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  1. Hi , this is my first post. Yesterday I went through a horrible situation. I was in London designer outlet I have been caught of shoplifting after I left gap. The manager of gap and the security of the outer took me in the back . They asked me to open my bag , I tooked everything out . ( I had 2 items from gap, 1 from Nike and one from next ) they didn't call the police , they took my name , my address and my pictures. After and other security came to take my id and my picture . I never felt so bad in my all life. today I m even feeling worse . I m scared about the consequences . They said I will receive a letter but they did not specify which kind . I was in a total panic , 3 man asking me question made it even worse . I never had any criminal record . I never did this before . I really would like to know if with the ban from all gaps and from the outlet which they gave me I will also have a criminal record . I work in a shop and I'm really scared they will enter my dates in the database and from my work place they will see it . They didn't ask mr to pay , they banned me for 24 months . I m in a total panic . I m feeling really bad about myself and really bad about my future . Which consequences all of this will bring up ? I would really appreciate your responses . Many thanks
  2. Good evening everyone! A friend of mine has just contacted me and told me a story of how she had just visited a Sports Direct store in East Ham, London. She was just looking around there in search of some clothes and when she tried to take a shirt from the hanger, huge insects started falling out of its folds. She began recording this with her smart phone camera and asked the manager to comment the situation. But the manager just told her to stop recording and "get out of the shop!" So she is not going to try and contact Sport Directs anymore and want to proceed with complaint straight to appropriate authorities. Please advise where should she write the complaint and how should she use that video as the evidence. Thank you in advance!
  3. Hello chaps, I am afraid I got myself in a situation. I will skip the emotional stuff and try to be factual. I managed to develop an online shopping addiction, which resulted in high volume of returns to the stores hence security started watching me. I was detained on exiting a TKMaxx store on allegations of a theft (worth 35 quid) and fraud for replacing price tags on 2 items. Never had incidents or a CR before. I was given a 12-months store ban and the police was called to take details but still waiting for a voluntary interview date. I was told that the theft was not too bad, but the fraud bit is more serious. I am still deliberating between admitting and denying but a solicitor said it all depends on evidence, which will only be known at the police station. However, there is an additional problem with returning the existing purchases. I still have a number of items (receipts in date) to be returned as well as a few internet orders still unopened. I usually return the orders to a store, which is free. Returning by post will cost me quite a lot but I am not prohibited from doing so. However, I am trying to work out how on earth do I get refund for items bought in stores if I am not allowed to enter the stores? My OH is refusing to get involved fearing to be seen as a co-offender and I am too embarrassed to ask friends. Any idea what can I do??? We are talking a substantial sum here, not pennies, so letting it go is not an option for me. If I change my appearance and go into a different store, will my credit card get flagged up during transactions and I will be detained, or will the till get a call from security asking to put aside all returned merchandise for later inspection? In any case, there will be a breach of a ban, and that in itself is another offence? What on earth do I do???
  4. Hi, never used these forums before so sorry if i go over something already covered. I've just received a PCN from Parkingeye for overstaying at an Asda store but it was a Sunday at 5.30 and the store closes at 4.30, i've read several times on various pages about 'loss of earnings' and that if the store is closed then there are no losses involved. Is this correct and can i appeal on this basis? Cheers Kev
  5. Visited my mum tonight like I do every week, she is 80 and suffering from the onset of dementia. Last week she had mentioned she loved the movie Dirty Dancing and would like to get the music from it so she could play it at home. When I walked in she was all excited saying she had bought the music from a 2nd hand record shop. The first problem was she had bought a 2nd hand copy on cassette and does not have a cassette player. She then tells me she has to return to the shop on Monday to pay the rest of the money for it as she did not have enough on her when she was in the shop. I had a look at the cassette and the price on it was £3.99 reduced from £4.99. My mum said she had paid £20 towards the cassette and the guy in the shop had taken her name and address and also asked for her phone number but she could not remember it and told her to bring in the remaining £19.99 on Monday. Now I know people will say how would anyone think the price of the cassette would be £39.99 but my mum does not have a clue what sort of price these sort of things sell for. I was going to go into the shop tomorrow but it's closed, so I'm trying to get some time of work to go in with her on Monday. Not sure about the best way to deal with this.
  6. Dear Forum members, I’m new here, so please be gentle. I need some help/advice re dealings with a large bathroom supply company. They prepared some drawings for me and my wife for several bathrooms we needed. They were having a sale, and the salesperson said that if I put down some money, they would hold their sale prices for us after the sale. I put down £3000.00 on my credit card as a goodwill gesture and to secure the offer she had made. Later she gave us a quotation with a list of products they hoped I’d buy from them. My wife told the salesperson that she didn’t particularly like the selection of products made for us, and we would look into alternatives. She went to work on it and decided the drawings prepared weren’t to our taste and we went back to her own drawings done before we visited said company. The selections of products likewise, we could get better prices anyway from other local suppliers and on the internet. We had made no orders or purchases, or agreed any items. The salesperson wrote several emails asking for a deposit which we didn’t respond to as there was nothing on the quotation we wanted to order. My wife informed the salesperson we were changing the designs. There was no good reason to stick with this company for designs or product supply, so I notified the salesperson I would like my money refunded. The salesperson refused and said that on the back of their quotation were Terms and Conditions and they weren’t going to refund my money (I understand from this that they consider that I was/am in a contract with them). This was the first I had noticed of their T&Cs, and they had not been pointed out to me/us or even referred to in the meetings - but I hadn’t placed any order anyway, nor have I signed anything. Their T&Cs state that “no order submitted by the buyer shall be deemed to be accepted by the seller unless and until confirmed in writing by the seller”. The T&Cs also state: “Quotations are subject to withdrawal at any time before receipt of an unqualified order and shall be deemed to be withdrawn unless accepted within 30 days of their date”. The quote was in July 2016 and I still haven’t accepted it or ordered anything from the quote, or from the company. Further: "The Buyer may not cancel the Contract without the consent of the Seller which, if given, shall be deemed to be on the express condition that the buyer shall pay the seller for all reasonable loss, damage, claims or actions arising out of such cancellation unless otherwise agreed in writing”. Have I unwittingly entered in to a Contract without accepting the quotation, without having ordered any goods, without having signed anything and without having been shown the T&Cs (although they were printed on the back of the quotation)? Am I in a position to get my money back from them, or will I have to order goods to the value of the £3000.00 I am in credit with them? Am I under any legal obligations under these T&Cs or under any other consumer legislation?
  7. Please can you tell me the best way to deal with Store Card Debts? I have two which I have defaulted on. John Lewis and M&S. These cards were both originally taken out pre 1997. I cant find any of my paperwork pre this date. I have been paying a minimum amount each month of a £1 for the last 5 years and they are both pressing me at the moment to send them an Income and Expenditure form which personally I feel is none of their business. What should I do? I presume if I stop paying them anything they will send straight to their solicitors? Amounts outstanding are around £5K on each I do not have an income at the moment Thank you
  8. Hi Guys, Need your advice on this unusual problem. Sorry story is a bit long. I’ll spilt it by bullet point to make it easier to read: 1. 23 Dec 2016 – went to the store made small purchase requested £50 cashback. Was deep in my thoughts. Felt a bit awkward at the end of interaction with cashier who started behaving strangely by completely ignoring me and started chatting with colleague. After packing few purchased items I was waiting patiently not realising what for. Felt as something did not finish - no eye contact from cashier, no thanks / goodbye. I’ve felt a bit strange and waited for much longer that socially acceptable in such situation and then left the store without exchanging a word with cashier. 2. Few day later realised I did not had my cash. As I was not out of the house since visiting store I could not have spent it or lost somewhere. 3. Waited for store to open again and went to speak with manager on 27 Dec 16 to ask them for my cashback and checking CCTV to confirm it was not given. Duty manager said he cannot view CCTV but checked till for that day and there was no extra cash in the till. He also found small receipt with my signature that confirms I’ve received cash. Signature seemed to be mine but I do not remember signing it nor receiving cash. 4. I’ve got my receipt with cashback on it. I am guessing I was asked to sign small slip confirming I was given cash and then was given my store receipt. That triggered me into thinking I got what I needed and made to forget about my cash by cashier starting to completely ignoring me. 5. I’ve spoken to customer services and same manger again who were pointing at each other saying I need to request CCTV footage and pay for it and that only store manager / area manager can view CCTV. 6. 6 Jan 16 spoke to customer services who then spoke to store manager who then checked till records again stating no extra cash was reported on that day. 7. Managed to speak to store manager in person on 6 Jan 16. Did not get much was just fobbed off making it sound it was my fault and I should have checked cash in store and they conducted their investigation. This person was quite elusive did not wanted to talk. Said nothing I can do. Both managers felt a bit arrogant almost as if they were saying good luck with that! If you know what I mean. 8. 6 Jan 16 stated electronic communication with customer services sending all above information via web form. Starting message with I am making formal request for CCTV footage under Data Protection Act 1998 confirming I am happy to pay for it. Providing all relevant details timing till number etc. 9. 18 Jan 17 sent them all above information in registered letter. 10. Did not get any response for around 10 calendar days and called them again to chase up for reply. 11. Received reply on evening of 20 Jan 17 (Friday) stating they passed for investigation to area manager. Provided instructions for requesting CCTV and how payment should be made. Advised that I need to contact police if I felt there was theft. 12. 20 Jan 17 I replied via e-mail and asked to place hold on the footage to ensure it is not overwritten as I’ve read somewhere that their retention period is 30 days. 13. 21 Jan 17 (Saturday) send request for footage as per their instructions. 14. 26 Jan 17 received letter stating request is outside of system storage capacity. 15. Chased them up for finial outcome of area manager investigation knowing what they will say. 16. 16 Feb 2016 Received response stating CCTV has now been overwritten they conducted till review and no extra cash was found. Nothing else they can do and I can contact the police. My view on that is that they ignored my initial request under Data protection act sent to them on 6 Jan 17. Purposely delayed providing instruction for requesting footage and timed it so that I have 0% chances of making it successfully and that it reaches them before 30 days retention period to cover up for their employees. I’ve seem to exhausted my option to get this resolved with the company and looking for advice on taking this further. I feel up to taking them to small court claiming for postage, petrol cost for number of trips inconvenience and original cashback. Just wanted to get your views on chance for success and some help with small court procedures if will be going that way. Thanks for reading!
  9. Hi all I'm having a problem getting my point through to Omega Flight Store. Late December, I was planning a family vacation. I attempted to book 4 flights via https://book.omegaflightstore.com. The during payment, the site started to suffer errors and would not complete. I took screenshots of the site errors during my attempts. Eventually I got an email declining the booking from Omega. Therefore, I ended up going to a competitor (and paying more for the flight). Once that flight was booked, I suddenly and unexpectedly got an email from Omega that the booking has been confirmed. At no point during the booking process did the site ever complete the payment process. It literally just errored out every time. I went ahead and contacted Omega online to explain the situation, provided the screenshots as evidence in order to get a refund. As it was the website that was at fault, was expecting some fair play. Instead, the support staff just do seem to read the notes that I put in the case. A phone call later (on the same day as the booking) I managed to get the tickets voided. I only ever got a partial refund from them. They claim that according to the T&Cs I must pay £30 per ticket to void the booking. As the booking was made on Boxing day, Support could not escalate to management until a working day, but was promised a phone call will be made to discuss the matter. I'm yet to receive this phone call. Attempts to get management to call me have been futile. The support staff don't seem to read the comments that I had previously made (they even included that it is my responsibility to void the tickets on the same day as the booking....which I had already done). They wont escalate to management nor will the forward me to the complaints department. Can anyone offer any advise?
  10. I recently received a letter from my argos store card stating that they have refunded me for overpayment of fees.Are they within their rights to take the outstanding money owed to me off my card balance? I was owed a three figure payment and ended up with a cheque for £7 once they paid off my balance
  11. Hi, I bought some items from Thomann.de in December last year. Paid by Paypal. Got 'Payment accepted' notice and items arrived. A few weeks ago I get an e-mail from Thomann asking me to pay an outstanding balance. I thought it was some sort of phishing [problem], but after checking it out, everything seemed legit. I replied asking them what I owed them money for (at this point still assuming the order that was completed 4 months ago was, indeed, completed..) Apparently, my Paypal payment didn't go through at the time, but they sent the items anyway and opened an account.... I never received the supposed e-mail, and (as I pointed out in my reply) never responded to give this the OK... Thomann clearly weren't happy with that response as the next message contained a threat of a debt collection agency: In my response, I expressed my disappointment in them so readily resorting to threats, but also continued on the path to resolution: That was sent to them on Thursday (13th April). All the correspondence above were on the same day with messages about an hour apart. Today I get an e-mail from debt collectors.... I responded immediately with: Then I started searching the net for advice and found this place. Probably should have done that the other way round! So, where do you think I stand on all this? I think the two resolution offers I gave to Thomann are more than fair and reasonable considering the circumstances. They clearly disagree, but surely they don't have the right to pass onto a debt collector at this point?? edit: Forgot to add, the amount is £87.52
  12. Hi I had read that if you had a store card Santander are the main bank that deal with these complaints so decided to try their new online complaint form: info.yoursantander.co.uk/ppicomplaintform All I had to do was say what stores I had the cards with and fill a few details in and they did all the work for me. Really recommend using this if you are unsure as to what cards had ppi on as it saves you losing such a large amount of your money due back if complaining through a company as it only takes a few minutes to fill in I had accounts with currys, Debenhams, Dorthy Perkins and kwik fit and got a letter in the post a few weeks later saying how much I was owed. Hope this helps
  13. Hi, was caught shoplifting in boots, picked up 4 items nearlly worth £700 (as per Boots). security staff took all my details, called police, and i had to wait until police turn up, but nobody came. security staff called police 4 times, they were given a log no. but were getting told that no police officers are free at the moment to attend. after 4 hours of waiting, i was let go, as the store had been closed and they waited over an hour for police even after the store was closed. i was escorted out , i was given banned notice and RLP recovery letter. was cautioned in 2009 for shoplifting in past (in another part of uk), never did anything wrong again after that. then in january this year i was in trouble with another retail store, they called police for shoplifting goods worth £40, police didnt arrest me since i had no id on me they wanted to know if all my details given to them were correct, they brought me home, they didnt enter my house but waited outside in car until i brought my id and showed it to them. then they just said that it was a slap on wrist this time but dont do anything wrong again. At that time i told them about incident of 2009 where i was cautioned but they seemed not to have that on their record. My question is that what should i do next? do i need to go to police station myself for last night event? will police come to my house to arrest me? (they dont have my phone no to contact me on.) will i go to prison or get a fine or get a caution? or will i be luckiest and police wont turn up at my house? will they search my house or enter inside (if this happens then i will loose my accommodation as i am living with a relative as i didnt have anywhere else to live, and slept two nights in a park two months ago then this relative finally helped and sheltered me, if they know about this then i will even loose the roof from my head) i am very very stressed and dont know what to do. (i asked security staff and he said that i dont need to go to police station, if police contact him then they wil pass my details to them and they will take it from there) they waited that long because of the worth of items stolen were about £650.
  14. Hi everyone, I am hoping for some advice here. Last November (15th), I bought a Samsung S7 Edge dual SIM (non -EU model, it seems to be a Middle east model) mobile phone from progadgetsuk - registered business store on eBay. This was listed with 1 year warranty and new device and came in promptly , after I made the payment using PayPal. When the package came, everything seemed genuine and the phone worked perfectly 3 days ago it suddenly heated up and would NOT come on again .. neither charges up, nor does the display screen turn on. I remember clearly raising a query on item listing page where the seller had confirmed that any repairs would be handled by him directly with SAMSUNG under the warranty period. I have contacted the seller for the last 3 days continuously with no response. eBAy have no facility to report this item as it has passed their deadline of 30 days for some reason their customer service stated that I should contact the seller directly. Surprisingly eBAy DOES not provide me an option to report the seller or make any comment on the item listing ( from my history) which can affect the seller's credibility rating in any way. Since I paid for this using my paypal account, I opened a dispute resolution case with paypal, but their reply was that they CANNOT do anything about cases which fall beyond the 180 day mark. I have tried contacting SAMSUNG directly as well , they say the following: SAMSUNG UK - This is a non- EU model and hence they WILL NOT repair it. SAMSUNG (GULF/ Middle east) - They are saying that the 1 year warranty has expired ... though I bought the phone from the seller only on 15th November. I have now run out of ideas as to what should be my next step and would be grateful for any advise that consumers like me might have faced. Many thanks for your patient reading.
  15. Hi I did by a Rolling Stone T-SHIRT at Saatchi Gallery store 2 days before the exhibition closed 3/9/16. it costed £40 I bought it few minutes before Saatchi was closing. I am not happy with the prduct and the t-shirt does not fit. I went back at Saatchi gallery store the week after but the store was closed for change of exhibition. It is still closed. this prompted me to write to the shop customer service. They eventually replied sayng they did return all the stock and it is not of their competence now. They've asked me to contact Bravado uk. Bravado web for Exhibition London is down. I did found the contact for Bravado US and they said they are not associated to that show or they sell only online. Went back to speak to Saatchi and they gave me a link Bravado office uk. I wrote to them twice but not reply. I still believe Saatch should take it back because they were officially appointed to sell Exhibition merchandice and did all the operations with their credit card and system account machines. would be logical to go again through their machines for the refund which I paid by card and then they should sort that out with Bravado. It seem quite tough as Saatchi is insisting they ahve finish their work with them.. . Any help or suggestion please? Seems a proper con otherwise, no customer assistance just after the exhibition ends for return of defective clothe etc.. .Seems crazy. How could this be ascaleted eventually or any help? cheers!
  16. Hello I'm looking for some advice please with reference to the below:- Name of the Claimant ? Capquest Date of issue: 18/11/2016 > Defence filed for SB 06/12/2016 What is the claim for: 1.The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant under a contract between the defendant and [Retailer] dated on Mar 13 2002 and assigned to the claimant on Feb 12 2010. Default balance £1867.74 31/10/2016. What is the value of the claim: £2052.74 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account: Cat Debt / Store Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007: Before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim: Capquest Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment: Unsure, have recently received letters from Capquest Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor: Unsure, possibly as it was a long time ago. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year: I don't believe so. Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties & personal problems What was the date of your last payment? Late 2008 to the OC, 2012 to Capquest [i think]. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I stopped making payments and the debt has now been sold on. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Please see below. I received the claim form last month, did some homework [although perhaps not thorough enough] and believed that this was SB. I registered on MCOL, submitted my defense for SB as to the best of my knowledge I believed it was. However, my memory isn't what it used to be unfortunately and things are currently very unsettled at work so I'm not thinking straight. I received a letter from the court saying that the defence had been forwarded to Capquest, then I received a letter yesterday from Capquest stating that they believed it wasn't SB because their client last receievd a payment from me in August 2012, therefore I should withdraw my defence as I've not provided the last payment date, I do not appear to be disputing the the balance, and I'm invitied to withdraw my defence in the next 14 days and complete and return the admission form. I tried to sleep on this last night and ended up searching an old email account and found a communication I sent to Capquest in early 2012 disputing what was showing on my credit file. I must have been making regular payments for just over 12 months, yet this was not reflected on my credit file and I must have emailed them to ask them to correct this. As per my email I must have believed the balance was just over £1000 yet it was showing way over £2000 which I'm guessing is not what we had agreed as part of the payment plan, hence my email to them. I've scoured this mailbox but cannot find a reply from them. I know that later that year I was made redundant twice in a very short space of time [last in, first out] and that will be why I didn't keep up with payment plan as I was out of work for a while but then took a substantial pay cut just to get back into work. There is no mention of Capquest or the retailer on Noodle. I'm now at a loss and I don't want to make the situation any worse. I honestly believed it was SB but have since discovered that it isn't and feel terrible for making that mistake. I haven't submitted any CCA, CPR, SAR, etc. I'm just looking for some sound advice please.
  17. Can anyone suggest a method of calculating PPI redress for a store card because I have received an offer from the lender which seems very low? My account was opened in 1988 and repaid in 1995. I paid approximately £165.00 in PPI premiums, the bank has offered £520. Does this sound accurate, how can I check if it's right? Thank you.
  18. Hi. As a newbie, I hope I have done the right thing. I tried to post on the appropriate forum. But got a message saying they were not accepting any new posts. I really need some advice. my husband was accepted for an Argos store card in 2014. We only used it once and my husband paid off the balance. He is very shrewd like that. You can therefore imagine our horror when Argos got intouch to say that we had not paid for a ps4, that had been delivered to an alternative address. My husband explained that this was nothing to do with us. Had we ordered anything we would have made payment. They continued to threaten us with court action and bailiffs, so my husband asked for a copy of the signature that was given at the so called delivery address. Argos responded by saying they no longer had it. We then contacted the Ombudsman with all of the details, they had obviously contacted Argos, as yesterday we received a letter saying please see attached proof of signature. It was a blank box. Nothing. Can someone please help us. We seem to be going around in circles. Thank you.
  19. Hi all, I'm in a predicament with 2 x sofas that I have recently purchased from ScS and would love your insight if possible. I ordered the sofas over the phone with the store manager and paid over the phone. I had, along with my daughter, been into the store that day to look at display sofas and had chosen a colour “ charcoal” by looking at a swatch. We wanted grey and decorated the lounge and re-carpeted (carpets from SCS too) according to a grey and lavender colour scheme. When delivered into the lounge the sofas totally look brown. We have a large window and a porch door that lets in light so it is not a dark room. I refused to accept delivery. I rang the Store manager who confirmed the delivery is what I chose and said that if I want to choose alternative sofas from ScS, I will be charged a 35% excess re-selection fee, which in this case would mean I would lose £429. This fits with the discretion cited in Terms and Conditions that Store Managers can use when customers cancel an order on sofas bought in store. However, the Cancellation Policy quoted on the SCS website is different for Cancellations and Returns and states….. "This cancellation and Returns Policy only applies if you made your purchase with SCS online, over the telephone, and via our website. if you have placed your ordering one of our stores, please refer to the Terms and Conditions on the reverse of your order.” Given I ordered theses sofas over the phone, including making payment, albeit to a Manager in a store , I would hope the policy from the website applies. I want a full refund. I don’t want to choose alternative sofas that will take 8 wks to make and deliver. I've included two images below - one of the sofa as it was delivered to my home showing the colour that appears to be brown rather than "charcoal", and a screenshot of the "charcoal" swatch that I was shown in the store that I placed my order based on. Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this takes the biscuit? (I have images but the forum isn't letting me post them as a newbie... but they can be found at the following address:) imgur dot com/a/4h8Hi What are my rights in this situation? Thanks.
  20. Hi All, I ordered 5 boxes of laminate flooring and a zigzag bar online, which were delivered by courier to my fathers address, as I work full time. Once I had paid for the items (via PayPal), I received an email with the delivery date and an invoice stating :- "It is very important to check your order for signs of damage before accepting your delivery. If you spot any damage or missing items, please accept the delivery and mark this on the delivery docket detailing what is damaged or missing and how many packs are missing or damaged. We can then replace these items quickly. Regrettably, we are only able to replace any damaged items that have been signed for as damaged.” “By signing for any delivered goods you are also confirming that you have received those goods in acceptable condition. Woodfloor Warehouse ltd can not accept responsibility for any goods damaged in transit that the customer has signed for unless signed as damaged.” I therefore asked my father to check the goods when they were delivered, and refuse to sign for them if any were damaged. The laminate flooring was delivered by UPS and each individual box was covered in flimsy foam underlay and taped with sellotape, as was the zigzag bar. My father checked each box and saw no damage to the covering, therefore assumed the laminate was fine, and signed that all was ok. When I got the flooring home and opened the boxes, I discovered that 3 of the 5 were severely damaged, and the zigzag bar crushed beyond use, and completely unusable. I have emailed the company requesting replacement of the 3 boxes and the zigzag bar. They told me to fill in a claim and send photos, which I did. The company then replied stating that because they were signed for, there is nothing they can do, but as a good gesture will would send 3 more boxes and zigzag bar, and charge at cost price if I paid again. I stated that the items were checked and no visible damage was found and the flimsy outer packaging was undamaged, therefore the goods must have been damaged prior to wrapping and delivery. They stated this was not possible, staff would lose their jobs, and they must have been damaged during delivery, and they would not replace or refund as they were not signed for as damaged. By stating the above, I feel like they have relinquished all responsibility for any damaged items they send out, and placed it either onto the delivery company or the customer. If I had unwrapped and signed as damaged upon delivery, the company would blame the courier and get their money back. As my father didn't unwrap all 5 boxes and inspect each of the 50 boards individually on delivery, the blame then falls on the customer. Either way they still get money for damaged goods. In my opinion, they have wrapped the already damaged flooring in flimsy covering, therefore hiding the damage from the courier and the customer, sent them out, and then covered themselves with the above statement. Does anyone know if they have legally covered themselves with the above (as it is apparently in their terms & conditions also), or do I have any rights for a refund/replacements ? Thanks in advance.
  21. Took a fixture out of it's packet and didn't pay for it when I bought other items of shopping at a national DIY chain. Was stopped at the exit by 2 staff. One wearing shop attire,the other plainclothes. I was asked and immediately admitted the theft. The uniformed staff asked me to come into the store. He took me to pay for the item with the packet I had discarded. I paid at the card self service point. He then asked me for photo ID but I only had my bank card. He accepted this after the other plainclothes staff indicated it was OK. He seemed to take a photo of the card with a phone. He then asked me to come to the booth so he could take a photo of me with the phone. He didn't ask for my address or any other details. I asked him where the photo went and he said ' crime line'. I said what's that and he said not to worry, that's it, you're fine to go.. I think he could see I wasn't quite with it. After this he said I was fine to go. I said I was sorry for being a fool and he said don't worry we all get tempted. It was all quite odd. .I'm not in the best state of mind due to redundancy, no excuse for theft. . my head isn't quite all there...so wasn't asking the right questions at the time. I presuming that I wasn't allowed to just pay for the item and there is no more consequences? Are there further ramifications? ..and what is crime line? Plus it looked like he was using a mobile phone for his photos ..like his own mobile. .i know this sounds laughable but that can't be correct can it?
  22. My Grand daughter purchased an Amazon Gift card at Tesco Metro store for my Christmas gift. She received - Gift card in display pack and a receipt as shown below. I had several other Amazon gift vouchers as well - so I logged on and started entering the numbers. To ensure no mix up - I put one number in - sent the thank you - put the card to one side. Get to this particular card above and I receive an 'invalid number' message. Checked number and thought perhaps the 2 x 8's could perhaps be 'B' so re entered - still receiving the message invalid. Spent 20 minutes trying to find a way to make contact with Amazon. Click on button for them to ring me immediately. 1 hour + later, I still have not received a resolution. 1st I give him the code - nothing - he says because it has 5 digits at the end of the grouping that there is something wrong. How odd - all the other cards have the same grouping... 4 digits-6 digits-5 digits. The receipt shows quite clearly that the card has been activated properly - the reference numbers in barcodes and receipt all match up - so what is the problem ? I asked if he was telling me that Tesco Metro were selling dodgy cards ? or whether anyone else who had purchased an Amazon Card from Tesco Metro, would be having the same problem as I was ? I gave every reference number off the card/the packaging and receipt - The call ended with the Amazon rep saying he would call me back in a day or so with a resolution ? It was suggested that maybe I would need to get the sender to return to Metro to find out the problem - erm, no way am I going to tell my grand daughter that a gift she has given me has caused so much hassle !! So, in the event that I do not receive a satisfactory resolution within say 24-48 hours - what are my options ?
  23. Hi. My 15y old child is banned from an M&S store for swearing at a member of staff. Is the company allowed to throw us out of the store 6 months later when I decide to go in there together with my child to buy clothes? Thank you
  24. Good afternoon everyone. I have a particular story to tell: In May I have had a problem with a Lg g2 and contacted the seller, which is a shop on Amazon. I was suggested by the seller to contact a local store for having the mobile repaired. The mobile had a small problem to the headphone jack, the icon of the headphone was constantly on and I could not use the speaker. I went to a local shop and they have kept the mobile for one day and repaired it. The day after I have taken the mobile and used for one day before going back to the store because one of the volume buttons was not working. They have taken the mobile and after one week they have told me that the engineers could not turn the mobile on anymore. After that moment I went to the store at least 10 15 times and after 120 days they keep asking me to go back and waiting. Today, 10/10 I advised them I was going to report them. The mobile costed me one year earlier £310 The police told me that they do not deal with these issues and that I have to talk with a lawyer. Should a citizen pay for having their win against these sellers? This seller is the actual Shopping Palace in North End Road. I will never go back anymore there. But what to do now? Regards, Fenixo
  25. http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Aldi-customers-told-register-vehicles-store-face/story-27985958-detail/story.html I don't see how this really helps with the congested car park as anybody is still allowed to park there without using Aldi...
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