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  1. Poundworld Retail Limited in administration: how to claim redundancy or register as a creditor READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/poundworld-retail-limited-in-administration-how-to-claim-redundancy-or-register-as-a-creditor
  2. D-Day veterans invited to register for 75th Anniversary READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/d-day-veterans-invited-to-register-for-75th-anniversary
  3. CAU Restaurants Limited: how to claim redundancy or register as a creditor READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cau-restaurants-limited-how-to-claim-redundancy-or-register-as-a-creditor
  4. Hi Caggers, I would like to know: How to check if my Church name has already been taken And How to register my Church in the uk This will be an all faith Church with no preaching. I don't want to say anymore about it yet. It is not a money making scheme or even a non-profit but entirely free. It will not be used in order to simply get a license to marry people. It will be based on Ethics and varying scriptures and open to all. It doesn't matter to me is it is successful or not, I just want to create it and give what I have been living for decades some official substance. Many Thanks.
  5. Our car was clamped last week. The agent said we had 7 tickets and everything had been through court. We had NO IDEA of any of this. car still registered at our old address (we moved 3 years ago and post not forwarded after initial 3 months) so maybe this is all true. We paid £500 to have the car un-clamped and was told this covered ALL 7 actions. They promised to send through list of all tickets. But did not. I am complaining about this. My question is: I may well have 7 tickets (but from various jurisdictions - congestion charge, speeding, parking etc. how do I know? Is there a central register? Any other ideas? How do I know I will not run the risk of clamping every time I go out in the car? Clearly if I had known of the tickets I would have paid (or challenged) at the time. And having no notice, when we failed to register the car at our new address, is no defence? Thoughts?
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/39987278 2 million have registered to vote since the snap election was called and many of these are under 35 years of age. If you have not registered to vote, why not do so, even if you have not decided who to vote for or whether it is worth it. We keep seeing younger people complaining that older generations votes decide who wins elections and if they don't even register to vote or go to the polling station, then they can't affect the result. Unhappy with Brexit, University tuitions fees, NHS, Schools etc. This is your chance to vote for a candidate/party that might support your opinion or is closest to it. Yes you might not agree with everything about a party or their leader, but think what they represent and does it match your values.
  7. Hi Everyone, thanks for reading. I have 2 defaults amounting to about £15k. I went through the entire process of seeing if they were enforceable and it seems they are. So i just moved on, this was about 2 years ago. I was just waiting until they drop off after 6 years. But i heard somewhere that these guys can come back after 5 years and start threatening you with court action. I couldn't care less, but i don't want the CCJ and going through another 6 years of rubbish credit. Has anyone had experience of this and am i better off giving them a tiny settlement and just being done with it? Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Hi all, I went to re-tax car after 12 months tax was due to expire, only to be told that although tax had been purchased on 25th October 2015, that they had back-dated this to the beginning of October. Not very pleased about this since I have effectively lost almost a month of tax! However DVLA clearly don't care, and I imagine they make a lot of money off this discrepancy when a car changes hands. luckily we had not been stopped during those 24 days that I thought we were covered. When I rang the DVLA though, it turns out that the reason they had not sent any reminders at the right time, and that I had been left to remember the date myself, was that they had not received the new keeper supplement from us via the post, and therefore did not have our details as the new keepers. They had apparently been informed that the car had been sold by the previous owner at the time. We had given the old owner our details of course, but this information at least is not on DVLA database relating to our car. I was wondering though since we did send it a while back, are there any penalties for this should we get stopped by the police in the meantime? I did at some point phone the DVLA about the new log book, but back then they said that sometimes it takes a while to process, so ultimately I let it be and did not chase it again. I am really not happy that the DVLA have washed their hands of the matter and simply say that we will need to get another form and pay an extra £25 since they or Royal Snail have lost the original form. Is there any comeback on this, or would I need to have proof of posting or 'signed for' proof to qualify for any redress? Also out of interest since it didn't happen to us, if we had been stopped during those 24 days of backdating, would there have been any way to avoid a fine/car getting impounded etc? I have looked carefully at all the email and online notices of vehicle tax/proof of payment that I made copies of at the time , and it at no point says that it was only taxed from the beginning of the month! It clearly says 12 months tax from 25/10/15. Thanks
  9. Are people aware that NHS England is now allowing GP practices to de-register patients they have not seen for 5 years ? This might mean that those who have not been to their Doctor for years are delayed in getting an appointment, because they have to register first. And those that fall ill on holiday, might have problems with Travel Insurance. If you have not seen a Doctor for years or are not registered with a Doctor, i would suggest that you arrange Insurance by phone, so you can make Insurers aware that you are not registered with Doctors, so they have no records to check in the event of a claim. See this article. Grandmother faces a £5,000 medical bill despite taking out insurance http://dailym.ai/2exhnGs
  10. Mobile phone users are increasingly being targeted by nuisance callers, new research from Which? can reveal. Seven in ten mobile phone users said they had received at least one unwanted call to their mobile in the past month. Despite the rise in such calls, many mobile phone users don't realise that they can register with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). Only 3% of mobile phone users are registered with the TPS Which? has worked with the TPS to launch a brand new free text service which allows people to register their mobile phone numbers. You can register your mobile phone with the TPS for free by sending a text stating OPTOUT to 80057 and Which? will send you a link to some simple steps to help stop nuisance calls. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/10/mobile-phone-users-targeted-by-nuisance-callers--420112/
  11. A woman knocked at my house earlier (I rent privately) and told me I have to give my details for the electoral register. I explained to her that I was busy at that time and she was quite rude to me saying it would only take a few minutes and we could have had it done in the time we were "arguing". I told her I was no aware we were arguing. She said if I did not complete the form there and then she would mark it down as a refusal. I asked her what it was all for and she said so I could vote. I told her that I did not vote anyway so no thanks. My friend has just told me that I can be fined up to £1000 for not registering! Is this true?! And if it is, what should I do now? x
  12. http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/Aldi-customers-told-register-vehicles-store-face/story-27985958-detail/story.html I don't see how this really helps with the congested car park as anybody is still allowed to park there without using Aldi...
  13. Hello Many thanks for reading this- kindly appreciated. I jointly own a property with my ex-husband. We had a NRAM together mortgage with the unsecured loan, I went into IVA once we split up and he is now solely responsible for the remainder of the unsecured debt. As he ignored paying towards this debt (any debts really!) NRAM took him to Court and the following restriction has been entered in the proprietorship register in the Land Registry document: "No disposition of the registered estate is to be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or his conveyancer that written notice of the disposition was given to NRAM being the person with the benefit of interim charging order on the beneficial interest of Mr... (my ex-husband) made by the [name of court] on [date] [Court reference…]." I put the property on the market after being assured by my conveyancer that the restriction can be easily removed. Close to the exchange of contracts my solicitor suggested that she can't give undertaking to my buyer that the restriction will be removed as NRAM are not willing to remove the charge - please see the correspondence received from NRAM attached. The deal fell through partly because of this and partly because my ex stopped corresponding and signing paperwork. He is not corresponding with NRAM either. I will have to go back to Court to ask the Court to sign property sale documents on my ex's behalf I gather... My question is whether I can sell the property? How can this restriction be removed? Is there any recommendations for the conveyancing solicitors who are experts in this matter and are prepared to give the undertaking so I can sell and move on with my life? Or is there any other solution to this please? I would so much appreciate some help with this please. Thank you. NRAM letter.pdf
  14. Good morning all... I checked my credit files this week, and was rather shocked to see a default registered by Orange, last year for £65. Background is this: I have been an Orange customer for over 15 years, and towards the end of 2014 my handset stopped working and I decided it was time to upgrade and get a new one. Simple, or so I thought. I called Orange from my handset, and was quickly upgraded to a new contract by the representative who told me that my new contract was with EE but that it was all the same company and nothing would change. My account was not in arrears. The EE account has been running since, no arrears, no notification of outstanding arrears, until last week when I discovered the default and outstanding balance. I called 150 from my handset, and was transferred to a call centre in India where I was told that I had not paid my final Orange bill, which was strange as I can't remember the phone representative mentioning anything about it when I upgraded and I haven't received a bill or reminder about it and of course I am still an EE customer, they know exactly where I live and I still have the same number. I asked to speak to a manager, was kept waiting for 40 minutes, then hung up on and had to repeat the same process again. I finally got through to someone who told me it was my fault, they had apparently sent me my final Orange bill with an amount for the first months EE bill and insurance. This is even stranger; surely I would've been cut off if I hadn't paid my EE bill, and this is beside the fact that I was told nothing would change when I upgraded my phone? Orange told me I need to pay the DCA, and there is nothing they can do. I have received no correspondence from any DCA. Reading around other threads it doesn't look good for having the default removed, and I am so frustrated, as my credit file would be clean at the end of the year and I was looking to get a mortgage. It doesn't seem right that Orange/EE should be able to do this, and I certainly would not have upgraded my contract with them had I known, but understanding that mobile agreements are not bounded by the CCA I'm not sure how to challenge it?
  15. BBC News - Hundreds of thousands register to vote as deadline looms Registration needed by 23.59pm tonight. People have until 23:59 BST on Tuesday 7 June to register to be able to vote in the UK's EU referendum. The Electoral Commission said 1.65 million people had applied for a vote since a campaign began last month - but millions more have yet to sign up. Registering online should take about five minutes. People may need their National Insurance number, or passport number if a UK citizen living abroad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36462425 Just in case.Check things out.In or out your vote counts. https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
  16. Hi all, hope you can shed some light on this issue I am facing currently, 2 months ago I bought a second hand car from a local car dealer, I did a HPI check prior and it showed outstanding finance on the car I rang up both the car dealer and HPI to query it and I was told by both that it is a 'unit stocking' finance and it is commonly used by most car dealers to stock up cars on their forecourt and the finance would be paid off automatically within 2-3 days of purchase I went ahead and bought the car for above the average price due to it being in pristine condition with low miles etc.. I only realized recently that I still hadn't received the new V5 logbook in my name tried to ring the car dealer to see if they had forgotten to send of the old V5 to DVLA. After trying numerous times to get hold them I had no luck, they wouldn't answer their phones or no replies for emails etc, tried to go on their website and it was down too! I got very suspicious and did another HPI check on the car to my shock the vehicle Registration was showing 'at risk' on the security watch register! however it was not showing outstanding finance. I rang HPI and was told the security register was made by the financial company for whatever reason and gave me their contact number. I still haven't contacted them because I am seriously worried they could repossess the car. My question to you guys are should I mention about the HPI check I did prior to purchase or am I better off not mentioning it? my worry is they could say to me why did I buy the car if I knew there was outstanding finance on it? will the 'innocent consumer' rights be thrown out? if the 'unit stocking' finance on the car is still outstanding will the finance company chase after the purchaser or the car dealer? and what happens of the car dealer had gone bust? The car dealer at the time had many cars advertised on autotrader and even more on their website there was no reason for me to believe about their credibility or reputation. I have the receipt of purchase and the payment was made with a Visa debit card. If you guys could please advise me the best option I should proceed with I would be very grateful! Kind regards Ri.
  17. Garage has sent a letter to register my vehicle for unpaid bill. This company agreed to do work for cash in hand, some monies paid have not been credited and he has now upped the bill and now included VAT. As far as I am concerned they are in breach of contract. Are they able to take over my vehicle? It is parked in a private yard, not on their premises. They stated at the beginning that if I let them do work when needed in between jobs then they would do it cheaper. This has NOT been the case and now expecting me to pay an inflated bill. I have receipts for one large payment but nothing for the others as he would not give me one. Where do I stand on this legally? AS they have been trading without VAT and now issued a bill for work where some of it was already paid for without a receipt by cash in hand.
  18. Hi, I decided to look myself up and noticed that I wasn't on the electoral register. So I've just re-signed up (third time in 5 years) and made sure that I wasn't on the "open register". Is there anything I can do if people decide to get my details from the "non open register" for business reasons? i.e. debt collectors etc...? Cheers, A
  19. Hi I have received a number of emails recently from MotorMile Finance claiming an outstanding balance on a payday loan (Pounds Till Payday). I have no record of any outstanding debt but don't have records going back to 2008 to check the validity of what they are claiming. I have no record of any defaults or accounts for Pounds Til Payday on any of my credit files so am not sure how to proceed. When I asked for further information they gave me the following: This could all well be true but I have no records of outstanding debt or any records (let alone defaults) from Pounds Til Payday on any of the 3 reference agencies. Mmile claim to have purchased the debt and sent an email stating their NOTICE OF LEGAL ASSIGNMENT: I was considering a Subject Access Request to get as much information held as possible but my primary concern is the latest email which threatens to register a default on all 3 agencies against this supposed debt. Can a default be applied against a debt that has been purchased by a DCA? (assuming the Notice of Legal Assignment email is legit) Email below: Any advice on how to proceed would be welcome! I do not want unwarranted defaults appearing on credit file
  20. We have a council tax debt from last year (2013/14). Following some to-ing and fro-ing, several unanswered letters and not a little stress, we agreed a payment order with R&R. The agreement was two months at one sum, then an increased sum for the next four months (our proposal, not theirs). They confirmed the lower sum for a longer period, made no reference to the increase to the higher sum and didn't reply when I wrote to correct them. We made the first two payments and 30th April was the date for the first of the higher ones. Because of me changing bank accounts and a few other cash flow issues, it didn't get paid until 7th May (date on the receipt - showing on my bank statement on 8th). On Friday just gone (15th) I had a 'removal notice' dated 8th and saying the bailiff in charge WOULD remove my goods to auction within the week (doesn't say which date that relates to, however). It implied he would do so whether or not I was there but would prefer that I was. I've emailed them twice to say I've paid the instalment and I've made a complaint to my council about their tactics, but they haven't responded and I'm still worried that the bailiff may appear and nick my twenty-year old caravan from my drive whilst I'm out at work. It's not worth much but it's the only way we can afford to go on holiday. It's clamped and hitch-locked but I doubt that would stop the bailiff. Unfortunately I can't hide it, although I have considered transferring ownership (on paper, at least) to my son and setting up a backdated receipt. Can they do this, given that the most recent payment was few days late? Also, no-one's ever visited re. this matter and I've had no hand-delivered letters (although a couple of threateners via Royal Mail before we made the payment agreement). I've never signed anything either. I'd also like to know, can I ask the council to take the debt back at this stage and accept the remaining instalments? Is the council obliged to take any payments I make to them via bank transfer? Because I'm sick and fed up of dealing with R&R. BTW, the council outsources its Council Tax operations to Capita who, I believe, also owns R&R.
  21. Hey guys n gals. Does anyone else find that the CCregister isn't working? I've tried several searches on several browsers (mac and windows) and they all get stuck at 'waiting....'. The link I used is this one: http://www.oft.gov.uk/ConsumerCreditRegister Cheers A
  22. Full report... http://www.ico.org.uk/news/latest_news/2013/pay-day-loans-company-and-its-director-prosecuted-for-failing-to-register-08102013
  23. Here is my situation. I spent some 40 years in the Insurance Industry. Had a Mild Stroke - the company then tried to push me out. I took them to Employment Tribunal and won. Despite this I spent the next two years on Job Seekers Allowance. Now that is just background. I got a job through a Temp agency. The job involved shifts which could be from 8 in the morning to 10 at night. From the beginning I told them repeatedly that I was going to be off (holiday - not working) on 2 specific days - one of which is my 60th Birthday. Despite this I found last weekend that I was on a shift on those 2 days. I complained and they didn't like that. We parted. In a few days time I am 60 and I will start receiving one of my pensions. With the Lump Sum I would have too much to claim benefit and the weekly sum would only be slightly less than what I would get as JSA. Now, I could claim JSA as the job only went on for 11 weeks albeit I left under a cloud BUT the few extra Pounds I would get compared to the grief they give you is not worth it. However, should I register just for the stamp alone? I question this as say I were to restart claiming benefits in 6 - 12 months time, could they seek to sanction me for leaving the job? I tried to Citizens Advice bureau but they don't seem to know what they are doing these days. Certainly not giving advice.
  24. Hello all, How are you? I hope you are fine Recently my employer is reducing the workforce and offered the affected employees a voluntary redundancy via expression of wish. I am one of the affected people and will receive under the voluntary a payment in lieu of notice. As far as I understand this has an effect as if I would work the time for which this payment is made. Is this correct? My next question is then: When should I apply/register for the JSA, in my last 3 working days or 3 days before the time, for which the payment in lieu of notice is, runs out? PS: I am convinced, that I will get a new job within this timeframe anyway, but I would like to know this just in case Best regards
  25. I posted yesterday regarding a bailiff coming into my home and giving me a Notice of Distress, he left his name on the form and i checked it today and its not showing on I searched using his surname ( thats all i have) and the company name, the company results dont list a bailiff with his surname? I think they may be trying to frighten me into paying a lump sum that i dont have (single mum on JSA) as he didnt ask me to sign the distress either adn the items arent of any where near the value needed. Can someone advise me on my next steps to try to set up a payment plan thanks
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