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  1. Mrs Echodale is being harranged by Cabot over HSBC credit card debt . HSBC agreed that if she made sixty payments of £xx then she could save £1800 and would not need to make any more payments after July 2018. She has honoured the agreement and made last payment as agreed. Cabot apparently bought the debt a few years ago and are chasing the £1800, they say they have contacted HSBC and have been advised that no such arrangement exists. We have the original Metropolitan/HSBC letter from 2013 and even though the onus is upon Cabot to 'prove it' we have sent them a copy. I think next step is to send a formal complaint to both organisations. Any advice welcome.
  2. Hello all - my first post, and Id really appreciate a little advice. I had a letter from Link offering 50% off my 3 accounts with them as partial settlement. The accounts would then be closed with no further monies owed. The debts are over 6 years old so not on file. I have been in discussion with them about closing the accounts for a while. Im not working due to health issues, and payments have been frozen for about 2 months. My partner has offered to pay from her savings. I offered 65% but they came back with the 50%. Its not a huge difference but its still alot to us. It would be so good to get rid them off my back, but now Im wondering if I should just hold fire and stick to my original offer. Any thoughts much appreciated.
  3. Hello My friend made a personal injury claim after a car accident at the beginning of last year. The 3rd party & insurance company accepted 100% liability. She made a claim for personal injury due to neck pain/whiplash through Irwin Mitchell. In July 2018, an approximate settlement was made to the value of £3000 odd. My friend received £2700 and the rest was taken in fees by IM. On Saturday she received a letter from IM with a copy of court documents headed 'EUI Ltd v ********' - the papers state that they are not disputing liability but they are disputing the amount paid to her for 'special claims' and want to recover that money plus costs - amounting to around £3400. She spoke to IM who said that it 'probably' won't go to court. Not very reassuring, to say the least. She is really scared that they will take it to court and make her pay that money back (which she doesn't have as it has been spent!). I thought that once the case was settled and a settlement paid out, that was it? I think I might not be as educated as I think I am! Any thoughts? Incidences of this happening before? Outcomes? All help greatly appreciated. Thanks
  4. Hi Guys. Not proud of this even though I am having some problems. I have received a summons for not paying a fine (not taxed) on time and they won't let me take an out of court settlement although I have been in this situation before with them (several times) and have been able to pay out of court. When I phoned they said there was a note on my account and the legal team won't speak to me. It seems odd that I don't get an explanation or can speak to anyone about it?
  5. Hi All Around 2010/11 I was in heaps of debt, various cc, loans etc, totalling c £30k. I took some great advice from this site, worked hard, and managed to settle everything. Finally debt free by summer of 2016, credit score still not great, but heading in the right direction. And now I receive a letter from Mortimer Clarke (Cabot): ‘As you are aware a County Court Judgement has been entered against you under Claim Number QWERTY123 and we ask you to pay the outstanding sum of £2244 direct to this office within 14 days.’ The letter encloses an income and expenditure form with a view to arranging a monthly payment, but goes on to say: ‘…our client may be willing to accept a reduced amount for a lump sum payment to settle the debt’. First I’ve heard of it, and I’m gutted, thought all this nonsense was behind me. I’ve established that the CCJ was issued at Northampton and has subsequently been transferred to my local court. All paperwork was sent to an old address, which is why I knew nothing about it. All of this happened just over 3 years ago, and I’m just finding out about it now. And strangely, it doesn’t appear on my credit file? As I thought I was debt free, my circumstances allowed me to become a student, so I’m currently studying full-time, with negligible income (averaging about £200 pm). Seems to me I have 2 choices (unless any of you can suggest a third way?) 1. Offer about £20 pm, which they are unlikely to accept, as it would run for 9 years. 2. Offer a lump sum, I think I could scrape together £600 - £700, but again this probably wouldn’t be enough. All I know about the CCJ is what the lady at Northampton told me: That it has been transferred to my local court (don’t know when), That the payment terms were ‘Forthwith’ and, That the claim said it was in respect of a CC agreement ‘entered into on or about 19/05/2004’. (Is it suspicious that the date of the agreement isn’t precise? Suggests to me that they don’t have a copy of it). In the scheme of things, the debt isn’t that big (given my situation 7-8 years ago), but this is hanging heavier than those bigger debts ever did, because my circumstances are different now, and I have no real income to work with. I really don’t know which way to turn with this. Would be so grateful for your thoughts. Cheers Scarboro
  6. I have a couple of debts I am paying monthly to dca' s , balance on each about £550. I have some money coming to me. Even though I am repaying by arrangement, could I still make a full and final settlement offer to clear them?
  7. Hello All, I’ve a feeling that I’ll need to go to the Ombudsman but would be grateful for any assistance.: Long Story short, I approached PayDay UK/MEM Capital last July 2017 and requested a settlement figure as I released equity in a property I own to clear my feet. I was given the figure and when the funds cleared acouple of weeks later, I received 2 text messages (16/8/18) 1st text said I was £8 short due to accruing interest since the initial settlement figure was issued, and literally acouple of hours later I received another text saying my loan was settled in full. As a result, I received zero correspondence from the lender until December 17 when they started requesting a payment of £180 which was pure interest – I contacted them, they said that because I never completed a settlement form, they didn’t action this so I requested another copy of said form as I hadn’t received it - this was on 29/1/18 and today, no response to the email I sent saying I didn’t have the settlement form but I did get confirmation that they’ve issued a default! I’m in the middle of trying to clear my credit file up and have been slwly imporving my credit score –any advice on how to approach this? Last email (copied in a company director too) has requested confirmation they’ve removed this default before close of play or I’ll escalate to the Ombudsman. Absolutely fuming with this. :-x:-x
  8. Hi All, New to the forum, but would like some advice please. I had a massive amount of debt which came to a head 5 years ago. I have been making monthly payments on the debts for the past 5 years to agreed payment plans with several companies, having had them agree to freeze interest and accept payments that were affordable for me. A family member has now offered to settle the debts in full for me, after what seems like a very long time keeping my head just above water, as long as the companies agree to take a final settlement amount and to reflect this on my credit report. I can't find any templates related to this online. Is there anything I need to tread carefully around when requesting a final settlement, on the basis that I asked for interest to be frozen? Also, does anyone know of any templates I can use for this? Your help and support greatly appreciated. TIA
  9. Background 4 years service continuous, rocky employment. Currently working my notice period due to evident constructive dismissal. Despite a grievance being submitted with my resignation no investigation has been commenced and a meeting was held where i was offered a PILON payment to leave that day. How do I approach a settlement agreement proposal with the employer it's an evident breakdown and It will save a lengthy tribunal process
  10. Hi there CAG family, hope you are all well? I have been going through some paperwork for relative and are trying to reclaim old PPI from a Sky card, now owned by B/C. I have collated all PPI amounts and entered onto a spreadsheet I used from previous claims. Barclays have responded and although they state they have included compound interest, it appears to be way off. They have calculated PPI premiums together with charges and the compound interest amount added is closer to 27.29% of this total. This does not come close to the spreadsheet total (correct interest as per statements). They have then added 8% statutory interest (this value includes extra 45 days simple interest) which totals more than the compounded interest amount above! Surely that can't be right? The account was closed due to LVA which has also been fully repaid and settled. I maybe using the wrong spreadsheet for my calcs as the account was closed. It has been many years since dealing with these calculations and i'm confused, would appreciate your thoughts.
  11. 1 The date of infringement? 18/10/2017 2 Did you appeal to the parking company? Have you received a Notice To Keeper? No. Not through the post. There was a PCN style document left on the windscreen instructing to go to myparkingcharge.co.uk although it claimed 'This is not a PCN' 3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) No 4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, did the parking company give you any information regarding the further appeals process? [it is well known that parking companies will reject any appeal whatever the circumstances] N/A 5 Who is the parking company? Vehicle Control Services Ltd --------------- I pay a monthly fee for an underground car park space on land owned by an apartment building development company. I have a tax disk style parking permit issued by VCS. The car park is patrolled by VCS. I came down this afternoon to find a myparkingcharge notification saying to log into their portal to view evidence of a parking T&C contravention. I looked over at my car park permit to find it upside down, when I was driving home yesterday with the windows open it must have shifted around and landed face down. In the 'evidence' photographs taken by the so called parking 'agent' you can see the disk. Upside down but it is obvious what it is. I have parked there for 7 months, surely he recognises my car and will have seen the disk countless times before. i.imgur.com/FJxk1pS.jpg I righted the disk and phoned VCS who advised to lodge an appeal. I looked into that but upon seeing the form that requests personal details and the requirement to check a checkbox that says "I accept these facts as they are presented" or something similar - there is absolutely no bloody way am I doing that and providing them with that information or checking that box. I pay for a valid parking permit. I'm not a paying £60 'fine' (private company issuing a fine, yeah ok) for 1) the ramifications of gravity and 2) because some **** has spotted an opportunity to extort some commission. I spoke to the landowners, the company I rent the apartment from who agreed with my point of view and said they'd contact VCS and get this ridiculous charge squashed. They have done so however I heard back saying that there is a remaining 'reduced settlement charge' of £20. I phoned VCS who said if I refused to pay they would pass the matter onto a debt collection agency. I know all about Simon Renshaw-Smith. I will not be one of his victims. Please find screenshots below of all relevant contracts/documentation. i.imgur.com/ndKKenf.jpg i.imgur.com/BSRAIVL.jpg i.imgur.com/9JOBEt0.jpg The parking permit was, after signing the above parking contract with the landlord, presented to me enclosed with the following document from VCS. 1) I did not sign this document, nor have ever explicitly agreed to accept its stipulations 2) I did not agree at any stage to explicitly enter into a contract with VCS 3) The first I knew of any association with VCS is when I opened an envelope to find this letter with permit disc attached i.imgur.com/PV4kfC4.jpg Seeking your advice and experience. Cheers guys, much appreciated.
  12. Hello all. Due to ill-health and being self-employed, I had to resort to getting a Sunny loan to make ends meet for a couple of months. All fine, but am back working so wanted to clear it in full, so called up yesterday asking for an Early Settlement Fee and was told I had to pay the full outstanding amount for the period of the loan. I thought that was odd, but paid it in full nonetheless. After a bit of research yesterday, I came across the Consumer Credit Act (Early Settlement) 2004, which in my feeble brain seems to purport that I shouldn't have been charged full whack to clear the loan and have had the future interest taken off. Or something... Would anybody be able to shed some light on that please? Many thanks in advance, as always!
  13. A tenant is taking me to court for non protection of deposit. I was never given a deposit so I am not too worried about it, although I stupidly filed it late thinking I had. Anyway its Part 8 claim. She has left with over £5,000 of damage can I counterclaim on via this acknowledgement, it doesnt make it clear I can?
  14. I had to reregister. I was pj2, but CAG no longer has a password renewal option (or it doesn't work, as the page doesn't exist), so there was no way I could get back into the forum. After years of paying an old debt slowly, Robinson Way sent me a letter: "our client is today offering you a 50% reduction of the balance you owe in settlement of your account. Paying XXX will clear your account and you save XXX and become free of this debt. Please note that where this account is recorded on your credit file and you pay by reduced settlement, this will be updated as partially settled with a zero balance outstanding, and not as settled or satisfied however our client will not pursue you for any remaining balance. We may even be able to accept this over 3 monthly instalments... when you contact us, one of our customer contact representatives will discuss your current financial circumstances with you to ensure that any reduced settlement arrangement you commit to remains affordable". I would be very grateful for advice: how can I make sure I can't be pursued by anyone for the balance and that the balance cannot be sold on to a DCA. Shall I write and say I would like reassurance on this point specifically? Also, how do I avoid full disclosure of financial circumstances? Maybe email is better than phoning them but I don't see after years of paying that they have the right to trawl through my circumstances.. Could I just say, "I could raise" the money to pay it (without stating whether I already have it) and don't wish to discuss further, but agree to their offer? Thanks for any help.
  15. Aviva posted me some very insulting to me marketing material in february so I contacted them to complain. They claimed that I had opted to receive marketing some years before, when i lived at a previous address. After further correspondence where they failed to produce any evidence of htis supposed agreemnt or ticked box (never used web or paper forms to agree to anything) they admitted they did not ahve such an agreement, had mixed my personal data up with another person of a similar name as well and offered me £75 when I had requested £250 as that was a sum courts had agreed was a minimum under persuasive case precedent. The main problem is the peopel who deal with a complaint are limited in what they can offer and do not know much about the DPA or even what other departments have been up to. in my case it was Aviva Insurance UK Ltd that had passed on erroneous personal data to Aviva Equity release Ltd, a separate company, without any authorisation and they finally accepted that this was a breach of the DPA, apologised and have agreed to pay me the £250 demanded to avoid legal action. Next year the law changes on what is deemed consent when ticking (or not) boxes and who they can pass your details to without express consent so hopefully this will become a rarer instance but in the meanwhile if you have a complaint, be persistent, stick to your guns if you are right and dont accept a stock response that they dont have to think about. My complaint got to director level because they didnt initially think they could be wrong, ignored the Vidal Hall v Google decision and blamed me for their errors. You dont have to put up with rubbish from big companies.
  16. Advice needed - I had been paying an old debt (around £2000) which originated from an overdraft at Nationwide through Fredricksons at £30 per month, and it got down to around £1255. Then for some unknown reason Nationwide moved the debt to ARC (Europe). Just had my first contact with them on the phone, and asked them if they would be interested in a low settlement offer instead of starting up the low payments again (I have the money as in good shape now) I suggested 10% which they laughed at, but they came back with a 50% settlement offer which they are going to put in writing. And would be marked on credit file as 'partially settled'. Is it worth me doing this? I am trying to rebuild my credit file gradually in the hope that one day in the future we might be able to apply for a mortgage. I don't think this account has much of an impact on it as it falls under the closed accounts section, but for 50% I could make it go away and not be bothered by this new agency again. What do you think? Any advice much appreciated...
  17. My friend has a CCJ attached to her house. She would like to make an offer to clear this and would like to know what % to offer?
  18. This is not for me but for my ex partner In 2013 she got a claim form for on old Three debt (sent to my address she she had not lived for 12 plus years) I helped her with the claim form and to cut the story short she went into mediation and agreed a settlement. Which she paid by DD to the account as specified by Lowell/Howard Cohen. So all paid up and completed, no CCJ, no action, no more letters. Now jump forward to 2017, letters start coming through my letter box from Lowell for her, which I pass on. They claim the debt is still owed, they have CCJ and now if she doesn't pay up (again) they will enforce the CCJ they think they have. Any advice I can pass on. There have been a number of letters now and I am thinking that she goes for harassment?
  19. May not be in the correct forum, Mods it needs an idea of both legal and more importantly, DWP. 1. I have DLA awarded since 2008, Mob - High, Care - Low. 2. In 2015 I was run over by a car driver unhappy in having to wait for me to cross the road (slowly) on my crutches. 3. I sued the driver who was convicted of a host of offences. 4. I wasn't awarded anything under CICB payments, I had to sue him myself. 5. The Drivers Insurers have now offered a take it or leave it sum. 6. I know my Solicitor will have to complete a CRU 7. I have searched the net for days for the rulings, appeals etc and have not found the answer which differs from my Solicitors (who I do not believe knows the subject) opinion that the CRU will deduct 38 months of my DLA. 8. Had the accident not happened, I would still have claimed DLA as my disability/qualification was assessed nearly 8 years before on a separate matter. 9. I am on operation 38 for my disability, I will never get better and will die with the same problem. Deduction of my DLA under the CRU would be unjust, wouldn't it? 10. Can I prevent the deduction, using case law, or the rule with respect to my circumstances, or do I have to swallow the loss of money that could have really help me buy new items, not cast-offs to help my disability? Any authoritative response would be most welcome. Thank you
  20. Hello all. I am helping my dad with a car insurance claim. I've never claimed anything on insurance before so am new to the process. I hope you can help. The general advice is, that when your car is a written off, as is the case here, the insurers will try to low ball you on the first offer and you should reject it. Some background on the incident is that my dad parked his car on a hill, some time later something failed and the car rolled, writing his and another vehicle off. I have researched the car and it's difficult to tell whether the offer is low based on second hand car listings on ebay and autotrader. They have offered £750 minus excess of £100. Some similar cars are on sale for double that, others have sold for around the same. Obviously condition and other factors aren't going to be identical between the cars on sale and my dad's car. Should I just go ahead and settle on the offer, or would I be a fool to? I appreciate any advice, thanks for reading.
  21. I have 8 debts I'm trying to settle. 3 are held with restons but originally were with arrow & I think they own it. I've come to an agreement with all the other agencies to settle the debts but restons will not take an offer. They've caused me the most stress & keep going back to court to try to increase my monthly payment of the CCJs. I'm wondering is it possible to go back to arrow to try to negotiate a settlement? The others have all been very understanding & helpful but not so with these guys. Any advice much appreciated
  22. I have an old credit card debt from when I was younger and stupid with money due to fall off my credit file June this year. Lowell have started writting to me again, it's been a good 2 years since I heard from them. I suspect they know it's going to fall off my file and have come up with an offer to settle for 90% discount. Is it better for me to wait until June or would I benefit from settling the debt at 90% discount? after all its only going to cost me £300 which is pretty much nothing compared to my income now. Lesson learned I guess! my question is which does me the best favour credit rating wise, it's frustrating I have good income now but because of things I did when I was in my early 20s I have issues borrowing for cars and a mortgage.
  23. Hi I have a personal loan with Natwest all paid up to date and fine. Had the loan for around 13 months and have asked for an early settlement figure thinking I would get a rebate on the interest. They tell me not so. The early settleemnt figure has come and states no rebate under S95 of consumer credit act 1974 or under the agreement. Does this sound right? Thanks
  24. Hello, I did not post a query on the forum but just wanted to thank you for providing such a valuable resource. I foolishly attempted to use someone else's annual travelcard and was stopped at the entry barrier. I provided my details to the inspector and bought a ticket and went on my way. I received a letter from the rail company a few weeks later informing me that they intended to prosecute, and asking for my version of events. I wrote back a brief contrite reply, outlining the facts, apologising and asking if it would be possible to cover their costs to avoid further action. I then received a letter asking me to contact them. After speaking to them on the phone, they have been happy to settle the matter if I pay their admin costs. The outcome has been a huge relief to me, after weeks of worry and several sleepless nights. This forum provided incredibly useful guidance as to how to respond to the letter and it was helpful to read that others have been through similar issues and managed to avoid court action. Thank you all for the time you take to help people, provide useful templates and advice. I have made a donation.
  25. Hello Please help me with this. I received this offer but went through many other topics and I'm worried that they can sell rest off balance to other company. I should go for that offer? Or I should ask for Full and Final?? Already send them email that I can afford 2,700. Thanks for any help 1st Credit Reference : 00000000 Original Creditor : Partner Finance Your Balance : £10,000.00 Dear EDITED , We would like to thank you for your continued commitment to paying down your debt and progressing towards your debt free day. To support you in becoming debt free sooner we are able to offer you a 70% discount by way of partial settlement as detailed below: Pay in August and we will write off 70% of your balance You Pay £3,000 You Save £7,000 If you clear your account by way of partial settlement any default that is registered in relation to this account would be updated to 'partially satisfied'. The outstanding balance will show as zero on your credit file and you will not be pursued for any remainder of the balance by 1st Credit or any other third party. Please be aware ‘partially satisfied’ may be considered less favourable than ‘fully satisfied’ by future providers of credit. If you wish to take advantage of this offer you can follow the step by step instructions at our website to make a secure online payment. This offer is open until 31st August 2016. Discount offers (as detailed above) apply on a first come first served basis and may be withdrawn at any time. If you are not in a position to take advantage of this offer we will continue to accept your agreed instalments. If this is the case a response to this email is not required. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you can receive free independent debt advice by contacting one of the following organisations: Step Change (0800 138 1111) National Debtline (0808 808 4000) Your local Citizens Advice Bureau Should you have any questions please respond to this email, or for immediate assistance, contact a member of our team on 01737 237 370 during our opening hours of Monday to Friday 8:00am-8:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-1:30pm. Yours sincerely,
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