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Found 22 results

  1. I'm trying to help a friend whose clutch has failed or more likely burned out. Fiesta Zetec 1.4 petrol 2008. Can someone suggest the likely reasonable cost to replace the clutch at a local garage, not a Ford Dealership, including parts, labour and VAT. This will help decide if it's worth repairing or better to look for a new car and avoid the repair spending. Many thanks.
  2. I really need some help with a problem I have. I was on a 4 day touring holidayicon last week in Scotland in my second hand motorhome which I only purchased around 4 months that I have been saving up for years to buy. On the second day in Scotland the service light came on. With only just purchasing it I wanted to get it seen to quickly I booked it into Arnold Clark, Falkirk Road Grangemouth. I told them exactly what type the motorhome was and they said it wasn't a problem they could sort it out for me the following day which was the Wednesday. I took it into them and waited from 10:30am until around 3:30pm then went to the service desk and asked how the service was doing. I was informed the service had been done but they were having an issue resetting the service light and they would have to take the motorhome to another garage up the road for the light to be turned off. I agreed to wait so they took the motorhome. Over an hour later I returned to the service desk again for another update. They said they still were having an issue turning the service light off and it must be a problem with my motorhomes body computer. they said they couldn't do it. I immediately called the dealership where I purchased the motorhome from in Lancashire and they said they could turn the light off for me if I bought it into them on the Saturday. I paid Arnold Clark for the service as I wanted to get away as by this time it was about 5pm and going dark because its winter and I was booked into a campsite in Edingburgh. I got into the motorhome and drove off. I got about half a mile down the road when I noticed that now not only was the service light illuminated but the airbag fault light was also illuminated all the time, which Arnold Clark hadn't mentioned anything about. I returned to Arnold Clark immediately. They initially denied all knowledge of the airbag light and said it must of been on when I brought the motorhome in as it was impossible for them to of caused it. after a lot of heated talk they finally ask me to return the following day so they could attempt to rectify the issue. However, knowing the garage in Lancashire could turn the lights off I didn't return the Arnold Clark the following day and instead had a days holiday driving around sight seeing, which is why I was in Scotland in the first place. Plus as Arnold Clark were unable to turn the light off on the service day, it was logical to assume they wouldn't be able to turn it off the next day either and I would waste another day of my 4 day holiday for nothing. The weather from Tuesday through to Friday was mostly terrible with torrential rain and high winds, plus I was smothered in a cold. on the Friday morning I decided to drive down to my parents house in Lancashire which was mid point on my way home to Hampshire and also only 10 miles from the garage in Lancashire where I bought the motorhome from. I arrived at my parents early on Friday, it was still raining and windy I decided to immediately take the motorhome into the dealership. However, on the way from my parents house to the dealership the motorhome started to make a strange engine noise. on arriving at the dealership I popped the bonnet with the service guy standing there. We found the oil filler cap was missing from the engine and the engine bay was coated and dripping with oil from the engine. The oil filler cap was found in the window screen wiper well above the engine. I had driven in excess of 600 miles with no oil filler cap in place and oil squirting all over the place. I was smothered in a cold and with the rain and wind I hadn't noticed or smelt anything wrong. I immediately called the Arnold Clark dealership to complain. The head service guy there spoke to me and informed me it was impossible for it to be their error has after servicing all vehicles are inspected by someone else prior to returning the vehicle to the customer. Yet from the point the motorhome was returned to me after the service, I had either been driving, cooking or sleeping in it until it being parked outside the front window of my parents house for 10 minutes before driving it down to the dealership and finding oil everywhere. Arnold Clark as informed me they will investigate the issue but they seriously doubt its anything to do with them. The investigation will take several days and I must not have the motorhome worked on by anyone else in that time. they expect me to stay at my parents house 250 miles away from home and miss work until they finish their investigation. The dealership in Lancashire has had a quick look at the engine and have found the turbo has been damaged due to lack of engine oil as it is now making a strange noise. Luckily though, they don't think there is any other damage to the engine, but they can't really tell properly without taking the engine apart. All they have done is fill the engine with new oil and made sure the oil filler cap is in its correct place and apart from being noisy it seems to run. From my initial conversation with Arnold Clark I know all they are going to do is fob me off saying its nothing to do with them I will be left with, at best, a damaged turbo that needs fixing, probably at my own expense I just think it is wrong and I am absolutely disgusted. I think Arnold Clark should own up to their error and I should be refunded the £224.96 for the service, the £61 something pence I have had to pay for the engine to be quickly inspected, refilled with oil and cleaned, plus whatever the cost of fixing the turbo and whatever else is wrong with the engine will be. Incidentally, The dealership in Lancashire turned sorted out the dashboard lights in no time. So what were Arnold Clark doing??
  3. Hi All, I bought an item from an online store 18 months ago - it has now gone faulty. The company are willing to replace it, however, they do not have any of my colour in stock for replacement (refurbished models). They have a newer device in similar colours, which I asked if they could replace with, to no avail. Aside from the colour, the replacement device is the same specifications as mine. Can I insist on getting the same colour device as my current one? Or does that lead to only a partial refund being available?
  4. I have a surround-sound headset which has developed a fault and apparently the headset has been out of production for some time so the manufacturer has offered an alternative headset as replacement. I wasn't given the option of repair (their warranty covers replacement or repair). So this is where it gets annoying/silly. The headset is proper surround-sound with a microphone and a high quality desktop volume control. The replacement they suggested is a stereo headset, without microphone and no volume control! They don't make a surround headset any more so can't offer like for like or better - which I believe would be required under UK law. It was bought in Maplins but now I'm dealing with people in China so have no idea where I stand here. I don't want to RMA it and send it off to them (as they are suggesting) only to be told when they have it that they'll replace it but not like for like. I've tried to get them to commit to naming the replacement they will send me having said I would not accept their suggested replacement but they don't seem to want to commit, which is worrying. The headset is just over a year old on a two year warranty. Can anyone suggest what I should do, and should I in fact be dealing with Maplin as the retailer rather than the manufacturer? Thanks for any help.
  5. Hi all Car got hit by post office van, looking at insurance pics I got sent, it looks like they are repairing the wing and bumper instead of putting new ones on, is this normal? Do I have right to new parts? Andy
  6. In May 2018 the new General Data Protection Regulation will come into force. This is an EU wide regulation and although the UK will be leaving the EU, these new regulations will be implemented. http://tinyurl.com/zqfmm48 The above linkis from the ICO goes into some detail but it isn't very clear as yet. The one major change to consumers is the removal of the £10 fee although companies can charge for extra searches. I'm not 100% sure that the removal of fees relates to medical records as yet. If the NHS cannot charge the usual £50, that will be a big bonus. http://tinyurl.com/zrg22z4
  7. Hi, I've been in a long running saga with Idealworld over a faulty Xhose. I owned it for 2 years and 2months when it fell apart (the inner expanding sleeve parted from the fixing). There is no one that repairs these hoses I contacted IW and said I want a replacement and they said it's over a year old - bug off! I've tried Resolver to see it that would help (as it did when I used it on NatWest) and we had a dialog over 6 months where they offered me exactly 4/6 of the original price of£56 and then they went silent. A month ago I was told by ConsumerGAA (which is what you get instead of Trading Standards) to write to warn them that I would take them to the small claims court - the deadline has passed and nothing has happened now I either have to back off and right off the money or risk taking them to court and the debts that it could incur Thoughts?
  8. I have a 2012 Chrysler 300C which developed a rumbling in the front brakes in September last year. I took it into Halfords Auto Centre Nottingham whom diagnosed warped rotors. The car at this time had done 25K miles. They changed the rotors and pads, my warranty covered the cost bar the first £100. My outlay was circa £100. Roll forward to last week, the issue raised its head again. I took it back to Halfords asserting that although the replacement was 1 month outside their warranty, the car had only done 9K miles since the new rotors were fitted and asked that they replace them FOC. The manager refused and pointed me to their guarantee where it states that all parts and labour are covered for 12 months or 12K miles. I did try to get him to understand that although they have their guarantee it does not supersede my statuary rights, and as per the Sale and Supply of Goods and Services Regs 2002 the rotors should have been of merchantable quality and lasted for a reasonable time, and 9K miles is not a reasonable time. It all fell on deaf ears, so I contacted customer support who came back with the same reply. I did escalate it to a more senior team member but I am afraid that they are digging their heels in. My question is really where do I go from here?
  9. Long story short - may get longer later: My wife bought a vaping kit from a shop in Chester on the 2nd July this year. £50. Product is here: http://www.innokin.com/vaporizers/cool-fire-iv/ When I first got it, it seemed perfect, worked well, did what it was supposed to do. At the end of August it basically stopped working. Put it on bedside table before going to bed (pressed button 3 times to put on standby), woke up the next day and found it completely dead, nothing seemed to spur it back to life (charging, pressing buttons, checking physical on/off switch on bottom). Took it to the shop on Sunday 4th, was advised couldn't do anything as it was 'out of warranty', went on to advise them about Consumer Rights Act 2015 and how I was entitled to repair/replacement within 6 months of purchase if a fault occurred. The staff member (basically the owner's son) then advised that they could have a look at it and they'd be in touch. Subsequently got a phone call on Monday advising that they could sell me a replacement for £15. My response is below (by this point I found the owner's email address through their FB page: "Vape Shop, I am writing to you in relation to the Cool Fire IV kit that was purchased from your business, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, on 2nd July, 2016. Subsequently I found that the device has developed a fault where it will not turn on or show any signs of functioning. This is despite normal operational and care taken when using the product. I received a call today from a member of staff at your store who advised that the business would be willing to offer a replacement for the product, at a cost of £15. I advised the gentleman that I would need to give this some thought. Though I appreciate the offer, I wish to decline the offer and exercise my statutory rights to a free replacement, under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which makes it an implied term of the contract that goods be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality. As the item in question has developed a fault within 6 months of purchase, I am entitled to have the item replaced at no additional cost and I would request that you confirm that you will do this within the next seven days. I am hopeful that we can reach a mutually beneficial outcome, one where I would gladly continue to make regular purchases from your business, and that other potential customers are aware of your business’ dedication and care towards its customers. Feel free to contact me on this email address or on my mobile of XXXXXXXXXXX. Kind regards, Jimmy Jangle" Later on that day I get this: "Jimmy. I am sorry to hear you are not happy with our service , as i am sure if you speak to any of our other customers, you will find we go out of our way to give good service to our clientele. In this case , however, I am sorry but the cool fire has obviously been well used for the last two months. I strongly believe that this fault has arisen through wear and tear and as you yourself admitted , worked well when purchased. The "sales of goods act" states that; if the seller does not replace or repair faulty goods, you are entitled to a reduction on purchase price (which we have offered) or your money back MINUS an amount for the usage you have had of the goods. Judging by the scratches on the battery the usage was quite a lot. It also states that ; " if your claim under the sales of goods act ends up in court, you may have to prove that the fault was present when you bought the item and not, for example, something which was the result of normal wear and tear. We like to have happy customers and would urge you to reconsider our offer of a replacement battery for a heavily discounted retail price of £15. I am afraid this is the best we can do in this situation and if this is not satisfactory to you, we will be sorry to lose your custom. Regards, XXXXXXXXXXX." My most recent response (Removed website addresses as don't want to be seen as advertising): "XXXXXXXX, Let me be frank; I know my rights, and have exercised them where required before, and always successfully I may add. I know many people who own and use a Cool Fire IV, and have seen theirs continue to function well for at least 6 months after purchase. My brother in law, for one, purchased his in January 2016, and still uses it to this day, and he uses his far more frequently than I did. That alone is evidence in itself that there is clearly an issue with the one I purchased, if it couldn’t last any longer than 2 months. Regardless of whether a device appears to function normally at the point of purchase, it remains the case that as the product has developed an issue through no action of my own within 6 months from the purchase date, I am entitled to a replacement at no added cost under the Act as discussed. Were the item to show age-related signs of degraded performance (ie. Battery capacity reduction), then I may be inclined to agree with your assertions. However, a device working that appears to work perfectly fine at near-full capacity one moment, then stop dead a matter of hours later meets the description of an item that isn’t fit for purpose). “Judging by the scratches on the battery the usage was quite a lot” The battery isn’t scratched – you’re referring to the housing in which the battery is contained. That is merely cosmetic and if any item would stop working because of a superficial scratch that was only on the surface, I’d stay off the roads as there’d be a few thousand cars that would come screeching to a halt in that case. If you could prove that the (minor) scratches were to be the cause of the fault – I’d be more than interested to see this. Furthermore, I should point out that you didn’t post the paragraph after the part regarding court action, I quote the paragraph in full: “If your claim is about a problem that arose within six months of buying the product, it's assumed that the problem existed at the date of delivery and it's up to the retailer to prove that the goods were of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, or as described when it sold them.” – As I am claiming within 6 months of purchase, even if this were to go to court, the burden of proof will rest with the retailer, not the customer. As the manufacturer themselves provide a 90 day warranty (US only, but that isn’t relevant), then it can be assumed that a product that fails in a lesser timeframe has developed a fault. I would also like to point out that the “reduction on purchase price” actually applies to a situation where the money paid initially for the faulty item is refunded, less a deduction (however this only applies after the 6 months from purchase have elapsed) I am aware of my rights under the act (I am an established and very active member of a number of vaping and consumer-related websites, including XXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXX to name but a few) , I have been completely honest about the situation, and am disappointed with the response given so far, which in the opinion of all I have discussed this with (including the aforementioned websites), is in total disregard of my statutory rights. In view of this, I have no option but to reiterate my stance, which I will not deviate from: Unless a replacement is provided under the terms of the Act within the next 7 days, then I will seek further action, up to and including issuing proceedings against you in the county court to recover the amount paid for the item at fault, with associated costs and statutory interest, with no further reference to you. I have already submitted a complaint to Cheshire West and Chester Trading Standards, and will make it quite clear via various local and national outlets (Vaping-related forums, Social Media, Press and TV), that your business does not take its customers’ rights seriously. Yours sincerely, Jimmy Jangle" Thoughts/opinions? I ask as it seems that new Vape shops seem to pop up a lot and are run by people out for a fast buck and have no grasp of basic consumer law...
  10. Hi Guys, I accidentally dropped my iPhone 6 down the toilet about 2 months ago. The damn thing was in my top pocket and slipped out when i bent down to pick something up. Nightmare, as the toilet had bleach in it. I fished the phone out, gave it a very quick rinse, because of the bleach and towel dried it, then stuck it in some rice, as I've heard of people doing this. I called Protect your bubble to start the claim. I left it in there for a day then tried the phone. it was all over the place to start but then began to work properly and continued to do so for the next couple of days, so i cancelled the claim. last week, the phone died after i installed ios9. i took it to the apple store, who opened it up and said that the water damage had finished it off. I explained what happened and they said that they would never replace this phone because of the water damage and more importantly the bleach. I reopened the claim with PYB and sent the phone off to A Novo, who is their repair company. After a few days I called PYB to get an update. they said that the phone is still being repaired. I questioned this because of what Apple said. PYB said that their contract with A Novo was to repair the phone rather than replace and that the phone would be fine. that got me thinking, so I cold called A Novo to get their opinion. They said that they would never repair a water damaged phone, let alone one that had bleach in it. I mentioned PYB and they said that their contract with PYB is to repair 1st and only replace if the phone doesn't pass the 40 point check. They also said that their work is guaranteed for 180 days. Im still waiting for the phone back, which should be Tuesday, so my question is Where do I stand with the repair? My concern is that it may work now but as time goes on , the metallic parts will corrode and the phone may fail outside of the 180 days warranty many thanks EOS-5D
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me dealing with Wacom.eu I bought a Cintiq from them which is still under guarantee unfortunately, it only worked for a day and went completely dead. Wacom offered to send me a refurbished one or alternatively repair my one but I have to cover the postage cost in this case. My problem is that the item in question costed about £1600 and I do not want to accept a refurbished model as I think it would be extremely unfair to get a second hand machine in return for a fault that was inherent in the machine to begin with. Any help would be very much appreciate it, Thanks!
  12. We have had a domestic heating oil escape 6 months ago. Our insurance sent a contractor to do remedial works that would remove the contamination and prevent it from spreading. After 6 months the contamination still has not been removed from the ground but our policy was charged tens of thousands of ££ in costs incurred by the contractor. The only works done to date are: test of the level of contamination, partial structural survey of the house wall, a filtering equipment connected to the water feature that was also affected, and a proposal for works presented but later withdrawn (possibly on the grounds of safety after we asked for clarification of some safety aspects). On top of things, we have issues with their negligent conduct at our property and poor project management. We complained to our insurer and asked that a reputable contractor we found (who worked with this insurer on similar cases before) replace the current contractor under our current claim. The insurer refused. We wonder whether we have the right to have our current contractor replaced on request under the current claim. We would also appreciate some pointers and advice from people who found themselves in a similar position. Thank you very much.
  13. I have an LG G3 which keeps switching off. It has been repaired 3 times, and it still keeps switching off. Initially vodafone said they would replace the phone, but now say they won't as I can do an early upgrade. The best they will do now is to have the phone looked at by a senior engineer. I don't want the phone going into repair a 4th time, I want what they initially offered, a replacement handset. I really don't see what a 4th repair will do, that the previous 3 didn't. I do not want an early upgrade as an early upgrade is just fobbing me off with saying go and buy a new one, but they say as i am within 70 days of an upgrade they say it's now another repair or upgrade. Surely that's their problem not mine. The phone is actually only 9 months old, as the previously supplied phoned also kelp going wrong and was replaced.
  14. When I first moved to this flat three or so years ago there was a card meter and I asked my electric company of twenty years, British Gas, to alter it to a 'normal' direct debit one. When their engineer came, he said that he couldn't because this meter and the other three flats' meters were all interconnected (back in the 60s) in such a way that to replace it correctly (& legally) meant ripping the whole wiring system up, which, he insisted, would entail a massive job because the whole apartment block and most of the road would have to be ripped up too. he instead tampered with my card meter a bit (not sure how legal that was) and said it was now direct debit. Since then I've received electricity no problem, but every bill has registered zero usage. Into the bargain, British Gas never sent someone to read the meter, despite my asking them to. After, say, 12 months, I was contacted by "Face2Face" (British Gas enforcers) who said they'd been trying to get access to the meter cupboard but insisted that I kept missing their appointments - totally not true. I actually sent them the key to the meter cupboard (situated outside the flats) and told them to access it whenever they wanted without needing me. Did that happen? No . During the last two years I received nothing but regular "We will get a warrant if you don't let us have access" letters, to which I always replied "YOU HAVE THE KEY", and then they'd apologise, but then a couple of months later I'd get another "We will get a warrant if you don't let us in" letter, and everything would be repeated. Moving forward to about two months ago, some Face2Face bully boys came around out of the blue saying they had a warrant. I pointed out that "YOU HAVE THE KEY", which resulted in their company giving me £150 as an apology after I complained, and also because management then admitted they had lost the key. The management then asked if I would grant their engineer access to the meter cupboard to change the meter today, which I of course agreed to. When their engineer and site foreman arrived, I discovered that they wanted to change the meter to another pre-payment meter, which I told them I preferred not to have thank you very much (and for reasons not worth going into, we luckily couldn't get into the meter cupboard anyway). The result of this was that they said that they'd come back in month, and that I should try to ask their management to ask British Gas if I can have a normal meter. The problem is, they said that they doubted British Gas will agree to that because there will be a large backlog of money owed on this meter. But I haven't caused that, they did. I'm also worried that they'll want any money owed at a rate of return that exceeds my meagre incomings. Any thoughts? Additionally, remembering that the last engineer who tried to change the meter said that doing so would mean a massive "knock down the building and tear up the road to do it properly" job, I'm assuming that the only way they can change the meter this time (without knocking the building down) is to, again, do a makeshift 'dodgy' job. But I suspect that this time they will set it up heavily in their favour!
  15. I recently purchased a Playstation 4 for my son for Christmas from my mothers catalog company called Kays. We bought it on credit at £500 over 32 weeks and have paid the first instalment. My son was unable to use it for four days during Christmas as the Playstation network was down. We have now set it up for him to find that the disk drive is faulty and will spit out the game disk or not accept it at all. I contacted Sony who after troubleshooting this with me agreed that the unit was faulty and that they would accept it for repair. I know from working with repairing computers and consoles that sending this back to the manufacturer can take weeks and often months to get it back. Beside that I feel as it is supposed to be brand new I didn't want a repaired console, I wanted a new working console, especially as I have paid £100 more than what they cost in the shop. I asked my mother to contact Kays and have them collect it and replace it. My mother did this and was told that we must return the unit to Sony as they will not accept it back if it has been plugged in, faulty or not! I feel this is outrageous as we did not buy it from Sony and have no contract with them and I have never been told I can't return goods less than 30 days old that don't work correctly and get a refund or replacement. So I wonder can anyone tell me if goods bought on credit from a catalog are subject to special terms where the creditor takes no liability for the goods they supply? I appreciate any help here as Kays won't budge.
  16. Up until this evening Apple had always been a brand that I trusted and had always had confidence in purchasing products from them. I have had my Iphone 5 for just over 2 years now and a few months ago I started to notice serious problems with the battery life. It would show that it still had 20 percent charge and then suddenly just run out. I got caught out quite a few times because of this. I decided that I needed to get the battery replaced. After some research I was really pleased to discover the following; https://www.apple.com/uk/support/iphone5-battery/ Apple has determined that a very small percentage of iPhone 5 devices may suddenly experience shorter battery life or need to be charged more frequently. The affected iPhone 5 devices were sold between September 2012 and January 2013 and fall within a limited serial number range. If your iPhone 5 is experiencing these symptoms and meets the eligibility requirements noted below, Apple will replace your iPhone 5 battery, free of charge. Eligibility If your iPhone is in working order and exhibits the symptoms noted above, use the serial number checker below to see if it is eligible for this program. Finding your iPhone serial number is easy. See how. Replacement process Choose one of the service options below to have your battery replaced. Your iPhone will be examined prior to any service to verify that it is eligible for this program and in working order. Please call your service provider to confirm that battery replacement service is available on the day you visit them. Apple Retail Store - Make an appointment here. Apple Technical Support - Contact us. To prepare your iPhone 5 for the battery replacement process, please follow the steps below: Back up your data to iTunes or iCloud Turn off Find my iPhone Erase data and settings in Settings > General > Reset > Erase all Content and Settings Note: If your iPhone 5 has any damage such as a cracked screen which impairs the replacement of the battery, that issue will need to be resolved prior to the battery replacement. In some cases, there may be a cost associated with the repair. Additional Information Apple may restrict or limit repair to the original country of purchase. For iPhone 5 devices purchased in EEA member countries, service is available in other EEA member countries. If you believe your iPhone 5 was affected by this issue, and you paid to replace your battery, you can contact Apple about a refund. This worldwide Apple program doesn't extend the standard warranty coverage of the iPhone 5. The program covers affected iPhone 5 batteries for 3 years after the first retail sale of the unit. I tapped in my serial number and I was really pleased to discover that my phone was one of the models that was affected. I therefore booked an appointment at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store at Lakeside for 8.50 this evening. We arrived on time and spoke to one of the advisers who checked my name off on his Ipad and asked us to take a seat. We then sat there for over ten minutes seeing loads of their staff coming in and out of the repair area but not one of them acknowledged us. Eventually Richard asked one of them how much longer would we have to wait and we were told that someone would be with us in a few minutes. A young man came out and I explained to him the problems that I had been having with my phone. I also informed him that I had checked on their website any my phone had one of the serial numbers that are eligable for a free battery replacement. He then advised me that he would get one of the repair staff to have a look and would be back with us in a few minutes. When he returned he had a rather serious look on his face and told us that he had bad news as the water damage indicators on my phone are red and this would mean that they would be unable to replace the battery and my only option would be to purchase a replacement phone for £179.00 !! I was fuming. I pointed out the fact that my phone is in perfect working order and the only reason I came to the store this evening was due to the fact and that Apple had stated that the battery that had been supplied with my Iphone was faulty. I was then told that they could not carry out any work on my phone due to the damage. I then asked them if they were prepared to simply give me a new battery which I could get replaced elsewhere but they refused as it was against their rules ! I then asked to speak to the Manager who told me exactly the same thing. However, he was prepared as a gesture of goodwill to reduce the cost of a replacement phone to £120.00. I told him that I was not willing to accept this and I asked him to show me where it stated that the battery could not replaced. The Manager then pulled up another document that quoted their policy on changing batteries. I then pointed out to him that this was not referring to faulty batteries that had been recalled by Apple. As you can see from the document in bold above it makes reference to a broken screen but there is no mention of water damage. I think that their Customer Service is a total disgrace !!!! .
  17. Just sending a removal of implied access letter to Moorshat after they turned up today at friends house. Luckily I was there and they got send packing after I laughed at the pathetic drip of a rep. Not sent a Removal of Rights letter for years. Are there any updated bits apart from the OFT bit?
  18. I bought an item 9 months ago, it developed a fault and the shop agreed with me that they were getting another one in instead under warranty. However I have now found out that because the item has recently been discontinued they are replacing just part of it instead. (Parts are available but not the whole item I am told). I was not told or agreed to a repair instead of a replacement. The reason I am not happy is because the item had other areas that were of concern but the shop has baulked at replacing those because that is caused by normal wear and tear they say. Ideally I would like a complete new item not a refund. But what are my rights considering I was offered a full replacement and now just getting a repair without being asked? So what do I do about the items they say is down to wear and tear? Can I get new parts for that as well because I didn't agree to what they are now doing? I have looked at the T&Cs but can't find anything relevant
  19. Hello wonder if anyone can help, been having problems with Ascham Homes acting on behalf of waltham forest borough council, recently a lady in our flats had a new kitchen and bathroom fitted her kitchen had a few broken doors. In comparison our kitchen is in an awful state it's been damaged by leaks from upper levels, and a contractor broke a unit, I estimate in total 40% of the kitchen has to be replaced including 3 worktops and 3 base units, we are arguing it would be better just to renew everything, the council say NO they will part renew even though it will be in different colours, my argument is that it is not cost effective if they may have to replace everything in 4-5 years and they cannot guarantee they will have a matching kitchen in 5 years like the mismatch they are prepared to fit in the next few days can I ask if in item 5.5 disproportionate expense or disruption. means as long as a large chunk of the kitchen is not replaced? Thanks in advance 5.5 To be decent, a dwelling should be free of category 1 hazards, and the existence of such hazards should be a trigger for remedial action unless practical steps cannot be taken without disproportionate expense or disruption. Landlords should consider the circumstances very carefully in the interests of the occupiers of the dwelling before concluding that a hazard cannot be dealt with effectively, and in such cases should ensure that the occupiers are fully aware of the position. Criterion b: It is in a reasonable state of repair Findings I understand that during her visit, J????? answered many of your queries with regard to your kitchen and has subsequently spoke to you on the phone and has sent e-mail correspondence which is attached. J?????? advised you that there is a five- year life remaining before your kitchen can be assessed for refurbishment and it is not beyond economic repair. As previously stated it would be inappropriate to discuss any specific issues relating to another tenant and their property. You had also a subsequent enquiry regarding the requirement for properties to be free of Category 1 HHSRS category failures. I understand that you are frustrated that you are currently not eligible for a kitchen but it is currently not a category 1 failure under HHSRS and there is not a requirement to replace an element if there an HHRSR category 1 failure, if it can be rectified in another way. The repairs which are being carried out to your kitchen will address any issues which you are currently experiencing.
  20. Hi, I'm after some advice regarding my rights over a faulty mobile phone. At the beginning of February, I renewed my contract with T-Mobile and got a new Nokia Lumia 920 as an upgrade. A couple of weeks later I decided to try their EE 4G service so switched to that network which I'm happy with. However my phone has developed a fault whereby after I use earphones and unplug them the phone still thinks they are plugged in so I get no sound from the phone from music or YouTube etc and also I don't get any sound when I make or receive a call unless I put it on speakerphone or re-connect the earphones. I can get the problem sorted by fiddling with the socket using an earphone jack but it always returns. It's more of a nuisance than anything but I do want it sorted. I called into an EE store to ask what my options are and they said that as the phone is over two weeks old I couldn't swap it and it would have to go away for repair, when I enquired whether I would get a replacement phone in the meantime they said yes but it would only be a basic one. I left it there as I was away this weekend and needed my phone for email etc. What are my rights regarding this? I understand EE are within their rights to send the phone off for repair but surely they have to offer me a courtesy phone of similar spec to the one I already have? I pay for a 4G service so surely I am entitled to receive one? Whilst the phone is over a month old surely it's still considered new enough to not be faulty through my own fault (incidentally upon doing a Google search this problem seems to be quite common with this phone) so I can still claim a replacement if they can't repair it without inconvenience to me. And I'm not sure if this matters but I ordered the phone through their website so do the Distance Selling Regulations affect my case one way or the other? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  21. I purchase a I LUV docking station from them in 2 Oct 2011 as a christmas present, It was faulty and replace in 6th of June with a new one. so far good, Now the new one is failing less than 5 months and they are telling me that the Warrenty ran out as it is a replacement. If the product has a known problem why can I get it replaced or a refund? Amazon says it is their Policy and the Manaufacture says the contract is with Amazonm and the product is faulty and should be replaced as it is less than 6 months old.
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