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Found 21 results

  1. I have a Vanquis account back from 2014..dont use it much,but made a purchase and wanted to clarify the balance as intend to pay in full and close the account as have other better high street cards. Went through security as normal over the phone,lady told me all what i asked and was just about to end the call when she said "Oh we need to speak to you regards your second account"...well i dont have a second account and you must be mistaken. I allowed her to transfer me to the "other department" and once id gone through name/address/D.O.B/phone number ect ect the chap said "You've been transferd due a debt you had with SKY back in 2011"" then went onto say he was with a company called Fresh Start and how would i like to pay my SKY balance..ive asked what the hell that has to do with my credit card account and he said it was a separate matter and how would i like to pay.? I've called Vanquis again and asked to speak to a manager and explained it all..and was told that Vanquis own New start and are looking at recovering the debt...when i asked about data protection and i felt like a breach,she said its fine and dont worry about it...i had a separate account (since when..no one told me) and data protection wasn't an issue. So hopefully a simple ish question...has Vanquis done anything wrong by misleading me about a second account (could only think someone had taken out a second card in my name) and this other company not telling me who they were until after id shared personal information,had they been honest at the start of the call id have told them to go forth and hung up. Should add that i record all my calls with Call recorder pro...free from Google Play store.
  2. stayed in a decent 4 star hotel with my wife. I woke up to find my leg covered in bed bug bites.They definitely weren't there before! My wife was not bitten I complained to the hotel, who say they got a company in to check for bugs.They've come back to me and said the company found nothing. I don't accept this at all. I think they're denying it as they know if they admit it it would look very bad. I want a full refund on the room cost.Are there any other amounts I can claim? As they won't voluntarily refund, is it worth suing them? I'm familiar with county court proceedings, and feel I have a cast iron case (i have photos of the bites).
  3. I ordered a wooden bed frame and was promised it would be delivered today so got my old one taken away before this one was due to arrive. Only two of the 3 boxes arrived with the courier and there is therefore no way to build the bed until the last part gets here. I live in a bungalow and have osteoarthritis so am not able to sleep on a mattress only, nor is my sofa a suitable alternative. I am therefore having to stay in a budget hotel for the weekend as I have no friends or family in the area. The couriers say they have never had the item and the company (Getlaidbeds) say it is not their fault so all they will do is refund the delivery charge. As my having no bed is a consequence of the situation and Getlaidbeds are, I believe, responsible for the actions of the courier, surely I am entitled to some compensation for the costs of a reasonable place to sleep?
  4. Morning all, looking for some advice before I email M and S. I bought a bed 2 years ago £350 and last night the support that runs through the centre of the bed has detached itself at the bottom of the bed. Where do I stand? I paid with m and s credit card Thank you
  5. hi, any advice on clarifying a small matter would be helpful. we bought a bed for our son from an online store. the bed was hardly used as was in spare room just before the one year warranty it broke. they sent him a part to fix it but it broke again, same fault as before . he got in touch with the retailer and after some back and fourth they have said not their problem and have given us the manufacturers details. are they right or should the retailer sort this out as we believe the bed is not fit for purpose any advice would be appreciated.
  6. We bought a 135cm Mattress Alexandria Ortho from Bensons for Beds last year online and received the bed on 25th of September. We pay £449.99 and the invoice number is ******. after a month both my wife and myself start having back pain. My wife was even worse as her neck was very stiff every morning. I have contacted Beds for Bensons customer service in January this year. I made a complain. I was told that someone will contact me after taking my details. Nothing happened. I made a second call and this time I was asked to email photos of the mattress and the corners. Still I had to contact the customer service again after which a technician was booked to come and see the mattress. Meanwhile some red pigment like a bruise has appeared on the corners. After the technician visit we were told that we would be contacted at the end of the week. I knew no one would contact us. i phone the customer services again after a week was gone. I was told that the report says that there is no issue with the mattress and that the "bruise" was caused externally. I was told it's only a question of comfort. I told the agent I don't agree as we are both suffering from back pain every morning. She told me to book for a second technician which I'll have to phone the mattress company and pay myself. All we want is to have the mattress exchange or a refund for the mattress.
  7. We brought a bed from a argos just over a year ago (was around £200 reduced) the warranty has ran out by less than one month, the metal frame of the bed that holds the mattress has snapped (well its like the welding has failed) and a bracket fell off on the other side at the opposite end Made a phone call was told we would be passed onto some else and they would be able to place or repair it we was then told its over a year so it won't be replaced or repaired (by the person we was passed onto), but if we get a independent review of it like you would a washer or freezer they might repair or replace it at there discretion. My question is are they within their rights to say that as its literally just over 1 year and how do you get a independent review of a bed? (leather sides with a metal flat frame for the bed and it lifts up) EDIT: a google search of "Bed with hydraulic hinge under storage" will show the bed
  8. Hi, I am new user, I need some help with dreams who are refusing to repair my bed. I purchased a Titanium tv bed from dreams i have complain to the shop that the mattress doesn't fitted the bed and my pillows keep falling down the back of the bed i was told this so i can change the bedding. However, last month the slats broken at the end of the bed and side rail broken contacted dreams they sent out an independent assessor who couldn't even lift the mattress up off the bed my husband had to help him took a couple of pictures and send a letter a week later saying it the fault of customer he said it was heavy downward impact or pressure to cause this damage and said customer said they only lying on the bed but i i also sit on the end of the bed. The mattress to the bed very heavy i cannot pick it and have difficulty puting bedding on the bed. The slats on the bed are thin and not strong enough for the mattress and the mattress move to the bottom of the bed as there a big gap at the to of the bed. The bed is just one year old with 10 years warranty and i paid# 3,317.00 on a loan can you help me as i cannot sleep on my side of the bed.
  9. Hello there, New user to the forum but hoping i can get some help. I bought a dreams Barcelona TV Bed 2 years ago. Bed was fine and working until approximately 3 months ago when the TV raising mechanism stopped working. Upon calling Dreams CS they instructed me to get in touch with Homeserve Furniture Repairs and have them come and assess the issue. Last week i had the technician come to my house and assess that the motor which raises the TV is no longer working and that they would send me a quote for the part and installation within the next few days. Today, i receive a letter stating that HFR can't obtain the part from dreams, but i'm welcome to speak to Dreams directly to try and get the part and at which point they can come and install for a cost etc. I've spoken with HFR and they have told me that Dreams do not supply them with parts at all - Whats the point of using them then??? I have spoken with Dreams this morning and sent them a copy of the letter as I want to know what my next step is in rectifying the issue with my bed. As HFR have labelled the problem as an out of warranty issue, and it appears Dreams no longer sell this particular bed model, is this any recourse i have to getting this issue resolved? Thanks in advance. Tony
  10. I recently purchased a bed and (under bed) drawers for £599 plus £20 delivery as a package from 'rustic roots furniture' It arrived (a few weeks late) and to our disappointment the general workmanship was far below our expectations, and with numerous faults. * Panels not finishing flush, particularity bad and noticeable on the foot board. * Very rough finish to all surfaces. Some panels of noticeably low quality wood. * Drawers panels are split where handles attached. * Inadequate/under sized metal brackets included. * Requires a lot more assembly than anticipated, its left to me to drill all the holes for the side rails etc to construct it. Even ignoring the faults I feel the bed is poorly designed and would need modification to make it fit for purpuse (bigger better brackets etc) I contacted te seller the day it was delivered to ask for a return and refund, unfortunately he did not agree to this. He offered: Take back the bed by a courier of his choosing at a cost of £80 (he only charged £20 delivery) but he refused to take back the drawers. He says they were custom made for us, we never asked for custom drawers, in fact the invoice even states they are "standard" drawers. And obviously a set of under-bed draws that go with this bed would be useless to us. I paid using a debit card, just wondering what options I have left here? Many thanks in advance for any advice.
  11. Finally managed to save some money towards a bed, after sleeping in the same bed/mattress for the past 13 years. Went to Bensons For Beds and seen a bed I liked 8 days ago. It was actually the 2nd cheapest in the shop but still cost £400 for a double bed. I am a rather big guy so I do need a double size (in all honesty, I didn't realize how much beds were nowadays) The woman asked me how much I wanted to pay today (at the time) and I just shrugged my shoulders and said "£100?" She ok and took the £100 from me. She told me that, my bed will be delivered after 12 days and that I must pay the remaining £300 within the next 5 days. However, I had an unexpected bill (not quite £300 but, it meant not having £300 at the weekend) and called them the other day and they said ok, just pay us on Monday "which is today" The thing is, I am back to having £300 savings again today. However, got a call from a family member just last night asking me if I want a bed as they are moving abroad and had just bought a bed not that long ago for guests. What is the chances of that?!!!! They said I can have it or they will be giving it to the charity shop. Just been reading the terms and conditions and it said that, after purchase, I had 1 day to cancel my order and if done after that time, they will refund me, minus 20% of the price Where do I stand here? Because I have only paid a deposit, can I get my deposit back? Or will they keep £80 as that is 20% of £400 bed. The £300 I have saved up, plus the £100 deposit I paid, really could go towards helping repairs in my house, as my house is in such a mess. Thanks
  12. Hi all, I'll try and keep it brief and stick to the facts. Ordered a bed online via a company based in England, bed arrived, but was damaged and missing a bunch of parts I informed them of the damage and asked to return the bed, they offered to replace the missing and damaged parts, but I asked for a refund instead. They agreed, somewhat reluctantly and this is where I need advice, they told me to package up the bed and send it back myself. I Sent it back via Parcel2go (TNT express delivery), costing me around £37, they weren't in to sign for it, so the item was taken back to the delivery hub, they claim to have arranged delivery for a couple of days later, but TNT sent the bed back to me. Parcel2go won't give me a refund because the delivery was attempted It took nearly two weeks to get the 2nd part of the bed back from TNT and the parcel was basically wrecked, with gaping holes in it. I currently have a claim for damage with Parcel2go on that front So I sent the bed back AGAIN, via another courier and it was received (another £17) But, the bed company is only offering a refund of the bed and delivery cost (I've yet to see the refund(s) so far) My question is, shouln't they be liable for the costs of sending the bed back, for both occasions?
  13. Hi I really need your help I have a £500 deposit and the landlady had said I have left the mattress in a disgusting condition which I have not it was not in the best of shape when I moved in...I have disputed it with her and she has said she will leave £200 in my account from the £500 deposit...the mattress was thin and rubbish and not even a memory foam which I have seen from £169 from top shops....Just get most of my money back I offered to get her a mattress....what are my rights/what can I do.... Thanks
  14. Hiya All, I posted this thread post No.2568071 ( Sorry cannot put link in as I have not made enough posts) as you will see it was 2009 but I never got to finish it and apply for judgment to be set aside, I was still unsure of my position following my last post. I would like to know if I have grounds and can proceed with setting it aside Best wishes Zeb
  15. Hi I recently bought a bunk bed and two mattresses on gumtree. The advertiser told me that the bed is in mint condition and mattresses are hardly used. So, I paid 75 pounds for it, and also paid 20 pounds more for getting it to my place through a courier. After receiving it, I noticed that some parts were missing, and also the mattresses were not at all in good condition. I contacted the seller about missing pieces and he first denied that any pieces are missing. After I sent the photographs of the bed, then he agreed that some pieces could be missing and he'll search over the weekend.When I wrote to him saying this is not fair because I already paid 20 pounds for a courier, and he didn't send the complete item to me, and also told him that the mattresses are not as described by him, he is upset and is saying if I wanted good ones I should have bought new, and he'll return my 75 pounds if I send back everything to him.Now, to send back the item, I have to spend 20 more pounds. Isn't this unfair? I'm losing 40 pounds unnecessarily because of the mistake (or intentionally done act) of the seller. Also, the item is not at all as per his description. More than the money, the way he tried to cheat us is not acceptable to me. Can I take this to small claims court? Or is there any other way of teaching a lesson to this guy? Please suggest. Thanks. All the email conversation I had with the seller is with me, for proof.
  16. Hi I am new to this site and new to forums but really do need some advise for my friends. They bought a super king sized bed at AHF in Beales department store in June 2012 for £849.99 on a credit agreement of 0% interest for 12 months, paying 10% on the day. The AHF delivery men tried to deliver the bed on 24th July but could not get the mattress up the stairs as it was too big. They said that they could not bend the mattress as it would damage the metal springs and that my friends should refuse delivery and they would write on the paperwork that it was too big. My friends agreed and the delivery men left with the bed. My friends then went into the store and spoke with the furniture sales manager who had sold them the bed and explained the situation. He told them that he could arrange for the bed to be delivered again and that my friends should tell the delivery men to just bend the mattress...which went completely against the advice of the delivery men!!! When they refused he told them to ask their friends or relatives to buy it instead. When they still refused he said that they could buy something else in the store for £849.99. When they still refused he said there was nothing he could do and told them that AHF do not offer cancellations or refunds. My friend told him that she would like to speak to someone with more authority and the he gave her the number for customer services. My friend telephoned the customer services whilst in the store but was told that she should speak to the store and they would resolve it. Since then there has been various telephone calls to the store and to customer services but to no avail. Yesterday my friend asked me if i would go with her and her husband to the store as she is very shy and her husband does not speak much English and she felt they were not listening to her. We went to the store and were approached by a sales lady. I explained the situation to the sales lady and told her that the situation had been going on too long and needed to be resolved, she then turned her back on me and said to my friend that as she was the customer she would only speak to her. My friend then told her that she gave her permission for me to speak on her behalf. I continued and told her that AHF website states that they offer a 30 day money back guarantee, she said that it did not say that but another sale man approached us and said that that was only for online purchases and not instore purchases. I asked to speak with the manager and was told that he was on holiday. I then asked to speak to a deputy manager and was told that they didnt have one. I then told her that surely there must be someone i could talk to that was able to make decisions in the managers absence. The sales lady eventually arranged for us to spaek with the carpet sales manager. The carpet sales manager came and sat with us and once again i explained the situation. He looked at my friends paperwork and explained that my friend would have signed their copy of the order confirmation which states the terms and conditions on the back including that they do not offer cancellations and refunds, and that it is the customers responsibility to make sure that the item can fit into the required room. My friend advised him that she hadnt signed it. He went off and came back with an unsigned order confirmation and said that the sales manager would get a slapped wrist! He said that he had tried to call the area manager but his phone kept going to voice mail. He said that he telephone us later that afternoon. He telephoned a couple of hours later and said that the area manager had said that they would charge a 20% cancellation fee and that my friend would still have to buy something else for £849.99. Can you please advise me where on earth they go from here? Also surely they cant be accountable for the credit agreement if they have not recieved the goods? Kind regards.
  17. Hello All, I wonder if you can help. I bought a bed from Dreams 2 years ago. It's an ottoman style bed and the pistons have failed twice in the past. The second time they failed Dreams sent an independent assessor to see if the bed was faulty and he told me the mattress I had been sold was too heavy for the pistons and that's why they kept failing. He said that as I had been sent the regular pistons by Dreams for him to fit he would fit them that day but that if they failed again to ask for the heavy duty pistons which would be better and last. The pistons failed again last month (December 2012) and I contacted Dreams - to cut a long story short they are saying they don't have any heavy duty pistons for that bed but have offered me a replacement bed of a different style - I would have accepted that however they do not have an alternative style in brown leather - only black leather and cream leather - which will not go with the brown leather bedroom chair I have bought. I asked if they could replace just the mattress for a lighter one as this may solve they issue but they have refused and said that the mattress isn't faulty so they are not obliged to exchange it. My arguement is that the mattress is too heavy for the bedstead and I don't want to take a different colour bedstead but they are insisting that is all they will offer me. Has anyone had similar problems with Dreams or can anyone please advise me how to proceed. Ideally I would just like a refund ( I paid £1,200 for the bedstead and mattress) and then I can buy something suitable elsewhere as they don't have any brown leather bedsteads to replace this one. Thank you in advance for any help/advice you can give me P
  18. Does anyone have an opinion on this "Bed in a Shed" scheme backed by Brighton Council? Apparently they gave the goahead for shipping containers to be used to house the homeless and dispossessed. All they need then is the barbed wire and the watchtowers and there you have it, concentration camps. Seems that in some places landlords are erecting sheds on any spare land they have and charging from £300 to £500 per month to house people. Cameron is presently over in India inviting all and sundry to move to England. He's obviously trying his best to change England so they'll feel right at home.
  19. Hello Need some general advice on this. Had problems with previous tenants who left the pace in a pig sty. New tenants moved in and we discovered we have an infestation of bedbugs. Have changed all the beds as advised and fumigated property. Can I claim the cost of the replacement beds and fumigating from the previous tenants? I have their deposit.
  20. Someone i am helping has had a problem with a double divan purchased from paul simon. One side the base has caved in. Paul simon have been aware of this since september time and as of yet nothing has materialised despite them being told the replacement will be there by the end of november. We are now nearly at the end of december and nothing. what does he do ?
  21. I bought a Sleep to Live Mattress 3 years back. Initially it was ok but then it started to sag in the middle while sleeping. We wake up every morning with a backache! The bed cost us £1100 after a £300 discount. We complained to Bensons and they sent across a person to have a look. He measured the sag using a piece of thread and two small weights and stated that the bed sags only 6% and upto 25% is allowed for a bed of this age! I called up customer services at Bensons and clarified this and they reiterated the same!!! Besides this, the person used his hands to push the bed down and state that there is not much sag. My problems are as follows 1. Should Benson not take into account the weight of people lying on it when measuring the sag? 2. For such expensive mattresses above £1000, is there no protection or guarantee for customer satisfaction? I find it strange that Bensons has no mechanism to measure sag but to use a thread and then use bare hands to push down the mattress. All the way, I found the person who came to inspect justifying that the bed was correct with no care to resolve the issue or try and understand the customer problem. I am thinking of approaching the Furniture Ombudsman but if the same measure is used and the 6% sag is stated, then would it be a total waste of effort? I want some practical advise here. Thanks in advance.
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