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  1. Hey CAG, Posting on behalf of a friend. In short she doesn't have a tv licence as doesn't watch live tv only netflix. However her young daughter downloaded BBC iplayer on her tablet and signed up and gave her mums post code etc and obviously must of said she had a TV licence. Fast forward a few weeks and my friend gets an email that says "Our records show you've used BBC iplayer on a number of occasions in recent weeks. As your no licence need status is now invalid you need to buy a TV licence" and gives her a link to buy. Does she need to buy one, her daughter being on early teens did not know her mum needed a TV licence. Anything she can do?
  2. Hi my landlord is saying me and the people I live with have abandoned the house and that we also owe her rent and wants us to sign over the deposit to her as she believes we have left damage in the house. This isn't true because the contract we had with the landlord ended on the 31/07/2017 and in mid-September the landlord came around and said she wants use out by the 02/12/2017 with no reason on why she wasn't going to renew the contract. So, we found a new place and moved are stuff into it for the 01/11/2017. The landlord came around on the 01/11/2017 saying the above and threatening court action if we didn't sign over the deposit from the house agents to her. She also took the keys of my mum when she was there and then told the house agents that we have left damage and she hasn't got the keys. Flat out lie right there. I'd really like some advice on what to do because she’s coursing stress for everyone and my sister isn't mentally well and all this is making her worse. Also, the house agents have e-mailed me wanting my side for the 10/11/2017. Thanks Andrew
  3. Hello, can anyone help me to fill in this directions questionnaire, it is a long story I have to tell. Myself and My Partner were living in a two bedroom bungalow that we purchased in 2006 we have 3 children now and the bungalow was too small but we couldn’t afford to move, his parents (who at the time were giving £50k to my partners brother and sister) said they would pay for an extension to our bungalow to the same value (because they didn’t trust him with money) this was great my partners dad instructed a builder (sorry trying to make this as short as possible) who built the extension (started April 2016 finished July 2016) I had no say in who was contracted to build I did have a say in the kitchen as long as I kept it below a certain figure and the bathroom, the builder was a shoddy worker in my opinion, told us we had to move out for a couple of days while he knocked through meanwhile 3 months later and still living at my parents while the builder (a friend of my partners dad) a man in his very late 50s and one other person was coming to my house at 9 am and leaving at 2 I left for work and to drop kids at school at 8:30 and came home around 2:30 there was no chance to speak to the builder I even took a day off work just so I could catch him to talk to (he was working on the roof and left my house exposed and the rain had poured into my kitchen hallway loft which I still had all my property in which got ruined) when I finally got to talking to him to ask why he left the house exposed why we were supposed to be moved out only for a few days and why it had turned into months he simply replied I am not working for you. My partners dad was not much help either he only used to come to give the man his cheques to which I didn’t even know how much was being paid out, eventually his dad realised he was being taken for a ride had an argument with the builder the work was botch finished and that was that. My partner then asked me in around November 2016 could I sign this piece of paper as my dad has spent so much on the house , it’s to do with tax , he said, so I did. Around December 2016 I was aware my father in law was pursuing the builder for shoddy unfinished work through a solicitor (the building work cannot be signed off until further works are finished which the builder has just ignored requests to come back and do) March 2017 I left the home with my 3 children after suffering domestic abuse I moved in with my mum and dad, on the 31st March I received a solicitor letter from mum and dad in law saying I owe them £47k. Before extension my bungalow worth £130k Then on 14th April another letter showing a loan agreement I had supposed to have signed on the 2nd April 2016 and with a valuation of my Home (£145k) and offering to buy me out for £5000. I was flabbergasted I could not afford legal help I just didn’t reply, in August 2017 I received another letter informing me they intend to go to court to recoup this money (all the while their son is living in the house and has changed the locks) i received the court papers and filed a defence but I’m just stuck now, I have this questionnaire to fill in by 16th November , I’m just annoyed that my house was worth £130k before works took place ive spent 11 years of my life paying my mortgage had the work not been done to sell it and split the interest I would have been looking at around £28k to walk away with, it’s had £47k spent on it and now it’s only worth £145k I know the money was really for him and they can have it back for him (which is why they are doing it) but the fact they controlled the whole thing (we have a builder living next door and the build should have only come to £35k had we had any say) it just annoys me they are calling it a loan when it wasn’t at all, surely if it was a loan discussion about repayment would have taken place, time scales etc the fact they only asked me for the repayment not both of us and the works have not been worth it and eaten into the interest already built up in the property. I am now in rented house with my children who’s father has not paid one penny towards since I left has not seen them since July I contacted child maintenance he has denied paternity of two of them (just to get out of paying, although he thought, he is obviously the father and the results have showed that so he is supposed to make payments now but hasn’t because he has put a change of circumstances in with the cms but he still has to pay (I am still waiting though, I won’t hold my breath) just trying to paint a picture of the people I’m dealing with) meanwhile I’m working two jobs just to try to provide my children with some sort of nicer life. the best thing about this is being free, now , we are all so much happier. To be fair they are going to get the attachment on the house which is what they are going to court for to ensure their sons interests because money talks I can’t afford a solicitor to help me I want to fight it all the way the best I can because it wasn’t a loan it was a gift. The “loan agreement” which I am supposed to have signed is an a4 piece of paper with this sentence on it “ we hereby loan the sum of £50k ( fifty thousand pounds) to (my partner name) and (my name) of (my address.) The loan is subject to an interest of 0% and is repayable on demand. Then my signature his signature and both parents signature I didn’t sign this I signed something in November 2016 not on this dated 2nd April I was even at work that day. Has anyone got any advice what so ever? Please xx
  4. This article from October 2016 - I dont recall it being mentioned anywhere? Has anyone had a bank try to reclaim some of their pay-out ?
  5. My wife has today received a PCN from Parking Eye stating that a car registered in her name was in a motorway services car park for over 11 hours! This has come about because the driver has entered the services area via the service road, at 7:07 to access the motorway, they have therefore not parked at all. they have then entered the services again at 18:32 and left via the service road. Looking at the photos it would appear the 1st one is of the rear of the car and the 2nd one is of the front, I would have expected that the 1st should be the front, entering and the 2 the rear, leaving. What is the best course of action with this, I could prove, with witnesses that the car was not in the carpark for that long, as it was 70 miles away on a construction site. would I be best to ask PE which cameras the photos are from or just point out that the car couldn't have been there and I have witnesses to refute the photos. All help and advice would be gratefully appreciated, I have attached the letter received. Thanks Paul PCN Parking Eye.pdf
  6. I feel so upset and frustrated. I got pip for a year, then after an assessment for renewal they did not award me enough points to carry on getting it. Before I was getting the standard care rate. I appealed and asked for the mandatory reconsideration but again the DWP refused to award me. Only after being sent out all the forms did I see where the missing points were. I am working with Harc and it was for preparing food and both the recent form, and previous form my answers were the same yet they did not award the 4 points the second time but gave me the same points for the same things as last time, bar that. So, I appealed and went to the tribunal and they awarded me more points which took me to enhanced care and lower mobility and I thought great, finally over. Got a letter through dated the 24th (my appeal was on the 18th) and it says we've applied to the tribunal or a statement of the reasons for the decision made on the 18th as we may wish to consider applying for permission to appeal against that decision. I'm sorry we won't be paying you the benefit awarded by the first-tier tribunal at the present time. We have one month to consider applying for permission to appeal. The period of one month starts from when they first=tier tribunal reasons has been issued. If we decide not to apply for permission to appeal we'll start paying you the benefit strait away and we'll pay money we owe you, if we apply for permission to appeal and it's not granted, we'll consider if we can start paying you (what do they mean they'll consider if they can start paying me???) I'm getting so upset and no idea what to do next. How do I find out when this month starts and ends and is it common for the DWP to be granted permission to appeal. What will they be appealing? the points I've been awarded? I thought the judge at the appeal I went to had the upper hand so to speak, why am I now being put through this. Please can someone help me understand what's happening here and what I should do. Much appreciated.
  7. Hello everyone, I hope that you can help me. Sorry this is really long but I'll try to get all the info in. I have been out of the UK for a number of years but found a job this year in the UK. I found a studio flat advertised online and arranged to rent it. The property was advertised on spareroom by the landlord but I had difficulty arranging an evening viewing with him, so he suggested 2 other local companies that he works with to arrange a viewing. I believe they are letting agents. I originally thought they owned some of the flats but now I know that he owns them all and they act as agents. I said from the beginning that I might not stay after 6 months (this was also the min. term advertised online) as my probation period was 6 months and I had a feeling I might not like the job! I signed what I thought was a tenancy agreement with the letting agent, and a form for a reference search, both of these state 6 months (but the form that I thought was the tenancy agreement has SUBJECT TO CONTRACT at the top). The letter that I signed states the fees required for referencing & moving in, the move-in date, 6 month term and amount to pay in advance to landlord which was 1 months rent and a deposit of the same amount. The bank details given were of the letting agent though (probably one of the reason I thought they were the landlord). When I arranged to pick the keys up I went to the agents office & they then informed me that the actual landlord would meet me at the property. So there I met him, got the keys and he gave me a standing order mandate form with first payment due a month after moving in and last payment of "until further notice". This form gave the landlord's bank details which were different to the initial payment I made. There was no itinerary taken and he seemed like a relaxed, genuine guy. I can't remember if the min. term came up in conversation but I know if he'd said 12 months I'd have said I only agreed to 6. After I'd been moved in for a week or two I received the protected deposit letter which I signed one copy of and sent back. Fast forward 4 months and I decided to leave my job as I didn't like it. I contacted the letting agent to say that I'd be moving out and they then said my contract was a 12 month contract. They told me the landlord had agreed to let me leave early as long as they could find someone else and then I'd just have to pay the re-let fee (no mention of that in the paper I signed with the fees listed). They said they have a draft copy of the contract on file that states 12 months. I asked them to send it to me but they won't, they want me to send them what I've signed. Looking through all my paperwork I don't actually have a tenancy agreement! And on further inspection of the deposit protection letter, I can see that the end of AST tenancy is listed as 12 months after my move-in date. I didn't notice this at the time, and I've also seen that my name is spelt wrong. So I have 2 forms that say 6 months and one that says 12. Can they make me pay for 12 months because I didn't notice that the date was wrong on the deposit protection letter? The letting agent say it's not their problem and I have to deal with the landlord but he hasn't answered my phone calls or email. The original listings on spareroom are now removed and messages are deleted after 2 months. I've managed to find an old ad of the place from the 2nd letting agent which states 6 months minimum term but I don't know if that's enough. There is absolutely no way I'd have rented a place if the minimum term was 12 months because I had a very strong feeling that I would be moving again. I've spoken to spareroom and they won't let me have the information from the expired ads because they say it's a breach of data protection! I cancelled the standing order for the last month's rent because I'm worried that they will take my deposit anyway. I would have only had one more month to pay for before the 6 months was up. I am worried about the council tax because when I called the council to say I'd be leaving they said I was liable to pay tax for the full term of the tenancy agreement unless the landlord takes over.
  8. Hi everyone. I'm a total newbie to posting on forums so forgive me if i inadvertantly follow any unfamiliar or unaccepted code of conduct. I don't think it will happen as politeness and common sense usually prevail over ignorance. Please feel free to correct me (gently) and point out any faux pas on my part. I'm looking forward to getting some good advice on dealing with professional credit agencies and there various methods, and sorting out the wheat from the chaff so to speak as to what I am obliged to do and what I am not. Thanks in advance for any help you may offer in any threads I post. Skinz72
  9. We bought a used car, part exchange on 1st November. We bought a 2006, VW golf, priced at £2695 for £2200 and the rest px for our MG ZR. We were told that there was a one month warranty with it, but were given no paperwork to this effect. Within half an hour of leaving the garage, the emissions light had come on so we immediately took it back. We were informed it was likely to be a filter problem, he made a phone call to a local auto shop so we could collect something to put in the fuel tank and we were advised that driving it in in a high gear between 2 & 3,000 revs for about 8 miles, this would clear it. Having done this, the light didn't go off and they told us to go back to the dealer, which we did on the Monday. We turned up there to be told that it would need to be left for an hour, someone would need to fit a Lambda sensor and to bring it back the following Thursday, which again we did. This time my partner was told that it would have to be left until the Saturday, it would take longer than an hour as the electrics would have to be reset as well. My partner explained this wasn't convenient, he needed the car for work and it was agreed that he would drop it in the following morning (Friday), on the proviso that it would be ready for collection at the end of the day. This meant he could see about getting a work colleague to go with him when he dropped it off, and then take him to collect it at the end of the day. After sitting in morning rush hour traffic for over half an hour to get to the garage (5 miles from his work) they had to turn back as they had to be at work. He informed the dealer, and asked if the mobile engineer/electrician could attend his workplace instead to do the repairs. Later he rang to say the mobile engineer only covered Halifax, and wouldn't come out to my partner's place of work in Brighouse, 5 miles away! Instead it was arranged that he would collect the car from my partner's place of work on the Monday, and return it to him the same day. My partner texted to find out what time he'd be collecting the car, and got a response saying 10-11. He also let the dealer know that the airbag light had also come on reporting an airbag fault on the dashboard. My partner received a phone call asking if he could instead bring the VW back and he would give him a refund. My partner asked why, and was told that the coolant light on the MG had come on, it took a while to start, and when it did, blue smoke was coming out of the back. It was agreed that he would return the MG to my partner at work on the Tuesday morning and bring cash to refund us the car (he obviously couldn't bring his card machine!). We thought that the problem with the MG was likely to be due to him having had it sat on the forecourt since we left it and it being a very cold morning. Monday night my partner enquired to find out what time the MG would be returned and confirm he would pay us in cash. On Tuesday morning my partner received a text reneging on this agreement (contract break?) saying that he wasn't going to drive the MG as it had problems and he didn't want to break down, and that he would transfer the money by card when the VW was returned. However our car is up for sale on their website, and today was reduced in price, with comments saying it is a good drive etc etc. We felt that he was not playing fair, kept changing the goal posts and now implied that there were major faults with our car and so sought to find out what the problem was with the VW to consider our situation for getting the VW fixed, as per the original agreement. My partner took the VW to a VW dealer to get an exact breakdown on the faults. What he was saying was the fault was incorrect; there is no problem with the filter or the sensor. They diagnosed problems with EGR Valve and Hose, Glow Lamps and airbag the tracking needs sorting and two of the tyres are borderline illegal, the other two at 3%. We had looked on the MOT at time of purchase it having only been done in September and nothing was stated about the wheels needing changing. So assume he has changed in the meantime and we won't really have a claim there, we should have noticed it before purchase. We have been told that we're looking at over £1k to get it fixed with them (without the price of the tyres), so have booked it into an independent garage, where the hourly rate isn't the £100ph as per the VW garage, but until they have checked out the full extent, cannot advise on the labour cost. They have confirmed the parts will be the same price as will be VW parts. We informed the dealer of this, explaining it had to be booked in urgently for safety and the cost of doing so, and invited him to come to an agreement for paying the repairs or part of. He has straight out refused this, saying that it's a good car and doesn't need that much work doing on it(!!). Yet we have a report saying that it does. He simply keeps saying about a refund, no further mention of our MG. He has previously been given the chance to repair it, but didn't sort it. We explained that the parts are on now order and, again asked how much he was prepared to pay, as our car was still under warranty but he hadn't fixed it as previously arranged. How do we stand at getting him to pay at least some of the bill through small claims, if he won't settle when the work is done? Further, their advert explicitly stated that it had a full service history, which he also told us, but going through the log book when we got home it only has one until 2012. I understand a lot of people are probably thinking we should get our money back and walk away, but how do we know that they have not been the cause of the problems with our car, as it had been fine up until we sold it, and had had a 21 point service a few weeks prior. Also, it's about the principle that he'll put it back on the forecourt for someone else to go through the same thing with, as is likely to happen with the MG if he's saying it's broken, but is still advertising it for sale. Looking on a reviews page, seems that we've not been the only ones to be given a shoddy response when it comes to fixing faults and someone else is also reporting him to Trading Standards. Help!!!
  10. I hope someone can help with the below. This is all new to me and it's making me very stressed! I was involved in an accident a month ago. This is my version of events. I drove down a slip road then joined a dual carriageway. Shortly after this I overtook the car in front. I checked mirrors and it was safe to change lanes. As I was moving into the lane I felt a collision take place. Looked in my rear view mirror and saw a car behind me. They have damage to their front passenger side wing (small car). I had a scuff on my rear driver side alloy (I have a 4x4) but no actual damage to my car so will not be claiming. In my opinion they were not in the lane when I started the manoeuvre. I have said I assume they were in the same lane as me but then we both moved to overtake at the same time. The driver of the other car was very young with a brand new car. For him to come out of knowhere I think speed was a part of it but insurance said they are not interested in that. Initially I was told any claim would be a split claim. Now I have been told the other party have said it was all my fault, I drove into their lane etc. My insurance company are saying that it will go as 100% my fault as its up to me to make sure it's safe to pull out (I did the lane was clear!) and the other person was more established in the lane based on their version of events. There are no witnesses or cameras. I have said I do not accept 100% that it was my fault. I've been driving for 18 years and I guess I'm lucky this was my first accident and lucky my kids were not in the car. Also a lesson learned is to to have my dashcam turned on as I had unplugged it! I just want to know what happens now? Do I have to accept this? How does it affect my renewal (due soon!) if a claim is 100% my fault or say 50% my fault? Thanks for any advice in advance.
  11. Hi. I am new here. I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I am fairly knowledgeable when it comes to consumer rights and fighting bad retailers and c ompanies. I am also not afraid to legally take on anyone at all. If I am in the right (and I will do my homework first) I WILL win! Hopefully, I will be able to give more than I take.
  12. hi, i got this email from cash4unow - do they have a right to say this, can i take them to task for it? Further to previous communications in this matter we write to advise we are currently preparing paperwork to take further action in this matter. This could result in the issue of a COUNTY COURT CLAIM. This matter is being passed to our Fraud Investigation Team as, on current evidence, it seems you may have obtained this loan fraudulently. When you applied for this loan we conducted an affordability assessment to establish your ability to repay this loan plus interest. In the absence of any payment or contact from you it appears you failed to disclose all your current liabilities resulting in you now being unable to repay the loan. Section 2 of The Fraud Act 2006 defines Fraud by False Representation as follows: - Make a false representation - Dishonesty - Knowing the representation was or might be untrue or misleading - With intent to make gain for himself or another, to cause loss to another or to expose another to risk of loss It is our belief you may be culpable of an offence under Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 and we intend to pursue this matter through the relevant LEGAL channels. If you are unsure of your position we suggest you contact a SOLICITOR immediately. If you wish to prevent further action we require you to discharge your liability to us in FULL within 48 hours of this email. Regards Cash4UNow cash4unow.co.uk Cashunow.co.uk is a trading name of Novaloans Ltd, Company Number 07639288, Registered Office 7 Limewood Way, Seacroft, Leeds, LS14 1AB. Cash4unow.co.uk is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Consumer Credit Licence number 644402). You can confirm our registration on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website http://www.fca.org.uk/ or by contacting the Financial Conduct Authority on 0800 111 6768
  13. My name is James and I just thought that I would say hello to everyone and wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Just to give you some background into who I am; at present I am actually a complaint handler for a company that sold PPI policies and prior to this I was a Motor Insurance claims handler (before the dreaded redundancy came along). If I can, I will try and help anyone that has a problem with the 2 things that I am fairly knowledgeable in. Just contact me or point me to a thread and I will see what I can do to help (not making any promises though) Nice to be here, James
  14. I had a DRO last year which after closing my business down wiped out about £9,000 of business rates and other things such as unpaid tax and electricity etc. All well. We live, we try and if we fail we hope that we can pick ourselves back up and have another go. Now, today I had a letter from Rossendales they said I owe £1000+ for over payment of tax credit. There's no way I was overpaid. To my knowledge it was all signed off and all acccounted for in the DRO. I am trying to move on, not be dragged down by this crap and I will not let them affect me. What to do? I actually called Rossendale and told them this and half way thorugh realised people say do it in writing. They only told me what I know, that they are acting on behalf of HMRC. Really not sure what to do at this stage. Please advise. I am through with these people trying to mess me up.
  15. Hi All, I have an old secured loan with Welcome for £7000.00. Since Welcome went bust I've not paid anything (perhaps the odd token payment) and have dodged various DCA's. 2 weeks ago the current DCA holding the account wrote to me to advise that they will no longer rely on the security in my property and will take steps to remove the security from the land registry. This seems like a really odd thing to do but I am highly suspicious? Could they be up to something? Anyone else heard of this? Many thanks, Limelight Bournemouth BTW The account has also disappeared from my credit file (Noddle)
  16. Hi everyone, I am fairly new to the forums and still trying my best not to make any mistakes or post in the wrong place, apologies to anyonw if I have. I have posted a new thread and received a reply and was asked to repost just the facts, I hope I haven't posted it in the wrong place as I haven't heard back since. Is there a way of updating a post?
  17. Hi can anyone one help I am a single mum with three children two disabled, I have received a letter from HMRC saying that they have been informed that someone is living with me when I have not and have concrete proof can you help please Thank you
  18. Hello, My dad ordered a new contract with a new phone from o2 a few days ago. After being told the phone was in stock and would be dispatched soon I received a text saying it was dispatched and would arrive within 1 to 2 days. The next afternoon my dad got a text explaining the phone was out of stock but assured I would get it on or just after the 2nd of January. My dad phoned up to complain and nothing was resolved so I phoned up. I was transferred to customer services who said they didn't deal with complaints, they then transferred me back to where I was but to a different person. She then gave me the O2 complaints website which didn't work, and she wasn't even aware of this. She then told me to go onto the O2 website where I had originally got the number to phone. After explaining this to her she went silent and after about a minute told me her department wasn't trained to deal with complaints and after putting me on hold to speak to her manager found she was supposed handle complaints but through not knowing what to do she asked her manager to deal with it. I have never been made to feel so worthless and stupid by a person in charge before. He said it was an error and "not their fault." I then said it is because your company never informed me the phone was running low on stock when it was ordered and proceeded to tell me it was dispatched. The response I got was, "I'm sorry you fell that way" and "what do you want me to do, I can't do anything, It's not my fault." I realized I was getting no where so asked if I would be definitely be getting my phone on the restock on the 2nd of January. He said no, might not could be the next time we get stock in. I gave up at this point and told him I was absolutely disgusted at the customer service that I'd received, and he didn't really care. I then found out that my dad is now paying for the phone and that they've already changed my tariff over for a phone that I have no idea when I shall be getting it. Is there anything that I could do to make them take this seriously?
  19. Lowell sent a letter to say they had bought a debt in November 2008 (hubby's). He said he had never written to them or paid anything so we sent the statute barred letter. However they have now replied with this.. ..what do we do now please? - he says he definitely hasn't paid anything to any doorstep collection company....
  20. Hi I really need your help I have a £500 deposit and the landlady had said I have left the mattress in a disgusting condition which I have not it was not in the best of shape when I moved in...I have disputed it with her and she has said she will leave £200 in my account from the £500 deposit...the mattress was thin and rubbish and not even a memory foam which I have seen from £169 from top shops....Just get most of my money back I offered to get her a mattress....what are my rights/what can I do.... Thanks
  21. Hello, I am moving out of a flat on the 14th November and am I currently on a 6 month fixed term tenancy. I phoned the LL on the 16th october just to let them know we would not be renewing the contract this time they did ask to do this in writing but this was not done as we received a letter from the LL accepting we would not be renewing. Two days ago they put a note in the letter box Following a telephone conversation regarding ending your contract with us, please be aware we have received no written notice. Therefore you will be liable for rental payments covering your 30 days notice period even if you vacate. This is an email conversation after receiving the message. Hi, I have received a note from you yesterday trying to say we have not given you 30 days notice to vacate apartment. I think you are getting a little confused as I am on a fixed term tenancy and not a periodic tenancy. NO notice need to be given to end a fixed term tenancy (as this is what fixed term means). I did phone you to let you know I was leaving as a gesture of good will. I have also got a letter from yourself accepting that I will be leaving. As I told you on the phone I will be leaving on or before the 14th on November. If you need more info on this maybe I can point you to what the OFT has to say about notice periods on Fixed term Tenancy Agreements please see bellow. Susan https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/284440/oft356.pdf Notice not required for fixed term agreements 3.78 A tenant is not required to give notice to bring the tenancy to an end at the end of the fixed term. That is because a fixed term agreement comes to an end at the end of the fixed term, and no periodic tenancy will arise if the tenant then leaves. We appreciate that landlords will want to ensure that their properties are not left empty between tenancies, but object to terms that impose a contractual obligation on the tenant to give notice in order for the tenancy to be terminated at the end of the fixed term. This could allow the landlord to impose a substantial financial penalty on tenants who do not realise that notice is not required, by requiring them to pay rent for a period after the end of the fixed term. Terms such as this are not necessary to protect landlords from the possibility that their property will be left empty, as the law allows landlords to recover possession at the end of the fixed term by serving at least two months' notice, and they could do so where their current tenant fails to indicate when asked whether they intend to stay on. The landlord and tenant could of course still agree to a renewal of the tenancy even after such notice was served. Their reply. Can I draw your attention to the points in your signed agreement: 8.1. In order to terminate this tenancy at the expiry of the fixed term, the tenant(s) named in clause 1.5 must give at least one months' written notice to the landlord prior to the contractual date of this tenancy agreement. If the rental is extended beyond its fixed term and becomes a periodic tenancy, the tenant(s) will be required to provide one months' written notice prior to the contractual date in order to bring the periodic tenancy to an end. I do agree you called and spoke to me that your intentions were to vacate, however I informed you that we must receive this notice in writing, which you have failed to provide. I can take this email as your notice to leave but you will be liable to make rental payments up to 5th December. (30days from this notice). My Reply. Hi Thank you for your email. Again I will tell you that I will be leaving the apartment on or before the 14th of November as good will gesture. The contract term you have given is unfair and unenforceable. If you pursue this matter any further then I will have no alternative to report this to the Office of Fair Trading. Any attempt to take any money will be defended using the UK court system. I advise you to seek legal advise before you reply to this email. Susan. Their Reply. Today at 11:43 AM Once again as per the contractual agreement you have signed with us you must provide WRITTEN notice to vacate. We have sent you a number of letters and emails which we can provide as evidence to show you have failed to provide the written notice. Should you fail to make the notice period rental payment we will retain from your bond. The amount for your records will be - £440.00 (£600 rent / 30days in month = £20per day. £20 x 22days (14/11/14-5/12/14) = £440). I have also enclosed your contract which is signed, and all the letters and emails sent to you regarding written notice. For all we knew you could have changed your circumstances and wished to stay in the apartment. Should you disagree you will have to dispute the matter with the company where your bond is held (My Deposits) this will have to be done following a check out appointment. Can anyone advise on how I should now proceed with this.
  22. Hi everyone. Its my 1st post, apologies if i've done anything wrong on here. But i've been really worried and can't sleep tonight. i Wonder if anyone can help with this: I've been driving for 20 Years. I've never seen anything like this before. Paid the full years car Insurance online Got insurance Certificate, thought i was insured, got a 7 day cancellation letter, no phone calls notifying cancellation or asking for further information, think they are saying it's due to a failed credit check (their letter is below) I now need to get cover with another insurer. Do i now have to declare to the new insurer that i've had car insurance cancelled, or can i just go with one of the other quotes i got the same day i got this one? Do i get all my money back, i need it back first to pay for one of the higher quotes to get insured again. Full Details of what happened: Car insurance was up for renewal. Got quotes on several comparison sites. Chose one quote, rang the company, gave them reference, confirmed level of cover, excesses etc. Decided to accept cover, agent said best doing it online, or else i'll have to enter all your details and run it through again. Went online, clicked through the comparison site link for that companies quote. Paid the full years premium at once. 1st Email Received Thank you for confirming your intention to insure, We are currently processing your payment details, as you will already be aware to protect us against fraud we will be running a series of integrity checks on the information you have provided. If there are any issues with your payment, cover or results of our data integrity checks we will inform you of this by email or, if necessary, we will call you on the telephone number you have provided to us. Please note that your insurance cover is not binding until you receive a certificate of insurance from us. Got to email Proof of no claims, and copy of driving license within 14 days. I contacted my previous insurer again for copy proof of no claims Further Emails Received a few hours later: Certificate of insurance, Statement of Fact, Demands and needs, proposal information, Claims and break down contact numbers.. Basically everything you usually get when you get car insurance and you know you are covered. Knowing i was covered, and had time off, i went on a long motoring trip for a week to visit a relative, knowing i'll email my driving license and proof of no claims together when i get back. Got back tonight, was just looking through my emails on my PC when i noticed one from my new insurance company, Sent 2 days after taking out cover. "Please find attached an important letter with regard to insurance cover you have requested on your vehicle. This letter has also been posted to yourself at the given address and no further reminders will be issued. We recommend that you seek alternate insurance cover. Please note: Under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence to leave, drive or otherwise use a motor vehicle on the Public Highway without Third Party Insurance. Failure to return the certificate of insurance is also an offence under the Road Traffic Act." The Attached Letter URGENT 7 DAY CANCELLATION NOTICE We write to you in respect of your motor insurance policy for vehicle registration -------. We are authorised by your Insurance Company (see certificate of motor insurance for details) to act as their agents for the purpose of CANCELLING insurance cover in accordance with policy conditions and herewith give you notice that all cover is cancelled from -- December 2014. In accordance with our terms of business which were agreed to when purchasing this policy and that state: “We may, before and after entering into this agreement search the files of any credit reference agency or agencies who will keep a record of our enquiries. We may also disclose details about you and your conduct of this agreement to that agency or agencies. Such details are then used only to help make credit decisions on you or members of your household or occasionally for fraud prevention or to trace debtors. Where credit scoring calculations are used by us/the insurer, acceptance or rejection of your application will depend only on the results of the credit scoring process.” We regret to inform you that after such a credit scoring calculation was done, the result of which was unacceptable and due to this we are unable to provide any insurance cover for your vehicle. A full refund will be issued to you upon cancellation and once receiving a certificate surrender declaration unless there has been any claims during the period of cover. No further reminder letters will be sent about this matter. Cover will simply be cancelled. There will therefore be no cover in force after the above date and you must return your certificate of Insurance or temporary cover-note, if you received this by post you must return the original, where it was received via email you must email a Certificate Surrender Statement to cancellations Department. You are advised to obtain cover. Please note: Under the Road Traffic Act it is an offence to leave, drive or otherwise use a motor vehicle on the Public Highway without Third Party Insurance. Failure to return the certificate of insurance is also an offence under the Road Traffic Act. A Person may be prosecuted if a cancelled certificate of Motor Insurance or temporary cover note is produced to any person with the intention of deceiving that person into accepting it as genuine. ******************* WARNING ******************** After the termination of your insurance the Motor Insurance Database (MID) will show that no insurance cover is in force. This information is registered on the Police National Computer confirming no insurance cover is in force until replacement cover is issued
  23. Hi there, I am new here, just joined. Thought I would say hello and thanks for all the great work you are doing here. I have quite a unique situation so am hoping someone may be able to help me? I will now go and find the right forum to post my question in....thanks
  24. Hi everyone, Just wanted to say its refreshing to see a website working for the benefit of the average Joe rather than trying to take advantage of him. I am debating using the small claims system to obtain redress from a builder and will be trying out the forums later today. Derek
  25. Hi Im Pep from Dundee I just joined here tonight, As I'm having problems with DFS, Ive posted a couple of posts up to see if i can get any help, As the manager is coming up tomm...fingers crossed here we can sort it Anyway just wanted to say Hi Xx Pep
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