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  1. Hello, We recently travelled to Goa India we booked a hotel on bookings.com pay on arrivel, i paid by credit card on arrivel at reception we where shown our room which was fine. We unpacked and decided to go to the pool/resturant area which was on the roof of the hotel, all the way up the staircase was rubbish open food cartons and plastic bags with used toilet paper in, at the pool a bin was overflowing with rubbish including on top a ripped open dirty nappy which birds had pulled apart, This was just 5 metres away from the resturant, the pool itself had no filter system and was a dirty looking colour. We complained to the reception and they said that they would report it to cleaning staff, we went out for the day it was still the same 8 hr later again a complaint was made, and the new receptionists said no report had been made, by midday the following day it was still the same. We demanded to see the hotel owner along with other guests, we were given his phone number he said he would come over in 1 hour he didnt come until 6pm the next day, he agreed to move us to another hotel 2 days later due to christmas busy time this was the only option, we had checked also and the area was full. We paid £900 for 13 night stay, 5 days and 4 nights were ruined due to this we could not use the pool, inclusive breakfast or our balcony seating area, all of which is what we book hotels for, it was like we were in room lock down, we asked the hotel owner for some compensation but he refused. The hotel we moved to was more suitable in the same price bracket. I explained this to my credit card company on return and they said i cant claim any part of the payment back, which i feel is wrong as 4 night 5 days where a nightmare living in a tip, even in room very noisy right through untill 5am, security took no action. Thanks
  2. stayed in a decent 4 star hotel with my wife. I woke up to find my leg covered in bed bug bites.They definitely weren't there before! My wife was not bitten I complained to the hotel, who say they got a company in to check for bugs.They've come back to me and said the company found nothing. I don't accept this at all. I think they're denying it as they know if they admit it it would look very bad. I want a full refund on the room cost.Are there any other amounts I can claim? As they won't voluntarily refund, is it worth suing them? I'm familiar with county court proceedings, and feel I have a cast iron case (i have photos of the bites).
  3. My wife has received a Parking Charge Notice for a hotel car park, she was meeting a friend in the car park, her friend went into the hotel to use the toilet but that was it. The notice states 38 minutes onsite and has photos of the car. She cant remember seeing any signs on entry but I will check later as its quite local. She never actually left her car, the keys stayed in the ignition and the door remained open, so technically was the car actually "parked" The fee is £100 reduced to £60 if paid by tomorrow. Can anything be done about this?
  4. Hi folks and thanks for taking an interest. I have a consumer issue which I would like some opinions on please? Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place. On 18/07 I selected and booked accommodation for two nights via the Booking.com website for a place called Juras Mols in Bigauņciems Latvia. I was hoping for a few days away from consumer related hassle, ha ha, must have broken a mirror recently. The website clearly says on the accommodation page: 2nd Paragraph: “Guests can enjoy a sauna and a heated indoor pool. ….” 4th Paragraph: “Free Wi-Fi and free private parking are available. …” My children very much enjoy swimming pools when they’re not on the internet and my wife also enjoys saunas and so I booked on the basis of the information supplied. The general facilities tab for the accommodation shows: Pool and wellness • Swimming Pool • Indoor pool (all year) • Fitness centre (Additional Charge) • Sauna Internet • WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge. All rooms include: “Private bathroom, Hairdryer, Ironing facilities ….” From the rooms available at the time I booked a “Standard Quadruple room with Balcony” containing 2 single beds and 2 bunk beds at a total price of €138 which I paid via a Visa Debit card though the web site. The description of the accommodation and facilities along with the claim on the web site of the 2nd best hotel in Bigauņciems gave me good expectations that the accommodation would suit our needs for an enjoyable break. (laughable really as when I got there, I found there are only 2 hotels in that location ). On arrival we were met by a member of staff, who showed us the common dining room and kitchen and took us to room Num 3 where we were shown the door to our ‘balcony’. This was in fact a metal fire escape leading to the ground. It had close growing conifer trees and overlooked the ‘hotel’ junk yard which I obviously photographed for the record. We asked about the “pool” as we could not see anything that might be a pool and were told that there was no pool and no sauna available. My wife later discovered on the second evening while having a conversation with a member of staff in Russian that there was a sauna in a room marked “Private”, but that (paraphrased), ‘we don’t use it because we have so many guests’. Later we were allowed to store our luggage for a couple of hours between check out and departure in the same Private room. We saw that it was being used as a store room with mattresses and bed linen and was obviously not available to guests. The staff clearly didn’t want us to photograph this room. The only sign of any ‘pool’ was an empty circular ‘plunge pool’ of not more than 1m diameter. Wifi: The facilities says, “WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge.” The normal expectation of a reasonable person would be that this would provide access to the internet. (Isn’t there something about internet access being a basic human right?). In truth is was sometimes possible to get a Wifi connection, but it did not give Internet access in most parts of the building that I tried. It was useless to us, unless we were in the common dining area on the ground floor. Not a complete disaster, but certainly not what was advertised. We returned from the beach on the first evening around 9 p.m. we found the shower was broken, and judging by the condition of the broken fitting, was of a long standing nature. Not the biggest problem in the world to hold the shower head up, although more difficult for the children to shower on their own, but certainly not a quality experience. Soon thereafter my children complained to me that the hot water in the shower had gone cold. I checked and there was no hot water from the shower or sink. I went to the reception and was told that it was because too many people had used the shower and that the accommodation’s boiler wasn’t able to make enough, but that it would be ok in about an hour. We ate and I checked the water on several occasions up until midnight and it was always cold. I checked again in the morning when it was at best tepid. So I ‘enjoyed’ two invigorating cold showers. I checked again in the late evening following our return from a day trip and again the water was cold. I spoke with another guest who said that they had never had hot water on any evening of their stay. – I took their name and address. This property and the facilities available to guests had clearly been misrepresented. Due to the lack of the advertised facilities: Wifi, proper balcony, indoor pool and sauna etc., I photographed and noted all of the problems and kept a copy of the website pages. I contacted the booking .com customer services on my return and informed them that I considered them to be in breach of contract due to their misrepresentation of the hotel and requested a full refund and claimed damages by way of the cost of a trip to the nearest indoor swimming pool with a sauna. I said that: I believed it was an express term, of the contract for services, that the facilities described would be provided as part of my booking at this hotel. It was also an implied term that the service provided would be done so with reasonable care and skill. Under UK law there are a number of pieces of legislation that provide consumer protection from unscrupulous or negligent traders, namely the: Misrepresentation Act 1967, Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (amended 2014), Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and most recently the Consumer Rights Act 2015. I note now from their website that they disclaim liability for pretty much everything and state that “any dispute arising out of these general terms and conditions and our services shall exclusively be submitted to the competent courts in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.” I said I would be most surprised if there was not similar provision for consumer protection from misrepresentation by a business under the Dutch Civil Code. I also believe that Article 6 of EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT DIRECTIVE 2005/29/EC – the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive covers misleading business practices (“A commercial practice shall be regarded as misleading if it contains false information and is therefore untruthful or in any way, including overall presentation, deceives or is likely to deceive the average consumer, ….”), is generally applicable in this instance. And in any event the Consumer Right Directive 2013 should still apply. First off they claim to have not received my email. Then they offered 25 Eur compensation without acknowledging or answering any point of my claim. Next they said that it was difficult after the event and again offered 25 Eur. They now claim that: it’s nothing to do with them as they are just an ‘advertiser’, that the hotel does not accept my complaint and again they offered 25 Eur. I have raised the matter on the ODR platform for what it is worth. I have asked Visa about a charge back and they have said, “It’s a very weak claim, but if you want to submit it we’ll take a look.” Misrepresentation of the fraudulent kind is fairly clear in my eyes. I’ve taken a look at the Resolver web site, but that talks about legislation relating to package holidays, which I don’t believe is appropriate for room only bookings. So, please: 1 Am I barking up the wrong tree or being unrealistic in expecting things to be as described? 2 Anybody know about the ‘harmonisation’ of consumer laws across Europe or the Dutch Civil Code? 3 Which is the most appropriate legislation? 4 Anybody had experience of the “European Small Claims Procedure” (I hope I've included the relevant link) Thanks in advance for any info. Dave
  5. Hi All I have spent the last 3-4 days reading information on CAG, Money Saving Expert and Parking Prankster websites. I've learnt a fair bit I hope someone would be so kind as to give me a little bit of additional guidance. Here are the details from the Notice To Keeper ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Date of the infringement 16/04/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 20/04/2018 3 Date received 24/04/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes - ANPR entering and exiting 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal]No, not yet Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up n/a 7 Who is the parking company? Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under.I think it is BPA as the second appeal will eventually go to POPLA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the Notice To Keeper, under "Parking Charge Information", it says "On the 16 April 2018 vehicle entered the Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford car park at 10:00 and departed at 17:45 on 16 April. The signage which is clearly displayed at the entrance to and throughout the car park, states that this is private land and that the car park is managed by ParkingEye Ltd. In addition the signage states that, as a hotel patron only car park, a Parking Charge is applicable if the motorist fails to enter their full, correct vehicle registration into the terminal in reception. The signage also contains further terms and conditions associated with this car park by which those who park in the car park agree to be bound. By parking without a valid permit, authorising the vehicle to park, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the signage, the Parking Chanrge is now payable to ParkingEye Ltd (as the Creditor)." I believe the driver of the vehicle is classed as a trespasser because the car park is a Hotel Patron Only Car Park and therefore prohibitive to anybody who is not a hotel patron. The driver did not use the hotel facilities at all. From reading other threads, it seems this is a trespass issue and therefore no breach of contract can occur. Also, I do have evidence that shows there is inadequate signage. Since my first appeal will go directly to Parking Eye which will be rejected immediately, I was just going to put "insufficient signage" as my appeal reason rather than the trespass reason. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  6. Booked one night in the Ibis Hotel at London Docklands, £75 for two of us, no problems booking online was very easy. The other half went into crisis the evening before the trip to London, cancelled it on the day, early hours of the morning in fact, and expected to pay a small 'penalty' for the lateness of cancellation, sent them an email to that effect, and quick as a flash, the response was one of; ''Sorry, as you paid in advance there is no refund as stated in our T&C's....blah blah blah..'' OK it's not the end of the world, but their T&C's refer to French laws, and by any standards, would surely be an unfair term of contract? I'm wondering whether anyone has a view, or would like say whether they would fancy my chances on a visa debit chargeback?
  7. Hi, I paid for a night in a hotel that I booked via hotels.com. The price shown by hotels.com and the paper invoice that I got from the hotel was correct - however I have subsequently checked by card statement and see that a 2% surcharge was applied to the booking. Having checked the hotel listing, and the ts&cs I can see no detail of a 2% credit card surcharge anywhere and have printed out the website details as a permanent record. Where do I stand on this legally? I was under the impression card charges must be clearly stated? Thanks Abe
  8. Has anyone established who owns the Adelphi car park and if P.E. have rights to apply penalty charges there?
  9. We have just returned from a long weekend in Amsterdam. We booked the hotel through an agency (Amoma) who seem to be based in Switzerland and paid by credit card, just under £500. Link to the web page describing the hotel (Hotel Omega) is here https://www.amoma.com/hotel.php?id=98575&key=2017020520170206120500002050000205000000000672&page_num=0&sessionKey=LSEtZE1DbzR4cFJWNU1INldVdSsrWUtENGdwWTZzUzFPaUc1UElMdlhwSDMrNFhhLzdaK3ZuQWIyczdJUVIwOFdISTBaYnpzRGhub3RiUXliSXlFQUczSklyQmM0SE1YZGh2&hotelname=omega&f_ref=&tar=00000&price_ranges=0000&districtId= We made the booking based on the hotel being described as wheelchair accessible (also checked with the agency by phone before booking) and having accessible rooms as described on the webpage, specifically asked for an accessible room and also asked for the second room we booked for a carer to be at least fairly close. There is of course a specific item in their terms and conditions stating that they can't be held responsible for inaccuracies etc. Very fortunately as it turned out, the wheelchair user is able to walk a short distance. The hotel is not accessible. There is a small step up to the only entrance, followed by 5 quite steep steps down. There are 5 more steep steps down to the breakfast room. They do not have any wheelchair accessible rooms. The wheelchair user was allocated a room on the ground floor at the rear of the hotel, however the wheelchair wouldn't even go through the door and there was certainly no room inside to move around. The bathroom was barely a metre deep and 3 metres long, so also totally inaccessible. In any case the shower door couldn't be opened more than halfway before hitting the sink and even the able-bodied carer wasn't able to actually get in it. The shower also had a step up of just over 30cm. The carer had been allocated a room on the first floor at the front so every time the disabled person needed assistance he had to go back and forth quite a distance between the two rooms. On arrival, the hotel receptionist stated categorically that they were full and there were no alternative rooms available and also that any issues regarding the booking had to be taken up with the agency as 'it's not our problem'. Given the time, we felt we had no choice but to stay there for at least one night. The following day whilst in the city centre we asked the tourist office to see if they could find us an alternative hotel. The only ones not completely full and with accessible rooms were unfortunately way beyond our price range given that we'd already paid for accommodation. As a result, we had no choice but to stay where we were. Because of the lack of accessibility, the disabled person was caused considerable pain and discomfort by having to go up and down the steps at the entrance. In fact, to avoid having to do this too often, we stayed out all day and only returned to the hotel after dinner, whereas we would normally have returned to the hotel mid to late afternoon to rest before going out again for dinner. As well as skipping rests which are normally essential, we spent rather more time than intended in cafes etc, which of course also incurred extra costs. The disabled person was also unable to shower for the entire 4 days and after the first day didn't bother having breakfast due to the additional pain of going up and down those stairs. The carer spent considerable energy going back and forth between the rooms and also had to haul the wheelchair up and down all the steps every day. Whilst we didn't let this spoil our weekend, we're not prepared to just let it go. At the very least, they need to correct the information on their website. I'm a bit unsure how to proceed because the agency seem to be based in Switzerland, and I've never done a charge back on a credit card before. I'm also unsure as to how much to ask for - we did use the rooms even if they weren't ideal, so a full refund would maybe be unreasonable?
  10. At the beginning of October I booked a one night stay at the Black Horse Hotel in Otley via Laterooms for the night of 15/10/2016 at a cost of £80. The terms of booking are payment on arrival and if you cancel less than two days before arrival you forfeit the cost of the first night’s stay. On 13/10/2016 a pending transaction of £80 showed up on my account On arrival at the hotel I was asked to pay, which I did. This resulted in a second pending transaction of £80 appearing on my account, which, when combined with the £80 from two days earlier reduced the available balance by a total of £160. Effectively, in terms of my available balance, what they’ve done is charged me a cancellation fee two days before I was booked in case I didn't show, charged me again for accommodation when I checked in but not refunded me the cancellation fee at the same time. The manager was unavailable at check-in I was assured they would be around in the morning. Unfortunately, in the morning, the manager refused to speak to me directly but said, via a member of staff that; it was just how the Laterooms did things, it wasn’t them that had taken the money, that it was security in case I didn’t turn up and that it didn’t matter because the money hadn’t left my account. Fortunately this hasn’t caused me any problems (at least not yet) because the balance in my account is high enough to cover both payments but I’m annoyed at being deprived of the ability to spend my own money and it certainly would have caused me problems if it had been nearer the end of the month. Leaving aside the dubious morality of the hotel’s behaviour have they actually done anything legally wrong or actionable? I suspect not because, when the transactions go through the £80 reserved on 13/10/2016 will be cancelled and I will have made no loss. The only thing perhaps is that, although on 13th it was certain that I was going to be liable to pay the hotel £80, either for accommodation if I turned up or cancellation if I didn’t, neither of those events could happen before 15th so it was only on 15th that my card should have been processed PendingTrans.pdf
  11. Just received another lovely one of these parking charge notices' for parking 36 minutes to visit a friend in a hotel for coffee.... Despicable and disgusting, What should I do in this case.
  12. Mali hotel attack: '170 hostages seized' in Bamako http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-34877069 Security forces exchanging fire with attackers. 12-13pm -have been extracted now. Gunmen shouted Allahu Akbar as they entered the hotel. Govt here monitoring things closely. 140 Guests 30 staff hostage. It must be hell as fighting ongoing.11-48 am Two hostages who could recite Koran released. Special forces are entering hotel and have managed to release some hostages Unclear how deep they have entered. Ongoing situation. LIVEAfrica Live: 'Hostage taking' in Mali capital BBC News coverage of Mali attacks This page automatically updates 170 people 'taken hostage' in Mali hotel Malian special forces 'storming hotel' Three people said to have been killed Hotel says there are two attackers French, Chinese and Turkish citizens in hotel A obvious target Security and intelligence some saying are weak. Pictures emerging of security and special forces in the hotel.Clear some are dead 11-56 am 80 hostages freed. Attackers going from room to room. Attackers rammed security barriers.Talk of the car having Diplomatic Plates. Nobody clear how many attackers 2-4 up to 10 being mentioned. Floors being cleared one by one.Sporadic gunfire. Rumours they have escaped. French Troops providing logistics.And i believe are there.But unclear of this. 3 hostages dead. Mali a deeply unstable country.It is reported. 110 people whether freed by forces or escaped themselves is now being reported. Leaving perhaps 60 or so left. Rumours the attackers were speaking English.Not confirmed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-africa-34815762 17:47 Thomas Fessy has been reporting from outside the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, Mali. He says that: "It took seven hours from the beginning of the attack to get all the guests out of the hotel an hour ago, and now the area is totally cordoned off. "But the big question is how many attackers were there - we've heard between two to a dozen. "This is all still unclear." Rescued hostages were led away from the hotel by Malian security forces: Catch up and live coverage. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-africa-34815762 CNBC Now 20m20 minutes ago THE LATEST: -DJ reports Mali hostage situation is over, 27 dead including 5 attackers -Pres. Obama monitoring events A fluent situation.Hard to get 100% facts.And live coverage. UNITED NATIONS United Nations peacekeepers saw some 27 bodies on two separate floors of a luxury hotel in Mali's capital Bamako that was attacked on Friday, a U.N. official told Reuters, citing preliminary information. The peacekeepers saw 12 corpses in the basement of the hotel and another 15 on the second floor, the official said on condition of anonymity. He added that the U.N. troops were still helping Malian authorities search the Mali state television reports no more hostages held by Islamic State http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:4debb9d37ce1415994f0c96b2f05a323 … Gunmen 'still holding out' Posted at 18:15 Mali's security ministry has told Reuters that gunmen are still holding out in the hotel they attacked early this morning: "The attackers no longer have hostages. They are dug in in the upper floors. They are alone with the Malian special forces who are trying to dislodge them," spokesman Amadou Sangho said. RAW: Authorities escort hostages out of Mali hotel http://www.kptv.com/clip/12018554/raw-authorities-escort-hostages-out-of-mali-hotel How did attackers get diplomatic plates? Posted at 18:32 Mali based French journalist François Rihouay told BBC World news a big unanswered question now is how the attackers got hold of a black 4x4 car with diplomatic number plates. The hotel gardener witnessed attackers enter the grounds of the hotel in a car with a diplomatic license plate. UN Chief Says Mali Peace Plan Must Stay on Track http://dlvr.it/CnxTFT Two militant groups say jointly responsible for Mali attack | Reuters: BAMAKO Islami... http://bit.ly/1OW3IGG U.S. Military Played No Direct Role in Mali Crisis, Official Says http://nyti.ms/1kLh6Rc Well that has now changed. 1 US CITIZEN KILLED IN MALI HOTEL ATTACK, SENIOR STATE DEPT. OFFICIAL SAYS Family of American killed in Mali attack releases photo of 41-year-old New Jersey native http://abc7.la/1XfydGv
  13. Hi All, sorry to trouble you. I just don't understand this. We went to drop off some family guests (who were from overseas) that had been staying with us to Leonardo Hotel Near Heathrow. The entrance to the hotel is a via a private drive to the rear. We helped them with their luggage, helped them check-in - at no point did the staff ask us whether we had a car or any charges for waiting. The check-in took over 15mins, we then helped them with their luggage to their rooms and said our good-byes and left the hotel. Received a PCN just a over a week later stating we had stayed 40mins and charge is £100 discounted to £60 if paid within 14 days. I rang the hotel, the unfriendly staff went on the defensive, saying there are 19 signs all round the hotel, in the lift etc. How does a hotel expect guests to be dropped off - just park up and throw the luggage out and wave out the car window as we speed off in fear of getting a parking charge. This is really below the belt behaviour. The hotel sent a short abrupt email stating that I had to call parking eye to deal with any issues - the number they gave me is the payment tel number which only deals with payments. Please could you advise what is the best way to do deal with this. I would normally ignore these type of letters, but I understand Parking Eye typically takes people to the court. Thank you.
  14. I have used this hotel fairly often for many years for business meeting when i surprisingly received a parking eye fine after a visit in february this year. I used the cat park for 30mins as my meeting was cancelled and I bought a coffee but apparently i never gave my registration number to reception on leaving? There is no ticket machine and literally no signage back in feb. I never knew they had introduced parking restrictions on their carparks? I went to the hotel again after ignoring the letter and spoke with the staff on reception - they too me that they had loads of complaints and that they had now had to outsource the appeals to a 3rd party company and could i deal with them. I noticed (took a photo) that they have now put an A frame sign outside the main doors telling to give your registration to the hotel on leaving and it is a free carpark for hotel guests and users of their facilities. Their staff said that they introduced new parking rules back in October 2015?, because so many people were dropping off their cars all day / week and going on holiday etc? I was only their 30mis and their photo shows it. Q. has anyone else put this one to bed recently or have any wording that i can put in a letter to appeal it. I don't want to ignore this one as I'm furious!!
  15. Visited Liverpool in March stayed at the Adelphi hotel, when we got there we asked at the desk where the car park was, told it's round the back, went to the car park and went over to read the charges as we were under the impression ir was gonna be £3 a day, after reading the signs i wasnt sure what the charges were as it said something about "guests" and i wasnt sure if they meant Car park guests or hotel guests???? well my Missus and her mate went to the desk to find out what the charges would be while me and mate stayed with the car .. .they came back and said they were told it was £12 per day ..... my mrs mate said she'd paid for the day.... i told her to get her £££ back and i would park elsewhere as that was a complete rip off, i left the car park and parked in the one over the road (£3) per day (there is another story concerning this ) i was in the car park for 28 minutes....... after i returned home i received a letter saying i had not paid for a ticket accompanied by in/out photos showing i had been there for 28 minutes, i have replied to them saying as i had not left the car and was attempting to find out the charges this did not constitute parking, as soon as i found out their extortinate charges i left their car park ,they have asked that i provide proof that i was staying at the Adelphi before they make their final decision ,i cant see why they dont just phone the hotel and ask them????? i have sent what i can find (a groupon coupon,parking receipts from the other car park) I did have to laugh at a sign saying the carpark was covered by cctv:-D .. .i remarked to my mate " the only cctv here is to check when you arrive and leave and they were attempting to make out the car park was covered by cctv to keep ya car safe ... .across the road from the carpark was a gang of homeless drinkers who had made themselves comfy under a shelter and i really didnt feel my car would be safe there anyway....... .the Hotel refunded my mates missus after i put the car elsewhere......... just wondering if anyone else had the misfortune to enter the hallowed turf of the Adelphi car park who i assume pay the hotel to run the car park and rip people off?? by accepting that refunded payment ,does the hotel then become the company running the carpark??? .... .. the letter came from Parkin Eye.... ...... any info greatfully recieved
  16. As the title says,a proposed plan has been put forward to build and revamp an existing hotel, there will be 3 hotels with a total of 182 bedrooms.Looking at the proposed plans it looks like there is car parking space for just 20 cars at the most. Does anyone know if,by law,they have to provide a certain amount of car park spaces or does it not matter(by law) if they only have a few spaces for guests. Any help woud be greatly appreciated.Many thanks indeed. Penny Lane1960
  17. A disabled friend of mine and his carer attended the Wales v England rugby match in Cardiff this month. Sleeperz Hotel in the City have adapted rooms for disabled persons. He saw that they were advertising the Wales/Italy rugby match on 18th March 2016 and at the time decided to book 2 rooms - cost £390 in total which was paid in full. He now wishes to cancel the booking but the hotel has refused citing their booking reservation Details. I have checked this for him and it does say that there is no refund as it is an "advanced purchase rate" . I have also checked the hotels web site and spoken to the General Manager who was adamant that there is no refund but that the booking could be changed to another name. Surely there must be a cooling off period especially when the rooms have been booked and paid for for over a years time. Can anyone help on this please ? Many thanks
  18. Hi guys i parked in Ibis Hotel Luton airport waiting for a friend to disembark i was there for approx half an hour sat in car waiting parked well out of the way and not impeding anyone . A week later i get a Parking Charge Notice from Civil Enforcement Ltd of Liverpool asking for £60 With A photograph of vehicle entering the carpark. Can i ignore or do i have to pay ?
  19. Hi All, I stayed at a hotel in Basingstoke on Saturday 2nd May and during the night, a thief managed to open the window from the security latch built into the window frame whilst myself, partner and two infant children were asleep. The thief managed to grab my mobile phone and sons changing bag from the window and can be seen on CCTV (cannot make out anything as camera is too far away) I don't have any form of insurance anymore so I am not personally covered however I want to know where i stand with regards to claiming from the hotel. The general manager has told me that their insurance will not cover theft but will pass on information to them. Basically, the security latches on the windows do not provide enough security! I can see how the thief has opened it and could do it myself to any one of the rooms on the ground floor in under 20 seconds. This needs to be sorted by them too
  20. Trip Advisor couple 'fined' £100 by hotel for bad review A couple say they have been "fined" £100 by a Blackpool hotel for leaving critical comments on travel review website Trip Advisor. Tony and Jan Jenkinson posted the negative comment after being unimpressed with the one night they spent at the Broadway Hotel. The couple, from Whitehaven, later found £100 charged to their credit card. The hotel said its policy was to charge for "bad" reviews. Trading Standards are investigating. Officials believe the hotel may have breached unfair trading practice regulations. The manager of the hotel, on Burlington Road West, was unavailable when contacted by the BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-30100973
  21. This was family's 1st real holiday after the birth of my son more than 5 years ago. I had promised my son a Disneyland trip when he was 2 years old when he saw his 1st cartoon - yeah u guessed it Mickey Mouse @ clubhouse. And when I finally booked the my 4 day, 3 night trip @ a Disney Hotel, I promised him a funfilled , exciting adventure and for ourselves ( wifey and me) a relaxing time. While the park delivered on its promise, the hotel stay was anything BUT. During these warm summer times, the most basic amenity one would expect in a any hotel room is an AC. And I am indeed pained to say that the AC in my room DID not work any of the 3 nights. Night 1 15th Aug - Since I had reached the hotel prior to the 3pm check in time, I was NOT able to checkin and hence collected my park passes and headed for the park. When I checked in my room (Room #1108 ) at 1030pm, I realized that the room temperature was quite high and turned on the AC and the blower to maximum, but the room didnt seem to cool down. I was too tired to wait longer and fell asleep but woke up sweating sometime during the night and realized that my son had escaped his duvet cover ripped off all his clothes and was lying on the carpet floor ... It was a sad sight as a parent to see an excited 5 yr old, who only a few hours ago was twinkling with excitement after his first roller coaster ride in the Thunder Mountain. He was breathing heavily and I was paranoid as he has suffered from breathing problems at night. I left a message at the reception on Day 2 - 16th Aug in the morning that the room AC is NOT working and needs a technician to investigate the problem. Night 2 - When I reached the hotel room after the Disney light show around 12 midnight, the AC still didnt seem to work. I called the reception right away and the lady at the reception mentioned that she will call up the technician to sort it out. I called her thrice in a span of 45 minutes and all the time she mentioned that it was her job to call the technician and he will come to the room , but he never showed up until 0145. I then rang her up and told her that I cannot stay up any longer and asked her not to send the technician as it would disturb us. But I explicitly asked her to ensure that she lodged a complaint on the AC to ensure it gets sorted the next morning, while we were out. We had to keep the window open to ensure my son could hopefully breathe regularly. BUt none of us had a comfortable night sweating profusely. Day 3 morning- 17th Aug - I did not stop by or call the reception as I expected the complaint to be actioned from the night before. Night 3 - When I reached the hotel, I stopped by the reception and checked with them whether the AC issue was resolved in my room. I was shocked to hear that there was NO complaint registered at all the previous night. My wife was in tears pleading. The receoption clerk passed us on to her team leader who for a change was understanding and offered to have the technician right over to our room to check on the issue. He also offered us an upgrade to a private breakfast for our troubles. When the technician finally turned up to our room, and spent no more than 15 mins checkng the vents, ( he hardly spoke any english). On querying the issue, he mentioned it was a security problem and that he had resolved it. I did tell him that the room temeprature still did not cool down to which re replied that it would take time and then left our room. A nd to our worst fears, the room temperature never lowered and it continued to be warm. We had a 3rd sleepless sweaty night. THanks to you guys SOme of the other problems in the room like a few insects crawling inthe crater corners beween the bath tub and the wall, I choose to ignore. My Question to the Disney Management is 1. Do you design the Disney package offer intentionally to include sub standard rooms/ hotels at inflated prices because you bank on the customers to spend most of the time in the park and ignore the state of your rooms ? 2. Is this part of your profitability strategy ? Surely, it cannot be a customer retention strategy. Please treat this email as a formal complaint, which I demand an explanation from the Hotel / Disney management. I wish to charge the Newport Bay hotel for damages for my holiday time, trouble and stress that this hotel stay has caused me and my family.
  22. hiya everyone, first of all apologies for all small case letters, my caps lock is broken. this is my first post so i hope this is in the right forum i am in a bit of a situation at the moment and i don't really know where to go from here. last monday (february 24th) i booked a one night stay at the grand burstin hotel in folkestone for friday (february 28th), costing £35,. i booked online through laterooms.com, with this particular hotel, you pay in cash when you get there at reception (i have stayed at this hotel many times before and have never before experienced any issues). on laterooms.com i gave my debit card details to secure my reservation - it confirms that you won't be charged. on wednesday 26th, i noticed that there was £35 less in my bank account than there should be. i contacted my bank to enquire about this, and they confirmed for me that there was £35 pending for the grand burstin. i then rang the grand burstin hotel who told me that it was just a 'holding payment' and would be released when i paid in cash on friday........ i wasn't too bothered by this so accepted it. on friday when i got to the hotel it took me about an hour to actually book in because they claimed they couldnt find my reservation, so i had to use their house phone to get this sorted out myself. after that little mess was sorted out, i paid in cash at the reception, and asked again about this 'holding amount' , the man who took my cash said again that it was just a holding amount and that it would be released now that i was paying in cash. on sunday march 2nd, i checked my bank and saw that a £35 debit for the grand burstin had been made - its an actual debit transaction - in my experience of holding payments they never actually should appear on your bank statements, so i was concerned about it and rang my bank (nationwide) who confirmed that it was an actual payment - and not a holding amount, the man said that there was nothing pending to go back in to my bank so on sunday evening i emailed both the grand burstin, and laterooms.com to explain this entire situation. monday afternoon i received a very patronising email back from laterooms.com saying again that it was just a holding payment and that it is going back in - thats not right, so i sent her a copy of my online bank statement showing her the debit. laterooms now seem to understand the situation, and are in contact with the grand burstin - laterooms.com emailed me back telling me that the grand burstin are claiming that 'all formalities on their end have been completed' :?: i have not received any direct contact from the grand burstin hotel - even though i emailed them sunday. £35 is an awful lot of money to me, i need it back asap, i have already had to borrow £20 from a friend to get me to payday (which is tomorrow thank goodness) neither the grand burstin or laterooms.com seem to be doing much and i am not sure where to go from here? sorry about this long first post everyone, i hope it makes sense (i know its a bit of a confusion situation) any advice here at all would be fantastic -
  23. I think I am legally bound to pay this but would like to make sure first.......ok so I went online to book a one night hotel stay, the site made much of "book now pay later" i.e. pay on arrival date, giving bank card details to secure the reservation only. I booked a one night stay believing this was to be the arrangement, but have now found that the one I made wasn't covered by that as it was a reduced price and therefore payable at time of booking, both the hotel and the booking site emailed me that my card was declined............I emailed the hotel who replied to say that the booking reservation had not been made as the bank declined payment and I should use another card, a credit card and pay now or rebook another room at full price and then pay on arrival. I don't have a credit card and the full price rooms are ridiculous price so I did neither, but I did inform the hotel and booking site that I have no credit card and no funds to pay now ........the site say I still have to pay for this booking even though the hotel have said that they were unable to actually book it?????? was my attempt to book a contract for me to pay?
  24. Where or how can I find the current regulations etc relating to MINIMUM CAR PARKING for a New Build Hotel Development that includes retail, leisure, assembly use(500+), media and administration facilities as well as a private member club. If someone could point me in the direction of what regulation documentation that I should seek. Many Thanks, KFC
  25. Hi myself and my family stayed in a popular hotel chain last weekend. one of my 3 children burnt there hands on a tap in the bathroom, the tap had a notice stating very hot water but the cold and hot taps where labeled wrong with the red and blue labels. the hotel apologized and said they would refund our fee for the night. they confirmed in a email that they had not been aware of the miss labeling but the maintenance have fixed it now. The injury to my 6 year olds hand was dealt with by myself as a first aider and didnt need further medical attention. would i be able to take legal action against them for this? or be able to talk to them about some form of compensation? Regards Luke
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