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Found 10 results

  1. Hi Guys. Not proud of this even though I am having some problems. I have received a summons for not paying a fine (not taxed) on time and they won't let me take an out of court settlement although I have been in this situation before with them (several times) and have been able to pay out of court. When I phoned they said there was a note on my account and the legal team won't speak to me. It seems odd that I don't get an explanation or can speak to anyone about it?
  2. Hi I guess my hope from posting this thread is to find out what, if anything, you would do in my circumstances.... I swtiched broadband/phone providers in May 2017. I realised i would lose my 10 year old email address but was ok with this and went about trying to change all online account details which used the old address before the termination date. Then largely forgot about the old account. In December this year my airline loyalty account was hacked. After speaking to the airline they told me that the hacker had entered in my ID number and then used the forgotten password link to have an email sent to reset it. Once they reset the password they used all 100K airline miles up, spending them on e-vouchers. Even though the airline gave me the voucher numbers, an email account for the provider and told me that they hadnt yet been spent - the voucher company refused to cancel them and just copied and pasted their terms and conditions everytime i contacted them. The airline said that they had not been hacked - but my registered email address was the source of the issue. It was then i realised i had not changed the email address from the old cancelled account on this site. If ISP had deleted my email address when i left them it wouldnt have been possible. I did call the ISP and they said very sorry but they're not liable for third party losses and that was after 1 month of consulting their legal team. do i write this off as a very expensive lesson? Or should the ISP have deleted the email account when i left?
  3. Hi On going through the SAR on my other thread i found a £1500 loan from 2003 over 24 months with a single premium PPI added . The APR on the loan was 17.9% , although on an adjacent piece of paper it says" interest 16.62% applied throughout the period of this statement to the whole of the outstanding balance.`` Is that all i can claim the 8% statutory interest??? Stat interest spreadsheet attached is that correct? StatIntSheet v101 lloyds Tsb £1500 loan PPI single premium.upload.xls
  4. Hi I came on this site to find out about my student loan deferment and realised that someone may be able to help me with a spot of bother I have got myself into. I went into a Three store 3 days ago to look at a phone I was thinking about buying. I ended up buying it on contract and was under the impression that I could cancel it and have my money refunded as I specifically asked the salesman "I can cancel this can't I" me meaning that I would not be worse off financially if I did. I went into store to cancel it because I decided it was too expensive and was informed that there was no 14 day cancellation option and I have to keep it. Is there any way for me to get out of this because it is not very economically viable? From what I have read some companies offer a 14 day cancellation service but are not required to by law if you go into store to sign the contract. Any information to contradict this would be gratefully welcomed. The phone and sims are unused and sealed. Thanks Jon
  5. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/new-controversial-princess-diana-play-4882989
  6. Guys Check this out below; This truly goes to show the shady dealings that company had... I think this should be a lesson for us all. To see a company like this go under is truly a good thing! I also like how it mentions about NDR and MHB being fit about holding Credit Licenses ^__^ What id like to know is how they define the loan book as "Potentially Recoverable"
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/10256679/TV-licence-offences-account-for-one-in-ten-UK-court-cases.html
  8. This has to be the height of absurdity! Click here.
  9. A documentary on how Churchill invented an idea of Britain's past which politicians, most notably Thatcher, have used to their gain. From a series called The Trap. This one is on how Game Theory reduced idea of humans to self-interested beings and helped encourage neoliberalism.
  10. I owe money to several creditors to which i make regular payments to when they have confirmed they owe the debt etc etc and i know who im paying is correct, but im having problems with MBNA/Connaught/1st credit ....The steps i have taken are below and can anyone confirm the next step for me please; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 April 2010 - Sent CCA Request/Do not acknoweldge debt 24 May 2010 - Statutory Demand Issued 25 May 2010 - Sent 2nd request as above 28 May 2010 - Letter received confirming my request for CCA on the 25th May 2010 saying take longer than 12 days 22 June 2010 - Statutory Demand Set Aside Confirmed due to no cca provided 30 June 2010 - Sent template letter saying "Account in Dispute" 05 July 2010 - Letter received confirming my 2nd letter and that they are yet to supply information and saying not valid request as falls under Schedule 2 section 2(a) of this Act, or grounds upon i rely on the notice 20 December 2010 - Documents received from Connaught and requesting payment in 7 days. Faint copy which says “Credit card agreement regulated by consumer credit act 1974” your lender is MBNA bank. Also copies of weekly statements 26th April 2006,20th April 2006,22nd March 2006. Also what looks like internal banking statements headed " A&L CONVSN REG MONEYBAC" showing transactions 04 January 2011 - Hassling for payment as saying paperwork sent 12 January 2011 - As above but saying any payment made will be doubled by them Recent - Mackenzie Hall and J&P solicitors letters demanding payment in full ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can i have some guidance please in the next step for me, i realise they have took longer than allowed to provide documentation but i have left it longer than 6 months to complain but i just want to set up and agree payments i can afford if they are the right people to pay. Thanks again
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