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Found 3 results

  1. Posting this here as it may get more views. Months.. maybe a year? Ago, I received the wonga redress letter. Wonga were included in my DRO so the balance should have been cleared. Their offer to me was something like £50 off my balance.. Which is zero.. But that is not how they see it.. As I had a zero balance from the DRO, I contested this, especially since Wonga started all my PDL issues and were horrible. I never heard back. I have sent numerous formal complaints and heard zilch. What can I do?
  2. Now the UK has decided to leave the EU, what is the time scale to activate article 50 of the Lisbon treaty ?..
  3. I am wanting to know if anyone has any way to speak to BT and actually get listened to. We used to have several lines with BT Business, two mobiles and two fixed lines. We cancelled these at the end of the contract as we had closed the business and both gone back into employment. BT completely ignored us when we cancelled these lines, the fixed lines were based at our home, and we switched the lines to Sky after drawing a blank with BT. However, BT continued to bill us, even threatening to cut off our one residential line well after we were established paying line rental to Sky. I have called them numerous times, written to their 'Service' centre in Durham, without the courtesy of a reply and even copied in OFGEM (who don't consider individual complaints). This has been going on most of this year. The same thing happened with the Fixed lines and the BT Business mobiles, (although I do owe some, not much, money on these I can't get an accurate payment because they did not or will not finish the contract when we asked) Last week I received a letter from a debt collector and tonight I came into an answerphone message from another one (who was pleasant enough but still thought I would be stupid enough to pay an incorrect bill). I am out of ideas as to what to do, work long hours and honestly don't want to waste all my spare time trying to sort them out. I know I need to resolve this and that they just can't be bothered. Any ideas let me know. Thanks
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