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Found 15 results

  1. Hi there, Recently i had an accident that wasn't my fault when i veered out the way of an oncoming car that came over onto my side of the road. The cars did not collide and i went into a raised curb, the other driver did not stop and drove away. Major damage to passenger side front wheel, and passenger side suspension with body damage. i have a £3000 excess, with XS direct. They claim the car is a right off and their engineer valued the car at £24,000 when brand new in March 18 it was £37,000 value. They are now claiming it is not economically viable to repair. Car was sent to BMW approve garage as in BMW dealership, estimate of £16,000 all in. They class it as Salvage: S? Please help, is there anyway to convince them to repair the car? Thanks,
  2. Hi all, first post here! thanks in advance for any advice. I'm going to be trading in my car for another used car. I have a private plate on my current car and want to transfer it to the one I'm buying. I see this can now be done online, but I'm confused about the 2nd part.. I'll take the number off my existing car using the online forms, and get a confirmation number that I can use to put it onto the other vehicle. But do I need to wait for the log book for the new vehicle to be posted off and come back in my name BEFORE i do the online process to put the number onto the next car? Or can I put the number onto the next car, entering the dealerships details into the online form. They then post off the log book with a change of ownership? Just worried about losing my number! Thanks
  3. Good afternoon fellow forum users, apologies in advance as I've never posted before and want to give as much info as possible but there is a bit to tell and I don't want to bore you all to death so I'll try to be as brief and concise as possible. Yesterday I received 4 parking notices from a company claiming to be PCS and one penalty parking charge from the London Borough of Newham for a 52m - failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of motor vehicle contravention. In total the bill is currently standing at almost £500 ( 4 counts of £60 from PCS and £130 from Newham). All these offenses are claimed to have taken place between the 1st and 5th Dec 2018. All of these documents claim to have visual evidence of 'the vehicle' and it's true that there are attached CCTV grabs of a car of the same make and model as mine and a matching number plate although I have never been to Newham, and not really sure where it is? So am assuming that these are cloned plates. Have already contacted the Police and they have given me a crime ref no and will also be contacting the DVLA as they advised so I'm pretty sure I can sort that issue out with Newham. However, the so called 'parking charges' issued by PCS parking collection services. PO box 271. Ashton Under Lyme OL6 0DL are more of an issue as having done some digging online and through this website I am now under the suspicion that these may not be legit as the company appears to have a somewhat suspect reputation in what I can find and I don't particularly relish more lovely envelopes dropping on the mat. the salient points in this matter are 1: of the four offences they claim, they can only provide me with pictures in two instances out of the four dates involved. And two of the claimed offences are for different dates but same PCN no and times, although same company ref no. 2: It is clear from these pictures that there might actually be two different cars involved with the same plate as mine as two of the sets of photos provided for two different dates appear to show one silver like mine and then one light green 3: The number plate displayed is marked different to mine in so much as it doesn't appear to be held on my screws at all and definitely doesn't have any other writing, such as a dealer name or post code etc or a visible crack down like mine has. 4: Having done all the necessary via the police, taking pictures, noting colour change etc It should be quite straight forward to lodge an appeal online but their website just will not let me and after two attempts I got suspicious and gave up. I do apparently have the option to download and submit a written form but I decided to go do some more digging before that and what I have found on PCS - albeit somewhat earlier dated by some time - doesn't show them up well and I;m now wondering what else I can do or investigate before I do commit to a postal appeal? I will Deal with the Newham issue directly, but have no intention of, admitting any liability, paying any monies or giving any more details than necessary to PCS, but Can anyone offer any advise or other information before I proceed any further? thanking you all in advance.
  4. I bought a car from stoneacre in 2014, i have 3 year warranty with vauxhall until september this year. My engine has failed on the motorway with no warning at all. We have had the car serviced and the book is stamped. However we lost our invoice, the garage cannot provide an invoice due to not having it on their computer system. genuine parts and oil was used. Now vauxhall are telling me that the engine wont be repaired under warranty due to not having an invoice however the book is stamped. can anybody advise me on what to do? thanks!!
  5. Today I have received a PCN from Coventry Council for driving in a bus lane. I do not live in Coventry and have not been there for years and years. The picture shows it was definitely my number plate so I assume it has been cloned?? I will report this to the police when I get home from work. I am obviously going to dispute this but surely the council and receive disputes all day long saying it wasn't me I have not been to Coventry for over 6 years, so surely they are not just going to say 'yep ok no problem we will scrap it'. Unfortunately it happened at 6.15pm so it was dark and you cannot see the colour of the car or any marks/features the car has or what make the car is. Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing? What are the council likely to say?
  6. this morning I've received a Valentines from CP plus, a "charge notice", issued on 10/2/17. However, it seems they have misread the car's number plate. Someone has apparently stayed in a private car park on 3/2/17, and they "do not have evidence that a sufficient payment was made for this vehicle to cover the full duration of the visit". They show photos of the vehicle entering, and leaving. In one of the photo's the only barely discernible feature is its colour, as it was nightime. In the other, the car is clearly red, and one can guess at its make and size, and probably thus the model (or at least it being one of 2 models of roughly that size). The registration of that vehicle is "xx yy zzC". The vehicle I'm the RK for is "xx yy zzG" They clearly have gone to DVLA with my registration mark, and been supplied with my vehicle's details (which is definitely NOT the same model, nor a colour anywhere close), and also been given my name and address by DVLA. The notice doesn't clearly mention or describe "keeper liability" (would a [suitably redacted] scan be useful?), nor state if a NtD was left on the vehicle. So, they haven't a chance in hell of me paying anything, nor of a win if they were foolish enough to go to court (which it seems is rare for CP+). So, my questions are: 1) Best way to bat them away with least hassle, but ideally 2) How to avoid them correcting their error, and then them sending a PoFA compliant NTK to the RK of the vehicle that they show in the photos?. Are they treating their "charge notice" as a NTK?, or is this their opening salvo and I should expect a missive entitled "Notice to Keeper" to follow?. Their letter doesn't mention a NtD, so I assume that if they want to rely on it as a NtK following a NtD, then they aren't following para 8(2)© of Schedule 4 of PoFA 2012. If (instead) they want to rely on this as a NtK in the absence of a NtD, they are within the 'relevant period', but don't follow Para 9(2)(f) of Schedule 4 of PoFA 2012. They mention payment required within 28 days, the driver being responsible for the charge, them not knowing the driver's name and address, and that if I wasn't the driver at the time I should "provide us with the name and current postal address of the driver and pass this notice to them". They don't actually clearly warn me that keeper liability might attach if I don't identify the driver, though ........ Under "appeals and complaints" they state "errors can occur". (I'm shocked by this!). I can write to their Appeals Section within 28 days of the date of the 'Notice' Under the separate heading of "Contact Us", the address for appeals remains the same PO Box (except it is now Appeals Department, not 'Section'), but they also give a URL for online (www.appealpcn.co.uk), and a telephone number (like I'm going to phone a PPC!). I know I can appeal on any grounds ("it was February!", "I don't like PPC's!"), but "you've read the number plate wrong" might prompt them to correct their error. So, A) if I appeal online, can they claim they said I should write? B) have I had a NtK or can they claim that is to follow? C) when should I best appeal to reduce the likeleyhood of them sending a POFA compliant NtK to the correct RK? D) Would an appeal of "Keeper liability does not attach here due to non-compliance with PoFA Schedule 4, para's 8 & 9" be better than "you've read the number plate incorrectly, that clearly isn't the model and colour of my car"?. My appeal will ask them for a POPLA code if they reject my appeal .......... I assume that if it goes to POPLA: a) The BPA ends up paying POPLA to consider it, b) I can appeal on the grounds not only i) that keeper liability wasn't created, but also ii) The vehicle shown is not my vehicle, the ANPR has misread, and the alleged breach of contract by MY vehicle never occurred. Anything else I should be considering?.
  7. Hi all, Around 18 months ago I brought a used car from 'Bristol Street Motors' on finance. The car is a 62 plate Peugeot 208 currently at 43k miles and is currently financed for a total of 4 years. A few weeks ago I noticed a blowing noise coming from the car - so took it to a local garage to have it checked out they pointed out that the catalytic converter had split and after looking up the part it was around £800+ fitting. After doing a bit of research and found that most sites saying the earliest one of these should need replacing at is 10 years / 50,000 miles. I rang Peugeot customer care and got told to take it to a main dealer garage and get them to inspect the car and tell them exactly what is wrong obviously they agreed with the local dealer about the catalytic converter needing replacing and quoted a similar price of £920~ all in to get the part replaced. T hey rang Peugeot customer care back and they offered a measly 25% 'good will' gesture towards getting the car fixed. Only having the car 18 months I feel pretty annoyed that I'm facing a £700+ bill to get a car fixed that I've done pretty much only 8,000 miles in since purchase. Just wondering if anyone had any advice on how to proceed, many thanks in advance.
  8. Hi Bought a used car form large dealer Oldham cars fine but had a private plate on car we p/exd, salesman said he'd sort the transfer no problem as part of deal (we have evidence of this) BUT they sold our old car with reg still on now we cant get it off as DVLA say only registered keeper can transfer it and they wont, dealer basically ignoring our calls etc. as I've asked them to cover the cost of the plate but wont. Any one any idea on what if anything I can do? Thanks for looking.
  9. Garage installed a new clutch plate BACKWARDS six months ago in my volvo which broke during a long drive away, que new repair needed plus lots of expenses. Shall I start with a notice before action, including copies of receipts etc? What is the garage liable for and what do I need to do? Thank you in advance.
  10. HI...Brand new to this forum but hoping for guidance. In 2010 I started to get correspondence from VCS stating I had parked outside the bays at Valley C entertainment Leisure Fund. I had no clue what this was about and wrote to them to explain my number plates had been previously stolen and that I suspected this was who had broken their parking rules . I even gave them the crime reference number. I still got letters and calls from them and some legal team I think but eventually they stopped. I presumed the message had finally got through. Today I get a lett from BW Legal saying VCS Ltd have instructed them in relation to the pcn....plus initial legal costs the demand is £174. I no longer have any of the details from 2010.. ..so any guidance on how to proceed would be welcomed. Thanks vry much.
  11. Hi all, hope you can shed some light on this issue I am facing currently, 2 months ago I bought a second hand car from a local car dealer, I did a HPI check prior and it showed outstanding finance on the car I rang up both the car dealer and HPI to query it and I was told by both that it is a 'unit stocking' finance and it is commonly used by most car dealers to stock up cars on their forecourt and the finance would be paid off automatically within 2-3 days of purchase I went ahead and bought the car for above the average price due to it being in pristine condition with low miles etc.. I only realized recently that I still hadn't received the new V5 logbook in my name tried to ring the car dealer to see if they had forgotten to send of the old V5 to DVLA. After trying numerous times to get hold them I had no luck, they wouldn't answer their phones or no replies for emails etc, tried to go on their website and it was down too! I got very suspicious and did another HPI check on the car to my shock the vehicle Registration was showing 'at risk' on the security watch register! however it was not showing outstanding finance. I rang HPI and was told the security register was made by the financial company for whatever reason and gave me their contact number. I still haven't contacted them because I am seriously worried they could repossess the car. My question to you guys are should I mention about the HPI check I did prior to purchase or am I better off not mentioning it? my worry is they could say to me why did I buy the car if I knew there was outstanding finance on it? will the 'innocent consumer' rights be thrown out? if the 'unit stocking' finance on the car is still outstanding will the finance company chase after the purchaser or the car dealer? and what happens of the car dealer had gone bust? The car dealer at the time had many cars advertised on autotrader and even more on their website there was no reason for me to believe about their credibility or reputation. I have the receipt of purchase and the payment was made with a Visa debit card. If you guys could please advise me the best option I should proceed with I would be very grateful! Kind regards Ri.
  12. hello I was given a parking ticket from a company called TESGB 2 weeks ago, the fine was issued to the wrong number plate (confused x by k). In the first place the fine was unfair as i parked my car at the bank's car park and before taking my child to the toilet (there were no toilet facilites onsite) nobody made me aware that i could not leave the premises but even then there has to be an exception to the rule as the bank does not provide facilites. My husband suggested i should write to them to clarify the issue and informed them that PCN was invalid, then i received an email advisiing me that they were going to re-issue the PCN to the correct car and I have now received a letter informing me that my appeal has been rejected and that i have to pay. could anyone kindly provide advice on this?
  13. Hi, I wonder if anybody could offer me some advice. I bought a brand new Renault Clio in September 2011 and the car started experiencing starting problems within 2 weeks of receiving it. This was reported to the dealership / Renault and the car was taken into the garage for them to investigate but they could not find the problem. Almost two years later and I've lost count of how many times the car has been back to the garage a nd the problem is still not resolved due to the fault not showing up on the diagnostics machine. Does anybody know if I have any rights?
  14. Just been sold a car by the Sheffield car company which had no tax. I was an idiot and so I could take the car on the same day I said I would sort the tax. Turns out it has not been officially swapped from a previous private vin. The result is the mot doesn't match the car. The dvla won't tax it. I could apply for another log book but that is 6 weeks without a car and without the cash to do anything to get myself mobile again? What rights do I have? I just need transport, it's essential for work. I'm not after compensation just don't want to be stranded or have to pay for a hire car for six weeks.
  15. I recently got a PCN however the attendant rushed to fill it in and added a 0 or O into my number plate when I don't have anything similar to that... Should I pay it or hope that they won't trace me???
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