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  1. Well it seems like Provident are having issues. Being investigated for irresponsible lending and losing a lot of money on shares. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4814606/800-000-families-face-crisis-sub-prime-loan-firm-tanks.html
  2. Does anyone have the name, postal address and if possible email address for the CEO /MD of Swinton Car insurance please?
  3. Does anyone know where Gavin Patterson works? I know his email address is [email protected] but I'd prefer to use snail mail
  4. Hello all! I have been reading this website for awhile and decided to join yesterday! I am extremely interested to get anyone's advise or experiences with having Bank of Ireland put on CIFAS, how to approach it and how it can be resolved. Many Thanks Lisa
  5. Anybody got an actual E-Mail address for the executive of Halifax without going through the rubbish customer complaints area??
  6. She was stopped in a public place having dropped a butt outside of a shop before going back in. After she came out the shop, 2 men approached her asking to see her immigration documents (shes European and has every right to be here). They both were apparently very aggressive to her. Anyway she gave them a fake name, and an address she lived at many years ago. What could happen now? or is she in the clear?
  7. Hello, I am looking for some advice please. I have a standing order weekly to Fedex Europe paying off some outstanding import tax, however today I have received a Notice of Enforcement asking for £958 - includes a number of charges! I can happily print off the invoices for these payments and get these off to them, but I need to know what I can do re the letter? I have emailed them today asking for confirmation of whether any payments have been added to this account. I have until 31st March to get this sorted. Please advise. Thanks
  8. CEOs of companies which fail to prevent problems with data security following cyber attacks face having part of their pay withheld under proposals outlined by a committee of MPs, which has also called for disclosure of data protection strategies in annual reports The Select Committee report recommended: Making advice on claiming compensation more readily available. Solicitors to provide advice to data breach victims Checking if existing measures are adequate. Clearer upfront info on cancelling contracts in the event of a data breach. Fines for companies that fail to guard against cyber hacks https://www.cchdaily.co.uk/mps-propose-tougher-ceo-sanctions-over-data-security-breaches The Select Committee's full report is here: www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmcumeds/148/148.pdf
  9. Hi All Would anybody be able to find me the contact details for the CEO of UK Mail? I am beyond anger with these people. Three times in a row I have scheduled a collection of some bits I sold on ebay, they don't turn up, don't apologise, don't give any reason and don't give a rats ... I pay through the roof for it to be next day, and they don't arrive. The people on ebay then have a fit at me, and it reflects in the feedback. If I had enough money I would sue them for damage to my account
  10. Hi I'm trying to find out the name for the ceo for C&G. have tried googling the info but all that comes up is their complaints team - who are pretty useless. I've come across the name Andrew Longhurst but think this info must be out of date. can anyone help?
  11. does anyone have the virgin mobile ceo email address? i tried graeme oxby and i just got a delivery failure so not sure if thats still active thanks
  12. does anyone have the argos ceo email? reason i am asking is: i bought a bed feb 1st within 4 weeks,the metal legs were totally bent...im like 10 stone so not putting too much weight on it for that to happen,after i took it apart actually found it was the big thick screws that were bent. took it back and got it replaced great i thought. had this replacement about 3 weeks now and the legs are bent again so can only assume its the screws that are bent again. phoned the store and they are only willing to give me a replacement,which i am not really up for after this happening twice or a giftcard refund because i don't have my receipt. they have my transaction on their system as i paid by card (which they were happy enough to offer a refund with the first time)and they have all my details from the previous return but they wont budge. the bed was only £70 and thats all i can afford,and the only beds they have that are for store collection at that price are the exactly the same frame design but just a different headboard. ive seen a suitable bed elsewhere but i can't afford it without this money. plus i dont exactly live near the store so it would be £18 quid taxi journey to take it back. already tried the argos helpers on twitter and they just pointed me to the store and thats what they said above. sorry for rambling on
  13. Hi Does anyone know the direct contact details for the current CEO of British Gas? I did search this on the forum, but could only find details and info from 2009...... Any help, very welcome. Lindsay
  14. I was working in a pub called the Square Pig in the mentioned road, I had completed the work in the premisses, as I departed at 10:27 I can see a CEO standing right next to the van looking at my ticket which expires at 10:27. As I opened my van to place my tools in I said "Am I to late, as its not attached to the van", I had no response but they were still looking at there hand held device. I closed the van side door, went to the front got in, and went to drive away and was held up by a car, so I could not move, that car moved after 20 to 30 seconds so I could join the carriage way. Below is the explanation I sent to Camden with photos "upon returning to my vehicle as my time for parking was due to expire very soon . I placed my tools into my vehicle, and proceeded to depart from the location from where I was parked, I was unable to move from the parked location for a few minutes due to other vehicles queuing along Red lion Square as the traffic on A40 was at a stand still (can see none moving traffic on A40 in my photos). Once I was able to move onto Red lion Square from my location, I noticed the officer approaching my vehicle, where I started taking photographs of the incident. You can see the officer's hand tucking the PCN under the arm of the wiper img_1537.jpg, and then withdrawing their hand img_1538.jpg, you can see clearly that the vehicle is in the road. And you can see the officer moving to the rear of the vehicle between cars in photo img_1540.jpg. While my vehicle was unable to move due to traffic, I went to the rear of the vehicle and also took photos at the same time as your officer (photo 1-1, mine img_1552.jpg and img_1557.jpg). I returned back to my vehicle and waited for the traffic to move, and again noticed the officer moving to the front of the vehicle and taking more photos (photo 1-4), so I also took some (img_1562.jpg)" In response I get "Thank you for your letter received on 08/05/2013. This Penalty Charge Notice was issued because the above vehicle was observed parked after the expiry of paid for time - Pay & display. I understand from your letter you are contesting the Penalty Charge Notice, but have decided to enforce the Notice. I have examined the Civil Enforcement Officer`s (CEO`s) notes made at the time of the contravention and they indicate that a pay & display ticket showing an expiry time of 10:27 was displayed. Vehicles are not permitted to park beyond the time shown on a pay & display ticket, and there is no grace period before a Penalty Charge Notice may be issued. I have noted your comments about other vehicles preventing you from moving but I regret to inform you that this is not a sufficiently mitigating reason in which to cancel this charge, it is the responsibility of the motorist to ensure that their vehicle is parked legally at all times and purchasing additional time to ensure that this is so. Further information about parking within Camden can be found at: www.camden.gov.uk/parking www.camden.gov.uk/parkit www.camden.gov.uk/cpzmap You state you were loading your tools, if you can provide evidence of the loading/unloading you state you were in the process of, the Council would be willing to review its decision." Do we have to prove our innocents these days? Any help would be appreciated, I do have a work sheet showing I was working in the pub but as you do, you round the time up, so mine says 10:30 as completing when in fact it was just before. Do I ask for proof that I was parked in the bay at this time, as none of the photos taken by the CEO can prove it, as they were all taken in the road. Bah! cant upload the CEO's pics as only allowed 5 P.S The PCN did not remain under the arm of the wiper, soon as I joined the A40 it got blown away
  15. Recently the Manager at my local JD Wetherspoons Lloyds Bar, has lost the plot, and has begun barring people for raising concerns and complaints about the Pub. I am looking for the email address, or physical address of the CEO John Hutson, as the head office are incompetent at the very best, simply churning out standard letter templates saying how sorry they are, and generally saying whatever they think you want to hear. He is clearly threatened and is hiding something, otherwise he wouldn't have barred me, (getting one of his staff to do the dirty work). I would have thought that any manager worth his salt would have approached me and asked me what the issues were, and address my concerns? However, he hasn't done this, so I can only surmise that he is guilty of something which he wishes to keep hidden. I couldn't care less about being allowed back in, as the pub next door is cheaper, cleaner, and customer focused, I am concerned that they (JD) will not address customers concerns, and simply bar them to get them out of the way..
  16. Here is a list of common notebook abbreviations used by Civil Enforcement Officers
  17. Please PLEASE can someone offer me some advice. I have had a small business account with British Gas for over 10 years. In 2010 I received an invoice from BG for several thousand pounds saying that my bills had been estimated for several years and here was a bill for what I owed them. Up until this point I always paid the bills they sent me and un be known (yes I agree this was my fault for not reading the bills properly) I hadnt realised they were estimated The recession had hit however and I was unable to pay this HUGE bill so I contacted BG. My turnover fell to £14k! It was really bad. This took several months of backwards and forwards between us to sort out and their "Special Credit Solutions Team" allocated me my own account manager and they agreed for monthly repayments. This amount they agreed was the minimum amount they would accept and I was bullied into agreeing to repay at this amount. I wasnt asked to produce or prove my zero income and my lack of work. These payments started, but then I stumbled 6 months later due to lack of work and monies. I contacted my account manager who said not to worry they would sort it and get back to me. They asked me for an up to date meter reading which I gave and they explained they would sort it. This didnt happen. I then received a notice of disconnection and called BG again. They repeatably said "Dont Worry" ignore the letter and they would sort it. Next I find that they have a Warrant, entered my premises at 5:00pm on a Friday evening, changed the locks and left me with a note to contact for new keys and another bill. This contact number went through to an telephone number that was unmanned. As we had work to carry out over that weekend we called a locksmith who changed our locks so that we could then gain access. I called BG on the Monday morning discussed this and the ongoing issue with their Warrant Dept who said that they would speak to "Special Credit Solutions Team" and get back to me. I was asked if I would like to file a complaint and I said yes and was given a Reference number for the complaint. I was told the complaint procedure could take up to 8 weeks for me to get a response but in the meantime they would get the Special Solutions Team to contact me and sort it out. I outlined that I was told to ignore the letter to disconnect my gas and that my account manager said they would sort it and get back to me. I also explain to the Warrant Dept that I have queeried if my meter was faulty because the offices were unmanned and had been for several years. There were no staff present on site and I was not happy with why my meter readings were this amount when I had not been working there at all. I asked if my meter could be looked at. I was told they would have to check to see where the meter was and that were not sure if they still had it. Nothing happened and I heard nothing. I called again at the beginning of May and the Warrant team said they would get my account manager to contact me and sort this out. Again I heard nothing A month later I email them and am told "I will look into this for you and reply as soon as I can. It is in the hands of a manager, please be reassured that we are dealing with your account." And again I still hear nothing. Then I receive a letter and several answerphone messages from a debt collection agency threatening me and then two weeks later I've received a formal demand for payment. By now another £500 has been added as administration fees! So, I'm writing to ask what I should do. As far as I'm concerned I filed a complaint with BG. I've had no response. I've had no letters, email, or telephone calls from them. They then appear to have passed this over for collection, even though I am told that this was being sorted by their Special Credit Solutions Team. Can I contact the Ombusman about this case, or do I file another complaint with BG? I need to get this sorted as we have no gas on the premises. (This happened back in April) I would like my meter testing but they dont know if they still have it, and havent let me know when they said they would. Look forward to some advice PLEASE
  18. to say i am mad at barclays is an understatement i have got myself a cashplus prepaid credit card that is used for the USA in dollars. it is a dollar card from cash plus and not to be confused with the normal gold mastercard issued also i went into barclays and ordered £3000 in dollars to be collected and paid for this friday while at the counter i realised i needed it in sterling as i could not top up the pre paid card in dollars and asked to cancel the transaction and have sterling ready. they point blank refused saying the request has allready been sent. they then stated they will be able to buy them back at their own buy back rate. that will cost me £300 which is the difference from the sell and buy back rates. all in the space of 10 minutes phoned customer service who were no help also this is all about some torag getting his commission and stuff customer service comments please on how to get even with barclays and whats more important is that i will be travelling accross the USA with about $5000 in cash
  19. just noticed this location Any views ore comments http://www.nationaltraffic.co.uk/parkingZone/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=402
  20. Hi guys Could anyone supply me with Stephen Hester's, NATWEST/RBS CEO e-mail address and address please. I have looked on the internet to find multiple ones for him so would like the "real" ones. Thanks Guys:-)
  21. Hi i would be grateful for any clarification other caggers can provide. LTSB Gold Service Payment application form circa 1990's. across the top of the application 'Lloyds Bank Gold Service Payment/Photo Card Application Form' underneath Credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. this is very confusing as part of the document states under 'Security' 'the overdraft facility made available under this agreement is unsecured and shall not be secured or treated as secured by virtue of any mortgage, charge or other security which i/we may have already given (or may in future give) to you. does this then mean that if there is a dispute that LTSB cannot enforce to change the 'unsecured' to 'secured' via a CCJ ? then further down it states 'to be considered for a Lloyds Bank Gold Service Payment Card you must sign in the box below' this implies to me the A4 form is an application form and not an agreement, however in the signature box it refers to 'this is a Credit Agreement regulated by the CCA' has anyone else come across this? and what is the position. Thank You
  22. Hello is there anybody that knows who the CEO of Fashion World is and there Email address - I have been treated so badly by Fashion World today - I will explain - Today I got a letter from S C Gray Solicitors Ltd saying Fashion World had passed my debt over to them and I needed to pay within so many days ect I was really shoked by this because since the end of last year with the help of the CAB I have been paying Fashion World £5 a month by standing order through my bank account - I checked with my bank and they told me I have paid every month since it was set up so I phoned Fashion World to find out what was going on and to make sure they had been recieving the payments going from my bank - I spoke to a lady asked her if Fashion World had recieved any of my money she replied " yes we have recieved every payment from you by standing order " I said thats great have I missed any payments ??? she said " No none at all " I then said thats great but can you then explain to me why you have transfered my debt to this S C Gray Solicitors Ltd company if I have paid every month without missing any payments at all - She said " well its because your only paying £5 a month so we sold your debt off to a 3rd party to get the money back from you " I said I beg your pardon !!!! I am paying £5 a month by standing order , it was all set up with the help of the debt adviser at the CAB everything was sent by letter stating it was ok - I then told the lady that the reason I was only paying £5 a month is because I am disabled and I don't work I am on disability benefits and this was the most I could afford - She then started talking over the top of me louder saying " you didn't fill in the form we sent you " ummmm What form ??? I haven't had a form from you , or any letter saying you hadn't recieved the a form - The only letters I have had from Fashion World is stating how my balance was going ... I told her it isn't my fault if I haven't had the form she said well this is why we sold your debt off - So without telling me - Without any letters stating I hadn't returned a form because if I'd had a letter stating this I would of contacted them explaining I'd not had any form in the first place - she finished with well there's nothing I can do about it then asked me to do a customer survey on her performance .... I hung up !!!! She didn't explain to me what I should do now or should I canel my standing order going to Fashion world ... So I phoned up S C Gray Solicitors Ltd and spoke to a very friendly man who helped me sort everything out - I set up a new standing order for payments to go to them and he told me to go into my bank tomorrow to cancel my standing order to Fashion World so they wouldn't get anymore money from me .... This man also told me his company don't buy debt from companies they are given the details to follow the debt through - As I said I am disabled and my illnesses are made alot worse by stress so having a letter from a debt collection company has made me feel very ill and I am completely drained by it all feeling sick and on edge by all of this ... So I want to complain firstly about my account getting passed to a debt company for no reason and secondly because of the way the lady spoke to me on the phone she was so rude to me ... If anybody knows the email address or any other contact info would be great Thankyou Amanda
  23. Hi, To cut a long story short of total mistreatment, I need to contact the owner & founder of Interactive Life Forms which is the parent company to Fleshlight founded and owned by Steve Shubin. All support and helpdesk systems in both European & American websites plus their email addresses are rendering no responses. I am extremely angry at the level of poor service especially as the founder and owner Steve Shubin is an ex Los Angeles S.W.A.T officer. This non service is absolute criminal and they owe me £8.19 as when they refunded my order they did not pay the outgoing or incoming International Commission Fee's (£4-ish each way) as the payment was made from UK to Spain. They was responsible for messing up my order as they had failed to communicate and did not send notification that my order had been accepted, processed, or dispatched and failed to provide a tracking number so I canceled as I wished to admend/change my order. I also requested a receipt / detailed transaction of my refund followed up in writing as I suspected something like this would occur which was repeatedly ignored and was just told money had been refunded will show up in a week Well despite the mistreatment I still wish to make a purchase in which my 2nd and 3rd attempt have failed due to exceeding maximum spending amount (I think due to it being an adult website heavy restrictions are put in place to prevent kids running up hugh debts on parents cards but also from stolen credit cards hackers etc) Second attempt I suspect was blocked by my bank (Suspect it could have just been a coincidence that my online bank account had denied me access a day or two afterwards) so I had to call them to verify I had been sending payments to FLI SL (Fleshlight) The third attempt appears to be blocked by the company due to orders exceeding "$350" it instructs me to contact via American number or email address. The email address and help/desk systems had no success with. I even signed up to their official Fleshlight forum to complain and demand contact details of CEO or COO to which moderators have heavily censored by deleting and banning my accounts. As far as I know Headquaters is based inHouston, TX United States and their European base is in Spain. They provide both product & service which is why I suspect service is really poor but for a multimillion pound business set to reach enormous growth is absolute unacceptable. I had requested 30% off my total order amount due to poor service which was outright refused. They do not provide the service or support why should I pay a service fee I will pay for product and shipping and as their isn't a retailers expense I think 30% is quiet modest given my total order purchase amount. Just to mention when I checked out first time, Their was one those pop up notifications which asks if you're having any trouble and would like to contact customer support I tried that twice and even left messages and further left loads over past few weeks. I've not had a single response back. (The message pops up fairly quick I did not have any issues during checkout stage I think they know a large percentage of customers will be tempted yet hesitate and rethink before committing to the purchase) but I did sign up for a website account which I was unable to sign into and when using forgot password showed my details was not in their database so is again in part of why I canceled sign up is only allowed during checkout stage when you've finalized the purchase Which regulatory bodies can I complain to and what can I expect to come of it ? Their are other people on Fleshlight Forums who claim their customer service is literally non existent especially in Spain and when you do receive a reply it is not professional it's like they've paid some Spanish kid or whomever a couple euro to type back. I want to contact Steve Shubin and ask him what the hell is up and request my 30% of my total order amount plus my £8.19 refund. Their is also one thing that has bothered me alot and that is the Fleshlight UK Domain is owned and operated by UKInet Media Ltd which is a marketing firm who also has an identical website but called sexshopping. I have raised the issue with support who repeatedly state their two official sites are .Com & .EU and trys to distant themselves by saying they have nothing to do with us then who are they and why are they trading under their brand name ? Thanks Edit: Just some additional details my order exceeds £350GBP and comes to £411 I don't wish to split the order because I'll get charged even more and the only reason I spend so much is I figure if I buy them all now I won't ever have to deal with their service again and the 30% I feel is justifiable as i have spent over 3 weeks emailing all around clock during spare time etc and as claimed before service is really poor if I have any problems I am not confidant they're capable of resolving it due to no communication also their are 7 items in my order that has a crazy extortionate mark up that they can afford to let go for free and only be a loss of minimum amount. Brain Shubin who is Steve's son is COO chief operating officer so contact details for either would be great. Among internet interviews it is said he keeps a close watch/ear to his consumer needs and really understands and listens well I am here with £411 purchase to which his company is ignoring. CRAZY
  24. I was passing on a bus so I can't be sure, but I believe I just saw a Hackney Civil Enforcement Officer with a CCTV camera attached to their hat! Anyone know about this? What do they use the footage for? Is the CCTV camera an approved device? What about Data Protection issues? Do they still get arsey if you try to film them with a mobile phone? The world has truly gone mad! FEP
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