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Found 3 results

  1. I ordered Theadora 183x122cm Leaner Mirror, Silver As per the order and as advertised the mirror's dimensions should be 122cm wide and 183cm tall A mirror was delivered, however it is only 90cms wide (including the frame). I selected this mirror and this retailer specifically due to the dimensions and the price. Its not as sold and I believe it's actually a different product thats been delivered. Date of Purchase: 4 Jan 2017 Date of delivery 9-2-2017 Cost of mirror £199.00 Achica do not offer a contact number. I have had one voice interaction with their customer service, other than that it's all been email correspondence. They have not offered a root cause for sending the wrong mirror. Achica's initial response was for me to provide a date for them to collect the mirror and I would be refunded 10 working days after its in their distribution centre. I asked them to give me the option of keeping the smaller mirror and be compensated. I said I'd decide based on the response. Achica reverted and offered a £20 achica voucher. I have declined this compensation offer Achica also advised that they cannot provide the mirror I ordered as it's out of stock. However, they are advertising it currently and the website states they have 5 in stock! Their response to this challenge has been to state that this is a different promotion with the supplier. I could really do with some help understanding what my rights and options are here, any contributions are gratefully accepted. The mirror was a gift for my partner and ultimately she wants the mirror we ordered. If theres any further info I can provide, let me know!
  2. Hi I thought this might be interesting and worthy of discussion in the context of this particular forum section as it could be significant when you consider the big picture. Are the fee chargers setting themselves up for a massive own goal? they just might have, if so then the marketing and sales people might have to go full stretch, then of course they may be vulnerable to further goals, but this time from the 'other side' Think it is a voluntary code however and a fickle industry you could argue...maybe http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/personal-finance/debt-management-firms-back-clampdown-agree-2677433 Only my opinions!
  3. I just called the Police to report criminal damage to my car (mirror) done by teenage hooligan cyclists. They said that it was a Road Traffic Incident and not criminal damage! How could this be - that means that cyclists can DELIBERATELY damage a car and get away with it!
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