a 2nd opinion and if he says there’s sludge there will be a £90 call out charge. I have had issues with the boiler previously and the company has been straight out and fixed the problem or had to order parts in and then fixed it. There has never been any mention of sludge. I told them im not prepared to pay £90 so i had the boiler looked at by an independentBoiler repair man and he didn’t find sludge. I have complained again to Yourepair and have since been offered another visit which would be chargeable if they found sludge I have refused for obvious reasons as they have already lied about sludge. I told them i want the policy canceling but they are refusing to cancel my policy and expect my mother to pay the rest of the 12 months even though that cannot offer the service which she is paying for. In the mean time i thought it was strange that all the reviews on their site were positive i checked with Trust Pilot they have a warning about Your Repair and their reviews saying they believe that their reviews are being manipulated Overall this company seem very iffy to say the least I just want rid of them but theres no way we are going to pay them the rest of the policy, mom has called the bank and they said its a 12 month contract DD and cant be cancelled Not sure which way to go with this so any help would be appreciated
  20. Dear All, I need some advice for my wife. We have had a terrible postal problem; after reporting our postman for an incident over a year ago some of our mail seems to simply go missing - I wonder why? My wife received last august a witness statement for a court date for speeding and failure to provide - we had received no NIP, no reminder and no summons. We contacted the ticket office and explained about our post, and they agreed to fine her and give her 3 points for the speeding, but drop the offence under 172. Later on in 2016 a neighbour brought round a summons for, wait for it, failure to provide and speeding. We initially thought that this was for the ticket earlier on in the year but realised it was a separate incident at exactly the same GATSO! This time, we hadn't received the NIP or reminder, and the Summons clearly addressed to us at No 14 was delivered to no.29 round the corner, and the lady asked around and found out we lived at 14 and brought it round. Guilty of the speeding or not, my wife couldn't keep accepting points and a fine like this, so we decided to plead not guilty and to explain to the magistrates. We have had a letter drafted and signed by our neighbours confirming the above, and have had Royal Mail conduct an investigation into our mail not being delivered. The investigation is ongoing, but they have found no wrong doing at this moment in time. However, what they have said is that the Courts use proof of posting only, whereby bulk mail is signed for by the postal service as collected and therefore "posted". But they have also stated proof of posting IS NOT PROOF OF DELIVERY to the recipient, and that the recipient has NO CONTRACT with Royal Mail, their customer is the Court in this case and it really should be them that complains if their mail that they have PAID FOR is not delivered. They have looked at our complaint only on the basis that several items of our mail have gone missing over time and that there may be an issue. So we were going to go to Court and to state that the NIP etc was not delivered within the 14 days allowed, arguing that the post is the Court's responsibility, therefore both charges should be struck out. I know that there be many cases whereby someone simply states they didn't receive the NIP, and that the Court "get around this" with their proof of posting as is taken as papers are deemed served, end of. But surely if there is a genuine doubt if the NIP has not been delivered then this should be listened to? Whats thrown me today is that the CPS have written to us (again similar to last time) offering that the charge under 172 be dropped if we change the speeding offence to that of guilty and accept points and a fine? Really don't know what to tell my wife to do? Suggestions would be appreciated.
  21. Hi all, Last Friday I was taken by a surprise to have received a 'Conditional Offer of fixed penalty' from Met police for the alleged offence. Use of a motor vehicle with tyre with any of the ply/cord exposed. Now the reason I was taken by surprise is because I had no knowledge of it but car and details are mine. I can prove that I was not even in the country so it could not have been me. the date is early November 2016 and speaking with close family, It dawned upon me that my cousin who holds a provisional licence took that car on that day and when stopped used my details. Now my cousin is no longer in the country and have moved back to Switzerland. If it was only a matter of £100 fine, it would have just paid and be done with it but i read it says 3 points too.. Any suggestions?
  22. Advice needed - I had been paying an old debt (around £2000) which originated from an overdraft at Nationwide through Fredricksons at £30 per month, and it got down to around £1255. Then for some unknown reason Nationwide moved the debt to ARC (Europe). Just had my first contact with them on the phone, and asked them if they would be interested in a low settlement offer instead of starting up the low payments again (I have the money as in good shape now) I suggested 10% which they laughed at, but they came back with a 50% settlement offer which they are going to put in writing. And would be marked on credit file as 'partially settled'. Is it worth me doing this? I am trying to rebuild my credit file gradually in the hope that one day in the future we might be able to apply for a mortgage. I don't think this account has much of an impact on it as it falls under the closed accounts section, but for 50% I could make it go away and not be bothered by this new agency again. What do you think? Any advice much appreciated...
  23. My friend has a CCJ attached to her house. She would like to make an offer to clear this and would like to know what % to offer?
  24. Hello all. I am helping my dad with a car insurance claim. I've never claimed anything on insurance before so am new to the process. I hope you can help. The general advice is, that when your car is a written off, as is the case here, the insurers will try to low ball you on the first offer and you should reject it. Some background on the incident is that my dad parked his car on a hill, some time later something failed and the car rolled, writing his and another vehicle off. I have researched the car and it's difficult to tell whether the offer is low based on second hand car listings on ebay and autotrader. They have offered £750 minus excess of £100. Some similar cars are on sale for double that, others have sold for around the same. Obviously condition and other factors aren't going to be identical between the cars on sale and my dad's car. Should I just go ahead and settle on the offer, or would I be a fool to? I appreciate any advice, thanks for reading.
  25. Hi all, About 12 months ago my partner and I bought three ceiling lights from Dunelm and fitted them using the recommended bulbs. Over the past 12 months dark stains have appeared on our ceiling above each bulb. A sample light was sent back to Dunelm who investigated the issue with the supplier and eventually accepted liability, offering to pay to have our ceilings repainted. This is all great and we're happy with the service. We obtained quotes and sent a middle-of-the-road quote to Dunelm for approval, however they refuse to send me the money, instead insisting the money is paid directly to the decorator we contract to do the work. I have a few issues with this. It's not the decorator who has suffered a loss, we have, so why is not us who are compensated for an agreed sum? Second, I have never paid upfront for any work in the past, which appears to be what Dunelm expect me to do in effect. I guess my question is, is there any basis on which to insist it is me who is compensated, leaving me free to contract whomever I wish?
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