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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, I am on here asking for help with for my brother who has started a new job. Me brother is working for a private healthcare company as a Support Worker for a client with Learning Disabilities. His issue is that his shift patterns in my eyes possibly breach HSE/Working Time Directive. The shifts are, Early 07:30-14:30, Late 14:00-21:30 and Nights 21:30-07.30. The night shifts are sleep in shifts where he is paid £40 for the night unless he is needed and then he gets his normal hourly wage. My concerns are that they have told him that there are no breaks during shifts which I understand from the WTD/HSE that a 20 minute uninterrupted break is entitled if a worker works 6 hours. Further, they state that he must work a Late shift 14:00-21:30, directly followed by a night shift 21:30-07:30 (sleep in or working depending on client needs) and then do the early shift as well meaning he would be at his place of work for a little over 24 hours straight. My concern is that this is a breach of the WTD/HSE daily rest period of 11 hours, however I am unsure as the night shift means he could sleep all night or work all night, again it is all dependent on the clients needs. So my question is, what is the legality of this, I have worked in healthcare, learning disabilities and trained as a nurse but never have I even heard of a shift pattern like this.
  2. Hi, My elderly mum is staying in a room in a hotel, basically in the attic which is roasting hot! She asked for a fan but they said it was against health and safety!!! Is this true? She is on a holiday from hell I think, wish I has taken her and M-in-L there my self!
  3. Evening All I have a question for the more knowlegable people: I have resigned and claimed constructive dissmissal - the reason has been onfirmed as the three individuals - including the racist one have been found guilty of the exact reason why I resigned so its case proved there methinks. I also claim racism due to the use of "not your place", and "not in our culture", and no one for the past 4 years [before, during and after the Greivance, and its Appeal], has been able to explain its use. Now someone who is acting as a go between to their Solcitors [not even sure if person asking this is legally qualified...] are demanding that I give a "comparator" for my treatment, which has got me puzzled and scratching my head. As I do not know of anybody else who I can compare myself to - I didnt work in Hr or talk to anybody else there how can I supply what is being demanded? I also due to health issues put in a disablity claim, same thing there. Reason why I'm asking is that I have a PHR in a couple of days - the main 6 day hearing is due in a couple of months or so. Can anybody give me a bit of insight here considerng the above? Oh, forgot to mention I am doing this on my own, as apparently as solicitors thought the constructive was unprovable, they thought I would get less than the mminum amount so none were interested in taking this up. Kind Regards
  4. Hi Everyone, I need some input please: HSE guide states working temp should be comfortable with no specific range. A consultation doc on the tinterweb quotes WHO recommendations of upto 23 C. I work in a open plan office. There are no windows and no fresh air flow inwards. The A/C is broken / ineffective. Measurements taken the past two days show 29 C and 33 C. This under the HSE guide is clearly not comfortable. The company have provided 2 fans, which just move hot air around. I have been vomiting and severe headaches, sweating constantly, non productive. Others (there are approx 20 of us here, with same amount of computers) have experienced the same. I intend to stay at home tommorrow, and will be contacting them as the working conditions are unbearable and unreasonable ? What, if any, consequence could I face ? We have asked for it to be repaired / checked - employer will not as cost prohibted. I am going to use the home insurance legal help if required, but is there any case law on this ??? Thanks N
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