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  1. Hello all - my first post, and Id really appreciate a little advice. I had a letter from Link offering 50% off my 3 accounts with them as partial settlement. The accounts would then be closed with no further monies owed. The debts are over 6 years old so not on file. I have been in discussion with them about closing the accounts for a while. Im not working due to health issues, and payments have been frozen for about 2 months. My partner has offered to pay from her savings. I offered 65% but they came back with the 50%. Its not a huge difference but its still alot to us. It would be so good to get rid them off my back, but now Im wondering if I should just hold fire and stick to my original offer. Any thoughts much appreciated.
  2. I have a credit card debt with Barclaycard dating back to 2014 and have not made a payment or been contacted by them for at least three years. Today I received a letter stating they are making a refund of £75 being an "inconvenience payment" and asking for a contact telephone number my bank details and a signature so they can make the refund. They also state: "We are now closing your account and do not require any further payments in relation to the outstanding balance. Your account is partially settled this means although there is still an outstanding balance on your account you won't need to make any more payments" Is this a fishing exercise to get my details and confirm the debt or is it genuine? Sounds to good to be true:???:
  3. Hi all. Not been on here for quite a while but I am really stumped with this. Between 1995 and 2000 we had 4 loans from Welcome 3 paid off but one we defaulted on because of all the force tactics and extortionate charges for phone calls and letters I just stopped paying, I know it was wrong but thought " sod them they have had enough from me " I did make a successful claim for PPI and got paid out, great i thought. Just received a letter from them today stating irrecords show that I am due a further refund as the original offer did not fully put me back in the position I would have been in if I had never bought PPI in the first place. I have moved recently but it states " we have previously written to you regarding this with a additional offer of compensation which still remains outstanding". Due to the time that has passed we have recalculated our offer to include additional compensatory interest of 8% per annum and I have enclosed a revised acceptance form for you to sign and return to us. Our additional offer of compensation is ££££££££. It states. " Our offer of redress will expire six month from the date of the letter, once signed and dated payment will be made within 15 working days." They are requesting copied proof of identity, bit suspicious of this as it's from WF and could it be a ploy or [problem] for me to recognise the debt I still owe. Has anyone else had this.
  4. Hi All Lowells have just offered me 50% off a £5k debt on an overdraft from 5yrs ago. I have a letter and also on their system it shows the 50%. I can pay either in full or in part by Direct debit. Are overdrafts harder to defend due to not needing a CCA? Or os the opposite true and it's harder for them to go to court with? They say this won't remove the full debt from my file. This is what they say: Note: If this account is on your credit file and you opt to pay the 'Discounted Balance' your credit file will be updated to show as 'Partially Satisfied' once your payment plan is successfully completed. If you choose to pay the Full Balance your credit file will be updated to show as 'Satisfied'. It may take up to 50 days for your credit file to be updated. If you do not maintain your payment plan, your discount will be removed. I am leaning toward accepting this if I can pay by DD in affordable amounts and with no interest. However, if I pay by DD it seems open to Lowell changing the terms mid way through. Am I correct in this concern? Based on reading here, most cases are mainly based on F&F payments not DD, but I assume I need to write letters and get it in writing that they confirm if I start payments via DD then it will be full and final "settled" on my credit file when the debt is repaid? Any other advice before I enter into communication on this? Lowell had 2 debts of mine from this bank. One CC and one overdraft. The CC has been cancelled due to no CCA. I actually had a loan from the same bank which was meant to consolidate the overdraft and CC. The bank gave me the loan based on them cancelling the CC and overdraft. They said it was a requirement for approval of the loan from the underwriter. They did neither and I crept back into debt with both. Thanks again all. D
  5. Hi there. Total newbie here. Any advice greatly appreciated!! I got into debt a few years ago. Payday loans the lot (multiple - it's embarrassing. I was a young stupid single Mum). Now in a decent job with teenage kids. Went into a DMP with Debt-line who then were sold to Lawrence Charlton. Have been paying £130 a month dutifully since 2013. Although the charges went up significantly when Lawrence Charlton took over I felt safe so kept on with it and owe about £18k to my creditors now. Lawrence Charlton are stopping all DMPs and said I should transfer to Payplan. OK, except they are offering an alternative too; solicitor advice regarding writing off debts that have been bought by a second party (which is most of them) as they "may not be enforceable". hang on a minute, have I been paying companies which I didn't need to for years? Can't I sort this myself? Or Should I just be responsible and set up a DMP with Payplan instead?? SO confused!!
  6. Hi, long time member, (but been away for a while so name changed a bit, hoping admin can sort old ID out soon) . A family member has received a nice green letter from Capquest concerning an old MBNA debt for approx £1400. There is an offer of discount of approx 75%. Now, family member has said that he doesnt recall last payment but must be well over 6 years by now. Ive advised that he should get his credit ref file ( I personally hate these organisations, but thats another battle) to see whats on there, just in case it shows anything up. My instinct is to sit on the letter, the only trouble is, hes living with partner at their parents house. should they do anything more than ive advised at this stage. They were going to sent a statute barred letter out, but we need to know for sure first, otherwise we could shoot ourselves in the foot. considering this nice offer, suggests to me that its a straw clutch and we can expect a couple more letters before we need to do anything further. thanks for any ideas, ( its kind of good to be back )
  7. Got a call today, the message was made using a automated weird voice. Message was: Reward of £30 in vouchers for Black Friday - all you need to do is provide your signature and name of organisation I volunteered with - to be eligible for the vouchers. the number is 0786-***-1261 maybe belongs to someone else trying to get credit for my work placement?? Anyone else had this at all?
  8. I'm new here & sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section. I lost an employment tribunal case and I was ordered to pay £35,000 for an organisation and a union, I'm an individual (employee) and I do not have legal representation. In addition, I do not have the ability to pay as I have been out of job for 1.5 years and I have no assets I wonder what should I do? I know that I can declare myself bankrupt but I want to avoid it if it is possible as it will have significant impact on my career. I have no previous experience or knowledge of what can I do and I would really appreciate your help.
  9. I currently work as a Deputy Manager (one of 300) for one of the big four supermarkets, and they have recently announced a new contract change that comes into force on Monday 18th April. In effect we are being demoted to a lesser position, that being of a duty manager. They argue that our job role is not really changing as we will still be doing the same job we have always done and they will not be reducing our pay. However it is a HUGE drop in status as our current contract states we are 'autonomous decisions makers' which classes us as senior business leaders and opts us out of working time regulations. On our new contract we are not classed as this and we are therefore opted in to working time regulations. In addition we also recieve free fuel and a car allowance which will also be taken off us although they have given us over a years notice before they take this away. However this is in our current contract that this can be removed at any time so do not think that we can argue the point much there. The main issue is as Deputy Store Manager you are above all the other senior managers in the shop and now will be dropping to the same level as them so surely this counts as a drop in status, even though my salary will not be affected. It also effectively puts my career back 10 years as I was doing that job 10 years ago! There have been various 1-2-1 meetings held with the outcome already decided, however I asked questions weeks ago which have still not been answered and I also have not got a copy of my new contract as yet. From what I have read online if i work on Monday then I am effectively accepting the new contract and will have no means to put a claim in, in the future. Do I have a case for constructive dismissal?? Please help!! Thanks in advance
  10. Hi, not sure if i have a case on this but thats why im asking I bought some trainers around 9 months ago from Kicks.com who are based in Germany. Some of the rubber started coming away on the back of the trainer so i sent them back. Although 9 months old they had rarely been worn so were in excellent condition. I'm normally very happy to accept store credit but in this case i've been looking at their site daily for about a month now and have not able to find anything i like in my size. Im a right fussy git when it comes to trainers. I emailed them numerous times over this period politely asking for a refund explaining the above but they have refused. As of last week they are now ignoring my emails. I just rang them today and they are sticking to their guns. Am i entitled to a full refund to my debit card at all? Thanks for reading.
  11. My girlfriend bought some hair extensions online but the colour did not match. They were sent back and a replacement was issued. However this was unsuitable also. The retailer quite clearly states on their website that refunds cannot be offered only a credit note. As they have nothing suitable as a replacement where does that leave my girlfriend? The replacement item by the way is unopened. I called on the retailer in person but they refused to make a refund.
  12. I am hoping to purchase a new TV soon, looking online there are few companies like John Lewis and Richer Sounds offering a free 5 or 6 year guarantee instead of the standard manufacturers 12 month warranty. This seems to be to good to be true, what are the catches if any?
  13. Hi to all i own a Msi gtx 970 graphics card and over last weekend it has been confirmed by NVIDIA’s Senior VP of GPU Engineering Mr J Alben in a online article (tried to link article would not let me) that nvidia have made an error (or lied:?::? in the spec sheet given to review websites last year and intern has led to consumers being misled with false specification. It has taken nvidia two weeks to come clean about this since consumers first noticed something might be wrong with the card it has also taken them another 3 days to decide they will give a refund to anyone who wants one but the way they have gone about it is a joke the card i have is no longer fit for the intended purpose that i got it for. What i would like to know is have nvidia broken any UK or EU consumer laws and should they be offering more than a refund like compensation or free upgrade to a card that closer matches the original advertized spec. the only option i am open to is the free upgrade as that is the only one that dose not put me out of pocket Any advice or help is greatly appreciated col adlington
  14. Hi All I'm sure I read somewhere that it is now against the law for an employer to offer incentives to employers if they persuade customers to take out a store card. But what if they threaten to punish employees if they don't persuade customers to take out a store card, or at least attempt to persuade them?
  15. Hello there, I have a serious issue regarding my parcel shipment from UK to Nepal. I had sent 2 ounces of gold along with other 21 pages of documents via Dhl to Nepal on 4th June 2014. I was not sure if they ship gold. I went to the DHL service point and asked if they deliver gold. The agent said that the value has to be less than £5000. Since my gold was worth £1850 I was happy to proceed. Gold along with my 21 pages of other documents were packed and shipped for £51.95 in 1kg box. Declaration on the parcel cover was clearly made 1) Documents 21 copies 2) Gold Bar 2 pcs and the total value of the item was mentioned £1850. After few days the receiver of the Parcel in Nepal got a message from the DHL Nepal saying the parcel was with the custom department and some legal formalities to be done by the receiver. When they went to Customs, they were told that we were not allowed to ship gold on a parcel. Further, they said that DHL was not allowed to ship gold in that manner. They should have stopped us in Uk. They said us to speak to DHL instead. But when they went to DHL there, they said to speak to customs department. This went on for few months. Then I called customer services DHL UK. They took a month and half to find out what was happening and finally said that my Parcel was destroyed by the Customs in Nepal. I opened a claim file in DHL UK and after few arguments DHL sent a letter yesterday offering £51.95 for the full and final settlement of my claim. I have no idea at all what I should do next. I would be very thankful for any ideas and ways to come to a conclusion. Its really hard to give up since it is a big amount of money for me. Many Thanks, Devi
  16. Long story short: dh was unemployed, I work p/t. We got ctax benefit ( later changed to something else, cant remember the name). When dh was back in work, I informed the council. They still kept putting the benefit on our bill. I called them several times and each time, they said they would deal with it and it was sorted. Today we received a benefit review letter, wanting paperwork wage slips etc and dates. I can't remember when dh started work,I just know it was about 2 years ago. I usually take the name of people I talk too, especially with things like this, but for some reason, I didn't this time. Obviously, it wasn't sorted out and now I'm in SUCH a state. I'm panicking because if I call them on Monday and explain all this, what is the likely outcome? I've been paying what has been on my bills,every week by standing order and have never missed a payment. The last one is due on 27th January, And then obviously the new bill in March. I'm really worried that they are going to send bailiffs in or take me to court,even though I haven't done anything wrong. My mind is working overtime, I haven't eaten all day and probably wont sleep tonight I can't even give them the dates I called, cos I can't remember. Can anyone advise me as to a likely outcome, or what I can say, any useful phrases? Thank you in advance.
  17. Received a notice to keeper from PCM. Appealed to them on the 20th of January 2014. Today received the attached letter from them. I am now seeking advice as to how to proceed from here on in. One added bit of information is that in the notice to keeper, they got the colour my car slightly wrong. I say slightly because they have it down as Grey, while it is in fact Black and the log book also says Black. Don't know if that is significant but I thought it may help my case. Hoping for some advice. Thank you.
  18. Has anyone ever received a letter from Robinson Way stating that " following an audit they have identified a payment to the account ,which has been fully paid for some, that may have caused an overpayment " !!!!! We do have history with them of them chasing us for payment of a debt that was fully paid up via CCCS in 2009. This letter purports to a different debt that was also fully paid up in 2009. The letter asks us to phone them to verify the payments as a refund may be due !!!. Knowing Robinson Way reputation I suspect this is just an attempt to get us to communicate with them . Any advice or comments would be appreciated Regards Margaret
  19. In 2011 I found CAG which helped a great deal with advice on debt and how to manage the various debt collection agencies that were 'closing in on me'. I started to manage my debts paying most of my creditors a reduced monthly payment and had the interest frozen on all but one of my credit cards. Barclays/Woolwich mortgages behaved appallingly and this year after court proceedings were issued I finally sold my flat and moved out of London. I had sufficient equity to buy a cottage outright but only because it needs a substantial amount of work doing. I have kept to my original arrangements with my creditors and since my mail has been redirected they are unaware I have moved. This week I began to receive telephones calls from a company called Arden credit management services to say they are instructed by Idem re: a credit card I held with MBNA to collect on this debt and that I should contact them to arrange payment of all the sum due. I have written to them to say I have made regular payments to MBNA over the last three years and have had nothing to say this matter has been assigned or given to them to collect money directly and that when they produce documentation from MBNA to confirm they are now authorised to recover the debt I will pay them directly. I am worried that now I am mortgage free at last my creditors may try to place a charging order on my home. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  20. I have received a letter from 1st credit with a 70% discount full and final settlement, About a year ago they sent a letter offering 30% discount, then a few months later a 50% discount, now the 70% discount, I'm currently paying a small token amount of £5 each month and have done for about 2 years, it was for an unsecured bank loan taken out in 2008 and there is approx 17k outstanding.It was assigned to 1st credit in 2011 The cca appears to be compliant and has all prescribed terms etc,but the default notice was faulty in that it never gave the prescribed days to remedy, I'm just wondering why are they offering the big discount? Is. Are they just after a lump sum as it would still give them a nice profit on what they paid for it or could there be problems with cca? Or could the dodgy DN have anything to do with it? Although they prob aren't aware of the dodgy DN yet as I've not mentioned it, unless the original creditor supplied it to them on assignment DB x
  21. For some years my wife has been paying off various store and credit card debts via a debt management company who, naturally, take their percentage before paying the creditors. I have now intervened and contacted Step Change (formerly CCCS) and requested that they take over from the debt management company. Once transferred she may within a couple of months be able to clear all outstanding debts in one payment. I have seen a recent statement from the debt management company as well as an up to date statement from Noodle credit reference agency. Her liabilities are with four well known bank/store card creditors. Prior to paying them off is it customary to see if they will negotiate a full and final settlement figure less than the current amount outstanding ? If so what sort of percentage is the norm ? I appreciate that Step Change can advise us on this but it would be interesting to have some guidance from members here.
  22. Hi I wonder if anyone can advise us? My husband has been paying off a debt from Lloyds which they sold to Cabot. Cabot have now written offering a settlement figure! W e can't afford to do this. We are now worried that if we refuse, they may threaten to take action. We do not own our own home, nor have any other assets of any worth so we are worried about what they will do. Having read other posts on sites, it appears that Cabot do not have a particularly good reputation. We are just wondering how to proceed with this, or just refuse the offer and carry on paying?
  23. When providing a DCA with an I/E form, what sort of stuff is considered reasonable or necessary? As I'm currently on JSA but live with parents so I'm not a main bill payer for the main stuff, but I do pay my parents weekly with what I can afford and I pay for a lot of stuff for myself, food etc and hardly seem to have much left over. The balance of the debt is £250 and I've proposed £1 or £2 a month until my circumstances change but my I/E form seems to suggest I have lots of money left over when it's not the case in reality. And how much of your disposable income do they expect you to pay creditors with? not all of it surely? how about emergencies etc? just don't want to paint the wrong picture to the DCA and them thinking I can afford more than £1 or £2 when i would struggle to do so when it came down to it. Cheers
  24. I've been doing a lot of reading lately, and the members of CAG are the best family I've ever had Thanks one and all. I saw a post before, that I can't find now, that pretty much said that if a DCA offers a substantial discount on what you may, or may not, owe then the DCA knows the action may not be enforceable. I've had a DCA offer me 70% discount if I call up and pay NOW! How they came to the figure that they say I owe them is another story, but is this true? A DCA is a business so how do they write off 70% of what they claim is owed? I'm sort of hoping that I will also get a step by step from load/credit card to DCA process here and an insight to how they write off money.
  25. Hi guys, I had 2 loans with provident and one of there cards. The balances total over £2000. I haven't paid anything for over 2 years now and recently started getting letter from ck edrupt (their in house collection people). They show on my Credit report as 6 late payments but no default. They sent a few letters. So I CCA'd them. Credit agreements are fine, but then they sent me a letter offering me 50% discount. Is there something wrong with the debt? I was tempted to write back and offer them 10% f and f after receiving their discount letter. Should I do this?
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