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  1. Hi everyone, I'm hoping for a bit of advice on this. My son has an account with Vodafone. He is 19 and the whole thing has turned into a bit of a nightmare! He lost his phone last year but continued to make payments on his account. He made a payment in July and then received a letter in September about the account being in default. As he is only 19, I have been dealing with the matter on his behalf and we have been passed from pillar to post with various people as he no longer has the phone. When I found out that the account was going into default, I phoned Vodafone myself and made the payment of £59 which was outstanding and the phone service was resumed so that he could continue to make payments till the contract ends. However, upon checking his credit file today, I have notice that Vodafone have registered a default which is now marked as settled but has obviously trashed his credit rating. The account is also marked as closed but its actually still open as hes received a bill in the last 7 days. Hes a professional rugby player and was saving for his first house so hes devastated about this. Does anyone know what we can do about this? Hes realised that hes made a huge mistake but I feel that penalising him for the next 6 years over £59 is pretty unfair. Thank you so much for any help you can offer.
  2. Hello, I am looking for some advice as Vodafone have treated me very unfairly and I am disgusted with their customer service. In April 2017 I called to give my 30 days cancellation notice as I had a new phone on order from a different carrier. I was told I could cancel my direct debit as I would get a letter with the final bill amount. Towards the end of July I received a letter stating I owed £112, I called them to query why it was such a high amount and to make payment. The advisor said it was a termination fee, I asked if I could make payment next month and he checked with the billing department and came back and told me "as the account is closed I can make payment whenever I can". He said he could set up an automated payment to come out of my bank on the 1st September, I asked him twice would it affect my credit file and he assured me it would have no affect at all so I gave him my card details and thought it was all done. Towards the end of September I received another letter saying I owe £116. I was confused by this as I thought this was dealt with. Upon checking my bank I saw that they didn't take it out as promised. Also noticed 2 late payments from Vodafone on my credit file. I was very annoyed by this as he promised me it wouldn't touch my file and he set up an automated payment which failed! I called them on the 2nd October to complain and the advisor said it was a mistake their end that the payment didn't go through and promised me the late payments would be removed, he put this in my notes. He said I can make payment now or at the end of the month when I get paid. So I called on 27th October to make payment and to get my late payments removed as promised. The advisor told me they could not remove them as its correct. I spoke to her manager and he was understanding and spoke to the credit department and said they cannot remove it as its correct from their point of view. I explained the advisor in July told me it wouldn't affect my file but he said he couldn't find the call recording so no proof he said that. He did say in my notes the advisor from the call in October had put he promised I could get them removed, however he said this was misinformation on their part. I escalated it to someone called Paul from customer relations department who quite frankly didn't care, his attitude was unprofessional and basically implied I was lying. He offered me £50 for the "misinformation" but I said I didn't want £50, I want my credit file rectifying as I will be applying for a mortgage and because of them it would affect my file for the next 6 years and its not even my fault.... He said they cant do anything else and said I can complain to the ombudsman but they probably will favour them and not get it removed. He put my complaint in "deadlock" and I await their letter. I have complained to the ombudsman and will forward them the deadlock reference when it arrives. I cannot believe the way Vodafone treat their customers. I had been a customer of theirs all my life. Absolutely disgusting. I will not give up until I get this fixed and I will be letting the public know how they have treated me. Any help much appreciated.
  3. Vodafone have recently charged me for going over my myfi data allowance without giving me notification that I am about to exceed my allowance as they have done before via the app for the device. I have now been billed for £245 for over using me device without my knowledge. I spoke to the complaints department today who have told me that they can reduce the bill by £44! and that I should have self managed my allowance by checking my app despite me telling them that the app is not working. They pointed out that my bill will increase due to late payment (I refused to pay ) and that my details are now with the bailiffs! I found that I am not the only one with the problem when I searched online this afternoon I found that I am not the only one with the problem. Apparently its in their contract to advise their customer that they are about to go over their allowance. Can someone advise or tell me if this the right way to approach the problem and if so how should I go about it. I did find a link for this but the post wont let me add it as I am new. Thank you
  4. I love Vodafone, although a lot of society has had a fair few issues with them as a Service Provider and even I sometimes query why I am with them. Somewhat now, we need to take a closer look at one of their products and how it affects you. Yesterday I attended store and picked up a shiny new device but something that caught my eye on the paperwork I'd signed was Vodafone Securenet... So what is it? Its a security product designed to protect you against threats while using Vodafone's network. Its built into the network already and doesnt require an app to download it. . So whats the deal and why have CAG reported this...? This is terrible for many reasons. Vodafone are auto signing people up to this with Upgrades and some people are being signed up automatically without their consent. Sure its £1 per month per device... But remember that Vodafone has 19 and a half million customers in the UK. If everyone is paying a £1 for this then thats a fine turnover moneymaking scheme. More about it? They are free alternatives for Antivirus which will protect your phone locally anot need a requirement for Vodafone to do this for you. Not only that but this doesnt work on Wifi unless you have an app installed and it has to the master handset that has it on! Vodafone should be offering this for FREE as part of their NDS (Network Development Scheme) - Not charging people for it! Not only that but both Android and IOs have built in security features to disable your phone remotely. Are We Being Charged? I would say check your bill. Vodafone have already applied this to a fair few customers through Upgrades and Tariff Changes. If you are paying for it whether in free trial or not, then consider the alternatives - Lookout AV etc... If you are not using it - Complain for your money back if it has been added without your consent!
  5. Hi all When Vodafone 'ported over' my account to their new system (sept 15) they appear to have screwed it up, royally. I have 3 phones on one account. (which seem to have been separated) I have had nothing but misery and stress ever since, I have lost count of the number of times they have restricted access, leaving us all or one after another cut off, in one case for weeks. most spectacularly when I was 100 miles away from home in a hospital with my Father who had been rushed in with a heart problem, No way to call anyone brilliant! I have spent hours both in store and on 191 trying to deal with it all apparently in vain. Last week was the last straw, I applied to borrow money against my property and to my horror was refused point blank, I was advised by Barclays to check Equifax to see what was happening. I had a gnawing in the pit of my stomach thinking ..o god its going to be Vodafone, sure enough it was. My credit score is unblemished apart from them, who have my account as delinquent, credit rating rock bottom. I phoned Equifax and explained I have been having problems with them for 18 months and they advised to contact them and that they, Equifax would put a note on my file and query it with Vodafone. I phoned vodafone to be told sorry system is down I will ring you back, of course after going through hoops to establish its me! I telephone later as I have no real expectation of her ringing me back because, well, they just don't, Guy this time says your account is in arrears by 22.91 you must pay now so i did. I asked him to remove the erroneous entry on Equifax which he apparently did not understand. 3 hours later lady calls back and says you are 12.00 , which I declined to pay when the member of staff on the phone could not explain how, when approximately 3 hours earlier I had been told I was 22.91 in debit and had paid it. The following day whilst in store I was £45.82 in credit, at the time i thought sadly laughable, as the first member of staff appears not to be able to understand a credit on the account. ? so my credit had now doubled. o yes he also said he would add £5.00 credit 'for the hassle' which I had confirmation in a text message. needless to say it was not applied! Checking my Experian account it shows £190 in debit and more than 6 months overdue. Thus placing it in Delinquent status. Which actually tallies with no other amount? I think they pick amounts out of the air tbh. I then receive a letter yesterday informing me they were suspending my account as I was in arrears of £65.30. desperation yesterday I emailed the Member of staff in the store and copied in the CEO attaching the e mails I had sent to the previous CEO in oct 15 and jan 16 which received no response, amazingly I got a reply e mail today saying they would look in to it but if it was urgent to call them, really Vodafone?? so I did. Melanie assured me she has removed 52.80 which was hanging around on my 'Ghost' account since sept 15 and she will remove my status on Equifax. I mentioned to her that not only would I want my credit file returned to its unblemished state before they had made the catastrophic cock up of my account I also thought I should be entitled to compensation for the amount of time and distress caused in the lat 18 months continually trying to sort their mess out, not least the embarrassment and distress yet again of having to try and explain to the lady from Barclays and my husband that I really wasn't responsible. She of course completely ignored this part of the conversation I asked her to send me an e mail outlining exactly what she was going to do, which she did all be it concise. What are the things I should perhaps be doing/ recording to follow this up? I cannot explain how utterly sick and tired I am, how stressful and embarrassing this whole thing has been for such a long time, this is not everything either. I would really appreciate any input from anyone Thank you Sealover
  6. I am also sick of vodafone and their terrible service. I have been a customer for at least twenty years, but will not be going near them ever again. I called them to cancel my long term contract and was talked into a pay as you go at a very much reduced cost. I then received the contract by email, which was not what we had agreed. So I phoned them several times and spent hours trying to explain the problem. They said they would fix the contract, but by that time I was sick of them and wanted to cut all ties, so I told them so. They said they would switch me to the cancellation department. I was kept on hold for over 15 minutes and I realised I was getting nowhere and nobody was going to speak to me as they probably did not want me to cancel. I then cancelled the direct debiticon. Sent them an email saying I was within my 14 days cooling off period and I wished to cancel the contract. No reply. I sent a recorded delivery letter to them from Spain, telling them how unhappy I was and to cancel the contract and that if I owed any cash, I was to be contacted by email and gave them my email address. No reply. Next thing I start getting emails from Ardent Credit Services Ltd asking me to contact them with regards my vodafoneicon account. So I explained I was abroad and explained the problems I had with Vodafone and even attached emails I had sent. I got a return email asking for my full name, date of birth, address, telephone number etc etc etc etc, as they wished to confirm it was me they were speaking to. So I replied saying I was unwilling to give them such private and confidentialicon information without determining who THEY were and requested that they at least confirm my old address and the last Vodafone telephone number I had. It's now getting silly, as they keep sending the same email and I keep replying with the same reply and nobody is getting anywhere. Is there anything more I can do? I was willing to pay Vodafone what I was due, but they have made it impossible and as I am no longer a UK resident, I don't see why I should bother.
  7. Vodafone mis-sold me contracts on my account and have refused to cancel them as requested. This has been going on since June last year, even the Ombudsman didn't seem to see where I was coming from legally, but agreed Vodafone had made errors in handling my account and complaint and there was a shortfall in service. The Ombudsman also told me about an invalid charge on the account (which Vodafone have not admitted to me) and a voicemail I was apparently left regarding a credit to the account they were making, but neither has appeared and reduced the balance I'm being asked to pay. If a company don't tell you they are changing their contracts, but mislead them on the phone and make them believe their payments won't change, without mentioning increases in charges and a new 24 month contract, is that not illegal? I've quoted the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Practises as I believe they've carried out an unfair practise: Misleading practices – a practice misleads through the information it contains, or its deceptive presentation, and causes, or is likely to cause, the average consumer to take a different transactional decision specifically; general misleading information, creating confusion with competitors’ products or failing to honour commitments made in a code of conduct. They never sent me the promised email detailing the upcoming changes I should expect, which I believe is in violation of the Consumer Contracts Regulations. I also believe they broke their terms and conditions by not correctly informing me of the changes that would take place. Breaking any of these regulations/terms would give me the right to request the contracts be cancelled without penalties. I contacted Vodafone 3 times before I received a response, from June to November. Nick Jefferys was no use and ignored my legal points when I emailed him. I requested a copy of the call that took place in June but Vodafone ignored my requests, which resulted in a complaint to the ICO, who agreed that Vodafone had breached it. Does anyone have knowledge of where I stand legally please? My head's a mess over it all now, any help is greatly appreciated.
  8. I just took a domestic ferry in Italy (Sicily to Genoa) only to find I have been charged 30 quid for 5MB of data by Vodafone. It's listed as Maritime/Ferry usage which apparently is the same as Europe Zone 2 (i.e. non EU - same price as Turkey, Albania etc): "Daily charge of £6 a MB for the first 5MB, then £30 for each 5MB after that" Since I have Eurotraveller and, as far as I was concerned, I never left Italy (let alone Europe Zone 1) I never thought to disable data roaming. I didn't even know my phone had a signal on the ferry. I was hooked up to the on board Wi-Fi at the time. It must have switched when the Wi-Fi dropped. I could understand if I was going on a world cruise but the fact that this was a domestic ferry I feel a bit hoodwinked by the whole thing. Apart from which the charges seem to be wrong because according to the itemisation I have been charged £6 for 0.08MB then £24 for 4.89MB, which doesn't match the above description at all. Do I have a case for getting it refunded? Quite frankly it seems a complete con.
  9. here's my situation. I appiedy for a mortgage and it gets declined. Head over to credit file and see a default going back to 2015 from Vodafone for £30. I had a sim for an Ipad for my job at the time. Left job, cancelled DD (stupid I know) then 2 months later get emails from debt recovery, pay instantly then call Vodafone to cancel the contract. All fine and dandy (or so I thought) I received no emails or emails chasing the money so assumed all ok. I call VF today to explain that this account was cancelled and I don't feel I owe the money and for them to remove the mark. "ok sir we will look into it for you and call you back" A few hours later I receive a call to say that there is no record of the cancellation and I owe the money, but if I pay the money they will review the default mark. I pay the money, am placed on hold ready to be transferred to the credit department. The handler comes back and advises that they won't remove the default. I explain that this is crazy, they are ruining me and my family for 6 years over £30. And that had I had known this was owed I would have paid it instantly (as I did today) he puts me back on hold for a while. Again the answer is "no" Do I have a case here or do I need to suck it up and live in financial purgatory for the next 6 years? Thanks in advance.
  10. I had a mobile contract with vodafone which I stopped paying about 2 and a half years ago due to a dispute. I expected to see it showing as defaulted on my credit file, but it looks like it is "up to date" and just shows the outstanding balance I'm confused. Can someone help me understand what is going on ? Edit: screenshot for clarity
  11. Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me please as I am at a loss. I purchased a phone from Mobile Phones Direct in March this year. When I received the phone it turned out that the tariff they were advertising was actually a 'cashback' deal and I would be paying double what I was expecting. In addition the camera leans on the phone is cracked. I reluctantly decided that the tariff issue was a 'lesson learned' but contacted them about the faulty phone. They requested that I sent them photos of the lens and the packaging the phone arrived in, which I sent by return. Since then I have had no response despite numerous emails asking them what they intended to do about the fault. Since then I have also started to notice that images are burning into the screen despite the use of a screensaver, since Mobile Phones Direct are not responding about the initial fault I doubt reporting the screen issue will do me any good. I also sent in my application for the cashback at the prescribed time but again, no response. I have just now tried contacting Vodafone to see if they can assist me but they are refusing to help as I didn't but insurance from Vodafone. I would have thought that, as Mobile Phones Direct sold Vodafone products, and I pay my bill directly to Vodafone that they would have some kind of responsibility to assist me? I am now left up the proverbial creek without a paddle, with it seems, no-one who can help me get a replacement phone or the money MPD owe me for the cashback
  12. I roam a lot. Mostly in Malta. Since February my bills are listing a load of data roaming in Spain. I haven't been anywhere near Spain for years. I suspect it's a bug and the Malta usage is showing up as Spain. The dates correspond to dates I was in Malta. There's no cost impact as I'm on Eurotraveller so it's three quid a day regardless of where I roam in Europe. However it's wrong and it's bugging me. Also if I submit a bill as expenses (I'm self employed and claim my mobile) then the Spain usage could cause a problem. I've reported it to Vodafone twice and their attitude is; the amount is right, just ignore the Spain bit, there's nothing we can do. Which stinks quite frankly. So I'm going to the ombudsman for the second time in six months. Am I within my rights to withhold payment until a correct bill is issued?
  13. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-4445214/What-really-caused-customer-service-meltdown-Vodafone.html?ito CAG hopes that Mr Jeffery listens and acts swiftly.
  14. Hi everyone. our ordeal is this. Around a month ago Vodafone contacted my husband trying to sell a great deal broadband and landline package. Without agreeing to switch from our current provider we then received a router in the post. Rang Vodafone up, said why have we got this, apology freepost it back. Week or so later our landline goes dead. We ring Virgin our landline provider and they inform us that Vodafone have requested the line as we are switching to them. We agreed to no such thing EVER. We have been completely disconnected for over two weeks without any emergency call access. My husband has spent approx 7 hours on the phone to Vodafone and Virgin with neither party taking action to resolve our predicament so far. We proportion the blame to Virgin as we are their customer and paying them a monthly fee for our services and have done for the last 7 years. After visiting Ofcom we became aware this illegal practise in the telecoms world is termed "Slamming". Has anyone else experienced this and what can we do and what are our rights???
  15. Vodaphone sent me the wrong phone in January 2016 as an upgrade, they sent out the wrong phone so I sent it back. Unfortunately the phone got stolen in transit and this was proved with the weight recorded on the receipt that I sent to vodaphone. Everything was supposedly ok , until I noticed my bill were almost double than normal every month after this, I phoned vodaphone on May 2016 to find out why. The reason was that this upgrade they had sent had actually opened up a new account on the same name and address ect and were billing me double. They said this would be sorted and I would get a refund. After phoning them every month after this they still continued to take the 39 pounds from my account every month and just last month they have now closed my account and billed me 530 pounds for an early cancellation fee!
  16. Has anyone else noticed premium rate incoming texts on vodafone bill? Vodafone are obviously profiting from this as they collect the money, take a commission and then pass it on to the 'service' providers - apparaently I can't use a word that sounds like 'scrammer' Apologies if there is already a thread about this but i couldn't find it if there is
  17. So, in my area, I can SEE the mast, its vodafones. I cant however get signal many many times through the day - we have three mobile phones all on vodafone either directly or via talkmobile who resell vodafone Ive told them on the community forums, facebook ,called them up even - ive just entered into a contract and service is terrible. I feel like sending the phone back and getting a refund/new contract with EE
  18. Hi, on 9th of Sep 2016 I contacted Vodafone to move one of our contract number to payAsYouGo and i was told it normally take 30 days. on 16th Sep i received an email if i paid £68.18 early release charge it will be as pay as you and I accepted the payment to be on our bill and received an email that the number was made as payAsyouGo and a sim is on the way. I kept on calling and going to VF branch but with fail, I spent minimum one hour to explain to each representative about my case but with. fai . I sent a written complain and followed by phone call and last friday11 Nov 2016 one of their call centre told me that I just needed to buy a new payAsyouGo sim with £10 credit and use it and call them back to port my old number to this new number. very simple and easy. I called today after spending one hour and half the guy told me that the number was cancelled and it is no longer with vodafone. but I can see on our last month bills as it was billed the with last amount. How can it be lost? Is there a place to make my complain and get back my old number? regards Said
  19. I have been a voda customer for many years I decided to switch to a sim only iPhone plan around 2 weeks ago was promised along with unlimited calls & texts and 8gb data with additional sure signal box extra 2gb roaming data at no extra charge. Rang a few days chasing up my sure signal box was there one? No! Apparently no record at all including the 2gb roaming data I was promised. 2nd time I was promised this again along with extra credit of £60 to my account for my trouble Chased it up today this morning nothing on my notes again about the deal but they said they have sent out my sure signal box but I have not received it. Trying to explain all this again but no resolution. I have asked for my Pac code was sent a text and email of my pac code and shortly after I had my line cut. I have been without service all day tried their online chat who promised will get my line restored in 30 mins as from this morning but no service. I have shortly Just got back from customer services had to call off my landline from home after work who have now said will take till midnight to restore my line. Totally gutted and disheartened of the level of service from a well known global brand Vodafone.
  20. OFCOM have today released a press notice fining Vodafone £4.6m. How long have we been complaining about this on CAG and only now do they accept they did wrong. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37772118
  21. Brilliant thank you Dec 2012 I took out a secondary line with Vodaphone sim and ipad signed all paperwork. Just as I was about to leave the employee said oh thats the wrong sim card he then went through the back and brought out another. Jump to xmas day ipad and sim unwrapped and paired togeather display was not that of Vodaphone uk but one of no service but being at home the device was linked to the wifi and to be honest at the time I knew no better . A few days after xmas I receive calls from Vodaphone stating I have a bill over £100 stating that can not be possible they looked into it and agreed there was a mistake this happened a further 2 times. Unfortunately on the 4th occasion I was told I was liable this was my bill I had to pay. I logged into my account and looked at the itemised bill Edinburgh taxi companies Edinburgh takeaways ect we do not live in Edinburgh and these started from the date of purchase although the ipad and sim I had were happily still wrapped in xmas paper. I visited the Vodaphone shop with all paperwork and the ipad where I was told by the employee that the sim actually in the device was not that which was registered to me it was in essence a blank sim I had. He said he would pass this onto the fraud team and I should contact the police which I did and they advised me not to pay the £2400 as I was a victim of fraud and not liable nothing ever came of it. Jump to today and embarrassingly refused a mortgage one reason why Vodaphone have a default listed on my experian file. We took all paperwork to the police this afternoon and they actually informed us of this page and advised we ask for help here. The long and short the employee registered a sim in my name gave me a blank one and either kept or sold on the one in my name to someone in Edinburgh who ran up a huge bill. Is there any hope of having this resolved
  22. Sorry if the is long winded but really need some help. My husband set up a Vodafone account for me about 3 years ago. I've been struggling with the bills for sometime and they've just ridiculous. My bill currently stands at £600.37. The original contract was £33 a month but I never seem to pay this. I have authorisation on the account to discuss bills etc. I've had a problem for a long time as I don't receive a bill of any kind except a text message telling me my bill total. Quite a few months ago after ringing for god knows how many times, someone actually switched the account into my name (without my husbands permission). I can't access my account via the internet as it doesn't recognise my details, I don't get paper bills, they don't email. All I get is a total price my bill is in a text message. I've quieted this again so many times, sometime they manage to set up my internet account but only seems to work for one month and then I can't access it again. This bill is ridiculous now and again I've phoned up to discuss it (my phone has been restricted). It's been past to Fredrickson International for me to set up a plan with them, but I don't want to deal with them. I can't afford to pay my bill off but I want to keep my number. I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking of emailing the CEO as I think it's wrong I can't see my bill. For example this month my bill was £51. They've put it down to extra data allowance and also paying £2.5 so I can ring 084 and 087 numbers without being charged. I just can't afford this but I need my phone in action as I have two young child (15 months) and 4 years plus I do Avon and need to be able to contact my customers. I know it's my fault I haven't kept up with the bills but I feel like I'm just tumbling down a hill and can't stop. Please can someone help me.
  23. My niece is being hounded by Vodafone for a mobile phone she ordered on contract. She changed her mind and returned it immediately without using it. She has been in touch with them countless times stating it has been returned and they have even stated to her, during one conversation over the phone, that it was received in the warehouse yet they still say she has it. She has now received a letter from a DCA stating she owes £1000 for the phone and cancelled contract. Any ideas on how she can get this sorted out as she us now beside herself? Thanks in anticipation!
  24. Vodafone must be stupid... I've been a loyal vf customer for 18 years. In that 18 years they've probably had £9000 out of me in charges...so take off 5 new phones over that time, probably £7000 net. I don't use the phone as much as when I was working, so last June I went onto a basic sim only package, 300 mins, 300 texts, 250mb data....more than enough till last month. When my wife went into hospital, and I used the phone a lot more, basically 100 odd extra minutes than were on my plan As soon as I realised I changed the price plan to 600 mins...an extra £3 a month inc vat. However for the extra 100 odd minutes they have charged me £50 plus vat so £60 Now, I used the phone it's my fault etc, I fully realise that. ITS MY BILL, ok? But I thought I'd call them up to see if they would kindly help. NO so I said I would leave next June and go with bt To which they offered me £15 Well if I'm ever hard up for £15 I'll certainly let Vodafone know. I refused this and just said leave it as is and I'll just leave , and goodbye. So having spent £9000 over the years they are letting me leave over £15 (I would happily have settled for half, ie £30) Deary me Vodafone. Do you have anyone there that thinks of long term customers? by the way Vodafone rep if you ever look, I will NOT settle for half now...I'm leaving you!
  25. In 2014 my 16 yo son wanted a new iPhone 6 with 10 GB of data. He could afford it from work but naturally the 24 mth contract had to be on my account. We ended up with 20GB (capped) to share with his sisters. Vodafone, despite clear instructions, set up the contract on his little sister's number allocating only 2GB of data to his number. Whilst we fixed it then another round of upgrades last week has left him with unlimited data and vodafone claim they can not put the 10GB cap back on his phone. It’s either 4GB or unlimited. The little b has blown 18GB within a matter of days. I was told to download the vodafone app on sister's phone and would be able to allocate the data share however we wanted to . Days later I discover this is not possible because the Vodafone app does not work on a business account. Why is life so difficult? A simple need, and easy ask but Vodafone just say it can’t be done and refused to escalate my complaint. Neither the shop nor customer services can help and the app don’t work . There is no where on my online account that I can see let alone change the data usage and share. Suggestions?
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