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Found 2 results

  1. Now the UK has decided to leave the EU, what is the time scale to activate article 50 of the Lisbon treaty ?..
  2. Hi all, This is one of the best websites on debt I have seen, and I am hoping you can help. I am a canadian and I live in Germany. I was freelancing and life went into the toilet. I have a debt that isnt huge, but it doesnt matter, it is insurmountable at the moment. They shut off a bank account, but a friend has helped me with this by letting me run my pay through theirs. I am being put on the bad german debt list and a bailiff is involved here. I am presently working towards a payment plan with the bailiff because finally I have a job that pays more than 800€ a month. Oh the Berlin dream which turned into a nightmare. I am in the process of moving to france and I am wondering how possible is it for them to close my bank accounts in france. Is bad credit in germany equal to bad credit in france? I had really hoped a new country would give me a clean slate. I feel like have to move to Botswana for that now. I know I am not BRitish, and it isnt british debt, but you seem like lovely people with lots of knowledge. Thank you so much, Birdie
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