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  1. Hi all Lloyds are a bunch of @@@@@@@@@@@ Early 2004 I had credit cards with Easymoney and Morethan … the card issuer was Lloyds In 2006 Lloyds took both over reissuing their own cards. DX100UK … can Lloyds offset any earlier PPI against the current debt? I submitted SAR on 16 May for both and received a copy of one the agreements no mention of which dated 2004 and Lloyds statements for bothe Lloyds accounts 2006 and 2007 but nothing from 2004-2006. they claim they only need to send last 6 years statements... ive sent a chaser on 21 Jube … so far nothing... I had asked you to provide full account information over 40 days ago and so far have sent me statements for one account for 2006 and 2007 despite the account starting in 2004. If I do not receive a full set of statements for both accounts by end of June I will submit a complaint to the Ombudsman and the FCA. What else can I do? thanks
  2. Hi, its been a while since Ive been here. Just logging on and telling my story about TSB and a sim swap that emptied our accounts for a while. TSB have changed the way customers have to log in via an APP, whereas before we had a card reader. I never use the app as it doesn't work on Win phone. TSB facilitated a fraud on our account after a sim swap was made. They sent a one time password to someone, who then logged in and emptied the account. Once I tried to log in, I spoke to TSB and noticed this. I then tried contacting their fraud dept, but because it was a business account, they couldn't help ( infuriating). After long waits on the phone ( over 5 hours ) I had to take time out from my contracted hours, to go to the branch, where I waited most of the day for them to contact fraud with no answer. Went the next day and pretty much same thing. Id lost 2 days of work which we cannot recover. I issued an invoice, which TSB have totally ignored, even though good ole Paul pester promised that no customer would be out of pocket. We are now at the stage where, the invoice is overdue (14 days) plus an extra 10 business days to pay up. My next task is LBA, with further 10 to rectify. If anyone wants to chip in feel free, I am so annoyed with them not even writing to us to acknowledge anything, I am hoping to get my day in Court. Just had a look through CPR and the rules are a little different for a business to make a claim, Its 30 days from a LBA. I do like the reply forms that have to fill in, this could be fun. Additionally, they also owe us 70 odd quid because they blocked the accounts and a payment wasn't received, It was taken from a suppliers account and not applied to ours, even though TSB have said its been processed. Second LBA going off next week
  3. I was a Lloyds TSB customer for 30 years. Lloyds left some years ago and took all the sensible staff with them. The place is a complete shambles now. I was embroiled in all the TSB nonsense in April. They refused to let me close my accounts online or by phone. I hadn't been able to access them for 6 days. I had to go to the Boothferry Road, Goole branch where pensionable staff took 40 minutes to decide how to shut them down. I was then handed £2000 in notes, without having them counted out in front of me. We are currently embroiled in a county court claim because I made a subject access request to check all my details. They sent them to this branch and refused to post them to my home. I went into the branch, where at least half of the staff know me, but they refused to give me the data envelope, as they needed to see ID, even though the staff agreed they knew it was me. I wasted my time and fuel money driving there. I truly believe TSB are the worst bank in the UK.
  4. Hello all. My wife has been receiving texts from TSB telling her that she is overdrawn and detailing the amounts spent and where for over two months now.....but she doesn't have an account with them. She has phones them three times to complain that she has been worried over this, thinking that she may have had an account with them that she had forgotten about, etc. TSB say that 'someone must have put your phone number in their details' but haven't actually done anything about it yet. Please can I ask what she should do about this?
  5. Following the TSB website issues back in April I wrote a letter requesting to close my Classic Plus Account, this letter was never acknowledged! even providing valid reasons why I want to close the account, in the end I withdrew all funds out and transfered to my main account with another bank, so the TSB balance stands at zero I have made several complaints to TSB online, all i recieve is a bog standard letter every so often saying please bear with us as we are dealing with your complaint one letter from TSB i received had another customers letter included!! how shoddy!! Its now July and ive decided to pursue my issues through the Financial Ombudsman Service who apparently can close the TSB on my behalf Its a shoddy, badly run bank, which I have lost all faith in, and from my experience couldnt care less about me from the way Ive been treated
  6. Hi all, Right! - this could be a difficult one. My wife has a Lloyds bank Trustcard credit card which goes all the way back to 1988 and has PPI on it throughout the 30 years it's been in existence. Now, the CC is still active although the balance is now zero as i managed to finally get it all paid off around June 2013. The card was originally issued as a Cheque Guarantee card for her current account. This was issued when she opened the current account. What wasn't initially obvious was the fact that it was also a credit card with a separate credit card account. I have a quite a few questions - so be gentle with me 1. My wife never applied for a CC only a Current account with TSB and had no idea that the subsequent CC account carried Payment Insurance - is that grounds for a PPI miss-sell? 2. We have scoured the house for monthly statements and have pretty much every one from 2000 to 2013, most of 97-98, some of 96 and some very sparse copies from 91 and 92. We have nothing prior to 91 - except believe it or not the actual original plastic card with issued in 88 on it. So as you can see we have alot of missing years in between. What can we do (if anything) to try and fill in the missing years? Is it even possible or permissible to extrapolate the data. 3. I sent an SAR and received back alot of paperwork but nothing back further than 2000. So that was no real help - is there anything else i can request? 4. If it is a case worth pursuing and bearing in mind that it runs across some 330 months up until 2013 when it was paid off - is there any spreadsheet i can use to try and assertain just how much we might (if successful) get back? 5. Do i make calculations up until the balance was brought to zero or until now? 6. What's the best approach for this - FOS, letters to bank, Resolver?? I've had success with resolver on bank loans with PPI but they were simple things in comparison. I'm a bit clueless as to the best approach on this one as CC PPI seems to be so much more complicated. If anyone could guide me along this path I would be very grateful. Answers on a postcard Thanks in advance Kholo
  7. At the beginning of this year i was shocked to see 2 companies that i didn't recognise taking money out of my TSB bank account via my debit card. Add's up to approx £15k i was oversea's at the time i called and informed that these were not my charges [ one charge after the other]. They would tell me the correct person was not there or that i had to speak with someone in fraud department but could not have the number. They had to call me. I waited and got no calls. I was shocked that despite informing the bank of these fraudulent charges that new charges from same company kept being debited. When i finally got a chance to talk with fraud dept i was told they would not put these charges back and that i had to call the companies directly. The companies have been no help to assist me. What kind of step should i take next?
  8. Hi, I have an old Bank loan from the early 2000s that I was making small payments towards until about a year or so ago when I ended up out of work. I think it was with Lloyds but I forget now as I had a lot of debt at that time and paid off a lot of it but not all. The balance is £3,7xx. Having receieved a lot of letters from Cabot since I stopped paying (which I foolishly ignored) I have now received a letter from Shoosmiths saying that :- "your agreement with our client is terminated and our client requires your proposals for payment, in the short term. PLease treat this letter as notice that , unless an agreement is reached within 14 days of the date of this letter, we are instructed by our client to commence court proceedings against you ....." They say their client is cabot financial and the original lender is Prime CRedit 1 s.a.r.l. I am wondering whether it would be too late for me to go down the route of sending them a CCA or such like as although I was making payments for years I'm not sure Cabot ever had authority to collect on the debt, but at the time I was too scared not to make an arrangement with them. I'm not even sure if cabot even had authority to pursue my debt or whether they simply bought it from Lloyds when Lloyds contacted me to say they were writing it off, but I had wanted to make payments anyway. I'm back in work now but struggling each month as I have 2 young kids now. I could start paying again but it would be small amounts each month, whereas the letter suggests they want full payment. I'd appreciate any advice. I went through the whole CCA procedure with an old debt and they never responded and I heard no more about it, but I wonder whether it's too late for that here since I was making payments for a few years. Many thanks.
  9. Hi, I've not been on this site for a while!. Does anyone have any experience with the PRA Group? I have a balance of £1297.80 from an old overdraft with Halifax/Lloyds TSB. The original default notice from the Halifax was 17/8/2011. I have been paying the PRA Group £5 per month as a token payment. PAR Group have now offered a measly 10% discount in full and final settlement. I've recently come to an agreement with another DCA and that was nearly 50% discounted . In the past I have offered to pay 30% of the debt to PRA Group but they have declined. The debt has been passed from pillar to post so they probably have paid peanuts for it. Just wondered if anyone can offer any suggestions as to how to tackle them?
  10. I opened an account in 2007 with Lloyds bank whilst I was 16 years old and living in the south of the country with my girlfriend at the time. I then moved back to the north of the country but did not change my home address and all my mail was withheld from me for about a year. I had gone overdrawn on my account by £5.40 and did not know of this because my mail was being withheld and had no cause for concern. (I should have changed my address). September 2008 I received a letter from Lloyds TSB demanding I pay £479.03 of the £679.03 balance in full in a couple of weeks. Due to my financial situation I was unable to pay. In October 2008 I received a letter from a solicitors demanding that I pay the full amount £686.69 outstanding balance. They also state in the letter that if the payment was not paid in full I would receive a CCJ, which inevitably happened. I chose to bury my head in the sand at this point only being young and unable to make such a massive payment upfront. Later in January 2015 I set up a repayment plan of £5 a week to Lowel and managed to get the outstanding balance of £767.72 down to £162.72 thus paying £605. On my credit report it states that I have had a CCJ. What I am wondering is, what is the likelihood of reclaiming these charges? What steps do I need to take to reclaim? Will the CCJ be attached to my credit history permanently? Any other advise would be most appreciated.
  11. This goes way over my head, I have had a long painful complaint with Lloyds and do not want to bore you to death so will bullet point the occurences: Mortgage taken out as first time buyers 1996 conveyancing solicitor did not perform completion and contracts signed over a receptionist desk no solicitor present. transpires we purchased a property that did not reflect what was explained on the estate agents property description. Lloyds wrote to me in 2003 and advised that the property was not registered with the Land Registry, they advised they would sort out and appointed a solicitor. 2012 I lost my job and later on that year my wife passed away. I was sold a policy that covered "every eventuality" told the advisor I did not want it but he advised "it comes with the mortgage" (subtle) contacted Lloyds 10/2012 to make a claim on the policy. was told they could not locate account and I would have to write to the Cheltenham & Gloucester to recover account they ignored my first letter, sent a second letter this time recorded and copied in the first No response sent a third letter recorded copied all in again still no response. Six months had gone by I stopped my mortgage payment and behold they contacted me, the telephone number was the original office who could not locate my account was advised that the account was there and there was protection on it. I asked to make a claim they intimated I might not be covered but said they would send a booklet out on how to may a claim. No booklet was ever received, Wrote and complained again and transpires I was not covered for these eventualities! Complained about being miss-sold protection, was advised after investigation they sold it fairly. I kept on at them and they then said ok we miss-sold it. they offered full refund of 16 years worth of instalment + 8% interest. told them I wanted what I was told was covered for ("every eventuality") and they should write off the mortgage. They said no. I kept on at them but was getting no where. they failed to respond to a 21 point complaint letter only explaining themselves on 4 of the points and told me to take it to the FOS. In sept 2015 although I kept on at them it was clear they were not interested in responding to the complaint I wrote a letter of an offer to reinstate mortgage payment, they ignored it. The legal letters started coming as I had not made any payment since april 2013. ( why did they not get a possession order) I kept on writing asking why they were ignoring my offer, for months. In the end I called the collections office and said I would not lose the property asked them to give me a monthly figure to pay. This was twice the original mortgage payment I decided on selling the property as I felt their next move may well be possession order and a fire sale. I received an offer on the property, a third below the asking price but accepted it as I felt I would make more than a fire sale would give back. After months of solicitors work the buyer pulled out as there was no tittle on the gardens. My solicitor suggested getting a possessory tittle on the gardens as it appeared the deeds were lost by the solicitors. I have written to Lloyds and again complained as they had instructed a solicitor to carry out the registration who clearly failed and I was left with a solicitors invoice and no sale. They have come back to me and offered to register the gardens and to offer a £500 compensation for this error. I asked what tittle would be achieved the person was not sure as diff. dept. I explained possessory/absolute, as possessory would still take value off the property. She said they had the deeds so there should not be an issue. This was annoying as my solicitor wrote to them October last year and asked if they had the deeds, they never responded. my question is what was holding them back from a possession order and any advice on how to respond to this offer they have made, as I requested the mortgage be made void due to years of issues. you would not believe the amount of failings I have left out but its already a small book. sorry for that
  12. I've been asked by my Step Father to enquire about reclaiming Mis-sold PPI by the TSB on a loan he got back in the eighties. I've never had PPI myself so although I know it's a big thing now, I have no clue on the process of claiming. I know it is advised on this site to NOT use a PPI Claims Company because of the charges incurred. What I have been looking for is a Template Letter I could use to print off and maybe help him as best I can. Also, with the TSB now being Lloyds, can he still make a claim? If so, to whom? I also doubt he would know his old account number etc. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Dear All, I've read numerous threads on here of people in a similar situation, and everyone seems to know exactly what to do. Me? Nope, I've turned to jelly and don't know what to do. I received a County Court form on Friday. I've detailed more below: Name of the Claimant ? Hoist Portfolio Holdings 2 Ltd Date of issue – 30th August 2016 Date of issue - 30th August 2016 Date to acknowledge by - 19th September 2016 Date to submit defence - 30th September 2016 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? 1.The claim is for the sum of £419.13 in respect of monies owing pursuant to an overdraft facility under account number XXXXXX XXXXXXXX The debt was legally assigned by MKDP LLP (Ex Lloyds Banking Group) to the claimant and notice has been served. The defendant has failed to repay overdrawn sums owing under the terms and conditions of the bank account. The claimant claims 1. The sum of £419.13 2. Interest pursuant to s69 of the county court Act 1984 at a rate of 8.00 percent from the 18/05/2012 to the date hereof 1559 is the sum of £143.27 3. Future interest accruing at the daily rate of £ .09 4. Costs What is the value of the claim? £692.40 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Overdraft When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Assigned to MKDP LLC originally, who seems to have then sold it on to Hoist Portfolio Holdings 2 Ltd Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes, from Lloyds to MKDP LLC, not to Hoist. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Not sure, I don’t think so Why did you cease payments? At the time numerous Payday lenders were raiding the account, I requested help from Lloyds TSB (verbally), they refused to help, I abandoned the account beginning 2011, charges from payday lenders' activities causing bank account to go overdrawn started to rise. (If I recall correctly, by overdraft limit was £100). Lloyds TSB started chasing me on phone, I complained that I had requested help, that the amount was purely bank charges - Lloyds TSB not interested, just wanted payment. What was the date of your last payment? Approximately June 2011. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes, a verbal one though. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No plan entered into with them. Had spoken to them on the phone, they were not interested, just wanted payment for the overdrawn fees. My bank account was being raided, I changed banks as Lloyds TSB were refusing to stop the payday lenders from raiding the account, everytime a payday lender would raid it, it would go over limit, then Lloyds TSB refunded the payment, added their overdrawn charge on it, pushing it back overdrawn, then they'd add more interest and more overdrawn fees. I really don't know what to do here now. I'm about 11 months away from having all traces of payday lenders off my credit file, 13 months away from my last default falling off. I can really do with not having a CCJ on my hands. It makes me so sad/angry how after all these years, payday lenders have come back to bite me in the behind. So, I have a few options if I wanted to pay them: 1. I'm getting my annual bonus at the end of September. I could pay them (Would it be for the total of £692.40?) This would result in no CCJ. 2. Perhaps a Tomlin order? How would I request this? 3. Defend? I don't really have anything to defend do I? 4. Option 4? Is there one? I'm going to be reading even more on the forum, but I'm lost. I'd really appreciate some advice/help.
  14. Hello all, I have received a claim from 1st Credit in regards to an alleged Lloyds TSB Loan. Unfortunately the claim form came whilst I was on Holiday and so I have missed the date in which to respond. As advised by your Set Aside section, I have contacted both the court, and their representative. Whilst it bugs me to pay the Application fee (as I had no chance to respond) I want to still defend this. So any advice will be appreciated. Just to advise, I have not sent any letters as of yet, however, I did a SARs a year or so ago and so have a lot of paperwork that may be helpful. Name of claimant: 1st Credit (Finance) Ltd. Date of issue: 03 Aug 2016 Date of acknowledgement was the 22nd, I never seen the letter until the 25th and logged straight into acknowledge but judgement had already be served (23rd). What is the claim: The claimant is the assignee of a Lloyds Bank PLC debt in the sum of xxxx assigned on the xx/11/15. The statutory notices were sent to the defendant. The debt is a loan account first opened by the original creditor on or about xx/xx/2010 under the reference xxxxx. The defendant used the credit facilities. On the xx/xx/2012 the account defaulted with an outstanding balance of xxxx. The claimant and its predecessors in title demanded repayment of the sum due. In breach of contract the defendant failed to repay the sums due. What is the value of the claim? around 9,000 including their costs and fees. Claim is for Loan and was entered into after 2007 It has been assigned and it is the 1st credit issuing the claim. I received a chasing letter from 1st credit advising that the debt had been assigned with a copy of an suspect notice of assignment from Lloyds TSB. The reason I say it is suspect is that the address has extra letters in, which are then replicated on the 1st Credit Letter - almost as it had been printed from the same details. These letter have never been on any letters from Lloyds. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor: Not that I can recall, I know I never received the annual letters for two years of so. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? I think these maybe the letters I refer to above. I never received for two years then they were sent. I do not have the date they were last sent but I can find out. Why did you cease payments? Serious debt issues, I lost job, and then went self employed, then had a knee operation. What was the date of your last payment? Nov 2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No I advised Lloyds numerous times I was struggling and in financial difficulties, but they kept hitting me with charges. Late payment, charges, then taking money from my overdraft, taking me over my planned O/D resulting in more charges. What you need to do now. I have a copy of the CCA - however, I am not sure on what information I should receive as part of this req I will Send a CPR31.14 request to the solicitor named on the claim form for copies of documents mentioned/implied within the claim form. Request 1 - Loans/Credit Cards Thanks in advance
  15. Hello, I hope I can get some help here about the worst case I ever had with a Bank. One month ago, exactly few days when I got married, my debit card details were compromised and more than £6000 were stolen from my debit card and paid into some online gambling site in Gibraltar. I found out about these transactions the day after the were made and immediately called my Bank - TSB. I had two accounts with them - a personal and a business one for my limited company. I spent hours on the phone with their customer service, then the fraud team and even they have some "complex" investigation team. After explaining them about the fraudulent transactions, they accused me that either me or someone that lives with me ( my wife ) has made those payments, becuase in their system nothing looks suspicious and event the fact that these payments were made over night every 30 minutes £1000 were taken of my account...really??? and they did not send me any message to confirm that I am making those payments..not a call..nothing. After a long conversation I was told that they will start an investigation and will come back to me and in the mean time I should contact that gambling company. this is what I did and I called the gambling site and the company behind Cassava Enterprises Ltd. I had to write to their security team, which answered me every day and at the end helped much more than my TSB bank, because Cassava's Security team found out, that there was an account registered on my name and also my debit card along with debit card on some other people's name on the same gambling account. they told me there is definitely a fraud activity and all transactions made from my Debit Card will be voided. I had to wait and hope I will have money back and be able to pay for my wedding. On the next day TSB calls me and tells me their Investigation team does not find again anything suspicious and even while those payments were made, address verification passes and 3ds security was not invoked from the merchant, so nothing can me done. Not only that, but they told me that I am the one who needs to keep my debit card details save and they are not responsible for not alerting me, for not detecting any fraud activity, because these payments happen over night to some site in Gibraltar...just ridiculous .. But I told them that I already spoke to the Gambling company, which found something suspicious and will void the transactions. ..They "Investigation team" even did not believed me and told me that if that is actually true, I should get my money back , they decided to block my accounts. After exactly 3 days even that my accounts were blocked I was able to access my internet banking and I noticed that all money were refunded and at least I was more relaxed. But of course TSB made the situation more painful for me, becuase I spent hours again with their fraud and investigations team on the phone and as I was abroad for my wedding, my only choice was to get my money with ID into a branch. After asking them isn't that action by the Gambling site clear enough that there was fraud activity and they returned my money, the TSB representative on the phone did not know what to answer me . In a week I went back home and I found check for my business account in TSB, which was already closed and after I went into a branch I got my money in cash from my personal account and they closed it too. After all what happened I was thinking that this is a bad story with a happy end. But of course not. I opened a personal account with Barclays online when I was still abroad and I got my cards and internet banking and etc. when I got home . I deposited my money there, after I got them back from TSB in cash. I had to open a business account and I went to Santader, where my other nightmare began - I was declined, because of I was told " They see some flag in CIFAS database about me" and I have to find out what and this is the reason they cant open me an account. I need my business account as soon as possible, because I am awaiting payments I went to another bank, where the same happened. My credit score is not perfect but is not very poor, so I was told to check my credit file and to look for CIFAS data, because its not about bad credit score. I went into TSB branch ( my accounts are already closed and I cant get any help over the phone anymore) and the lady on the till tried to call "someone" and told me to check Experian . I registered for Experian, Equifax, Callcredit and Checkmyfile and I find no CIFAS records on the file. After researching CIFAS website ( I never heard of CIFAS before) I found out that I can send a Subject Access Request Form so they can send me all the information about me within minimum a week or max 40 days. I don't know now what record has been held on my name in CIFAS I sent their form today. I opened a case with the Financial Ombudsman and I am awaiting their answer too . I do not know what else to do and how can I find our more information about this Flag in Cifas and as I generated a credit file in all possible Credit agencies and no information about CIFAS is there, I am out of ideas. Also from Satander told me to ask the gambling company if they sent maybe something to CIFAS, so I wrote their security team and I am waiting for an answer. Did anyone of you had any similar situation and do you know how can I resolve it? I was a Victim of Fraud and not only that but now I am experiencing all these problems and I am more than frustrated. My only fast option now is to add my wife as a director and to remove my name from the company, so I can open at least the business bank account and to make VAT and salary payments on time, until I resolve the issue with my name Thanks, Ivan
  16. Hi. i had a Lloyds tsb credit card when they decide to sell tsb ,Lloyds Bank took the card over and that's where i get my statements from ,i pay them too, I have a problem now that Lloyds tsb are now flagging my account saying i have gone away ,i take that to be they are claiming, i do not live at the address they have on their files. It seems very strange to me, are they allwed to do this.
  17. Hi All This Is my first post and would greatly appreciate any advice. I have had a claim form from the county court business centre which says I owe £10,000 to capquest/drydens for a Lloyds credit card debt back in 2009. It also says I have been sent a default notice, which I have never received. Unfortunately my wife had a stroke at the time and I had to take time out to care for her. I was paying only token amounts. I am now employed part time and have managed to catch up with my mortgage, c/ tax arrears etc. I had set up a payment of £5 pcm with capquest. I wanted to do a direct debit, but capquest asked me to set up a automated card payment every month. I have found out that was stopped because my debit card was renewed I don't have any paperwork for the debt, should I request paperwork from capquest, the issue date was the 7th December. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards Richard. I have already made a donation and will make more when I get the funds. What a fantastic site.
  18. I thought I was nearly home free and clean but another has crawled out of the woodwork from Lowell's and the default will be six years old in May according to the credit report, They are currently at the stage of if I do not respond they will do a credit search to see if I have any assets such as property and evaluate my financial circumstances! I'm guessing that they are allowed to do this as they have bought the original agreement that says the company can credit check me? Do I just keep my head down and see what they do next or maybe try diversion tactics such as not known at this address? As ever all advice appreciated
  19. Just checked my credit file today. Original Credit Card debt defaulted with OC December 2010 stopped paying monthly repayment plan last year so not SB. Debt passed to Cabot. Requested CCA - details not provided and unenforceable. Cabot have now entered another default status January 2016 ? Can they do this ? Thanks
  20. In early 2000, we moved to Canada from the UK, At the time we owed ~13000 pounds to Lloyds on a credit card. Until around 2013 we struggled to pay the minimum balance, by this time it was transfered to APEX. In May we asked for a CCA and paid the fee. APEX acknowledged the request in writing and informed us they had asked lloyds for the information. The account was placed on hold. We still have not received that information As of today Lloyds have informed us they have sold the debt to 1st Credit. My many questions are as follows 1) Should we ask 1st Credit for the CCA? 2) As the CCA has not been complied with what should we do ? 2) If they are unable to produce it what is likely to happen ? 3) If this drags on for six years what happens then ? 4) Is it worthwhile offering a full and final settlement and what would be a reasonable percentage ? 5) Is this debt enforceable / transferable to Canada 6) Can I ask 1st Credit to contact us only by post 7) What is likely to happen if we ignore this request Thanks in advance
  21. Hello, I need to send a letter, which my CAB advisor gave me, to the TSB customer services. I am unable to find an address. I did look at the thread that gives bank addresses etc but could only find "Lloyds TSB". I am NOT with Lloyds but the new spin off TSB. Does anybody know their address? Thank you!
  22. I am trying to help a relative who has received a claim out of the blue Name of the Claimant ? MFS Portfolio Ltd Date of issue 2/12/15 Date to submit defence = 4/1/16 [by 4pm 4th jan ] EDIT BY DX The claim was acknowledged online on 16/12/15 What is the claim for – The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract contract between the Defendant(s) and Lloyds Bank dated on or about Sept 23 2009 and assigned to the claimant on 29 June 2015. Particulars a/c no xxxxxx Date 10/11/15 Default balance £18k Post Refrl Cr Nil Total £18k What is the value of the claim? £18k Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan a/c When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After (Sept 2009 is probably about right) Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not aware of it Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? None Why did you cease payments? Reduction in income meant unable to afford payments any more What was the date of your last payment? It may have been around Sept 2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Tried to talk to the bank in the beginning but they were unhelpful. The bank took a payment out the person's bank account that was also with them at the time so the bank current account was closed and moved to stop that happening again I am going to go back to the sticky to see what else needs to be done. Probably be tomorrow now
  23. Name of the Claimant ? CABOT FINANCIAL (UK) lTD Date of issue – 03 MARCH 2016 What is the claim for – 1.The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant(s) under a contract between the defendant(s) and Lloyds bank dated on or about Apr 24 2008 and assigned to the claimant on Jun 27 2014 Particulars a/c no *************** Date 04/02/2016 Item Default balance value 7458.73 Post Refrl Cr NIL Total 7458.73 What is the value of the claim? £7969 inc Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Bank Loan When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Original, not sure? My wife took out a top up loan and Im guessing this is the date on the claim, 24/04/2008 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Cabot Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes, Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Most likely Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Most likely Why did you cease payments? Could no longer afford them What was the date of your last payment? Cannot remember to be honest Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes, we agreed after a bit of a struggle to reduced payments Had a claim form come through with regard to an old unsecured loan that my wife took out with Lloyds TSB some years back. They have obviously flogged it to Cabot to try and reclaim the money from my wife. She defaulted on it some years back when my business went belly up and although for a while we were making token payments we could soon no longer afford them and fell out with the lender. It was about this time that Lloyds ditched TSB and they went their separate. For some reason or another all correspondence stopped and it went cold and it stayed this way for a few years until Cabot came sniffing around a while back. I should point out here that at no point did we reply/contact Cabot in any form. I have checked my wifes file on Noddle and cannot see anything listed for this loan, in fact the only thing I can see is her current account which is in good order. the info required, I am now going to send a CCA request to Cabot and a CPR31.14 to Restons. As it now stands I have acknowledged the claim on MCOL and ticked Defend All. I know I have lost some time already but without going into details we have had a sad loss at home over the last week. Many thanks in advance for any help.
  24. Back in December 2015 I received a letter from a credit agency (Wescot) stating that they were chasing a TSB debt of £4762. This came as a big surprise to me as I stopped using my TSB account about 6 years ago. I moved all my payments in/direct debits/ etc to a joint bank account (I did not close the account), so have not knowingly used the bank account since. I then moved house, but rather stupidly did not close the account. My only thoughts are that maybe I missed a direct debit, or used an online account that that was linked to that bank account!! I asked for statements to show how this debt had accrued, but as of yet, I've not received anything. I contacted them again on Tuesday and was told that they are chasing them again. Its really frustrating that over 3 months later I'm still none the wiser. Whilst waiting for the statements, I got another letter from Wescot stating that TSB are offering me a significant discount to settle the account!! is this normal? If they prove I had mistakenly used the account, then I'm willing to back all monies owed, but would be looking at getting some/most of the interest payments taken off. The reason I say this is that surely TSB, when doing their annual review of accounts/overdrafts, would have realised that the account was not in use. The reason it has taken so long for them to chase me is that I had a £4.5k overdraft, which they have let run the course until I went over it. When this first came about, I checked my credit score and it was 999. Then a few weeks ago, they put a default on my account. Bye bye perfect credit score. I have asked them to remove this whilst the debt is in dispute, but have yet to hear anything from them. They are saying that they sent a chaser letter on 12/10/15, a final demand letter on the 12/11/2015 and a closure letter on 9th December. Due to me moving address 6 years earlier, I did not get these. Whilst I feel rather stupid for letting this happen, can anyone recommend a good course of action? Thanks, Jason
  25. Hi, I had a default with Lloyds TSB a few years back, which Lowell took over. A few days ago I received a letter through the post from court saying Lowell want this debt paid and I have 14 days to respond. The original debt was made up of charges (because of an unplanned overdraft), The total amount owed is around £1400 and I just refused to pay it and buried my head. Is there anything I can do about this now or should I just accept and pay it in installments? Really don't want a CCJ. Thanks
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