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  1. i need some advice we bought a vw t5 which had few problems with engine and gearbox we decided to give it to a company to rebuild the engine and gearbox at a cost of £5300 in may 2017 he said it would be about 4 weeks eventually we pick it up sept 2017 from the day i got it back it smoked ,the company said run it in it never got better then we got an oil leak from the rocker cover gasket which was to bad to drive back to company as its about 100 miles away it cost me another £620 it kept smoking i called the company again and he said it was our cheap turbo, we had it taken off to find it was fine except the silicone sealant on the gasket which he denied doing, eventually he convinced me enough to change the turbo, another £1000 and after this it still smoked i decided to take it to a vw specialist else where they stripped it to find quite a lot of things wrong and its going to cost about £5000 for the engine build and gearbox as that has never performed correctly either. They can provide photos and proof of poor workmanship I have sent a letter recorded asking for a refund on the advice from CAB , with no response, what should I do next?
  2. can someone please advise. I sent my car to national engine center to have the engine replaced. the car was returned with body damage and had 30Miles extra on the clock. I paid for it through paypal and after opening a dispute this garage finally agreed to take the car back on condition that the paypal case be closed, they agreed to repair the list of damage I provided and within 7 days return the car. on day 14 they sent the car in for a MOT without consulting me first, the car failed. it has now been 3 weeks and they won't return the vehicle, they say I can fetch it if I want as they are waiting for an order from my area and only then will they be able to deliver my car. the only way I have of fetching this vehicle is to have it transported, something they should be doing as this was the agreement they entered into on Paypal and it is part of their service they offer. They wanted to drive the car to me from Cardif to outer London (without asking me). Every time I speak to the Owner he threatens to remove the engine refund my money and return the car with the original engine on a pallet. so I am in a bit of a pickle as to what course of action to take, and how do I get them to just bring my car back
  3. Hi I'm hoping someone can help me My car a citroen grand Picasso 2010 was in the citroen garage a month ago to fix the boot whilst in they advised it had an oil leak and diesel leak and a belt needed changing they did the work at a cost of 1700 ive split the payments so payed 425 so far the next payment is due in two days. Less than three weeks after this work was done I was driving back from a day out for my son's birthday the first time the car had been driven over 60mph for longer than 10 mins. The car had done less than 300 miles since being in the garage. Anyway the car started making a funny noise and about 30 seconds later it came up stop oil pressure and I pulled straight into a layby and switched off the engine. The engine fan was still going and white smoke coming from it. I phoned RACand they towed it back to citroen. The car wouldnt switch on at this point even after he tried to jump it. After they looked at the engine they said it was nothing to do with the work they did however it may have contributed as now the top engine was fixed it would put pressure on the bottom. They offered Labour at half price to put in a brand new engine for 6500. The car is worth 4000 tops really. So now I'm stuck with a car that won't work on my drive and a 1700 bill. Is there anything I can do?
  4. I really need some help with a problem I have. I was on a 4 day touring holidayicon last week in Scotland in my second hand motorhome which I only purchased around 4 months that I have been saving up for years to buy. On the second day in Scotland the service light came on. With only just purchasing it I wanted to get it seen to quickly I booked it into Arnold Clark, Falkirk Road Grangemouth. I told them exactly what type the motorhome was and they said it wasn't a problem they could sort it out for me the following day which was the Wednesday. I took it into them and waited from 10:30am until around 3:30pm then went to the service desk and asked how the service was doing. I was informed the service had been done but they were having an issue resetting the service light and they would have to take the motorhome to another garage up the road for the light to be turned off. I agreed to wait so they took the motorhome. Over an hour later I returned to the service desk again for another update. They said they still were having an issue turning the service light off and it must be a problem with my motorhomes body computer. they said they couldn't do it. I immediately called the dealership where I purchased the motorhome from in Lancashire and they said they could turn the light off for me if I bought it into them on the Saturday. I paid Arnold Clark for the service as I wanted to get away as by this time it was about 5pm and going dark because its winter and I was booked into a campsite in Edingburgh. I got into the motorhome and drove off. I got about half a mile down the road when I noticed that now not only was the service light illuminated but the airbag fault light was also illuminated all the time, which Arnold Clark hadn't mentioned anything about. I returned to Arnold Clark immediately. They initially denied all knowledge of the airbag light and said it must of been on when I brought the motorhome in as it was impossible for them to of caused it. after a lot of heated talk they finally ask me to return the following day so they could attempt to rectify the issue. However, knowing the garage in Lancashire could turn the lights off I didn't return the Arnold Clark the following day and instead had a days holiday driving around sight seeing, which is why I was in Scotland in the first place. Plus as Arnold Clark were unable to turn the light off on the service day, it was logical to assume they wouldn't be able to turn it off the next day either and I would waste another day of my 4 day holiday for nothing. The weather from Tuesday through to Friday was mostly terrible with torrential rain and high winds, plus I was smothered in a cold. on the Friday morning I decided to drive down to my parents house in Lancashire which was mid point on my way home to Hampshire and also only 10 miles from the garage in Lancashire where I bought the motorhome from. I arrived at my parents early on Friday, it was still raining and windy I decided to immediately take the motorhome into the dealership. However, on the way from my parents house to the dealership the motorhome started to make a strange engine noise. on arriving at the dealership I popped the bonnet with the service guy standing there. We found the oil filler cap was missing from the engine and the engine bay was coated and dripping with oil from the engine. The oil filler cap was found in the window screen wiper well above the engine. I had driven in excess of 600 miles with no oil filler cap in place and oil squirting all over the place. I was smothered in a cold and with the rain and wind I hadn't noticed or smelt anything wrong. I immediately called the Arnold Clark dealership to complain. The head service guy there spoke to me and informed me it was impossible for it to be their error has after servicing all vehicles are inspected by someone else prior to returning the vehicle to the customer. Yet from the point the motorhome was returned to me after the service, I had either been driving, cooking or sleeping in it until it being parked outside the front window of my parents house for 10 minutes before driving it down to the dealership and finding oil everywhere. Arnold Clark as informed me they will investigate the issue but they seriously doubt its anything to do with them. The investigation will take several days and I must not have the motorhome worked on by anyone else in that time. they expect me to stay at my parents house 250 miles away from home and miss work until they finish their investigation. The dealership in Lancashire has had a quick look at the engine and have found the turbo has been damaged due to lack of engine oil as it is now making a strange noise. Luckily though, they don't think there is any other damage to the engine, but they can't really tell properly without taking the engine apart. All they have done is fill the engine with new oil and made sure the oil filler cap is in its correct place and apart from being noisy it seems to run. From my initial conversation with Arnold Clark I know all they are going to do is fob me off saying its nothing to do with them I will be left with, at best, a damaged turbo that needs fixing, probably at my own expense I just think it is wrong and I am absolutely disgusted. I think Arnold Clark should own up to their error and I should be refunded the £224.96 for the service, the £61 something pence I have had to pay for the engine to be quickly inspected, refilled with oil and cleaned, plus whatever the cost of fixing the turbo and whatever else is wrong with the engine will be. Incidentally, The dealership in Lancashire turned sorted out the dashboard lights in no time. So what were Arnold Clark doing??
  5. I bought a car from stoneacre in 2014, i have 3 year warranty with vauxhall until september this year. My engine has failed on the motorway with no warning at all. We have had the car serviced and the book is stamped. However we lost our invoice, the garage cannot provide an invoice due to not having it on their computer system. genuine parts and oil was used. Now vauxhall are telling me that the engine wont be repaired under warranty due to not having an invoice however the book is stamped. can anybody advise me on what to do? thanks!!
  6. Good evening all... My car internals melted themselves on the way home last night. I've since discovered from my mechanic it has been remapped and he is adamant this is what has caused the internals to fail.. . Corsa VXR in case you are wondering.. .ive spoken this evening to Moneybarn who only seem to be interested in talking about your 3 exit options...as if I don't know. They are saying I have to prove the remap was on the cars ecu when I got it so I can go down the mid sold road as frankly if I'd known, I'd not have touched it. I can't prove in any way shape or form that it was mapped prior to my acquiring the car so their unwilling to progress with a complaint to the dealer. Please help as I'm now paying 250 quid a month for a melted Vixxer that's still gonna cost me 2500 to just hand back in it's current Nick ��
  7. Hi everyone i bought a new bike a few weeks ago for 10k from BMW , The dealer was great all the way through the sale and i rode away a happy man The dealer went through all the paperwork with me and sent the V5 off to be put in my name , I was then going through the service books and right at the back it says engine replacement 2k ago Now although some people might feel this is great as its a new engine they also updated the engine a year after mine was made i have a different engine with the newer clutch and gearbox , Also they did not update the V5 as i had that back the other day and now they don't match I called my insurance company this morning and asked if the v5 not matching was an issue , The lady i spoke to and the manager both said yes this could be an issue as if the bike was stolen and recovered then the engine would not match and with so many bikes being stolen and stripped for parts it could affect a claim , I then called DVLA and told the same story and asked how i go about getting this changed and was told that i need the paperwork for the engine swap and and to send to all off to DVAL , I had no paperwork , I have to add that its the same dealer that swapped the engine is the same one i bought it from so they obviously knew all about it I emailed the dealer this afternoon and told him of my grievance and the salesman reply was i have spoken to the manager and that i can just send the v5 off , WHY SHOULD I " To be honest i have lost complete looks on the bike and trust from the dealer and feel they have been dishonest about the whole thing , I know a lot of people would be happy with a new engine with less miles but i wanted the bike i paid for with the original engine and i feel i should of been told that the bike had a replacement engine and then i could of made my own mind up to proceed with the purchase , The bike only had 13k on it anyway so its not as if the bike had high milage Do i have any rights to return and get my money back or another bike with all the correct engine and V5 , Its a lot of money and I'm absolutely fuming
  8. Hello, I was in business as a photographer and approached by the above company to carry out Search Engine Optimisation on my web site. We entered into an agreement whereby they would carry out work on the web site and I would pay them £58.50 per month after the initial payments were made. The agreement was for 12 months in December 16 I went out of business and they are now chasing and threatening County Court Action and have sent a "copy" of the Court Summons for Manchester County Court that will be issued on 3rd February 2017 if I do not pay the outstanding balance of £176.40. They have also broken down the charges claimed on the claim form as; Defendant details: My Business name which includes my first and last name and then my business type. Brief Details of Claim: "Failure to pay monies due under contract" Value: "Total value of £176.40 due under remainder of contract plus interest and administrative charges of £64.87. Amount Claimed: £241.27 Court Fee: 170.00 Solicitors Cost: £500.00 Total Amount: £911.27 PoC 1."On 11th January 2016 the defendant entered into a written contract with the claimant. 2.The contract had no condition allowing the defendant to cancel the contract except under very specific conditions detailed in the contract. 3.The defendant is not eligible to cancel the contract. 4.The law does not provide by statute nor require a cooling off period when two businesses enter into a contract. 5.This agreement may be cancelled at the end of 12 months by either party notifying the other party. After this period the agreement may be cancelled by either party giving one months notice to the other party. Notice will be taken from the next payment date unless given on the current payment date. 6.The contract required the defendant to make an initial payment and to make monthly payments of £58.80, the first such payment being due one month after entering into the contract. 7.The defendant is in arrears on the contract. 8.The claimant has now invoked the provisions of clause 4 of the contract. "In the event of the customer failing to make a monthly payment on the due date FirstFound is entitled to take any or all of the following remedies in any order it sees fit: a) Require immediate payment of all monthly fees due during the remainder of the Contract Term; b) Add interest to the debt at 4% per annum above the base rate of HSBC Bank plc from the date due to the date of payment; c) Issue written demands for all sums due, each such demand attracting a fee of £15.00, payable by the customer until all overdue sums are paid." 9.The claimant claims the total of all the monthly fees due during the remainder of the renewal/initial period of the contract (£176.40) plus 3 written demands (£45.00) plus interest under section 69 of the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% on the sum of £17.71. That is the claim details as written on the document. First of all, the claim is in my business name (I am self employed not a Ltd Co) and not specifically in my name only. Not sure this makes any difference of course. Secondly, The amount they are claiming is £241.27 - this breaks down as £176.40 and their charges and admin £64.87 My reasons for not paying are these; (1) - I couldn't afford to after work dried up and I wasn't getting the enquiries through my web site as much as I was when they took over the work on it. (2) - Apart from adding some text to the web site there was no evidence of any work actually being done. (3) - I spoke to their employee who was looking after my web site and supposedly doing the work on a number of occasions about the fact that nothing seemed to be improving, this was of course all verbal. (4) - First Found sent me a letter chasing payment but also telling me that they were still working on my web site. This would have been impossible as the minute I stopped paying I removed all access to everything to do with my web site and changed all passwords. (5) - I don't know if I am able to do this but I contest the Claim based on the Solicitors Fees £500.00, they seem extremely disproportionate. Can someone help me here please? Many thanks, Committed
  9. Hi. Looking for some advice regarding a reconditioned engine which has failed. We have a Citroen C4 grand Picasso which in February 2016 had engine failure due to carbon build up in the oil system. On taking it to a garage we were quoted £4000 for the work as it required a replacement engine, turbo, injectors ect, On collecting the car it turned out the original injectors had been refitted to the new engine however the garage still attempted to charge us £4000. I argued it out and they then reduced the charge accordingly. I was given a warranty from the garage of 12 months or 12000 miles as long as the engine had a service by them at 1000 miles which it did. At 9 months after fitment and 11231 miles it began to make a strange noise as if there was no oil circulating. As the original garage had tried to rip me off with the injectors cost previously I had lost trust in them and felt if I returned the car direct to them they would wangle their way out of a repair under the warranty and blame it on something else. I therefore asked another qualified mechanic just to have listen to the engine at his garage, not to take any tools to it or do ant work, just listen to the noise and give his opinion. He listened to it and stated there was definatley a serious problem and it needed to be returned to the garage where the warranty was held. I had the vehicle recovered to the garage and when I spoke to the owner he said it would have to be returned to the garage who did the work, some 120 miles away. at this point I was now being told the garage who I had presumed had done the work and who I had paid over £3600 to had not actually done any of the work and had outsourced it without consulting me. I told the owner it was his responsibility to sort it as I had paid him he towed it the 120 miles back to the place that had done the work, a very scruffy, unorganised back street garage whom I would have never considered taking my vehicle to if I had the chioice. I looked at the warranty paperwork I had been given and on close inspection the original garage had actually put his business card over the companys stamp and photocopied it to give to me thus hiding the fact it had been done elsewhere. When the garage who had done the work looked at it they immediately came back to me and said because I had taken it to another garage first that the warranty was invalid. I explained they had done no work on it but they refused to take liability. The guy who had towed the vehicle from the garage then sent me an invoice for £360 charge to tow the vehicle and stated as it was out of warranty I had to pay for recovery. They would not release the vehicle until we had paid this money but I needed to get my car fixed so had no choice. We paid the £360 and had the vehicle recovered by someone else back to near where we live. An engine specialist has now removed and stripped the engine and found there has been several oil leaks on the reconditioned engine which has caused oil starvation to the crankshaft. Although when the noise started we checked the oil level and it was at half and no oil warning lights on. Obviously it has not been built properly if it has so many leaks but I am now faced with a £2500 bill to replace the engine again. where do I stand with the garage? are they within their right to have some other garage do the work without my permission and then cover up their details on the warranty with their own?? no work was done by the first garage I took it to for a verbal opinion so can this justify making my warranty invalid?? Thanks
  10. Hope some of you kind people can help The Situation: Last November my wifes BMW 1 series (worth about 5k) had a strange rattling sound coming from the engine. Did some research, spoke to a few people inluding a mechanic who did a quick check and thought it was probably the timing chain. Unfortunately on these cars it is metal and BMW never thought they would fail and the only way of changing it is to remove the engine. All quotes coming in around £1200 - £1400 Spoke to a colleague at work which is 80 miles away who has a BMW and recommended a BMW Specialist that he uses and has been honest in the past. His quote come in at approx £1350, speak to the wife and decide to use them even though they are 80 miles away. During the work he says the oil pump drive chain is also shot and needs changing at an extra £100 or so which I tell him to do. He also told me all parts were guaranteed Get the car back beginning of Dec and all was fine for 3 weeks and then just before Christmas my wife was on a dual carriageway to work and she said the oil light came on and the engine sounded horrible like a bag of nails. She immediately pulled over and and luckily I was only 1/2 a mile behind her so I pulled up we called the AA and basically the AA chap said it was very bad and could tow to a garage or home. We decided to get it towed home as they said it would be a few hours for a recovery vehicle to take it all the way to the garage. The next day I went into the garage and told the owner what had happened and he seemed ok and said he could not do anything until he had looked at it which is fair enough. This was right before Christmas so I could not get it back to him at that time. Rang him last Tuesday and said when can I get it recovered to him and got the feeling he wasnt too keen to have it back but still said he needs to look. After that conversation I decided to get a local BMW specialist to have a look and at least tell me if its fixable. My dilemma now The engine is completely knackered and probably 2.5k for a replacement and fitting To properly diagnose what has caused the issue will be to remove the engine at approx £500 Cost of transportation to the original garage is £200 I understand that things can go wrong and it could be unrelated but we have never had any engine/oil problems with that car which we have owned for 4 years but I am sure this is something that has happened as a result of the work completed. Do I get a full report and diagnosis done at £500 and then towed back to the garage for a further £200 Do I just send it back even though I know the engine is now completely shot and they say it is nothing related to their work Do I write it off and swallow the loss. I really hate the fact that I have just paid this garage £1500 and they have probably caused me to lose a further £4000 from the value of the car. Just not sure what to do, car is currently sitting at the local grage. Help
  11. Hi All, Looking for a bit of advise on a used car i purchased, I will outline the main points. 27/06/16 Purchased a used 58 plate Renault Laguna 180GT from a dealer using HP for £5112 (73000 miles) 23/08/16 Car serviced at local independent at my own expense.(76000 miles) 07/10/16 Car broke down on way home from work and recovered to independent garage. Garage removed sump and found metal fillings/slivers. (77000 miles) 10/10/16 - 11/11/16 Various communications with dealer and finance company. Dealer has rejected liability so finance company sent out "independent inspector". This where it gets tricky, Engineers report uses words like "limited information" "further dismantling required" "likely" "not confirmed" "some time in the past". But in the conclusion is states"undoubtedly fit for purpose". On this report the finance company has also refused liability and has refused to send me a full cop of the report, only an extract. I can make the extract report available but don't want to post it on an open forum as it contains personal information. Your help and advise on the next stage would be most welcome.
  12. Hi everybody, I have a van Toyota Hiace from 2004. I bought it this summer (July) and from the beginning I regularly bring it to my garage. I spent around £700 in 7 months for maintenance. Initially I did a general service, i changed some mechanical parts, tyres, and recently I did the MOT. A couple of months ago the orange light of the oil turned on, i checked the oil and it was full. I spoked with my mechanic about it and about the fact that the van was doing some smoke at the start. The mechanic cleaned the filters and told me that the light was probably caused by an electric malfunction and that there was no risk in driving the van. On the 21 of December my colleague was driving the van when it stopped in the middle of the road and started to do a weird sound. After several trial the van started and he manage to reach home. When we went to the closest garage (which is not my usual) they say that we were running without oil and the engine failed and need to be replaced. I went to my garage and they confirmed that i need to replace the engine. The cost of my van is £2200 + the work done that are around £700. Replacing the engine with a second hand one is going to be around £600 work and £500 cost of engine. I would like to understand if my garage has some responsibilities on what happened. If I bring my van regularly there, I asked about the specific issue with the oil lights and they tell me that i can run without problems and after few weeks the engine get damage so badly that I have to replace it do they have any legal responsibility? Thank you. Filippo
  13. Hi all This is my first post here and im hoping for some advice from you guys and also to share my experience as i proceed with my complaint i will try to be as thorough as possible without naming any companies as the complaint is ongoing and i wouldn't want to jeopardise that i bought a car in June last year for £8000 on a hire purchase agreement. it was 7 years old and sold to me with full service history at 87,000 miles a month or so later i noticed a whining noise from the rear end of the vehicle, nothing drastic at all but i thought i would get them to look at is as it was still under warranty. The dealer at this point booked the vehicle in for two days later an appointment i missed due to only receiving the dealers voice mail the day of the appointment i called the dealer and he said he would rebook it as it happened the appointment was rebooked for the following week which i missed again due to being on an emergency call out (being an electrician). at this point i decided i had inconvenienced the dealer enough and decided to change the oil in the differential to see if this would cure the issue and it did all the noise was gone and i was perfectly happy. that was until October 4 months after buying the vehicle. this is when i noticed a loud knocking from the engine took it to a local specialist who ran diagnostics and advised me to drive the car lightly for another 100 miles and take it back to see what fault codes had re-occurred which i did then took the car back to them where they diagnosed that there had been damage to the bottom end of the engine most likely due to low oil pressure or poor servicing and this is when i decided to approach the HP company and raise the complaint. upon raising my complaint i had nothing but "we will get someone to call you back" for weeks until i got a letter saying their final response was they would not pay out as the vehicle had covered 13,000 miles since i picked it up, this is not true as at this point the vehicle is sat around 90.500 miles and i had covered only 3000. this was due to them having the mileage at inception some 10,000 miles less on their system. the car was MOT'd the day i bought it so i sent them a copy of that and they re-opened the complaint and i was given a claim handler but to cut this part short they messed me about for 9 weeks then issued a final response saying they would not pay out because they believe that me not having the differential looked at (rear end of the vehicle) had caused the engine failure. this was the point i contacted the FOS and asked them to review my case and i gave them the above information. the adjudicator then contacted the lender and asked them for some information and asked for my evidence to back up what i have claimed. the adjudicator gave her initial opinion last week that the complaint be upheld and the lender should pay for the repair and compensate me £200. in response to this the lender asked if i could evidence the oil change for the rear axle which considering i did this myself i cannot. the lender then gave their view that they would not pay out because they say i drove the car after it was diagnosed with a major problem (this is simply untrue and frankly they have no way of proving otherwise the car has sat on my drive since the day i got it back from the specialist). they say when i reported the whine from the rear end i also reported an engine management light (again this is a bare faced lie and i had never experienced or reported anything of the sort). obviously a bit deflated by this i did a little research and contacted the main dealer that last serviced the car in my service history book they have said that the vehicle was in the workshop on the day in question but it was for a free health check (tyres/wipers and such) and not a service. i have copies of their job sheets and pictures of my service book to back this up the service book is clearly ticked to say the oil and filter was changed. this clearly proves that the last time the engine oil was changed was the service previous to that one some 30,000 miles ago and obviously the vehicle does not have a full service history. i have provided the adjudicator with this information and am expecting her final opinion on the matter before next Wednesday. obviously being one of the parties involved i cannot give an impartial view on this but i feel strongly that this is a pretty clear cut case of vehicle not of satisfactory quality and that of misrepresentation all i am asking for is that my vehicle is repaired so i can finally get on with my life as i feel this is taking all of my time and energy. im so sorry for the long post and bad grammar but i have tried to fit in as much information as i can any opinion on the above would be greatly appreciated and i will update this thread with any progress i get from here on out to hopefully help someone else out in the same situation
  14. Engines First LTD (NORFOLK) I need help i am having problem with this company after googling found out this is dissolved company and still trading on 1stchoice.co.uk with five star rating. I ordered my corsa diesel engine on Monday morning the guy said engine will be with me by Wednesday or Thursday and ask my email for sending invoice but after numerous calls still not received any email. On Tuesday i rang them again to ask if they dispatch the engine yet or not but the guy put me on hold then said he will ring me back in 10mins waited an hour but no call the same thing they were telling me about sending invoice, whenever i ring them they say ok we going to send you but no sign of any invoice or email. After an hour i rang back and been told that engine not available anymore ok i asked cancel this transaction he said ok i issue refund now. After an hour i rang bank and ask if he actually issued refund or not, bank told me he cant issue refund because money still not cleared all he can do is cancel the transaction and money will go back to your account. I rang him again and this time he was bit rude and said why you keep ringing us we issued refund and you will get money back to your card. Today Wednesday i checked my bank and money left my account completely and the company name appears as 'The Engine Company Norwich'. Rang card company and been told nothing has been requested from the seller so seller not issued any refund at all as he said yesterday. Can anybody give some advice on this. Thank you
  15. Hi, I sent my car engine to a company who made out they could repair my damaged engine. This was all agreed over emails and no terms and conditions were sent, until the engine was ready to be paid for. The company agreed we could pay via Credit Card how ever they now will only accept Cash or Bank Transfer. This has left us is a dispute which we are confident in winning going to small claims. This is a long processes and in the mean time we have a car without a engine. We do still have the shell of the car. Does anyone know if the motor insurance company would pay out if we put a claim in? Any help would be great. Regards
  16. Hi. I took my BMW 3 series to my local garage to have a 2nd hand engine put in as my last engine died due to no oil after a leak in that engine. the RAC took it to the garage and the garage gave me a quote of £800 that's the engine and delivery then about 30 mins later they rang me back and said it was £900, so I paid. I got the car back after about 3 weeks the engine was fitted and they also charged me for a new clutch plate but not the labour this was an extra £250 that they didn't even ask me about. altogether I spent £1,900 on this engine and I drove it round for a week and it started making a noise and loosing power again so once again I called RAC and they said I had an oil leak. so took it down garage and they said they couldn't find a leak but cleaned the engine and told me to go back in a week to see if they can see where its coming from. in the mean time I took it to another garage for some advice and they said I have 3 leaks in this engine. what can I do to make sure they repair the engine and also they said that if they have to take the engine out to repair it it will cost me labour even tho its their fault for not checking before putting the engine in. PLEASE help Thank you
  17. I don't want to go into a 1000 word essay so I've tried to summarise this down into valid points and be as brief but detailed as possible. On 24th December 2014, I visited Halfords and purchased engine oil 5L bottle and engine oil top up service. When the gentlemen from the 'we fit' team came to my car he just had a orange pouring beaker and nothing else. On pouring the engine oil into the vehicle and inspecting the dipstick I was slightly alarmed that the staff member wasn't using any measuring device and was seeming freely pouring at his hearts content, I decided to take a photograph of the top op occurring. My partner and her son where in the car whilst this was all on going. I assumed being a Halfords 'we fit' member it was probably just my own paranoia that he wasn't using a measuring device or jug. On completing the top up the staff member told me I was ready to go and it was complete and was about to shut the bonnet when I quickly noticed and informed him that the engine oil cap had not been reapplied and closed to the engine oil unit. The staff member apologised saying he had been at work since 6am and was very tired. So I left the store. On driving approximately 1-2 miles from the store smoke started coming out of the exhaust of the vehicle which i noticed from my rear view mirror and wing mirror. I immediately stopped the vehicle and as smoke was starting to appear from the exhaust and engine decided to check the engine oil top up. I at this time read the engine oil dipstick and saw that it was 3 times past the maximum mark. I took a photograph with it getting into the evening and at this point it became dark quite early and also for proof of the dipstick. I then returned to the store. On this point on returning to the store a 'engine malfunction' light appeared on my vehicle. I informed them of what had occurred and 2 members of staff inspected the engine oil. The supervisor told me she'd get equipment to drain the engine oil with the staff member. When they got this equipment because of the size of my vehicle it would not fit. Therefore the supervisor said she would ring halfords autocentre and see if an 'engine oil overfill' would cause any danger to drive. After ringing them she came back and told me that a mechanic at Halfords autocentre said the vehicle would be safe to drive with engine oil overfilled. I asked why the engine malfunction light was occurring and was told it was probably a false sensor alarm on the trip computer because the car was just 'slightly' over on engine oil. I asked what would happen if my vehicle was damaged or stopped working because of this and was told by the supervisor that I would have to seek reimbursement after purchasing the repair from Halfords Autocentre by bringing the receipt in store. To me this did not make logical sense and after googling the dangers of 'engine oil overfills' on my phone I decided to go into the store and speak to the staff to get some form of written liability and promise in writing. On speaking to the original staff member in store and his colleague they would not provide me anything in writing. I therefore decided to covertly record the conversation so I had some form of proof of the incident occurring and evidence. On speaking to the staff instore the store manager was at a till behind them. The staff told me to not worry and if anything did occur that 'Halfords would pay for it' as they had 'insurance in place for these kind of things'. I was told that mistakes did happen and before staff had fitted batteries in wrong and Halfords had paid the repair. The store manager then said that he drives his car which has 150k mileage on it with overfilled engine oil all the time and it does no damage. With this recorded I left and drove my vehicle home. I decided that something still did not seem right as I had been told 2-3 different things about reimbursement (insurance being involved...paying it myself and being reimbursed..halfords paying the repair costs..). These were three different things and to me it was not logical to drive a vehicle with a engine malfunction light. I kept the vehicle parked up and switched off and did no further driving. I rang my breakdown cover and asked them to send a mechanic out for an opinion. When the mechanic arrived he told me the car was unsafe to drive and the advice Halfords gave me was wrong. It was not safe to drive a car with overfilled engine oil as it was as bad as driving the vehicle with underfilled engine oil. He put this into a report of the breakdown he emailed to customer services, which I later requested. I therefore waited until Boxing Day and in the meanwhile i was left without a car because Halfords was not open during this period. When I rang the customer services on 26/12/14 at 2pm I spoke to someone there and they promised me that my car would be repaired until I was 'happy'. I asked them provide this in writing in which they did in the form of 'case notes' that were forwarded to me. I was told this would be done ASAP and the store would be instructed on how to do this. On being taken home by my mother at approximately 5pm I got a phonecall from someone claiming to work for Halfords claim team. I therefore spoke to them and they told me that they would require proof of the breakdown report and that the car was unsafe to drive as a result of the store's misadvice and negligence. I therefore asked them to put in writing this. Which they did in a email to me on 26/12/14 at 5.23pm I sent them the breakdown report, dipstick reading and audio recording on 26/12/14 at 9.58pm On the 29/12/14 I was contacted by the claims team via telephone on Monday throughout the day who said they would get the car towed to an autocentre to be flushed. This was done and I then awaited the car to be repaired. I asked about what would happen to any charges such as taxi for transport because of Halford's error and as since Xmas eve I had been without a car. I was told to email any costs in form of receipts and they would be reimbursed. On the 30/12/14 I was told the car would be repaired at 5pm. I decided to ring the autocentre repairing the car and ask them to specifically look at the catalytic converter and gasket and do a emissions test and thorough check of all components of the car as I was worried that from seeking advice these could be damaged. I was told this would be done. I picked the car up at 5pm and was given no receipt or invoice and was told that the car was done. Neither did I sign anything. On picking the vehicle up I noticed that before the car had been towed it had 3/4 full of petrol. It now only had below half so i took a photograph of this and asked for 25% of the petrol to be reimbursed to me, as I would not have lost this petrol if the matter had not happened and I sent Halfords the original receipt. The following day I noticed that the A/C was no longer working and neither was the audio system/CD player and these components of the vehicle had been before. I therefore tried to call Halfords but was told by the customer services team that the claims handler was busy and so they would get him to ring me back. I tried to call Halfords two more times within that week with the same response. On the 6th January (6 days) later I sent Halfords a email to the email address they had been corresponding to me at informing them of the problems with the vehicle and my concerns. I received no response and when I called on the 7th January was told that the claims handler who was dealing with my case did not work weekends and had been off so to allow a few days for a call back. On driving to Nottingham on the 9/1/15 M1 the same engine malfunction light that appeared on the engine oil overfill re-appeared on my car's trip computer and dashboard with a weird smell. I decided to pull in and call Halfords customer service and demand to speak to a manager. On calling them they put me through to the claims handler who told me to take the car to my nearest autocentre. I did this and on the 10/1/15 the autocentre confirmed that the diagnosis was that the car had a 'emissions fault' and the 'catalytic converter' needed replacing. Halfords claim team called me on the 10/1/15 and told me that the repair would be started on Monday. On Monday 12/1/15 I was called by the claims handler and told the repair would take upto 1 working day but as this autocentre was under staffed that they would require further time, so a courtesy car in the form of car hire had been sorted for me with Enterprise locally to me. I was told I had to pay the deposit amount on the vehicle but the rental fees would be covered by Halfords. Therefore with no other choice I accepted the rental vehicle. I did this and got the courtesy car. On Wednesday 14/1/15 I was called by the claims handler to say that 'due to the cost of the catalytic converter' an 'investigation' was going to take place to see how the catalytic converter had been damaged and not spotted before. I accepted Halfords to do this as I knew nothing had been done. On 23/1/15 I received an email from the claims handler saying that Halfords staff had given 3 witness statements stating that only 1 litre of engine oil was entered to the vehicle which all staff witnessed and the engine oil dipstick was seen by 3 members of staff who all said it was at minimum, thus the autocentre found the engine oil amounts to be between 1.5-2 litres over therefore this did not match amounts. The autocentre had raised no concerns at the time but the investigation concluded the engine oil amounts did not match and thus Halfords stated that after Halfords topped up the oil i must have added more oil to the vehicle and damaged the vehicle myself, therefore Halfords were no longer liable for the damage/s and expense/s and the car hire would be ended on 29/1/15. On the 30/1/15 I rang the customer services and informed them I would like to speak to someone above the claims handler as at the time of the incident occurring and the engine oil top up happening my partner who was a witness to it all was there and could testify that 3 people did not check/supervise the top up. I also informed Halfords that i had a photograph of the engine oil top up occurring which had a time/date linked to it which was further evidence. I was promised that I would get a phonecall from a higher up member of the team on the Monday 26/1/15 as the claims team did not work on a Saturday. I received no call on the 26/1/15 from anyone higher up and instead was greeted by this email from the claims handler: Dear XXXXX, I understand that you have contacted us over the weekend in regards our response dated the 23rd. I can confirm that I have already discussed this case in detail with Halfords' High Level Complaints Manager, XXXXXXXX, prior to sending the email on the 23rd and that she has confirmed our stance. As previously advised if you do wish to take this further then I can only advise that you seek independent legal advice and address any correspondence to Halfords Legal, as we will not be giving this further consideration at Customer Services. Kind regards XXXXX Claims Consultant I then decided to reply with a letter before action (LBA) and sent one via post to the address I was told to send further consideration to only (the legal team at halfords) via recorded delivery and one via email to the address for Halfords I had. I yesterday received the below response to my LBA. Dear Mr XXXXXX, I confirm receipt of your email. Taking into account our prior correspondence, we are comfortable that this is our final position on this matter, and we do not propose to respond to you further in this circumstance. We refute your assertion that liability has been accepted at any point and recommend that you do seek legal advice should you wish to take this further. We await service of your claims paperwork from your legal representative and would ask that your case number of XXXXXXX is on all paperwork submitted. Yours Sincerely XXXXXX Claims Consultant I am now fed up over the matter. I am going to commence a MCOL. But need help in writing the particulars section. I have looked on the internet but found no examples of applicable use and don't know if what I have done is good enough. Can anyone help? Oh and I forgot to mention have still not had my vehicle back..and car hire was cancelled 24 hours earlier than what I was told!
  18. I am about to raise a complaint with Kwik Fit relating to a winter service that they did on Dec 23 2014 the subject line says it all will keep this thread updated
  19. Hi Please excuse me if this is not the right area for my query, I am new to the site. I have 2 friends that have been in prison, they have dearly paid for their crimes both in custodial sentences and extremely large fines. Both of them are now supposed to be 'Free' and they have been released (one of them nearly 5 years ago) some time. The issue for them is a) When they were going through the legal process their cases were put on the web by newspapers and others. b) When anyone does a search these blatantly incorrect and extremely damaging and biased reports are found fairly high up the search engines even 5 years after the effect. The individuals involved have tried to contact the webmasters at these organisations but they just don't reply. Whilst we know they have committed a crime, what is the rehabilitation of offenders act for if not to allow them to try and re integrate back into society. They are not sure who or what they can do (if anything) to have these incorrect, old, obsolete and damaging reports removed from the web. Could anyone offer any advice even on what legal process could be followed. I know you could try and seek a court injunction to get content removed from search engines, but this legal process appears to be mainly for copyright type infringements, the law for anything else seems a little un clear. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, John.
  20. Hi. This is my first post but I have used some valuable information from this site in the past. I recently bought a Porsche 911 from what appeared to be a very reputable dealer. I had Porsche perform a 111 point inspection yesterday. They informed me of some serious engine problems and advised returning it. I called the dealer with this information and today I sent the following letter accompanying the inspection report, recorded delivery: On 29th June 2014 I purchased, and took delivery of, the above vehicle from XXX. On 2nd July 2014 I discovered that it was not of satisfactory quality. This was highlighted by the report produced from Porsche East London after an official 111 point inspection (attached). Within the report Porsche indicated the following: · Knocking noise from right-hand side of engine, suspected bore/piston issue. This was backed up by evidence of discolouration of left-hand side exhaust pipe caused by increased oil use on the right-hand engine bank · Right-hand front coil road-spring snapped · Brake pipe support bracket securing bolt snapped It was also indicated, which I had experienced from day of purchase: · Judder felt through steering when 1st applying brakes Section 14 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 requires dealers to supply goods of satisfactory quality. However, the vehicle is clearly not of a satisfactory quality which is defined as free from minor defects, safe and durable for a reasonable length of time. You are therefore in breach of contract. I am legally entitled to reject the vehicle and to be reimbursed for its full purchase price of £xxxxx. I will give you seven (7) days to reply to me accepting, unconditionally, my request in principle and advising me of a date by which I will receive payment. If you do not respond, or you do not respond positively within this time period, I shall send you a letter before action that will outline my intention to recover the full amount plus interest , costs and compensation through the Courts. Once an agreement has been reached to the points contained within this letter, you are entitled to the return of the vehicle to your business premises (at your own expense). If they ask to inspect the vehicle do I have to permit them to take it away or can I refuse and demand a refund? One final note, I paid for the majority of the vehicle on Credit Card to cover me under Consumer Credit Act. Thanks,
  21. I brought a new Citroenn Nemo Van just over 3 years ago, it is fitted with the 1400 HDI engine which has recently ceased, causing catastrophic engine failure. The Nemo has only done 24,000 miles and has been fully serviced. It was called in on one of its three recalls, 18 months ago, for new big end conrod bearing shells. The work was carried out at an authorised Citroen dealer. This all happened 4 months ago, and as yet, neither the garage or Citroen UK have made any attempt to help, even though this is obviously a problem with this engine. I know I'm not the only person who has experienced this problem, as several other forums have proved, but I wonder whether anyone has ever had any luck getting any help at all out of Citroen. I have now put it in the hands of the Financial Ombudsman to try and push Citroen to do the right thing, and if they do I will let everyone know. Any comments welcome
  22. Hi guys, Wanted some advice on a major issue I've had with my Focus RS MK2 whereby it overheated recently due to a broken water pump (confirmed by the Ford dealership) after inspecting the engine, they have advised that the cylinder heads and engine block are warped which is more than likely going to require a new engine/rebuild. The car is currently under warranty but I have a nasty feeling that Ford will push back and say this was due to driver neglegence even though I pulled over within 50 metres of seeing the warning light. A bit of background history on this car, since buying it back in August I've had numerous problems with the car, a week after buying it I encountered a grinding noise coming from the bottom of the car, after taking it back to the dealership they found a buckled alloy wheel and a bent driveshaft. The car had a full M.O.T before I picked it up so surely this classes as not road worthy and should have never been sold to me in that state? Both of those parts were replaced but the grinding noise still continues to this day, they've even replaced the brake discs and pads, but are still unable to locate the problem. I've asked for a refund a few times, but the dealership have always pushed back saying they need a chance to rectify the problem, their latest stance on the grinding noise was that they could not locate the source of the problem so were unlikely to be able to fix it, they even tried telling me that high performance cars can be make different noises to normal cars, trust me this is not a normal noise and is not a result of the ride being different. The reason I've outlined the above is because I think that they will refuse to replace the engine, leaving me with a nasty bill and still finance to pay on the car, if it gets to that point, do you think I have a case regarding the previous issues and the fact it was sold to me in a non road worthy state? Cheers for any advice. Not a happy bunny at the moment
  23. I purchased a 1.3 CDTi Vauxhall Corsa Ecoflex Active in September 2012 and have had nothing but trouble with it. It is currently in the garage and has been there for 7weeks and they are apparently waiting for a new catalytic converter as a result of the DPF hose blowing and tearing. During this time I am continuing to pay the monthly HP payments. This is its 5th time in the garage and all the issues have been DPF related of which I was never informed about on purchase. I have been in contact with the dealer Peter Vardy and Vauxhall with no success. Is there any legal stance that after a certain time of them having your car, you are covered to get a replacement or halt the payments. I am using a hire car at present that Vauxhall are paying for. Any help would be much appreciated.
  24. Hey Guys, Major advice needed, I have had my fingers really burnt at a National garage after an oil and filter service. We took the car in after having no problems at this garage previously, car had the oil and filter changed and was given back to me. I hadn't even driven off the forecourt and the oil pressure warning came on. Took it straight back and was told not to worry as it was full of oil, again back out and light was still on. Took it back and was then told don't worry they'll speak to Audi in the morning as it must be a sensor that needs resetting. Took the car off the forecourt again and got 1/2 mile down the road and the engine died and would not restart. Had the RAC come out to recover the car home. Called the garage in the morning and they came out and changed the filter, The mechanic admitted that the oil filter was "loose in the housing" and the new one was fitted in the car. The oil pressure light immediately extinguished but now i'm left with an engine that's knocking itself into tomorrow and a whining turbo. I called the garage and they denied everything stating the fault must have been there when the car arrived and if we wanted anything done we would need an independent garage to look at it and state that it was the fault of National. I then called into head office and they sent the senior mechanic up to look at the car. Computer was plugged in showing that everything was operating as it should but we found on the invoice that the wrong oil filter had been booked out. The senior mechanic called the guy who fitted the filter and he admitted the car was not knocking when it came in and there was no lights on the dashboard. He thought that the filter that was originally fitted did not engage the pressure valve at the bottom of the engine and stopped oil circulating around. That filter has now obviously vanished. They've now asked for an independent report but have authorized work of up to £500?? My garage said he can only really comment on the cars condition now but believes it needs a new top end rebuild and a turbo. They have been good with us but also very grey when its coming to the nitty gritty of sending to the dealers under insurance. What the hell do I do???? Thanks Dan
  25. Hi there! Our car broke down at the beginning of July, just two days before it was due to go into the dealership for a 'recall: ECU update', and is still in the garage now. The engine was replaced after waiting 3 weeks and I was called to pick it up; however when driving it out of the carpark, it became obvious that there were faults with the new engine and I had to return it to the garage - where it is still undergoing tests almost 2 weeks later. When I purchased the car it was a new special edition with 207 bhp. Since the release date there have been numerous problems with owners of the special edition experiencing engines breaking down - largely due to poor casting on a particular cylinder. It was rumoured that the new ECU recall was to reduce the bhp of the cars as the engine was not capable of sustaining 207 bhp; however the deallership have refused to confirm or deny this. The new engine fitted to my car, I believe based on the vague information they have given to me, is a lower bhp. -------------- 1. Do the dealer have a requirement to provide me with details of the new engine and it's bhp as the owner of the car/for insurance purposes? Or can they hide behind 'warranty work'? 2. If the bhp has been reduced, can I refuse the car as it is not the spec I originally purchased? If so, do I have to refuse it immediately at the dealer? Or (if they won't provide me engine details) can I take the car away and have my own tests run, and then refuse it later if the bhp comes back as lower? 3. If they have reduced the bhp but won't tell me and I remain insured at the same bhp level while my tests are run, and there is an accident, will my insurance be void? Thanks for any help you can offer! L
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