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Found 3 results

  1. I just called the Police to report criminal damage to my car (mirror) done by teenage hooligan cyclists. They said that it was a Road Traffic Incident and not criminal damage! How could this be - that means that cyclists can DELIBERATELY damage a car and get away with it!
  2. Hi Guys - As well as my own case posted elsewhere under Santander, I'm trying to help a young girl aged 18 who I met through our homeless network. Said girl left home and as usual for a girl of her age, knows nothing and understands nothing except everyone else has to pay for her lifestyle. Shes on benefits and these are paid into her basic bank account. Her benefits are reduced because she has to pay back a crisis loan and other fines. (She still goes and blows what she has left in 24 hours!) She applied for a 'loan' through some kind of 'club' which charged an 'advance fee' as a kind of membership charge. The Direct debit was paid the first month and then it bounced and before we know it, she has o/d charges being levied daily. Any ideas please? Apart from being ripped off, she needs these o/d charges stopped asap. I guess we could issue an LBA and N1 for the refund of the fees for the 'loan service' ?? As far as bank fees - I've totally lost touch with current status even though I've trawled through the forums. Are we currently on CCA and anything else? Unfair terms and conditions? With a forced overdraft on a basic account, is this regarded as a 'loan' and is it covered by CCA. Any ideas of direction would be useful Thanks
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