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  1. Hi Guys, I am currently on long term sick and I am in receipt of ESA. I had to fight a DWP tribunal last year and thankfully won it. I am therefore in the support group and received council tax reduction. However, as I had to move recently and although I notified DWP there has been a gap with registering for council tax reduction. Now the council want the full amount for the last 3 months and I do not have the £600 they are demanding. I have been warned by the council to expect a summons. I am very worried. What can they do? I have told them my financial reason but they won't stop the process. Is there anything at all I can do? I do not really want to have to go to the Magistrates Court and plead my case, but of course if I have to do that then I will. If I have to go to court can someone please tell me what to expect and how best to respond in court? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jake
  2. The father of my 2 children has not made any payments for nearly a year, every time I call the Child maintenance line they seem to say something i different. He earns good money and not only that now has another child with his new partner. He does not see his children (my children) and hasn't for nearly 3 years (rather horrible reasons I wont go into) . When I spoke to child maintenance team last year they said its with the enforcement team (as he now owes £2500), just now they said its with the team to be processed but they are very busy and dealing with it in a queing system. Ive told them he has a new child but they say that he needs to inform them of this information. (which he wont) Also he has lied about how much he earns so that his payments are minimal. The money would be very useful as I am struggling to make ends meet and they both want to have music lessons which are very expensive. At the moment just keeping head above water. Frustrating that CSA seem to be taking so long to do anyhting about the non payment.
  3. Hi if my min payment is £100, do i have to pay it in a lump sum before payment date or can i pay it in multiples like £50 on one week and £50 another week..as long as its paid by due date? I ask because I accidentally paid £50 in to barclaycard, but can only afford to pay £50 more to make it £100. Thanks
  4. Some months back I opened the door to the Tv Licensing people, and made agreement to pay licence in small amounts, Due to illness and having to move on to benefits I could not afford to keep making the payments. Today i received a warrant for arrest for non payment of the debt, I am really worried that I may be arrested, but all the same,at the back of my mind something tells me that the warrant is not what it seems to be, It is printed on card sealed on 3 edges. the front says its from HM courts and tribunals services,but the inside looks more like a tv licence warning, but says "Details can be circulated to police" amongst other things like don't delay contact us now. It has my name account number and contact details written in ink. I rang the number, while hiding my own, and asked who I was speaking too, at first all the man would say was his name, but after some persistence he said he was from the magistrates court. He did not seem genuine. So I'm not sure if it is a real warrant or not .How can I tell if it is genuine ?
  5. Has anyone else received a letter from Redstone (alias Melanite) Mortgages stating that the FCA has ruled that they have calculated some customers' monthly payments incorrectly since 2010 and that those customers are due compensation? If so, has anyone received compensation or a refund yet? I received such a letter stating that I was one of those who had previously been overcharged, but with no details of how much I would be refunded or when. It stated that my account has now been recalculated and my new payment will be £6 per month higher! I rang them for more information and was told yes, I would receive a refund by cheque, but they could not tell me the amount. Then, after being put on hold for a long time, I was told that actually I will not be getting any refund as my account is in arrears. Instead, they might adjust my arrears, again no idea how much. All completely vague. I then demanded a letter from them giving a complete breakdown of figures showing how much I have been overcharged and how much will be refunded, including interest. The employee agreed to but seemed clueless and uninterested. I also stated that if I do not receive this information within 2 weeks I shall contact the FCA and let them know that Redstone/Melanite has not complied with their ruling. It also seems suspicious that Redstone changed their name to Melanite, and sent out letters telling customers that their mortgage had been transferred to this new company, at the same time that the FCA ruled they were in breach. They are pretending Melanite is a new company, yet their address is the same, the employees who answer the phone are the same people, and even the recorded message is identical.
  6. hi there, i'm having an issue at work about payment for "snowdays", back in january. i work in a private boarding school as a lunchtime supervisor. back when we had a day of snow there were members of our dept. that obviously couldn't get into work. we don't get paid for sick days or days off so no one was expecting payment, and we know that the employer doesn't have to pay them as a sign of generosity the headmaster agreed that we would all be paid for the one day that we couldn't get in. lovely until, our dept. manager said that although the headmaster has agreed this, it is down to the managers how they implement it. so our lovely manager decided that although we would be physically paid for the day, he sees it fair that we would owe half the hours in time. now most of us that this affected was us part-timers, we work school hours (9-3), we have kids, the dept. is often short staffed and we make up that shortfall in overtime. many work weekends etc. so to owe those hours in time is quite hard to fit in, when many are already counting on the overtime to bump up our wages (though i know this is our own personal issues and not to do with the school). no other dept. has done this to their staff. everything in the school is in house, so we're not just talking teachers, but cleaners, matrons, plumbers, maintenance, electricians, sports hall staff.....and none did this, they gave the pay freely and happily. so i made a few enquiries and found out that it's legal for them to do this....i could have made a fuss about how it effects women because of the nature of the hours and those who couldn't get in...but i don't really want to go down that route as i don't believe it was done with sexism in mind. i did have a meeting with my manager, as i'd been moaning for the week (not the correct way to handle things i know :/ ). his explanation was that the head had said how each manager implements it, and that as a dept we get a lot of perks....which we do, we get to go home early if boys aren't there, take food home etc. but every dept has it's perks, be it more breaks, use of equipment, drinks etc. when i pressed him on his decision he said that if i was to make a fuss then he would play by the rule book and we would not have any perks. i see this as a threat...essentially that it would be my fault that the whole dept loses out. anyhow, we're 4 months down the line, we've been paid and our manager hasn't yet claimed back half the hours. yesterday, we were called into a meeting where it was then announced that we don't have to make up the hours, but he will take half the pay back that we received in our next pay packet, which is next week. so the main question is, can he deduct the pay after it has already been received, esp. with a week's notice. people have budgeted for next month and this will effect their households. we have chefs in the kitchen, none of those have attended our meetings, this has led me to wonder if they are getting the same treatment...am i legally entitled to know what agreement has been reached with them? i want to know if it is a dept. issue or just one for the lunchtime supervisors, unfair treatment within the dept maybe? if i want to get spiteful and go down the sexism route, is this possible? there is one man that is affected by this, so it's not "all" women. thanks for your help (in advance) and sorry for the long story but i wanted to get as much info as possible
  7. Armed forces pay award 2018 - extra payments for personnel that left the armed forces after 1 April 2018 READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/armed-forces-pay-award-2018-extra-payments-for-personnel-that-left-the-armed-forces-after-1-april-2018
  8. Hello Other half is self employed plumber / general maintenance. He has been working for a company on and off for the past year and invoicing accordingly. the company has just decided that they should have been paying his CIS @20% for the past year. They have just asked us to go through all his invoices and be very specific about labour and materials (we do generally) and want us to resubmit. They then want to identify how much CIS they should have paid to HMRC, invoice US for the amount they should have paid to HMRC and then pay HMRC ! can they do this? Personally i feel that they failed to be really clear in the beginning about this, so why should we now be invoiced when we can submit this on our claims going forward. I want to bat it back and say leave alone for past year and going forward happy for the deduction to be made on invoices etc.... what do people think? want some nice wording to go back to them with.
  9. Following on from this thread https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?487703-Changing-a-Power-of-Attorney&p=5139451&viewfull=1#post5139451 Helping Mum deal with husband's finances, she has POA. There was a standing order for £15 pm going to Capquest, no reference recorded and no correspondence received for at least 4 years. Capquest can't trace an account or any payments received (I gave the a/c no and sort code of the originating bank). There's no record of any account with Capquest on CRA files. Other than asking the originating bank how far back the SO goes and if there was ever any reference associated with it, any suggestions? If Capquest can't trace an account, I think they should be refunding.
  10. Hello, I currently get £8K PA from the government's self directed support and I am not happy with their service and I wish to change to direct payments for more choice and control. It's done through the social care direct service. They want to establish a meeting with them to do what best for me? Do i have to go to this meeting or else I will be rejected direct payments of non attendance and non communication? When the service changed from day care centre which closed down to privatised care they forced me to go to private care rather than give me a choice of direct payments. Why can't social care stop payments to them and provide direct payments? Its sounding like a pip assessment.
  11. I am looking for some advice with respect to a PPI refund and compensation in connection with a former Endeaour loan. I had a compensation refund in 2015 which was based on premiums I had paid from 2002 - 2013. But I did not know if it had been calculated properly because although I had requested that the PPI be cancelled in 2013 all my loan account statements from Endeavour/HSBC and subsequently Sancopia Portfolio showed premium payments . I then spent 3 years trying to find out how HSBC reached their compensation figure and which premium payments were used for the calculation. Finally after escalating it to an FCA case I was sent the HSBC spreadsheet for the calculation which did not include any premiums from 2013 - 2015. HSBC say that the premiums from 2013 - 2015 were reversed and they have sent the FCA a screenshot form their internal systems which show that the premiums were reversed and refunded. FCA say they are satisfied that 8 of the 15 payments have been reversed. What I would advice on is whether this is correct if they are still showing on the loan account statement i.e if there is no corresponding reduction of the loan account to reflect these reversals. As a result of this long running issue, I have the internal HSBC PPI compensation spreadsheet with all formulas. I am more than happy it with the CAG if it can help others succeed with their claims. Advice would be much appreciated.
  12. Hi, I’m new here. Can anyone answer these questions? 1) Is all your JSA stopped when you are sanctioned, or is only a percentage of it stopped? 2) If after being sanctioned you go on hardship payments, do you still have to be available for work? 3) And if you do still have to be available for work, can you be further sanctioned while on hardship payments? I’ve just started getting JSA and have not been sanctioned, but the above questions have occurred to me.
  13. I hope I can explain this so you understand, My mother past away on the 30th of January 2018. Pension was originally paid to my father until his death where a part pension was then paid to my mother. She was until 20 months ago receiving the pension payment that was stopped by Capita because they didn’t receive a response to a letter they sent her. I guess it was a prove your still alive letter but that’s just a guess on my part. County Council social services department contacted Capita to inquire as to the missing payments and they advised that a family member needed to send a change of address to capita which was done on a couple of occasions. No acknowledgement or response at all to these letters. Payments have not been made for 20 months despite no change in bank details. My mother was placed into a nursing home two years ago suffering from dementia and relied on that pension payment to pay her residential care needs and was assessed by social services using her pension payment from them included in that assessment. Not receiving payments resulted in financial hardship up to the day she died. I was not made aware of any of this until my mum passed away. I intend to claim back all money not paid to her until her death. Where it can at least go somewhere to paying some of the funeral costs. Any thoughts on this from my good friends here on CAG. Cheers.
  14. New rules for taxation of termination payments READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-rules-for-taxation-of-termination-payments
  15. This is a long story, so I'll try and cut to the chase. Back in 2013 we moved into a property. The landlady who we were renting off asked if she could continue to be registered at the address. She agreed that she would cover all the council tax bills for the property. Two years later we received a letter from the council to "the occupiers" asking us when we moved into the property. We truthfully told them the date. Two months later, we received a massive bill from the council for two years worth of council tax, backdated to the date we moved in. We got in touch with the landlady who admitted she had not paid the council tax. We were now stuck with a £2300 debt when in fact it wasn't our debt. To add to our problem, the landlady admitted she had been illegally claiming benefits from the property whilst we were living there and she could not admit that she was due to pay the council tax as that would lay her wide open to prosecution. We contacted the council and explained the situation, but they wouldn't discuss it. As far as they ( capita ) were concerned, we were liable and they had passed the debt onto Ross and Roberts for collection. We rang Ross and Roberts, who were in fairness understanding, and they agreed a repayment plan which we stuck to like glue. In December 2015 I contacted them to make a payment and they gave us a figure which they said was the amount needed to clear off the debt. I then paid that amount and was told by the lady on the phone that the debt was now paid and we owed nothing more. They would cease any action against us. We didn't think any more about it We got a letter from the council saying we were in arrears with our council tax and they were taking us to court. I went into the offices to talk to them they told me that there was still £470 owing from the previous liability order and that they'd used my council tax payments for that year to clear this off. I explained everything about Ross and Roberts, how they said we'd paid it all off, but the woman insisted that they hadn't collected the full amount and had left £470 uncollected. That was why they were using 2016s council tax payments to clear off those arrears first. After much arguing, they agreed to cease the court action and use the money we had paid for the current years council tax. As for the £470 owing they would simply add it onto the bill and we could repay that on top of the current years council tax over the year. Owing to financial problems we fell into arrears with the council tax, and because as they put it "you have a bad history of paying" they just sent the matter to the courts and we were given another LO. When we contacted Ross and Roberts to sort out payments, they told us that there was still a LO for £470 owing which they were treating seperately, and had added £310 costs onto that bill. Not only that, they added £310 onto the amount for that current year as well. Had Ross and Roberts not told us that we had paid off the full bill, back in 2015, then we would have carried on making all the payments as planned and we wouldn't have been hit with a huge amount of fees, not only for the £470 that they incorrectly didn't collect, but also because that then had a knock on effect for the current year, and owing to us owing the grand sum of £110 for the current year, they whammed us with £310 charges for that. So if you can understand it, we ended up paying £620 in bailliff fees for two liability orders. One for £110 which I accept we owed, and £470 which Ross and Roberts had themselves told us we didn't owe it was their mistake when they didn't collect it as they should have done back when we were willingly making payments to clear off a debt that wasn't even ours in the first place as the landlady should have paid it.
  16. Statutory redundancy payments increase READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/statutory-redundancy-payments-increase
  17. Just spoke to DWP about Mortgage interest payments When you reach 60 they will help with payments. Only over 60's only.
  18. Update for Carillion workers: claiming redundancy payments READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/update-for-carillion-workers-claiming-redundancy-payments--2
  19. Just looking for some advice, recently I asked my work coach at my Job Centre if the worst comes and I do face a sanction in the future while I am on Universal Credit, will my housing element be affected as well, and he said yes, is this true? I thought housing element won't be affected while on a sanction, or his he wrong? I just hope I don't end up on UC for too long, I am aiming to get into work ASAP.
  20. I have been paying CBS Transcom £5 by Standing order However my payments keep getting returned does that mean that I have paid the debt or does it mean that they have sold the debt onto someone else I am afraid to contact them as in case I have not finished paying the debt off and they have passed it onto someone else !. as i have other debts which I incurred some time ago and am trying to pay off due to my circumstances cannot afford to pay them outright as with CBS TRANSCOM . what should I do? I cannot keep up with these people! and I am not getting any younger and it is a worry!.
  21. There's no point in whining about them. We know they're ripping the public for all they can, any way they can. 58% rates, 28 day account periods when almost everyone gets paid monthly nowadays. My wife has a debt of £2096 with Marisota and I don't know how much with Very. (She says she doesn't know the password! I'm resetting it.) And a credit card, and who knows what else hidden. She doesn't work, I have to pay everything. I want to work out a prediction of where this will all go unless dealt with now. I can use spreadsheets but I'm not sure how they calculate the minimum amount. T's&C's say: The word is INITIALLY. That insinuates there will be something different later. Or is it so simple as 4% of the £2096? That is £83.84 but they are saying amount due is £251. How is it worked out? Thanks.
  22. Can anyone point me to where it says that HB will only get backdated 1 month? It seems as if all Local Authorities apply this rule, but I am finding it hard to locate the exact legislation permitting them to do so. I would be very grateful on behalf of one of my helpees.
  23. Hello, I am looking for some advice as Vodafone have treated me very unfairly and I am disgusted with their customer service. In April 2017 I called to give my 30 days cancellation notice as I had a new phone on order from a different carrier. I was told I could cancel my direct debit as I would get a letter with the final bill amount. Towards the end of July I received a letter stating I owed £112, I called them to query why it was such a high amount and to make payment. The advisor said it was a termination fee, I asked if I could make payment next month and he checked with the billing department and came back and told me "as the account is closed I can make payment whenever I can". He said he could set up an automated payment to come out of my bank on the 1st September, I asked him twice would it affect my credit file and he assured me it would have no affect at all so I gave him my card details and thought it was all done. Towards the end of September I received another letter saying I owe £116. I was confused by this as I thought this was dealt with. Upon checking my bank I saw that they didn't take it out as promised. Also noticed 2 late payments from Vodafone on my credit file. I was very annoyed by this as he promised me it wouldn't touch my file and he set up an automated payment which failed! I called them on the 2nd October to complain and the advisor said it was a mistake their end that the payment didn't go through and promised me the late payments would be removed, he put this in my notes. He said I can make payment now or at the end of the month when I get paid. So I called on 27th October to make payment and to get my late payments removed as promised. The advisor told me they could not remove them as its correct. I spoke to her manager and he was understanding and spoke to the credit department and said they cannot remove it as its correct from their point of view. I explained the advisor in July told me it wouldn't affect my file but he said he couldn't find the call recording so no proof he said that. He did say in my notes the advisor from the call in October had put he promised I could get them removed, however he said this was misinformation on their part. I escalated it to someone called Paul from customer relations department who quite frankly didn't care, his attitude was unprofessional and basically implied I was lying. He offered me £50 for the "misinformation" but I said I didn't want £50, I want my credit file rectifying as I will be applying for a mortgage and because of them it would affect my file for the next 6 years and its not even my fault.... He said they cant do anything else and said I can complain to the ombudsman but they probably will favour them and not get it removed. He put my complaint in "deadlock" and I await their letter. I have complained to the ombudsman and will forward them the deadlock reference when it arrives. I cannot believe the way Vodafone treat their customers. I had been a customer of theirs all my life. Absolutely disgusting. I will not give up until I get this fixed and I will be letting the public know how they have treated me. Any help much appreciated.
  24. Hi all. I am in the process of moving my mum from the awful Talktalk to a company more reliable and trustworthy. However, it has come to my attention that Talktalk have been taking not one but THREE payments a month from her account. What's more, it looks like this may have been going on since 2013! Things are not making much sense to me I need to dig a little what I know so far is this... There are two amounts being taken for Talktalk and one for Talktalk mobile. She does not have a Talktalk mobile and certainly only one phone/internet line. I recall seeing a paper bill earlier this year which was for over £60, yet when I logged into her online account it's showed every bill at the same amount, £40.45. Almost every month she receives messages warning that she has almost used all of her allowance and has even been cut off a few times, yet online it says her allowance is £250 a month and NONE of it has been used. I checked at least five or six bills and they all said the same. On her bank statement the two main direct debits were started at the same time, have the same ID but a different account number. I also know there is no way she makes enough calls to use up even a fraction of that allowance. It seems like they are sending paper bills for one account whilst the other is handled online and something is very wrong. I won't be able to do anything until Monday when I will take her to the bank to see what transaction information they hold. I will also be looking to find as many bills and bank statements as I can to see how far back this goes. I estimate that Talktalk may possibly have robbed my mother of at least a couple of thousand pounds and I want to do all I can to get that back for her. The down side is, of course, I'm amateur at best when it comes to law which is why I'm posting here. If anyone can tell me what to do or where to go once I have this information it would be most helpful. My mum is a widowed, disabled pensioner who has mental health problems that affect her memory and concentration and in my opinion they have completely taken advantage of her, even upgrading her to the more expensive fibre - she has no need for this, she doesn't even know what it is!! I have had experience of their customer "service" myself in the past so if there's a way I can avoid going down that route I'll take it. I'll check back here over the weekend as I am busy tomorrow, for now I just need to gather advice to use after Monday. Thanks guys.
  25. Hi everyone, Same old story, I cancelled my direct debit during August of this year and have been receiving the scary emails of debt collection from Harlands, who have then transferred this debt to CRS who continue to try and scare me. The difference I have compared to others is I had in fact posted my intention to cancel my membership, as I was moving away from the area as I had finished a placement role there, and was returning back to university. Now, to maintain that I cancelled my dd on the day of last payment I posted this letter a month and a few days before the scheduled date. I would have done this online, but I was in the situation where the internet was not set up in my new house, and I had evidence of my new address in paper form. I didn't think much of it and simply posted my intentions to the letter box on my street, addressed to the Xercise4less branch I frequented. Well it couldn't be easy could it? I received communication from Harlands in September, a month after the dd was cancelled, so the day the dd was usually withdrawn from my account. i was on holiday however and didn't read it. Then October came, and they emailed me again. This time I read it, and this is where the journey began. I owed them £72.80, (2 months of membership plus 2 emails). I decided to contact the gym manager with my situation as well as Harlands about the situation. Harlands? They decided to ignore me, and the gym manager didn't read my email but said they don't accept letters, which is (probably) why my cancellation never came into fruition. So, because my life does not revolve around chancers, I set up an auto response to harlands emails referring them to my initial sob story, while I focus on my studies. So now we're at this point, with CRS saying I owe them daft amounts, I would quote, but they sent the letter to my old address but I'm assuming it's over £110.40, their last quote. I'll be honest, I have learned my lesson that I should have read the contract in order to prevent this fuss occurring, but I am not letting them punish me this hard for it. So, I must ask, what should be my next steps, and should I seek to resolve this? Thanks in advance guys.
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