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Found 12 results

  1. HI I have 3 outstanding accounts with Lowell. Totaling approx £3000. They are quite old accounts but not statue barred. I called today and offered to repay 40% of the total amount in order to help repair my credit file and clear these off. It would be on a repayment plan over 15 months. They agreed to this but advised that the debt will be marked as partially satisfied on my credit file and this doesn't look good on a credit file. I imagine there is some element of truth to this but obviously not as bad as unpaid! Is partially satisfied a bad indicator for potential new credit lenders i may use in the future? Thanks
  2. Lowel are chasing me for a debt of £280, they can not tell me what the original debt was for! All they can tell me is that it is for some sort of broadband with three. Both myself and my husband have mobile phone contracts with three that are completely up to date and always have been. I told lowel this and they said it was not for a mobile phone and that "maybe" it was broadband like a dongle. We have never had broadband, in fact the road where we live does not receive internet at all! no one will provide us with internet so its definitely not that. I have told Lowel to please confirm exactly what product this debt is for but they can't. So am I still liable? They call me 3 times a day every day!
  3. Hi, My son received a CC Summons from Lowell for and old Vodafone broadband account when he was in bad relationship with a woman. he has not dealt with this and has stuck head in sand, ex has nowt and only know he got letter in March from lowell offering 20% discount then another in June saying something like 30 days to prevent legal action which he also ignored. Next thing CCS Issue date 25 July arrives at mum and dads house with his name on it. Any help appreaciated please! Thanks
  4. I opened an account in 2007 with Lloyds bank whilst I was 16 years old and living in the south of the country with my girlfriend at the time. I then moved back to the north of the country but did not change my home address and all my mail was withheld from me for about a year. I had gone overdrawn on my account by £5.40 and did not know of this because my mail was being withheld and had no cause for concern. (I should have changed my address). September 2008 I received a letter from Lloyds TSB demanding I pay £479.03 of the £679.03 balance in full in a couple of weeks. Due to my financial situation I was unable to pay. In October 2008 I received a letter from a solicitors demanding that I pay the full amount £686.69 outstanding balance. They also state in the letter that if the payment was not paid in full I would receive a CCJ, which inevitably happened. I chose to bury my head in the sand at this point only being young and unable to make such a massive payment upfront. Later in January 2015 I set up a repayment plan of £5 a week to Lowel and managed to get the outstanding balance of £767.72 down to £162.72 thus paying £605. On my credit report it states that I have had a CCJ. What I am wondering is, what is the likelihood of reclaiming these charges? What steps do I need to take to reclaim? Will the CCJ be attached to my credit history permanently? Any other advise would be most appreciated.
  5. Hi I have received a county court claim from Lowel solicitors for a aqua credit card that i took out 2 years ago. I don't have much idea what to do now. I have read a little on here but do not understand. Do I first go onto the county court website and say that I am defending the claim. Do I send a CCA letter of some sort to Lowel solicitors or to the original Aqua credit card I took out. County court issue date 12 April 2017 Signed Lowell solicitors The agreement was later signed to the claimant on 21.7.16
  6. Hi sorry to jump this i cant seem to find the post new thread. My freind has a court letter relling her that lowell will instruct bayliffs unless the debt of £178 is paid by the 9th to our local count court . Can someone please advise on what to do next . Again sorry for jumping post
  7. Hello everyone I hope your all having a good day, I have been sent a few demands for payments in a letter from Lowell portfolio in regards to various debts they have acquired. The letters are threats, demanding for payments and are asking me to phone up and arrange a payment. Today I rang Lowell ( I know, I know) and asked them for over an hour which I have recorded with their knowledge to send me a ''bill'' with a giro slip / cheque / remittance form so I can remedy the accounts they have refused to send me a bill with the remittance / giro form on the bottom. They have said they will send me some sort of acquisition letters and how much I am alleged to owe and their bank details to make payments to, I have no idea if this is the same as a bill but I'm sure its not and after an hour they have point blank refused to send out a ''bill'' so I can remedy via giro credit and said they will only send out an acquisition letter and I can only pay via credit card. I told them that I can not pay a debt without first receiving a bill which in my world would only seem fair and that by refusing my payment offer and refusing my request to send me said bill they have now null and void my debts. They said that they would still come for me for my debts and put the phone down. I'm just wondering what to do now as I haven't got an actual bill to pay the debts just some dodgy threatening letters and they have refused to accept my offer of payment through giro bank credit. I'm just wondering what to do now as I do really want the bill sending to remedy the accounts , do they have to send me a bill or is a demand letter or an acquisition letter classed as a ''Bill''. By refusing my offer of remedy and refusing to send me out a proper bill have they just null and void my debts. Any advise would be greatly appreciated on what to do next as I will not pay via card or debt. Many Thanks BB a4v
  8. My wife received a letter from Lowell/Brian Carter with a return address of a PO box in Huddersfield claiming a debt owed to JD Williams. We live in Northants. My wife does not acknowledge any debt to Lowell and if/when these parasites issue a CCJ Can I demand the presence of a Solicitor from Brian Carter in court to be cross examined as to the validity or indeed the existence of the alleged debt? Rhino69
  9. Evening all, I'm looking for advise on a statutory demand. Today I have had a letter through the door saying they have tried to serve a sta demand and will return on the 3rd Of October to attempt again, saying if I'm not in (which I won't be because I will be at work) they will post it and class this as served. Now I'm not sure what I should do next. I've not made any payment or acknowledged any debt for nearly 4 years but still quite a way from the 6 year limit. what should I do about the stat demand,
  10. I recently sent a CCA to Lowel and they have after several months supplied a dated and signed agreement from Cahoot My questions are; There is no agreement number or any ref other than my name how can it be proved this agreement is related to the account Lowel are chasing ? Lowel have sent the agreement and nothing further , i did ask for a statement of account but all they have done is re stated the balance, i feel they have not fulfilled the CCA request i made ? I am keen to see a statement of account as i believe it will be mainly charges I can post the agreement if needed but it seems very vague and not have much useful information within it ? Look forward to the replies
  11. I appear to have a debt of around £3500 to Littlewoods in 2007 which Lowell's have tried to collect. Yesterday I had a visit from a collector who handed me a Stat Demand for the amount in whole This debt was in dispute in 2008 as I was not receiving my 'cash back' for items that were purchased. After repeated demands for these due amounts I warned them unless they paid back what they owe they would receive no more communication from me. Well they eventually reworked out the amount and applied that but it was still not the correct amount (they claimed they made a mistake initially, even though it was still wrong). Well they continued to harass and not include the whole cash back amounts and eventually passed the debt around until Lowells finally issued the Stat Demand via a company called BG LEGAL yesterday. The debt had been passed with ALL the cash back now removed from my account, toally disregarding my legitimate requests. I have written to BG LEGAL today with a £1 postal order (CCA request), I also contacted Lowell Portfolio and did a similar CCA request (overkill but I wanted to make sure they could not delay further). I also contacted Littlewoods (the original creditor) and sent off a SAR request and duly included the £10 fee. I sent all recorded with BG LEGAL contacted by special delivery (I have all tracking numbers). I now need help with getting this set aside, I believe firmly they will not be able to provide the CCA, is this alone enough reason to get this set aside? Or do I go alongside the angle that this debt is in dispute as the cash back amounts were not correctly applied to my account? Also there are plenty of £12 charges against my account when I stopped paying due to the cash back saga. (I notified Littlewoods in 2008 via telephone that the debt was in serious dispute and they were in breach of contract). Can someone also post a link to 6.4 and 6.5 as I want the latest version that I can hand into my local court that handle bankruptcy orders (the one named on the letter, does indeed) Finally, the letter handed to me by the 'process server' did not contain the officer's name or details who handed me the Stat Demand, all the information on the first piece of paper was left blank so I cannot even tell if he is qualified to make this call and hand me the letter. Is this relevant? Many thanks to anyone who can help, you lot are brilliant (long time lurker). My main worry ------------------ I am a home owner but it is a joint mortgage with my fiancee. We have different surnames and this debt is only in my name, could they do something to our house or mortgage under these circumstances if, heaven forbid, they manage to win? How long do they have to respond to the (sent today) CCA request? Will that time limit expire before my 18 days to get this set aside? Am i right in thinking they have 40 days for the SAR? Was this a waste of time?
  12. Hi Ok i have received a statutory demand letter delivered by hand to my home address from Hamptons Lega l for an outstanding debt to capital one which has been in dispute since 2008. Back in 2008 i started proccedings against cap one for credit card charges i never got around to filing for court. however i have been chased by numerous debt collecting agencies all linked to each other i may add. I had sent letters off in the past saying the debt is in dispute and they left me alone for a while. Once again they have now re surfaced and served me with this demand. so where do i go from here? Do i defend? if so how? Do i pay up over just under £1000 and then continue against cap one with my claims for charges. ???? And a removal of a default or ignore the demand and continue my claim for charges and take them to court? hope some one can help rob
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