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Found 23 results

  1. There was an article in todays paper that sums up what is wrong with charging for hospital parking. A private security guard has been jailed for stealing with others over £200k from the parking machines at Wythenshawe Hospital over a period f just under a year. To pick through whty this is a particularly rotten endictment of what is wrong lets start with his employment, he worked for a subcontractor security firm and he was stealing £30k a month in cash he was handling for the parking co/hospital. He was only caught because a student working part time there dobbed him in. Now that means the cashiers and accountants hadnt noticed a shortfall of £7.5 k a WEEK in their cash takings, the security staff were not supervised in any aspect of their cash handling and it took a volunteer to point all of this out. A hospital spokesmand said that the money could hve paid the slaries of 6 nurses blah blah.- NO IT COULDNT, that wouldnt be allowed so not only do the management of the hospital not know what they are doing they then tell lies to try and deflect their dreadful greed and incompetence into some sympathy for their plight. The obvious point is what was happening to all the money in the first place then if no-one noticed it had gone missing? Why charge for parking in the first place. At the time this was going on the Chief Exec of the hospital was in a court battle with his own trust over plans to cease certain functions and he was forced out of his job. Well, that says all you really need to know. Anyone suffering demands from the parking co there should just claim they paid cash to the the security people and the parking co can find the money in a box behind the telly of their employee. That will see them laughed out of court
  2. http://news.sky.com/story/cancer-often-being-diagnosed-in-ae-despite-patients-seeing-gps-10849984 Does not surprise me. Given that it can take 3 weeks to get a GP appointment and then they only have about 8 minutes to diagnose or refer for tests, it is most likely to be a Hospital A&E that finds patients have cancer. The last time i had a blood sample taken, between booking the appointment and getting the test result back, it was over a month. Two weeks before GP appointment, rebooked to see a Nurse to take sample a week later and then two weeks to get the result back. The NHS has gone backwards over recent years.
  3. Specifically relating to personal correspondence. Work program provider wants me to bring a list of agencies I am registered with along with phone numbers and ring them while they listen and or record the conversation. Am I right that without my permission that is an unreasonable request and I can tell them to do one ?
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/10/01/russian-embassy-_n_8225676.html?utm_hp_ref=uk
  5. Really interesting article about online right to forget issues. http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/when-should-the-internet-forget-20151031-gknt4w.html I think people do have rights to wipe internet records about historic issues, but not sure who should Police this. Surely it should be subject to an application to an official body and anyone who would have interest should have ability to lodge an objection. There should be a noticeboard somewhere on Google or elsewhere showing right to forget applications, so that those against an application can register an objection.
  6. More slack journalism and inaccurate comments... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-3215274/I-turned-moment-looking-change-parking-attendants-pounced-Join-fightback-beat-parking-penalty.html
  7. I'm new here & sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section. I lost an employment tribunal case and I was ordered to pay £35,000 for an organisation and a union, I'm an individual (employee) and I do not have legal representation. In addition, I do not have the ability to pay as I have been out of job for 1.5 years and I have no assets I wonder what should I do? I know that I can declare myself bankrupt but I want to avoid it if it is possible as it will have significant impact on my career. I have no previous experience or knowledge of what can I do and I would really appreciate your help.
  8. Now the UK has decided to leave the EU, what is the time scale to activate article 50 of the Lisbon treaty ?..
  9. Here is another unsettling article from the Daily Mail courtesy of Scoop. It shows how unaffordable Council Tax is now, and most probably the Enforcement Companies will be salivating at the prospect of all those extra fees they will be raking in: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2806474/How-debt-mountatin-unpaid-council-tax-worth-450-family-parts-country.html The tone of the article indicates that the Government just doesn't "get it" about council tax, as in castigating a council for non collection when the residents are skint is passing the buck, it is one seriously iniquitous tax that takes no account of ability to pay. Now more are in the net due to Council Tax Benefit being replaced by Council Tax Relief I wonder how much of the arrears are due to people who never had to pay before, now finding they need to pay £10 or more per week from benefit or Tax Credit?
  10. CAG in Todays Sun Newspaper. Article titled - Shopping Bill Shock at IKEA Here is the Article in PDF:
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-2592294/If-parking-ticket-heres-escape-paying.html I believe the PPCs are commenting... you'll spot them I think.
  12. Has anyone seen this from the Daily Mail - pathetic attempt to prove what we already know happens.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2573686/Woman-allowed-EIGHT-payday-loans-time.html
  13. Hi I thought this might be interesting and worthy of discussion in the context of this particular forum section as it could be significant when you consider the big picture. Are the fee chargers setting themselves up for a massive own goal? they just might have, if so then the marketing and sales people might have to go full stretch, then of course they may be vulnerable to further goals, but this time from the 'other side' Think it is a voluntary code however and a fickle industry you could argue...maybe http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/personal-finance/debt-management-firms-back-clampdown-agree-2677433 Only my opinions!
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2385253/Mother-fined-400-sons-school-absence-brain-tumour-7-years-ago.html Could not see this posted elsewhere on CAG. But Marstons have chased a Mother 8 years after a council had apparently obtained some court order re a fine for truancy, when the Son concerned had a brain tumour.
  15. Just saw this and thought others may be interested - I for one am hoping that something changes http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2012/11/30/if-beveridge-delivered-his-report-now-would-we-listen/
  16. Hi Interesting but at the same time a worrying newspaper article from the Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2012/sep/15/welfare-bill-iain-duncan-smith?mobile-redirect=false Looks like overlapping benefit, debt and housing enquiries / issues are set to rocket over the coming months and years even. Due to the rising cost of living and travel expenses, wage freeezes, cuts and the rest disposable income is already on a China syndrome type course affecting those already in debt management arrangements, IVAs & bankruptcy orders with more now certain to follow. Universal credit on its way, what a disaster that also might turn out to be. Credit Unions maybe hoping to fill the vacuum or soften the blow in some way, the signs dont look good for them though from what I see & hear, unfortunately it looks like they (the credit unions) may well have aleady been overtaken by events. Can the fee chargers and other agencies with a financial interest in debt management arrangements hang on to what they have got or will they do the right thing, think we know the answer to that one, either way though, people are really starting to struggle, so something has to happen and they know it, get ready, it should not be too long now. Hard times ahead with people needing all the help thay can get to weather what looks set to be a very lengthy and prolonged financial storm.
  17. Hi Families feeling the pinch on kids day trips & holidays according to charity http://www.family-action.org.uk/home.aspx?id=11578 http://www.family-action.org.uk/uploads/documents/Breaking%20the%20Bank%20-%20Summer%20On%20A%20Shoestring%20FINAL.pdf
  18. Just noticed this one so have popped over from the bailiff forum for a mo Link to an article that is telling RBS to cease using Charging Orders like confetti on low value debts: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/banking/9795724/OFT-bars-RBS-debt-collecting-that-puts-homes-at-risk.html several comments basically saying the bailiffs should clean the houses of these debtors out and flog their chattels.
  19. A neighbour who I have helped in the past with a Housing Benefit issue, just came knocking brandishing a copy of The Sun, on sunday, with a two page spread on bailiffs, with a picture of JGJ looking smug and glam, with a boxout showing the profits of bailiffcos, and a certain tale about an assault on bailiffs whose victim had the conviction overturned JGJ tried to justify her bailiffs action in that case by insisting they were assaulted by the victim. "However, any person who assaults a bailiff should be held to account for their actions.” http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage...-families.html The report is still watered down though, as even where WE know these companies are naughty the Sun says there is no evidence the companies showing the profits are in any way connected with the usual muppetry we see on here from bailiffs.
  20. Hi BBC article on new mortgage rules (coming into force later than anticipated though it appears) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20069539
  21. There is an article in the Sunday Telegraph(Torygraph to some) about Wonga, and there seems to be an intimation in the comments that maybe their debt collection methods are dodgy: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/borrowing/loans/9606570/Wonga-faces-questions-over-borrowing-by-children.html#disqus_thread Might be worth regulars taking a look.
  22. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2223658/Homeowner-mis-sold-gas-nPower-salesman-person-win-harrasment-payment-energy-giant-sent-10-debt-collection-agencies-him.html I say well done to David Osborn and the judge concerned. Hope Ofgem taken some action. Although this case does not set any precedent as such, it may be worth noting that a case against the OC for harassment may succeed, if their errors have caused DCA's to get involved.
  23. Hi Interesting article from the mail online re: Corrie star & B/R http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2148555/Bevs-bust-Corrie-barmaid-Liz-McDonald-bankrupt-broke.html The section relating to the interview she gave in March is perhaps a little poignant and probably strikes a chord with others who are suffering or going through similar problems with debt, bankruptcy etc I suppose a message out of all this is...don't suffer in silence, you are definitely not alone, get advice as soon as possible, there are solutions and help is out there (preferably free of course)
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