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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, My Mam purchased a shed online in July this year as a gift for me. It arrived with no problems with delivery or times on the requested date in August. The shed was stored for 2 weeks in my garage and spray treated 3 times as advised with wood preservative. Only when the shed was actually erected (by a professional firm) did the numerous faults and defects come to light. The wood used is way below standard and has multiple knots generating cracks and splits, these are also present in the supporting framework. There are numerous holes in the tongue and groove cladding whereby nails from manufacturing have split the wood. None of the panels supplied are free from defects, there has been numerous attempts to patch up the splits with glue which has now started running out and causing more problems. All in all it is an absolute disgrace. It is nowhere near any of the descriptions on the firms website and I am very annoyed and upset that they had the audacity to send a product unfit for even pallets. I have sent an email detailing the defects together with photographic evidence to the firm yesterday. I have not received an acknowledgement as yet although it is early days. However today I have noticed even more cracks and leaking glue all photographed. I am really furious now as it seems that even with my costly intervention this so called superior products will not survive the winter. Plus it was money paid by a pensioner who can ill afford it. I would just like to know what rights I have to get a refund either full or partial for my Mam, as it is totally impractical to repair or replace the shed now that it is in situe. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi All, first post so please bare with me. we bought a Palram shed from an Amazon seller around 3 months ago. We set the shed up which was a painful task in itself, and where reasonably pleased with it although I did note that the plastic sides where somewhat flimsy and thin. Search Palram shed on Amazon 8ft x 6ft to see the product if needs be. Now in Preston where I live at the weekend we had very high winds and stormy conditions. Which shock horror, caused the shed to collapse! The whole thing came in on itself and the metal frame was contorted and bent. Wont let me post images as I'm new, but think bent twisted metal supports etc. I entered into a dissuasion with the supplier about where to go next... see below for transcript:- Good afternoon, could you please advise re the below issue with the shed I purchased, via Amazon: Order reference: ................. The shed was assembled shortly after delivery by my partner and an experienced tradesman. The shed was placed against a wall to the rear and the right hand side of the shed had ample support and shelter. Anchor bolts where also bought and placed into the shed as instructed. Yet during Moderate winds today in Preston (28mph, gusts up to 49mph), the shed has totally collapsed. Panels had come out, the roof and supports have lifted and the metal cross bars and supports have contorted and bent. This shed was assembled with the utmost care and accuracy according to the instructions provided, yet this has still occurred. I most admit upon construction I did note that the side panels of the sheds did see flimsy, but when constructed the shed did seemed sturdier than anticipated, yet this has still occurred. I am greatly dismayed by this, and after spending a large amount of money on this product I would expect it to be able to stand up to the elements? Could you please advise on the next course of action and what assistance you could provide in this matter. I eagerly await your response. Kind Regards, **** The Response was "Hi **** very sorry there is a problem, please could you send us some pictures of the damage please? Best regards Phil." Reply Hi Phil, Thank you for the timely response in this matter, it is much appreciated. Please see images attached of damage to the structure of the shed. Upon discovering the problem, panels of the shed had been blown from their fixings and the shed had basically collapsed and the whole structure had shifted from its base. We had very little time to try to remedy the problem prior to it becoming dark. To prevent any further damage or any risk to health and safety the shed was taken down. Due to the damaged pieces it is highly unlikely the shed will be able to be re-erected in its current state, and even still without these problems this is a less than enviable task. Thank you for your assistance, Kind regards, Reply was:- Hi **** thanks for the pics we are in Blackpool so do know that it has been windy. Could we replace all the damaged parts for it to be rebuilt? Best regards Phil. To which we said:- "Hi Phil, Thank you the kind offer to replace the parts. The shed is in such a state of disarry, it would be very hard to reassemble with replacement parts, it would mean further dismantling large parts of the shed to reassemble it. Whilst replacement parts would allow us, with some difficulty, to rebuild the shed, this would offer us no guarantee we would not get another repeat of this situation when adverse weather is repeated. This occurence worries me greatly and leads me to believe the shed is not fit for the purpose. When purchased through Amazon the listing advised the shed comes with a ten year warranty, for this to happen within three months gives me no confidence in this product for the years to come. Ideally, I would like a refund on this product and I can gladly organise a return of the product to yourself if based in Blackpool. Kind Regards," And then we heard nothing for a couple of days and received this message today:- "Hi ****, I spoken with Palram and they have said it is very rare for a shed to collapse due to the wind. We have sold 1000`s of the sheds and it has only happened a couple of times. Palram will not issue a refund due to storm damage but will replace all the damaged parts. Best regards Phil." this is where I stand as of now, I'm just looking for any advice or guidance as to where to go from here. What do you guys think? I'm remiss to just say yes send me the parts as reassembly will be a total nightmare. They have admitted that whilst rare it does happen the sheds blow down, thus not being 'fit for purpose' correct, no mater how rare the occurrence. Thanks in advance for any help ;-)
  3. Does anyone have an opinion on this "Bed in a Shed" scheme backed by Brighton Council? Apparently they gave the goahead for shipping containers to be used to house the homeless and dispossessed. All they need then is the barbed wire and the watchtowers and there you have it, concentration camps. Seems that in some places landlords are erecting sheds on any spare land they have and charging from £300 to £500 per month to house people. Cameron is presently over in India inviting all and sundry to move to England. He's obviously trying his best to change England so they'll feel right at home.
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