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  1. I booked a hotel last week on Hotels.com. I found it a lot cheaper on another website, filled out the online form for a price guarantee and Hotels.com responded and confirmed they would match it. I was told that I should pay the hotel directly and then within 72 hours after check out I would be refunded.. I did all of this, on day of check out I contacted them and they said to wait a little longer. They then said that they would not do the price match as they could not verify it, I said I am not accepting that etc. They said they would but they said that my details are not matching (email or telephone number that I booked with). I am 100% sure that I booked with the details I have given them, plus I have email confirmations of my reservation going directly to my email that I have given, along with my phone number. They have told me that they cannot do anything without the correct details. I have provided screenshots etc but they are not having it. I think that hotels.com have changed my details so that I can not benefit from the price guarantee. Any idea what I should do? It is quite a bit of money that I am due back! Thanks!
  2. Hi all, This is my first post on the consumer forum. The error that Vodafone is continuously failing to correct causes me great distress and badly affects my health. I have tried to sort this issue personally through Vodafone Customer Service making endless phone calls but it got nowhere. I was going to take the mortgage in March but Vodafone INCORRECTLY has placed a Default Account on my Credit Rating which prevents me from getting a mortgage. I have written formal complaint to Vodafone Customer Service that was posted to them on 14/10/2015 but the letter was never acknowledged and I have never received a response from Vodafone. To cut the long story short: I had Vodafone account opened in September 2013. I have systematically paid monthly payments of £39.50 up until December 2014 (shown on my bank statements). I then accidentally stopped the Direct Debit to Vodafone and I had accumulated some unpaid months to them. I have paid all those unpaid months on 29.05.2015 plus all the future monthly payments up until September 2015 (I had minimum 2 years contract) in one payment of £380.40. The reason I paid all the future payments on that day is because I asked the Vodafone Customer Service to close my account during the same phone call on the 29.05.2015. 1. Vodafone has failed to acknowledge internally in their automated system my payment to them on 29.05.2015 of £380.40 2. Due to Vodafone failing to acknowledge my payment they employed the Debt Collection Agency to retrieve the payment from me and more importantly they incorrectly put a default account on my Credit File in August 2015. I'm in the process of applying for the mortgage and imagine what impact this incorrect Vodafone default account has on my chances of being approved. 3. After the Debt Agency started to chase me for the payment I have brought a proof of the missing payment to the Vodafone store first in August 2015 and then I was asked to do that again in September 2015 and the store manager made a note on my Vodafone account about witnessing the payment. I then had spoken straight away to Vodafone customer service on the phone and they said that they will be processing a Missing Payment Form and once done the information of payment clearance will be passed on to the Debt Agency and my Credit File will be cleared. I note that this was done in September 2015. 4. After giving 7 working days (in September 2015) for the Missing Payment Form being processed I have spoken to Debt Collection agency and they said that they still haven't received any instructions from Vodafone to close the issue. I have spoken to Vodafone Customer Service again and they again confirmed that they have submitted Missing Payment Form. I have spoken to the Debt Collection agency a week later and they said the issue has been put on hold for further clarification. I think they realised that I don't owe the money to Vodafone because I've sent to them the copy of my bank statement but they were not receiving instructions from Vodafone to close the issue of this debt. 5. I now checked my Credit File for the first time on 23.02.2016 as I'm just about to apply for the mortgage and it still shows Default Vodafone Account! Bearing in mind that Vodafone confirmed processing Missing Payment Form back in September 2015 they had 4 months to clear my Credit File from the default account, however, this still hasn't been done. 6. I have called to Vodafone again yesterday (23.02.2016) about the issue. Vodafone Customer Service yet again acknowledged over the phone the note from Vodafone store manager on my file made in September 2015 about witnessing the evidence of payment. They said that they had submitted the Missing Payment Form AGAIN and he said it will take 3 (three) months! to clear my Credit File from default. But I was reassured previously by Vodafone Customer Service that the Missing Payment Form on that payment was processed back in September 2015 and they had 4 months since then to clear the Credit File but this hasn't been done! (I mentioned this to Customer Service). How can I allow another 3 months of empty promises to find out in May 2016 that nothing has been done. I have read on the Internet an Experian expert saying that changes to the Credit File can be done overnight. The house prices are rising every month and I have been waiting since September 2015 for Vodafone to clear my Credit File from the default account that they had put in their error. I have no idea what to do anymore and who to speak to about resolving the issue and clearing my Credit File from the wrong default. Vodafone is promising to clear the error since September 2015. Since September 2015 they endlessly saying to me that the Missing Payment Form has been submitted and that I should wait for the Credit File to be cleared of the default. I'm worried that Vodafone will incorrectly make changes to the Credit File simply by showing that I have paid the default money. But I need the fact of default removed from my Credit File because all of the due payments were made by me in May 2015. The default was put incorrectly in August 2015 when I in fact didn't owe any money to Vodafone by then. I'm also worried that Vodafone will reactivate my account once they acknowledge the missing payment when in fact I have asked to close my account in May 2015 and paid all the due payments then. I've asked the Vodafone Customer Service many times to send me the letter confirming that my account has been closed in May 2015 but they have never sent it to me. Any advice on how to resolve the issue with removing the Default Account History from my Credit File and getting the Vodafone to confirm that my account has been closed in May 2015 would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Natalya
  3. Up until this evening Apple had always been a brand that I trusted and had always had confidence in purchasing products from them. I have had my Iphone 5 for just over 2 years now and a few months ago I started to notice serious problems with the battery life. It would show that it still had 20 percent charge and then suddenly just run out. I got caught out quite a few times because of this. I decided that I needed to get the battery replaced. After some research I was really pleased to discover the following; https://www.apple.com/uk/support/iphone5-battery/ Apple has determined that a very small percentage of iPhone 5 devices may suddenly experience shorter battery life or need to be charged more frequently. The affected iPhone 5 devices were sold between September 2012 and January 2013 and fall within a limited serial number range. If your iPhone 5 is experiencing these symptoms and meets the eligibility requirements noted below, Apple will replace your iPhone 5 battery, free of charge. Eligibility If your iPhone is in working order and exhibits the symptoms noted above, use the serial number checker below to see if it is eligible for this program. Finding your iPhone serial number is easy. See how. Replacement process Choose one of the service options below to have your battery replaced. Your iPhone will be examined prior to any service to verify that it is eligible for this program and in working order. Please call your service provider to confirm that battery replacement service is available on the day you visit them. Apple Retail Store - Make an appointment here. Apple Technical Support - Contact us. To prepare your iPhone 5 for the battery replacement process, please follow the steps below: Back up your data to iTunes or iCloud Turn off Find my iPhone Erase data and settings in Settings > General > Reset > Erase all Content and Settings Note: If your iPhone 5 has any damage such as a cracked screen which impairs the replacement of the battery, that issue will need to be resolved prior to the battery replacement. In some cases, there may be a cost associated with the repair. Additional Information Apple may restrict or limit repair to the original country of purchase. For iPhone 5 devices purchased in EEA member countries, service is available in other EEA member countries. If you believe your iPhone 5 was affected by this issue, and you paid to replace your battery, you can contact Apple about a refund. This worldwide Apple program doesn't extend the standard warranty coverage of the iPhone 5. The program covers affected iPhone 5 batteries for 3 years after the first retail sale of the unit. I tapped in my serial number and I was really pleased to discover that my phone was one of the models that was affected. I therefore booked an appointment at the Genius Bar in the Apple Store at Lakeside for 8.50 this evening. We arrived on time and spoke to one of the advisers who checked my name off on his Ipad and asked us to take a seat. We then sat there for over ten minutes seeing loads of their staff coming in and out of the repair area but not one of them acknowledged us. Eventually Richard asked one of them how much longer would we have to wait and we were told that someone would be with us in a few minutes. A young man came out and I explained to him the problems that I had been having with my phone. I also informed him that I had checked on their website any my phone had one of the serial numbers that are eligable for a free battery replacement. He then advised me that he would get one of the repair staff to have a look and would be back with us in a few minutes. When he returned he had a rather serious look on his face and told us that he had bad news as the water damage indicators on my phone are red and this would mean that they would be unable to replace the battery and my only option would be to purchase a replacement phone for £179.00 !! I was fuming. I pointed out the fact that my phone is in perfect working order and the only reason I came to the store this evening was due to the fact and that Apple had stated that the battery that had been supplied with my Iphone was faulty. I was then told that they could not carry out any work on my phone due to the damage. I then asked them if they were prepared to simply give me a new battery which I could get replaced elsewhere but they refused as it was against their rules ! I then asked to speak to the Manager who told me exactly the same thing. However, he was prepared as a gesture of goodwill to reduce the cost of a replacement phone to £120.00. I told him that I was not willing to accept this and I asked him to show me where it stated that the battery could not replaced. The Manager then pulled up another document that quoted their policy on changing batteries. I then pointed out to him that this was not referring to faulty batteries that had been recalled by Apple. As you can see from the document in bold above it makes reference to a broken screen but there is no mention of water damage. I think that their Customer Service is a total disgrace !!!! .
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