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  1. This article from October 2016 - I dont recall it being mentioned anywhere? Has anyone had a bank try to reclaim some of their pay-out ?
  2. Hi all, I have had a Notice of Enforcement from Bristow and Sutor claiming that I owe them something in the region of £65 + £75 compliance fee for a Council Tax Debt that I apparently have from an old property that I rented. I always paid by DD and only cancelled the DD after seeing that no payments had gone out for a while, therefore I believed that I was discharged of any responsibilities. Fast-forward a year and I receive a Notice of Enforcement dated 23/8/17 claiming the above figures and that this has been through the courts. How would you suggest that I proceed? If there is a genuine debt, I have no problem with paying it, however, as I had no court papers and no knowledge of this debt then I would really find it difficult to justify any fees. Many thanks.
  3. The Sheriff's are Coming was on the other day, a repeat I think, but not an episode I have seen. Visiting a husband and wife at night time over 6 grand, woman claiming she went bankrupt - the HCEO (not Bob or Paul this time) again attempted to force entry by pushing past the woman who was stood in front of her door, surely this is not remotetly legal? If you have to grab, or try and push someone out the way to get through a door, then that is not peaceful entry!!! Sad thing is, they know so well they aren't going to be punished for breaking the law, not even assaulting debtors that they are happy to do this even on camera! I have to say, these shows are really making it look like HCEO's have become as dodgy and corrupt as normal EA's, a sad decline.
  4. The background to this subject can be read on the following thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?448461-Tom-Crawford-eviction-by-bailiffs-Freeman-on-the-Land-(FMoTL)-nonsense-has-no-place-in-the-courts. Today, Tom Crawford has attempted to 'reclaim' his former house. He is presently on the roof of the property. The following is an extract from a press article that has just been released: Evicted man Tom Crawford says he has 'reclaimed' his former Nottinghamshire home by locking himself inside. The 64-year-old, who was evicted from the house on Fearn Chase, Carlton last year following a lengthy battle over his mortgage, posted a video on YouTube on Monday, claiming he had taken back the house. Supporters of Mr Crawford turned up at the bungalow, offering warm clothes and food, while police were also called to the property. On Monday afternoon, several police cars were at the scene as Mr Crawford's wife Susan claimed her husband was inside the boarded-up house. Read more: http://www.nottinghampost.com/Police-presence-Carlton-Tom-Crawford-says/story-29007353-detail/story.html#ixzz44DWAJPQI
  5. My wife and I are mid fifties, currently in social housing, trying to relocate due to health and family reasons. we are unable to move to another social housing property/area other than via a mutual exchange, (which is proving impossible), as "housing associations will only allocate newly vacated properties to working tenants as is now government policy". ( a quote from a housing association employee ). They see people on benefits as unacceptable tenants and "a source of anti-social behaviour". ( another quote from the same housing association employee ). We are unable to rent privately as estate/letting agents will also not accept tenants who are on benefits. (No DSS), probably for the same reasons, though I can't prove it. I'm on benefits due to disability, claiming. ESA and PIP due to physical and mental health issues. Not sure what options are now available.
  6. My brother rents a house from a private landlord with two friends. A months deposit was paid as well as a months rent in advance when they moved in at the end of last year. Unfortunately, due to one friend losing his job there was an issue with his share of the second months rent but the landlord was very good about it and gave extra time to pay etc. An agreement was reached whereby they paid an extra couple of weeks rent when able to extend the official rent due date each month and so from the third month they started afresh and paid that month in full. However, it was only at this point that a contract was signed, for 12 months. the tenants signed and had it witnessed and returned both copies to the landlord for her signature. Neither copy has ever been returned to the tenants and this was several months ago. An arrangement was made to allow weekly payments of rent and this has continued. A couple of times the landlord contacted my brother via text to chase up rent and efforts were made to pay. Last week an arrears figure for the last 2 months was provided by the landlord, saying it needs to be sorted asap or she will be forced to serve notice. My brother queried the amount and landlord agreed they had paid more rent than initially thought, but there were still arrears. She also pointed out that looking back there were further arrears and she would provide a final figure. My brother is still waiting to here and is very concerned. He spoke to the landlord and said he would do whatever possible to pay the arrears as soon as possible and is desperate to stay in the house. In many ways the landlord has been very helpful during his tenancy and my brother hopes to keep a good relationship, but also raises a few valid points - concern over the fact that the contract has not been returned, if arrears have been accruing for sometime why are they only being sought now - should some letters have been sent when they began? All communication has been done by text and/or phone - does this have any bearing on things? They have an AST which still has over 3 months to run, does this affect anything at all? Any advice greatly appreciated, obviously we will know more when the landlord replies with the actual figure etc. I should also say that my brother has said to the landlord that he would like to reach an agreed weekly payment plan to cover due rent and reduce arrears.
  7. I have been struggling with the last 11 payments on my 25 year mortgage for the last few years and have not been been able to make a payment for 15 months. I self employed and every month I say I must contact them and make an arrangement, but there is never any money available after I have paid everything else. I'm probably a nine (out of ten) on the CA debt scale. I received a letter from the Halifax a couple of weeks ago to say they were arranging a home visit and charging me £125 for this and £100 if I am not there. Last Friday I received a letter from their agent saying to email or ring them. The same day an agent called while I was our, and on Monday an agent and my wife answered the door requesting I call him. I have not done anything yet, as I feel making contact would be to condone their fees, which I certainly do not. I feel I should write to the Halifax with a payment plan, but have I left it too late? Can I refuse their visiting charges? Thank you for any advice. Tom
  8. I have a loan with Cash Genie for £250 with £75 interest. I emailed them regarding a repayment plan, below is my original email, and then their reply; What should I do next, how much info should I give them etc.
  9. As part of his investigation into why British people are on average nearly three stone (24kg) heavier than 50 years ago, Jacques Peretti attempts to eat what is thought to be one of Britain's biggest fried breakfasts. A reflection of the rise in popularity of super-sizing food, Jester's diner in Great Yarmouth serves a breakfast that includes 8 eggs, 12 rashers of bacon, 12 sausages, potatoes, mushrooms, hash browns, black pudding, beans and 12 slices of bread. It is called the "Challenge Kidz Breakfast" because it weighs the same as a small child, around 9lbs. Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-18490459
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