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Found 5 results

  1. i'm asking on behalf of a friend who is a wheelchair user and had to attend homerton hospital for her daughters appointment. they drove around looking for a BB parking space and couldn't find one and as the appointment time was nearing they parked on St Barnabas Terrace. they are newham council residents and and unfortunately hackney council seem to follow different rules, in newham they can park in resident only bays etc with a BB. they did not realise that they can not park in the business permit holders only bay with a BB and i know ignorance is not a defence but this was the first time they had ever travelled to hackney to attend a hospital appointment at homerton hospital. there were only 2 bays which they could see for BB holders and they were in use and being in an unfamiliar area they did know where else to look for valid parking. just wanting to know do they have any chance at appeal or not, thank you very much.
  2. Hi, My car has been parked outside my house for days. I saw it being ticketed and ran downstairs to be told that this single sign had been up for 3 weeks. I had seriously never seen it, but how do I prove that it wasn't there? Is it even legal? Is is so small and only says no loading. Not no parkling. This is the third time I have had a parking ticket from the same warden. The last two times were slightly different, I appealed and won each time, but with NO explanation as to why the mistakes were being made. It is so maddening. Also during those days, nothing happened at all! I was working from home and there was NO use of the bays.
  3. Dear all, This is for a friend of mine, he received a notice to owner last week. He believes it is a phatom ticket. There are no images on the Hackney website of the alleged contravention but more interestingly, Hackney state that the destination of notice, the ticket, was handed to the driver. I find this hard to believe. Is the legal? I thought the PCN had to be issued to the vehicle in question. I can hardly imagine drivers 'accepting tickets' in this manner from traffic wardens. Advise sought. Best wishes, Hackney PCN 12.06.2012 WEB.pdf
  4. I was passing on a bus so I can't be sure, but I believe I just saw a Hackney Civil Enforcement Officer with a CCTV camera attached to their hat! Anyone know about this? What do they use the footage for? Is the CCTV camera an approved device? What about Data Protection issues? Do they still get arsey if you try to film them with a mobile phone? The world has truly gone mad! FEP
  5. My son received a PCN from Hackney Council for Parking in a permit bay without clearly displaying a valid permit. We challenged the PCN because the parking bays did not comply with the Traffic Signs Manual diagram 1032 or 1028.4 Hackney’s response was : the several Acts you have mentioned would have been applicable for on-street parking contraventions if the highlighted points were valid, however this contravention had occurred whilst the vehicle was parked on off-street estate parking bay and in what is essentially private land / property of Hackney. The contravention is valid and supported by the Traffic Management Order, additionally we have no report to suggest it is incorrect. I have requested the TMO for the area so we can check TMO against the location. I am however cencerend that we will run out of time as they have given us 14 days from the date of thier response. The car was parked on a street that did not have any barriers etc to restrict access or any signage to prohibit parking and I was very surpirsed to find out that it is a PRIVATE street. Does anyone how we should proceed? Can we insisit that parking was on a street and therefore Traffic Regulations are valid and bays should have been signed as required by the Traffic Signs Manual Hackney response 1 .pdf PCN Hackney 1.pdf google maps Buttermere walk.pdf
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