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  1. Grave of D-Day army medic rededicated 74 years after his death READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/grave-of-d-day-army-medic-rededicated-74-years-after-his-death
  2. I applied for PIP and was sent for an assessment. It seemed to go fine, but I had a feeling I wouldn't get it, despite having mobility problems due to arthritis, IBS and a heart condition. However, when I received a copy of his assessment, I was quite shocked to see that he blatantly lied in the letter. He stated that he'd carried out physical tests, which he did not. He stated that I could freely get both arms behind my head and back, which I can't, and my doctor would testify to this. He also stated that I could get up down off the chair and walk without difficulty, which I can't. If it weren't for these issues, I'd feel fairly philosophical about being denied PIP, as on a good day I can walk more than 20 meters, albeit slowly, and I can prepare a simple meal, which seems to be the criteria for denying PIP. However, it really irks me that he lied, and my son was with me the entire time and can testify that these tests were not carried out. Is there anything I can do to complain? I'm only aware of an appeal process, but don't feel that the outcome would change so didn't think I had valid grounds.
  3. WW2 fusilier's grave rededicated 74 years after his death READ MORE HERE : https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ww2-fusiliers-grave-rededicated-74-years-after-his-death
  4. Apparently he had repeatedly asked how much he had been overpaid/overclaimed and he never received a response. He was terrified that he would be £thousands in debt. Another tragic victim of the benefit system http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/coal-miner-took-life-after-10477308
  5. As many of us know, Mr Schwartz has used various spellings of his name and some very different signatures in the past. I found this on the Pranksters website. http://www.solicitorstribunal.org.uk/Content/documents/11459.2015.Schwartz.pdf I was surprised to find he is (was) a criminal lawyer so must have screwed up so many times in his past that only a parking company would accept him. It's a fascinating read and goes to show how he has behaved in the past. Enjoy
  6. Hello, I started a small claim in court against my landlord a few moths ago... Today I received the "Notice of Trial Date" (Form N172), that says I have to pay a hearing fee. Something I already expected. The problem is that I don't know exactly how to do that and there are no instructions in that letter. Do I have to send a cheque to my local county court (where the case was transferred)? Do I have to write a small letter saying that the attached cheque is for the claim number XXXX? I don't find related court fees to this step. BTW, I remember in the process, weeks ago, I received I letter that said that "This claim has been transferred to your county court at XXX. All correspondence should be directed to the transferred court" I search on the net but don't not exactly what to do. Thanks.
  7. Rich was attacked and had his head stamped on by 2 kids. They threatened him on the bus the day before and he saw them the next day on the bus. He not thinking straight and took the bus ID off one of the kids and whilst doing so got him in a headlock. The Police said this was assault and theft. The kids chased him down and called friends to join in. They stamped on his head and punched and kicked him to the ground. He had grit in his head and he had a seizure. The police has said he needs to write a letter of apology to the kid he took the bus pass off. He was part of the group and was bragging about it on FB and the local paper picked up the story. These kids will have to do community service. A more detailed version is below. I don't feel he should write a letter of apology and I think these kids should have something on their record saying they hunted down a disabled man who couldn't walk and stamped on his head. Monday 26th at 6pm Richard phoned me at work to say he was threaten and is worried and didn't know what to do. He said 2 girls and 2 boys were there and they had kicked his sandwich and put their feet on his seat. There was one behind him and one in front of him. One of them stared at him and said he was going to cut him, "I will kill you" "I'll cut you from here to here" "I'm gonna stab you". They kicked his seat and were threatening. He said he stared back as he was worried they would attack him if he turned away. He said he had just come out of hospital and isn't well. He heard another passenger say leave him alone he isn't well. He said he told them it is on CCTV. But they didn't care. He got off the bus at Stanmer Villas which is a stop earlier than he normally gets off as he didn't want them following him to his 4 year old daughters school. I contacted the Bus company who advised me to contact the Police which I did. They call me back the next day crime reference 47170090324. They advised they would take a look at CCTV. Tuesday 27th. Richard was with me till 1pm at Portland Road Hove. I had to take my son to Water Babies so he left. I got a call from Richards wife to say Richard was missing and something had happened on the bus. I immediately drove to Hollingdean phoning the Police on the way. My girlfriend contacted the Bus company. I arrived at Surestart and heard kids laughing about an ambulance in Roedale Road and "it was kicking off". Then my girlfriend called me to say he had been found in Roedale Road. I drove down and saw Richard in an ambulance he was having a seizure and was unable to control his movements. Due to the Huntingtons Disease, stress exacerbates the condition. Richards movements are usually unstable but under stress he can't control his movements. Please speak to the officers who dealt with him and escorted us to the hospital. They will confirm this. Richard told me he had seen the boys who verbally assaulted him and tried to get off the bus. He saw one had a bus pass and made a grab for it for ID for the Police. He tried to run away and got to the Surestart Centre but accidentally went through a wrong door and ended up outside. He ran away but three of them saw him and chased him. He tried to barricade himself behind a gate in someones garden. But they caught him. He said he remembers being punched and kicked and they were laughing calling other people on their phones. Then he can't remember anything until the hospital. My Mum was attacked in a park as people thought she was drunk ( she had Huntingtons ) my other brother Andrew was attacked in BP Petrol Station, he also went back in after being attacked to get the Taxi drivers ID badge who attacked him so the Police could identify him. I would be logical and think that is a risk and you would get ID from CCTV but Huntingtons affects how you think. Huntingtons is a horrible disease. My brother is worried about picking up his daughter and doesn't want to be scared to walk around. He isn't allowed to drive and buses are the only way he can get around. He doesn't claim any benefits and you can speak with the ladies at the Surestart Centre and his daughters school - he is a nicest person ever. Prob repeating myself but here is more information. Since this the kid said he was attacked by Rich. The Police said Rich took his bus pass and got him in a head lock before running away. This is considered theft and assault. He was part of the group that attacked him on the Monday but wasn't the actual one that threatened him. I tried to explain he was trying to identify them as the Police and bus company weren't interested. The police said he needs to come to the custody centre and be questioned. I went to the custody centre and police station and begged them to speak with the officers when he was attacked as it put him in a seizure and this wouldn't end well. They wouldn't take any notice and so we went to the custody centre. He got so anxious he couldn't stand and it took another two police officers to help hold him still. The senior officer said get a wheelchair he has to come in even though he couldn't walk or sit and was all over the place. It took another 2 people to hold him in the wheelchair and try and wheel him into the police custody. He fell out in the hallway and the Sargent said this is a custody centre he can't do this here (have a seizure) he said get him home or to a hospital. The officer helping called an ambulance.
  8. Hi guys, I actually had a very quick reply from the FOS. Less than a month after I made a complaint I had the answer - not the one I wanted but the service was quick, professional and the guy was extremely easy to deal with. My complaint was re MBNA. I took out a credit card in 2006 - fell into arrears in 2009 - finally came to an agreement with them in 2010. I maintained the arrangement to pay and then they sold the debt to IDEM in 2012. Due to serious illness, I couldn't keep payments up with IDEM and now pay them 15 per month. Arrears are 9144 on 10310 balance. I wrote to MBNA to tell them I believed that they should have put a default on my file - they said no they didn't have to as our "relationship didn't break down." I disagree but the FOS agree with them. He quotes the ICO guidelines saying the customer relationship is paramount. He said MBNA treated me fairly, agreed on a reduced repayment plan (200 pm ) and therefore no need for default. I explained I believed IDEM cannot put default on the file as they are not an original creditor - is that correct as he was under the impression they could if I broke the terms. My credit file is a mess, it shows more than six months in arrears with AR even though I have kept to the AR I made with them. So can I do anything now? I don't have ten grand. I could increase payments but how long with the AR remain on my file? Also, could I ask them to accept payments of 200 pm now and capitalize the arrears - like a new loan? Do you think I could argue anything with the FOS. Obviously, if I had stopped payment in 2010 instead of trying to do the right thing, the debt would have fallen off my file.
  9. The coroner was so alarmed that.. His report was sent to the FCA 12 months ago, but its existence was only uncovered by Disability News Service this week.
  10. Hi there everyone! This is my first post so apologies if its in the wrong place. I brought a car at the begining of july, 8 weeks on and its developed a very serious fault that requires the car has a new engine. we have priced the engine at 600-700 then whatever the labour will be to fit it. having discussed the matter with the garage they have said they will offer me 500 pound back towards the cost and i do it myself. the car was purchased for 1300. i can fit it, i have someone that will do it for me but should the dealer be sorting this? Do i accept his offer and put the rest in myself? or should i continue to pursue the matter with trading standards? how long would i be looking at to sort this sort of issue? im in the position now where i cannot afford to pay for the work to be completed and i cant be without a car for much longer. i put everything i had into getting the car, making sure it was serviced, low mileage etc, good condition. thank you in advance for any help!
  11. Hi sorry to bother here. I am new to here and I need urgent advice regarding a letter sent by my husband. Can someone kindly help me to start a new thread as follows: Husband send letter using solicitor for his intention to divorce: Hi I am a girl of 23 years old from Bangladesh. Five months ago I got married to a guy who is a student in London, UK but Bangladeshi national. He is on student visa in UK. The marriage was arranged by my family and my husband family. We have talked and seen several times before marriage and he was very nice to me. In one point of marriage arrangement process his family asked for huge money (£11,000 equivalent to BDT 14,000,000) from my family to get married. At that point I refused to get married to him. However then my husband called me and told me he never asked me for money and his family was mistaken and he started talking me sweet and nice. I fall in trap of him and agreed to get married. We then got married with a huge function at Dhaka. I then stayed with him few days and he then left Bangladesh to come to London. After he came to London he was okay with me for few days. However then I found he started contacting me less. At this point his brother in law demanding money from my family again for £11,000 ( BDT 14,000.00). However my family could not afford to pay the money. At that point his sister was getting married and they started asking us money for her everyday, my parents borrowed money from one our family friend for £1,500 (BDT 2,000,000) and paid to them. However they still asking money from me. At that time I was almost suicidal and however with my family support i was okay. My husband was keeping in touch with me at that time but only once a week or once in 2weeks and he always started arguing with me for everything. He started saying that I am not smart etc. etc. and started mentally torturing me. Last month I uploaded our wedding picture in my facebook and then he become very rude to me and said that he will divorce me if I do not take off the picture from facebook. I then got totally shocked and cried. As I was scared I took off the picture. After that my husband and his family started abusing me saying that I am not smart enough etc to be his wife while he married me after seeing me everything. Please note I am smart and graduate from well known university in Bangladesh. Anyway his brother in law never stopped demanding money and we could not provide them money as we do not have that much money. My husband then almost stopped calling me and he only used to call me if I ever call him. I think he only used to pick the call to find if money has been arranged. Now yesterday I received a letter written by my husband which was sent by a London solicitor. He wrote ' I write to inform you that our relationship as wife is formally terminated. The reason he has given saying that he has no love for me and also he says that I hide my past history to him. Please note I was married once 7 years ago which I got divorced 7 years ago. My husband and his family knew all these very well and we have told them everything before we got married. Now I can see that they are denying everything. As he has sent me a this letter, can you kindly advise what should I do now, please?
  12. " The Department for Work and Pensions has admitted using made-up stories from fictional claimants to demonstrate the positive impact of benefit sanctions. A DWP leaflet featured one welfare claimant, "Sarah", who said she was "really pleased" a cut to her benefits had encouraged her to improve her CV. " But after a Freedom of Information request by website Welfare Weekly, the DWP said they were not real claimants. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33974674
  13. Hi everybody, I have a van Toyota Hiace from 2004. I bought it this summer (July) and from the beginning I regularly bring it to my garage. I spent around £700 in 7 months for maintenance. Initially I did a general service, i changed some mechanical parts, tyres, and recently I did the MOT. A couple of months ago the orange light of the oil turned on, i checked the oil and it was full. I spoked with my mechanic about it and about the fact that the van was doing some smoke at the start. The mechanic cleaned the filters and told me that the light was probably caused by an electric malfunction and that there was no risk in driving the van. On the 21 of December my colleague was driving the van when it stopped in the middle of the road and started to do a weird sound. After several trial the van started and he manage to reach home. When we went to the closest garage (which is not my usual) they say that we were running without oil and the engine failed and need to be replaced. I went to my garage and they confirmed that i need to replace the engine. The cost of my van is £2200 + the work done that are around £700. Replacing the engine with a second hand one is going to be around £600 work and £500 cost of engine. I would like to understand if my garage has some responsibilities on what happened. If I bring my van regularly there, I asked about the specific issue with the oil lights and they tell me that i can run without problems and after few weeks the engine get damage so badly that I have to replace it do they have any legal responsibility? Thank you. Filippo
  14. The letter said he has a lodger(he has never had one) he uses the house for immoral purposes which is really wrong as only we, his family visit him. The council has also been looking through his windows snooping. He is 64 and has heart problems. He goes to court in January but he's done nothing wrong. This is not the first time someome has reported him, last year someone reported him for his hedge. As soon as he came out of hospital after his operation he was reported for the hedge and the grass being too long. Well he couldn't walk without losing his breath, he has COPD and arthritius. He's being reported for *His house being untidy *His garden being untidy(he doesn't have the money for a lawnmower, yet the council will mow the lawn for someone with a family in the same street. *Using his house for immoral purposes *Having a lodger *A washing machine in the front garden which was gone in January *And dog mess near his front garden, he hasn't had a dog since about November when his dog died. Would CAB help him?
  15. After my husband's diagnosis of cancer, he lost his job and we were unable to pay the rent. We were, consequently, served with an eviction notice followed by a CCJ for each of us to pay £15 per month. However, my husband died last June. What I want to know is, when I have finished paying my half, am I legally obliged to pay that still owed on my husband's half?
  16. The background to this subject can be read on the following thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?448461-Tom-Crawford-eviction-by-bailiffs-Freeman-on-the-Land-(FMoTL)-nonsense-has-no-place-in-the-courts. Today, Tom Crawford has attempted to 'reclaim' his former house. He is presently on the roof of the property. The following is an extract from a press article that has just been released: Evicted man Tom Crawford says he has 'reclaimed' his former Nottinghamshire home by locking himself inside. The 64-year-old, who was evicted from the house on Fearn Chase, Carlton last year following a lengthy battle over his mortgage, posted a video on YouTube on Monday, claiming he had taken back the house. Supporters of Mr Crawford turned up at the bungalow, offering warm clothes and food, while police were also called to the property. On Monday afternoon, several police cars were at the scene as Mr Crawford's wife Susan claimed her husband was inside the boarded-up house. Read more: http://www.nottinghampost.com/Police-presence-Carlton-Tom-Crawford-says/story-29007353-detail/story.html#ixzz44DWAJPQI
  17. The following is a short extract from a press report in today's Daily Telegraph regarding the Reverend Paul Nicolson's forthcoming court appearance at Tottenham Magistrates Court: By the end of next week, Paul Nicolson could be facing prison and bankruptcy – an unexpected turn of events for an 84-year-old retired vicar who has never previously been in this type of trouble. On 15 June, he will appear at Tottenham magistrates court in north London for non-payment of council tax since 2013: he owes £2,831.42. Meanwhile, he must decide what to do about the £47,000 in costs awarded against him last month after he lost, in the high court, a case he brought against Haringey council over the level of court charges imposed on residents for non-payment of council tax. It is all a great deal of money that he doesn’t have, but he appears to be delighted at the potential scandal that the imprisonment of a retired vicar could stir up, and the useful attention that his case could bring to a little-understood aspect of welfare reform. “I am really not in the slightest bit afraid of prison,” Nicolson says. He is looking forward to his court appearance, where he will have the opportunity to explain why he has decided not to pay his bills. “One of the joys of refusing to pay,” he says, is that there is a “wonderful opportunity” to tell the story of why the 2013 abolition of a centralised council tax benefit has had such catastrophic consequences for hundreds of thousands of people. Tottenham’s magistrates would be wise to steel themselves for Nicolson’s 10 o’clock appearance in the dock, because his arguments are likely to be delivered with the mesmerisingly stern precision of a 1940s BBC newsreader. A group of protesters are due to gather outside the court in support of his campaign. http://www.theguardian.com/global/2016/jun/08/vicar-dibley-paul-nicolson-council-tax-refusing-benefit-cuts-jail-prison?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Scoop
  18. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/this-driver-had-his-parking-fine-overturned-after-091032871.html The most important part of the article is the last sentence from Athena;
  19. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/british-battle-of-jutland-sailor-killed-100-years-ago-is-finally-honoured-after-his-grave-site-is-identified
  20. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3652449/Irate-father-pays-60-fine-taking-son-eight-school-Majorca-holiday-one-two-pence-pieces.html I thought this was amusing. The following is a video of the moment. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/watch-priceless-moment-irate-dad-8246247
  21. Hi I'll be brief but I do hope I can get some advice off anyone here! I listed my camper-van on ebay the other week. A guy contacted me outside of ebay and asked to come and inspect it. He came to my house, had a cup of tea etc, seemed a nice guy in all honesty. He did an inspection, liked it, asked me how much I wanted for it, said he had £3k to play with - I (I don't know why I'm so honest) said "I don't think it'll go to £3k on ebay, how about £2.5k". He said yes and left a deposit of 1k. He transferred another £1k on the Monday daytime and paid the balance of £500 in cash when I delivered the van to him on the Monday evening (deposit left on Saturday). Now, I've been driving this camper about all over the UK, with and without the family in it, and yes, it sounds rough around the edges, i.e. it doesn't sound like a brand new engine - it's thirteen years old, but it's been ultra reliable, never had one problem with it, even though it's done 165k. On the Monday evening he texts me to say he drove five miles and the engine cut out, and asked me "had it ever done it before?". I said I stalled it twice when I first got it, getting used to the clutch, but that no, in XXXX miles it hasn't missed a beat. He called me today, a very brief call, and says "My mechanic says the engine isn't worth repairing. I'm not going to say anymore but will leave that with you to think about because I'm at work". Then about an hour later, sends me a text to say he's sorry but he's no option but to take me to the small claims court!!! I ask him if he maybe put some bad fuel in, and said that it's been fine in my whole time of having it, and that if the van was broken before I sold it I wouldn't have been able to drive it the 25 miles to him! And I filled it with half a tank of diesel for him, and delivered for free......(why did I bother). The vehicle really has been utterly great, I even drove it 270 miles each way to Essex non-stop a few weeks ago, of course if I'd had any inkling there were problems I wouldn't even have tried that. I didn't, it was ready to drive around the world as far as I was concerned. Anyway this guy is pretty angry on text, and I do actually feel gutted for him, it must be awful. So I offered him £200 as a gesture, non-fault non-admission of fault or anything, if he sends me a copy of the receipt for the first bill he said he's got. He's since come back and has got a bit sweary on the texts, asking me if I have no shame (?). I said that to be shameful I could only be that if I had known it was going to cut out (or whatever has actually happened, he's been a bit vague). Anyway he's refused the offer, I can't give him all his money back because it's already gone to pay off some of my credit card. Plus, at the back of my mind I can't help think he's trying it on. But he seemed a really nice guy, so....argh. What are my rights, it's a private sale from me to him, I didn't offer any warranty, I'm not sure what the outcome of this is going to be if it goes to court. I've been 100% honest.
  22. Hiya, posting for friend. My friend had been with her boyfriend for nearly a year when he asked her to get a bank loan for a BMW car. His credit rating was low so couldn't get a loan. She got the loan from her bank and gave him the money for the car. He is working and said he would give her the money every month to make the repayments on the car. He has now left her and taken the car. The log book is in his name as he told her she couldn't own the car as she doesn't have a driving license( she believed him). She's at her wits end, working and supporting her 2 year old son and can't afford the £125 a month repayments. Does she have any legal rights over car and what can she do... ... Urgent help needed please. Thank you in advance.
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2881419/Man-appears-court-charged-murder-neighbour-stabbed-death-way-work.html
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