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  1. Some advice please. My severely disabled daughter (uses an electric wheelchair) and her carer used a car park in Exeter in a Smart Parking car park, but the carer only entered the last 3 letters of the car reg. This is most probably because in our local council car parks you only need the last three letters. The letter states we did not purchase a ticket or it was insufficient time. I still have the ticket and photographic evidence that we paid and parked, so I appealed on their behalf. The appeal was on the grounds that we did not enter the full reg and they are upholding the PCN!! Today we received a letter from a debt recovery company DRP. Any advice as to how to proceed would be appreciated as I feel that this is really harsh.
  2. i'm asking on behalf of a friend who is a wheelchair user and had to attend homerton hospital for her daughters appointment. they drove around looking for a BB parking space and couldn't find one and as the appointment time was nearing they parked on St Barnabas Terrace. they are newham council residents and and unfortunately hackney council seem to follow different rules, in newham they can park in resident only bays etc with a BB. they did not realise that they can not park in the business permit holders only bay with a BB and i know ignorance is not a defence but this was the first time they had ever travelled to hackney to attend a hospital appointment at homerton hospital. there were only 2 bays which they could see for BB holders and they were in use and being in an unfamiliar area they did know where else to look for valid parking. just wanting to know do they have any chance at appeal or not, thank you very much.
  3. Wondering if one of the experienced users on here can help here with this one? Yesterday afternoon I found my car clamped by Marstons Bailiffs - no paperwork whatsoever only a scribble and phone number so I phoned them to find out that apparently I failed to pay the congestion charge in November last year but know nothing about it as they send all paperwork to a previous address even though I updated my address with the DVLA in 2017!!! Then the bailiff stopped answering any of calls when I tried to ask her about PCN information etc and the TEC phonelines were not being answered yesterday so in a panic I phoned TfL got my PCN details, filled out the PE2/PE3 forms and headed into central London to the local magistrates court to get it signed for £25 (yes I now realise I could have gone to county court and got it for free but never mind)- was in major panic as bailiff was threatening to tow car in 2 hours- filed everything with TEC at yesterday and just had confirmation of filing today. So now TfL have it the question is how long will it take to halt recovery and will they remove the clamp? Also who can I phone for advice? TfL say they have not received the filing from tec yet and the bailiffs wont answer my calls. I need the car as I am the named driver for my disabled father who needs to be taken back and forth to hospital. This has caused me an undue amount of distress and i genuinely dont feel i have done anything wrong - had I known id have to pay a congestion charge on the day in question i would have done. as it happens i have no recollection of that day whatsoever was it was a year ago and i have no access to any paperwork (bailiff has refused to give me anything ive asked for).
  4. Hi all, Apparently all blue badge renewals/applications in future will have to be done through the gov.uk portal and paper applications will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. However, the system is apparently not working very well at the moment. The letter I received implied that as I was renewing an existing badge I would only have to provide proof of continuing entitlement, and that everything would be done online. I duly scanned my last PIP award and started the process - I previously qualified as 'virtually unable to walk' as I'd never bothered to apply for high mobility DLA, but got enhanced mobility PIP when I transferred. I actually had to provide proof of identity, proof of address, proof of the points I scored for moving around, proof of the duration of my PIP award, a letter dated within 12 months to confirm I was still receiving PIP and a signed passport type photograph, to be sent by post to my local council. I duly posted everything, only to be asked for all the proof of entitlement again as they wanted proof dated within the last 12 months of what points I got for mobility, which simply does not exist as I haven't been assessed within the last 12 months! When I copied the list of required proof from the original application they did accept what I had sent, so I'll be getting my new badge soon but only for 12 months and still at the same cost of £10! I only applied on the basis of my PIP award because I thought it would be more straightforward but actually I'd have been better off having another assessment (they didn't bother actually assessing me last time I renewed) and getting another 3 years. I hope these are teething problems with the new system as it would be much easier for me if everything could be done online, but I doubt that's true for everyone.
  5. Hi All I have now received 3 letters in the last two weeks for a small 'debt' by Lowell on behalf of EDF. This supposed debt (£71.15) on the letter for 'outstanding balance' states a date range between '22.5.13 to 4.6.15 ( this was the entire term of my account with EDF I believe.) These letters arrived out of the blue. The account for utilities at EDF which ended at April '15 I think judging by old emails I have. Ive had no letters or other communications from EDF in the last 5 years that Im aware of about this alleged debt. Surely this must be some kind of fishing trip? Why would any company suddenly start sending letters for a bill Ive never received? The letter just says 'payment due', frankly I find this ridiculous and I am pretty sure my account was clear before moving on to Co-OP; Co-op completely messed up my account due to their complete system collapse when taking over from EDF. So far I have just ignored the letters.
  6. Hi, Can you just apply and pay the fee for a new blue badge submitting the relevant docs when you lose your blue badge? rather than going to the police station and convincing them that you really did lose it as the dvla want a reference number for them! Anyone been down this road? Thanks.
  7. This is yet another important decision from the Local Government Ombudsman and one that once again makes clear that if a debtor who is subject to bailiff enforcement considers that he may be 'vulnerable', he must be prepared to provide evidence and outline how his 'vulnerability' affects his ability to deal with the debt. In brief, Mr B's complaint was as follows: Mr B incurred 5 penalty charge notices. He believes that there is a law from the year 1600 that means that he can’t be fined and so can park anywhere. He and his wife both have Blue Badges and he considered that being granted a Blue Badge means that he has meet the criteria for ‘vulnerability’. Mr B told the Council he was a vulnerable person. However, he had not explained why he considers he is vulnerable. He was of the opinion that it is the Council’s job to prove he is not. Mr B complained a business centre issued the warrants rather than a court and so were invalid. Mr B complains that the bailiffs did not have the correct warrants. The Council has said the court sends the warrants electronically and so there are no paper copies. PS: A copy of the decision can be read in the following post.
  8. This is just a tip for anyone who receives a blue badge because they get tbe Mobility component of PIP. I was on DLA for years up until Nov 2016, when I was transferred to PIP. In the 'old days' with DLA, when you came to renewing your blue badge, you simply completed the application form, enclosed passport photo, ticked the DLA section and sent a photocopy of your DLA award letter (regardless of how old that letter was, as I assume the Blue badge team would check with DWP anyway). I re-applied for my Blue badge to be renewed a few weeks ago. I sent a photo -copy of the most recent document I have from DWP, which is the letter I got in FEB last year informing me of the amount the PIP would increase by from April (annual increase). The reason I did so is because the Blue badge info states that they will only accept proof of PIP from any letter during the LAST 12 months, hence my PIP award letter from NOV 2016 would not suffice. The 'increase ' letter I sent clearly states that I'm on Mobility component and that I'm on it for the next several years and has an end date on it too. To be on Mobility component you have to have scored 10 points in that section. My local Blue badge team rang me to say that they can't accept this letter as 'proof' as it doesn't actually state that I received 10 points. I pointed out that if I hadn't scored 10 points, I wouldn't be receiving the Mobility component in the first place, are they not aware of that fact as they are dealing with this in their job all the time ?. She agreed that this is true but that the only proof they're allowed to accept is a letter dated in the last 12 mths which actually states HOW MANY POINTS I have been awarded and that I need to ring DWP and request that they send me such a letter !. So more damned red tape. I pointed out the fact that when one calls tbe DWP, it can quite often take half an hour queuing simply to speak to them and that even then, they may not actually send you the information for WEEKS which will then delay my Blue badge application and that my badge will probably have expired by then !. This fell on deaf ears. I was told that they (Blue badge teams) all over tbe Country are having to ask 100s of people to do this re the proof !!. Absolute madness. I rang the DWP PIP section and to my surprise, got through within a minute. Spoke to a very helpful man who said he can send me the letter showing my points but with this week's date on and that they are dealing with this request all the time now. Yet MORE time taken up by DWP staff having to do what in my opinion, are un-necessary and avoidable tasks when the previous system worked adequately re Blue badges. Bureaucracy gone mad yet again. WSe will ALL be having to do this every 3 years now when our badges expire.
  9. Hi, hoping someone has some advice. While visiting family last week, my husband parked up in a disabled bay in a council car park while we took the children to the park. Parking was free for up to three hours. Blue badge and time clock displayed clearly. he drives a WAV, he has to be careful about how to park, very few car parks have spaces that are ok for WAVs. This particular car park layout meant for safely and to not cause an obstruction, he was within two BB spaces, ie making a 'through' space. We've parked there before with our previous WAV. He got out the van from the back, two of our children were with him and they noticed a traffic warden nearby, he checked the sign, and went off to meet me in the park. He came back to the WAV alone just over two hours later, got in the back, got into driving position and realised he'd been given a ticket! He called over another traffic warden, who said the first one had told him she'd ticketed him for occupying two spaces and she'd called her supervisor to ask if she could do it. My husband asked to speak to the supervisor himself. 2nd traffic warden refused. My husband asked him if he were not a power wheelchair user, and could park up without alighting from the rear, if he would have got a ticket. The 2nd warden said no. 2nd warden also said if he'd purchased a ticket from the machine as well, he wouldn't have got a ticket. The sign says disabled parking free for up to three hours, nothing about parking a WAV and alighting safely, or having to buy a ticket for having a WAV. He told him he couldn't cancel it, so to appeal, gave him a number to ring for the supervisor as well. My husband asked how he was supposed to get the ticket off the windscreen, he couldn't reach from his chair. Bearing in mind he was alone, the vehicle is obviously a WAV with no drivers seat, and the blue badge is directly in front of the drivers seat anyone checking that could see it clearly, the 1st warden would have looked directly into the space to place the ticket. The 2nd traffic warden had to hand him the ticket. The time on the ticket is 15 minutes after he got there, and is for parking over a line. He told my husband he should have parked in one space and caused an obstruction. There wasn't actually room for him to deploy the ramp to alight from the rear of the vehicle if he'd done that. By this time, my husband was really stressed and upset, getting chest pains, and called me, the traffic warden left before I'd got there. We waited about 15 minutes till he'd calmed down and felt better but the warden didn't come back. My husband didn't get a choice with motability about the size of the WAV, it's because of the equipment, ramp etc, in the back and adaptations. He's had it for almost two years, we park in car parks every day. On the advice of our local police, we also carry cones to place behind because we've had a couple of incidences of people blocking the rear doors so he can't get in. My husband parks in the safest way possible so not to get run over when getting out, to avoid causing an obstruction etc. He's never had a parking ticket before, especially not for being a wheelchair user with a WAV, can't believe he said that! The children confirmed they'd seen the first traffic warden as they'd parked up with their dad. She could have come across then and spoken to him, the car park wasn't busy, but instead she decided to ticket him. I bet she told her supervisor it was just a van with a BB, not a WAV with no drivers seat. I messaged the local council that evening, and they're supposed to be looking into it. He has 14 days to appeal, it's now day 7. The council say it's an unusual situation and apologised but they haven't yet cancelled the ticket, apparently the team who'd look into it were away last week, no excuse yet for this week. I checked their 'other rules' for car parks online later on, and it mentions nothing about parking WAV's safely, without causing obstruction. If he'd parked like they wanted him to park, he wouldn't have been able to get out at all. We took photos of how he was parked, of the sign and how the 2nd warden thought he should have parked. Their sign said people 'may' get a ticket, suggesting they should use some common sense :-/ Not sure how ticketing a BB holder parked in a BB space is common sense at all, or to anyone's benefit really. Seems like a massive waste of time for them and us. I'm emailing the council again today, to find out if they want him to go through appealing or what. It's 200 miles away, so we can't just go in, or we would! Very much feels like he's been ticketed for needing a power wheelchair and adapted vehicle though. He's never got a ticket where we live, or anywhere else actually, and he parks up for work every day in a BB space. Any advice on how to handle this?
  10. Hello I'm looking for advise. I live overseas for past 10 years. Yesterday at a friends address in UK where I receive my bank statements a letter arrived looking official. At my request my friend opened it. It is a Notice of Application for Attachments of Earnings Order. Judgement Creditor: Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited. In the: Country Court Money Claims Centre. Amount 3,975.28 GB. The Judgement Debtor is under my maiden name and I've since been married, divorced and re-married. I have never heard of this company and no of no debt to them. They are not listed on companies house, but from research it seems they are linked to Robinson Way a DCA. There is no contact telephone number and only instruction to pay Howard Cohen & Co Solicitors, based in Leeds. Again they are not registered on Companies House. The form looks official with case number and reference number. The document is dated 17th May 2017 and says payment required in 8 days of notice or further action including a possible 14 days prison. I am very concerned especially as this is now logged at a friends address, where i have never lived but do get my UK bank statements sent to. Any advise gratefully received.
  11. Sunday 3rd September 2017, I forgot to display my Blue Badge when I parked in a Disabled space at Bluewater in Kent, obviously a genuine mistake because elsewhere in the area it is Free parking. Returning to the car I found a ticket, requiring £95 or £57 if paid within 14 days ( a bit steep either way). I appealed on-line at the PCM website at once. getting a letter this morning Thursday 7th, rejecting my appeal. Must I pay?
  12. I have just received through the post a Notice of Enforcement (from Merton Enforcement Agents). It relates to an (unspecified) traffic offence in July 2016 which although I cannot recall committing I probably did as I was in that area on the day in question, probably caught on camera for something (it would not have been a parking offence as I was only passing through). I have no previous communication relating to this matter from the Borough of Merton: no tickets, no reminders, no recorded post. The amount owed from the original offence (which I presume would have been around £80?) has now escalated to £278! The Notice of Enforcement contains no details of how I can appeal, only the Enforcement Agents contact details. I plan to call them to explain the circumstances. Is this the right thing to do? And if, as I suspect, I'm told "sorry mate matters have gone too far you'll have to pay the full whack. Where do I go from there? Any advice very much appreciated. Thank you.
  13. Hi all, Hoping someone could give me some advice. I'm with OVO Energy, have been since August 2016. My tariff was £45 a month dual fuel, 2 bed semi detached house. I live with 1 other person. I cancelled my direct debit in October and made a manual payment. I couldn't set my direct debit back up on the website so I left it and made a couple of small payments here and there, intending to set it back up again. I had two statements from them, one in Nov for £32.24 and one in Dec for £31.43. A man came to read the meters a week or so ago. On my online account it says that I gave them a reading on the 9th Jan and then they estimated a reading on the 14th?? It also says that my gas usage is up over 2000% (how??). I got home yesterday to a threatening letter threatening a warrant of entry and saying I owe them £296.25!!! I rang them this morning and they told me that they didn't use the meter reading that was taken on the 9th Jan because it was 'too different', and made me read the meters over the phone, which I did. She put me on hold and came back saying that I owe over £400! Apparently they have emailed and written to me, which they have, but the last two statements were for the reasonable amounts above, no requests to contact them - this is totally out of the blue and I'm pretty sure they have just pulled that figure out of thin air. How should I handle this? They've also told me that they have to take half of the amount at once before setting up a payment plan (seems to be a standard tactic they use). I'm pretty clued up with debt collectors and their ways and I'm not threatened by their letter - however I want to keep this from escalating as I don't want another default. I'd like to stop them in their tracks if poss. Thanks in advance!
  14. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums. On Sunday 30th July I attended my baby nephews baptism and celebration, which was in the town centre. There is nowhere for disabled drivers to park near the venue so I parked on a single yellow line, which I believed I was allowed to do for 3 hours. I left the car at 12.56pm by the clock in the car and set the timer for the blue badge at literally just before 1.00pm. One of my family went to move the car for me at 3.45pm and found a PCN stuck on the window screen. The contravention on the ticket says, "Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force." The thing that annoyed me most is that the Traffic Enforcement Officer must have seen me leave the car as the ticket was issued within seconds - apparently observed between 12.54pm and 12.55pm. I have viewed the images....the blue badge can be clearly seen on the dashboard but looking at the image showing the timer it is difficult to see that the arrow is set to just before 1.00 because of the angle it has been taken from. What annoys me is that the TEO has taken a close-up of the badge but not the timer....that has been left out of the picture. I had three other people in the car with me who can all verify the time we left the car. Any advice on how to deal with this would be much appreciated. Thank you
  15. ... in August 2015 BT hoovered £50 out of my bank account. I had cancelled BT sport in 2014 when my team were relegated and now out of the blue without any authorization from me they take my money. A year after cancellation! Their phone system is a joke. I was on the phone for half an hour (I timed it) just to cancel a contract I had NOT taken out. Later a guy from BT Billing rang me back who refused to listen to anything I was saying. Not least that I had cancelled the service in September 2014, that I had not been having the service since September 2014 nor been paying for the service since then. All he kept saying was that I hadn’t cancelled until today! Whenever I tried to point out the previous points he just talked across me. Why have you not been charging me then? I kept asked him. He refused to give me any address to complain to but did give me an address which will provide a recording of the phone call for £10! As soon as I get it I will stick it on Youtube. Offcom will not involve themselves in matters of billing and BT have no means of discussing the issue. Nice one. They are answerable to no one. My advice to all is to stay away from a bunch of rogues who will flush money out of your account a year after cancellation. Steven
  16. Hi, I need your advice I parked on a street where nobody shows the timer this is on disabled and non-disabled cars, I parked in a disabled slot and placed my blue badge, when I came back 20mins later from a dental appointment I was given a notice, I have only had a blue badge a few months CODE 40 "Parked in a designated disabled persons parking place without clearly displaying a valid disabled persons badge" The images shown on the enforcement site showed 2 images taken at an angle so you could not see the dashboard or badge. I questioned this with photo evidence they came back and said it was for not showing the timer, I questioned again that the notice said nothing about a timer. They sent back more images showing the blue badge they had there was no mention of this in the first reply from them. Where do I stand on this? Does anybody know what the codes are for the parking notices, and is there one for not showing the timer? your help appreciated
  17. Hope this is the correct thread, apologies if not. At beginning of July my husband drove to Brighton railway station to park as he normally does in the allocated disabled parking bays (which is managed by Meteor). On his arrival at 4.45am the service road to the parking bays was closed off due to resurfacing and a sign had been put up saying blue badge holders to use main car park and to collect a voucher from the car park attendant. He sought out the attendant who said he had just arrived there himself and at that time didnt have any vouchers nut to display his blue badge and everything would be fine, so he did just that. At the end of July he receives a PCN through the post, we filled in the appeal online stating what had happened and also sent email to (ZZPN) who seem to be the collectors of monies for Meteor/Vinci and heard no more. A week ago he gets a further notice which has now increased to £126 (with bailiff threats) from £90. I phoned a very unhelpful ZZPN employee, "you will have to speak to Meteor". Phoned Meteor "you will have to email your appeal to us". Waited a few days nothing. Phoned again we never received your email....send again. Did that received email back sorry you are out of time has now gone to debt collection agency!! Meanwhile i search on southern rail website re the parking there (taking roadworks out of the equation) and it says blue badge holders may park for free in main car park if all other disabled bays are full, which niw begs the question why did anyone need a voucher? And why are they pursuing? Southern rail don't get involved they told me but have taken the details. I have told my husband 'do NOT pay this it os what it is an invoice, bailiffs cannot be sent here without court proceedings and if they want to go to court we go to court. I have put that to them, keep wasting your paper and postage and see you in court. So far heard no more but im sure a revised invoice for a higher amount will turn up. My husband is not a well man and this scares him and is worrying him unnecessarily.
  18. Hi, I am a blue badge holder and our car was parked in a private retail car park (free for all customers). A PCN was posted on the windscreen as being parked in a disabled bay without displaying the badge. AS this topic seems to be a bit of a minefield and having got no further in my decision of how to deal with this despite reading up on the subject for days, I was hoping that someone here would be able to help. As I understand it I need to wait for the NtK before proceeding but also I have read that I should appeal within the first 14 days. I do intend to appeal so would appreciate some confirmation of when and how to do that. Thanks in advance
  19. About two and a half years ago I had a current account with overdraft that was in credit when I used the account switching service to change to another bank after I became fed up with RBS and wanted to leave them. Today I received a letter claiming RBS have been trying to contact me as there hasn't been any money paid in to my account that RBS closed for me while in credit and transferred the credit balance to my new account with a different bank. The Sort Code of the account it is claimed I owe them money on is different from the sort code of my old RBS branch, I can not find anything at the moment to check if the account number is correct or not.
  20. Issued today (again to 'er indoors), and altho there are 'mitigating circumstances' for her egregious lack of consideration for those less mobile, I don't wanna offer them at the moment for fear of appearing to excuse her reprehensible behaviour. It was a Morrisons car park, free to use for 2 hrs, and I'm the RK. I'm going to await the NTK as usual, but at this stage (at the risk of being a bit previous), just wanted to know the current position regarding disabled bays in private car parks, and the extent of driver ID disclosure required by law. So, 1. Is it still the case that disabled bays on private land are not legally enforceable (so presumably no locus standi?), and 2. When I get the NTK, am I obliged to tell them who the driver was at the time of the alleged infraction? If no to 2., then presumably my response to the NTK will be the usual 'please take the matter up with the driver, and I'm only giving you 3 guesses....... .....etc'?
  21. Thank you to all who contributed to this forum. I have worked my way through as many post as I can, and it has helped me to calm down since getting cautioned by an inspector on the tube. It was very distressing for me and really affected my day to day activities for the first 48 hours or so. The letter that I had been expecting came today and one thing that struck me was how it does not ask me to comment on the incident. It merely asked me to fill out the form on the reverse side. It reads: 1. If you deny committing an offence, please explain why. Please note, xxx fare evasion offences are ones of strict liability. This means that a mistake or accident is not a defence. The fact you were on a ttt service without a valid ticket or pass is normally sufficient for a conviction. 2. If you accept committing an offence, please provide any exceptional reasons, including evidence, as to why ttt should not proceed with a prosecution. The whole episode was quite distressing when the inspector came. I wasn't expecting anything wrong and quite happily produced my card. Earlier that morning, I couldn't find my normal oyster card (which has a photo) and having emptied my bag, dug up another oyster card, I then picked up a friend's card (not photocard) on the table by mistake (which I realised only on hindsight) , which had a young person railcard loaded on it. However it strangely contained also another discount, but we do not know what it was (because my friend had asked me before what discounts are available). In any case, when asked about the discounts on the card, I panicked because it was only then I realised I took the wrong card and I acted as if the card was my own, and told them there's a young person railcard and possibly another thing. The inspector then asked if I had any photo ID to prove the second discount, but I didn't even know what discount was on it I was even asked by a different inspector how much I paid for that card. So they suspected me of fare evasion because of the second discount and then interviewed me under caution, and I told them everything I knew about that card, but I acted as if the card belonged to me (I still don't know why I did that). I am an international and so I'm very worried about losing my visa. My normal oyster should contain details of my travel history and the frequency of topping up, but I'm now not even sure if I have accidentally picked up my friend's oyster card by mistake on the days I could not find my normal oyster card (I don't travel on the tube every day). My friend says he doesn't think the card is registered as he doesn't have any log in details to check that card. The fact is that the card I used that day was invalid so I can't choose option 1. But what should I write?
  22. Police can now instantly identify Blue Badge misusers SCOTLAND ONLY READ MORE HERE: http://www.scotland.police.uk/whats-happening/news/2016/january/police-can-now-instantly-identify-blue-badge-misusers
  23. I am trying to help a relative who has received a claim out of the blue Name of the Claimant ? MFS Portfolio Ltd Date of issue 2/12/15 Date to submit defence = 4/1/16 [by 4pm 4th jan ] EDIT BY DX The claim was acknowledged online on 16/12/15 What is the claim for – The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant(s) under a contract contract between the Defendant(s) and Lloyds Bank dated on or about Sept 23 2009 and assigned to the claimant on 29 June 2015. Particulars a/c no xxxxxx Date 10/11/15 Default balance £18k Post Refrl Cr Nil Total £18k What is the value of the claim? £18k Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan a/c When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? After (Sept 2009 is probably about right) Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not aware of it Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? None Why did you cease payments? Reduction in income meant unable to afford payments any more What was the date of your last payment? It may have been around Sept 2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Tried to talk to the bank in the beginning but they were unhelpful. The bank took a payment out the person's bank account that was also with them at the time so the bank current account was closed and moved to stop that happening again I am going to go back to the sticky to see what else needs to be done. Probably be tomorrow now
  24. Please advise! My 7 year old daughter is severely impaired and she has a blue badge. We use a wheelchair adapted car. We usually park in disabled bays. On 20th of Apr 2016 we received Parking Charge Notice from Gemini, parking operator ar Rivermead Centre Reading. The PCN states that the car exceeded the 30 minutes free of charge parking with 3 minutes. They've asked a payment of 100£, 60 payable in 14 days. My opinion : 1. I thought disabled parking (public or private) are free of charge. 2. The PCN was issued on 20th of Apr for a civil offence committed on 20 th of march - is thus corect? 3. The signs displayed in the parking are ambiguous without any mentions regarding terms & conditions. 4. I've sent an email to the Rivermead Centre asking for the terms and conditions that apply in their car park with NO answer back. When my daughter is not in the car we don't use the disabled bays nor her blue badge. I didn't find any other post with the same situation and I open this one. Please find attached the PCN I would appreciate a lot your opinions! Best regards, Marius
  25. Hi all, I haven't been on here for a while but thought I would put this on here in hope of some advice. My father who is the owner/keeper of the car that received the PCN and my mother who are both holders of Blue Badges and in their late 70's/mid 80's. I was the one responsible for parking in the disable bay which as far as I am concerned had a perfect right to do so, but inadvertently forgot to put the badge on display due to having to physically lift a mobility scooter out of the car and help my mother into it. My father in a panic over this PCN started to fret about finding the £100 to pay it. I told him not to pay and write and tell them what happened and to give the details of the Blue Badges. As you have probably guessed they still want their pound of flesh. I have now received a letter telling me I can appeal to IAS. Any help will be greatly appreciated. WIDYCHI
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