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Found 5 results

  1. Lloyds issued with legal directions for PPI breaches READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/lloyds-issued-with-legal-directions-for-ppi-breaches
  2. CEOs of companies which fail to prevent problems with data security following cyber attacks face having part of their pay withheld under proposals outlined by a committee of MPs, which has also called for disclosure of data protection strategies in annual reports The Select Committee report recommended: Making advice on claiming compensation more readily available. Solicitors to provide advice to data breach victims Checking if existing measures are adequate. Clearer upfront info on cancelling contracts in the event of a data breach. Fines for companies that fail to guard against cyber hacks https://www.cchdaily.co.uk/mps-propose-tougher-ceo-sanctions-over-data-security-breaches The Select Committee's full report is here: www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmcumeds/148/148.pdf
  3. Hello, I am on here asking for help with for my brother who has started a new job. Me brother is working for a private healthcare company as a Support Worker for a client with Learning Disabilities. His issue is that his shift patterns in my eyes possibly breach HSE/Working Time Directive. The shifts are, Early 07:30-14:30, Late 14:00-21:30 and Nights 21:30-07.30. The night shifts are sleep in shifts where he is paid £40 for the night unless he is needed and then he gets his normal hourly wage. My concerns are that they have told him that there are no breaks during shifts which I understand from the WTD/HSE that a 20 minute uninterrupted break is entitled if a worker works 6 hours. Further, they state that he must work a Late shift 14:00-21:30, directly followed by a night shift 21:30-07:30 (sleep in or working depending on client needs) and then do the early shift as well meaning he would be at his place of work for a little over 24 hours straight. My concern is that this is a breach of the WTD/HSE daily rest period of 11 hours, however I am unsure as the night shift means he could sleep all night or work all night, again it is all dependent on the clients needs. So my question is, what is the legality of this, I have worked in healthcare, learning disabilities and trained as a nurse but never have I even heard of a shift pattern like this.
  4. There was a problem highlighted with the wording in loan forms when secured loans under £25k were taken out. All loans paperwork have been looked at and I received a letter today stating Some of NRAM communications taken out by certain customers did not comply with all of the requirements prescribed by the CCA. They have stated they have looked at my paperwork and stated that as the loan taken out clearly states the purpose of the loan was for home improvements (Conservatory) this loan is specifically exempt from CCA regulations. They then go on to say that there were references made to the CCA in the loan and account documentation that I have been sent in the past. These references were wrong and will not appear in future statements. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. This reeks if the paperwork is wrong it is wrong surely - any advice?????
  5. Hi, I am new here and wondered if I could get some advice to do with my landlord please? I have been living in a bedsit with my BF until I was pregnant we then needed to move into a 2 bedroom property. We told the LL last year we would be moving out and it would be short notice as it was going to be a housing association property. We didn't know when we'd move out, we were waiting until one was available and we had viewed it. If the property was ok with us we were given the keys there and then. The lanlord was happy with this and there was no problem. That was last year and again this year he had said just to keep him updated and as soon as we had somewhere to let him know. Over the last year and the cold we have been complaining more and more about the fact we have been cold in the bedsit. (Rent inclusive of heating) He had just said things like turn the oven on. After I had my baby we were alot more concerned about the bad weather and wanted the heating on but he had it set on timer with no way of turning it on when we wanted it. Someone has told me that the LL has been in breach of the Tenants Landlords Act as the heating has not been available for us to use when it's been required. This began a downhill slope on the relationship as we became more and more frustrated with lack of heating when we had our baby (didn't bother us as much when it was just us but it did with our newborn) A couple of months before we moved out we asked which TDS the deposit was with? He said it wasn't with anyone and that he had used it for rent when the old landlord had sold him the property as this was what he was told the deposit was for. Now we have moved out he is saying we needed to give him a months notice and so the deposit will go towards that and that we still owe him money. We have texts from the LL saying he just wanted to be kept up-to-date when we move out. We have texts saying that he hasn't used the TDS. What is the best thing to do? We think we should write a letter holding the LL in breach of tenancy because the heating wasn't on when it was required, he let himself into the bedsit when he wanted to talk to us or get the rent (without knocking) and the elctrics would trip if too many things were switched on. We have the signed deposit slip still from when we moved in. Should we do any of the following in any particular order? 1) write landlord with all our complaints and say we will go to court if not sorted? 2) go to private lettings at coucil and report the matters to them? (what will they do?) 3) take landlord to small claims court for TDS failure to get rent back and also breach of tenancy? Any suggfestions please? Thankyou
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