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  1. GDPR, In 2018 I sent a request for CCA/Prove it letter to Idem they never replied or sent the info back. However they kept sending letters/calling to contact them etc, duly ignored as the CCA request was not fulfilled. About 10 weeks ago they sent a letter stating that as they could not get hold of me they decided to pass ALL my details to a company called “callresolve”. After 5 weeks I received a letter from callresolve stating that my details were passed on to them by Idem and that they will send someone over. About 2 weeks ago a lovely (sarcasm!) gent arrived at the house, all with a long black coat (not making this one up I swear) and a lovely badge from “Callresolve” anyhow, as he did not look like your average postman, I asked what he wanted. He said before he could tell me he had to “confirm” my details… I said “ah ok that would be good” and he started “if I could confirm the address” (yes that was right on the front door), I looked at the house number and pointed out at the street sign outside…. He said it was process, then (and this is where it gets quite interesting) he asked for my Date of Birth (to which I replied , I had one and I was happy with it). Anyway at that point I also added that he could “Jog on” and to ensure his coat would not get stuck on the porch. The question is, as Idem ignored any “prove it letter” or even CCA and without my authorization they passed on my private details to a third party. Are they in breach of GDPR guidance. As I thought under the new regulation ALL information can only be passed to third parties with someone’s explicit agreement (I never gave that agreement to Idem. I also got rather annoyed and called Idem, told them that I was still awaiting for the CCA and prove of debt (i.e deed) they said they were not obliged (rightly so I believe, ) to send me the deed of assignment however I asked them if they could confirm and send the confirmation of when they told me of their “Ownership” of the debt, they stated as it was sent in 2009 they did not have a copy (?) Could someone confirm what information I could ask for and if anything else I should be weary of? Idem seem to have got hold of a phone number which I seldom use, and also an email address which I used to set up a DMP years ago (but was still going on last year but NOT for Idem)….are they under obligation to let me know how they got hold of my data and who provided to them? Is there a template for GDPR ? and also what is the process to lodge a complain and to whom? The ICO (from what I can read, would limit itself to “remind” Idem to comply with requirements) Hope the above makes sense!
  2. I took out a money claim to recover money owed. The Defendant hired a Solicitor who sent and acknowledgement and applied for extra time, 28 days, to file a defence, I made no objection to this application and the court never put it in front of a judge for ratifying. However, 28 days later when the date specified by the Solicitor on their sample order had passed, no defence had been filed, so I applied for the judgement to be made by default as no defence has been filed. The Solicitor then called me (4 days past filing date) requesting further information so that they could begin to put together their defence... (BEGIN to??!) and I pointed out that I had already applied for Judgement as they were now out of time (CPR 12.3 (2)a "The Claimant may obtain Judgement by Default where acknowledgement of service has been filed but a defence has not been filed and the time for filing has expired). The Solicitor said that the extra 21 days dont start until they are rubber stamped by a judge. Today I received notification from the Court that the request for judgement has been returned by the judge for referral to a District Judge. So, my question is: Where extra time is requested and not challenged, is it accepted that the extra time is granted by agreement? Or can this defendant solicitor continue to delay filing until they get a rubber stamp agreeing extra time? My reading of the rules that where extra time is agreed 28 days would be given, would apply where no challenge is made to the request for extra time. How do I challenge this and stop them late filing please?
  3. Hi Guys, I have just received a postal requisition for alleged criminal damage to property. I believe the prosecutor must issue a written charge not more than 6 months after the offence alleged. Is this correct ?
  4. I had over £400 of unathorized transactions on my PS online account involving the fortnite game. These were regular weekly amounts of £19.99 and £7.99 every week. I contacted Halifax bank and they chargebacked all the amounts-so far. Sony told me the transactions were made from the serial number of my PS console (after i supplied the number , i should have given a friends serial number to test their claims) However, even it was my machine (i am 99.99% convinced it was not) a friend claimed a remote hack can access the account and console. PS banned me from their network as they dont like chargebacks - and apparently their rules insist that users must contact them first for any unauthorized transactions. There rules are saying if there are unauthorized transactions you must not contact your bank until you contact PS first -surely that can't be right legally and goes against consumer law ?
  5. New rules will protect fans from ticket touting READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-rules-will-protect-fans-from-ticket-touting
  6. New rules for taxation of termination payments READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-rules-for-taxation-of-termination-payments
  7. RAC to apologise to 1 million customers for breaking insurance renewal rules The RAC will be apologising to more than 1 million customers for falling short on rules on insurance renewals. The motoring organisation has become the latest – and one of the largest – businesses to be rapped by the Financial Conduct Authority watchdog. Rules introduced by the FCA a year ago require firms to clearly show the insurance premium a customer paid last year alongside their proposed renewal premium. They also require firms to show a “prominent, clear and straightforward message” to encourage customers to shop around. https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/rac-apologise-1-million-customers-breaking-insurance-renewal-rules-121828308.html
  8. New overdraft alerts as CMA banking rules come into force READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-overdraft-alerts-as-cma-banking-rules-come-into-force
  9. Hi, What are the regulations for enforcing double yellow lines on private land? clearly they will not have a Traffic Order in place, but can they simply have yellow lines and then red signs up stating "no parking" to make it enforceable. ta
  10. The following is taken from the Law Gazette website: https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/supreme-court-ruling-on-litigants-in-person-could-redraw-cpr/5063855.article
  11. Short version : Just looking for the rules when it comes to claiming housing benefit. I have been on benefits for years and am desperate to get away from them so I started a business a few years ago. I am the director of a ltd company, and pay myself min wage at just under 16 hours a week. What I want to know, is at what point am I no longer entitled to housing benefit? They are requesting a copy of my accounts now and I have to keep sending in pay slips to prove I am only taking min wage for 16hours a week etc. I don't know what other qualifying info you would need to help determine when the point is that I need to stop claiming, let me know if there is anything you need to know. I look forward to any replies. Let me know if you really wanna hear the long version, trust me its long! Thanks in advance for any help!
  12. It would appear that new tax rules will apply to Non Doms from April 2017. There is some information in the link below - but mostly all I could find was being reported by the FT - which doesn't like being linked. https://www.thebestof.co.uk/local/shrewsbury/community-hub/blog/view/shrewsbury-financial-adviser-warns-of-non-dom-danger
  13. Hi All, a few back ground notes. I bumped into a friend who I had not seen for a number of years due to moving out of the area. We reminisced of days gone past when he told me that he had just been in court for a hearing to get his invoice paid of a debt collection company (DCC) who had never produced any documentation to back their claim up. he sent them a unilateral contract based on performance. If they sent him evidence to back up their claim then this would be outside the unilateral contract and would not be chargeable. Send him anything else then it will be charged. he put in clam into their court for breach of contract non-payment of invoices. the debt collection company put a defence in and my friend put in an order to have their defence struck out due to no reasonable ground of success and a hearing date was set. Once in the court room the solicitor from the DCC motion the judge to hear the defence first. My friend said his should go first but the judge over ruled him, and said he wanted to hear the DCC first. The solicitor did not use what was in his defence pack but made broad statements in general and not specifics of their defence. When my friend got the chance to start his presentment he was cut short by the judge and not allowed to continue. The judge turned the hearing into a trial. He then summed up the case on what he believed the DCC was thinking not on performance of the contract. If he had been given the chance to put his case he would have destroyed the defence. He want to ask for a new hearing due to what had happened but he is looking for the CPR rules that judge did not follow so he can have a chance of a new hearing or appeal. can you help. What rules were not followed by the judge which would allow a new hearing or appeal.
  14. Hi Under the new laws I see that fines are still allocated as a percentage of your weekly income. I was just wondering if anyone knows how this is defined for a student? The only money received is through loans and grants with no part time work. Regards Lewis
  15. Hi all, First post here, hoping someone can help me with a query. I have a small (ish) unsecured personal loan, which, due to a change in circumstance I am really struggling to pay. I currently have an agreement with the company paying a token gesture each month but they are pushing for more which I just don't have, I think court action, starting with a decree is imminent. I no longer live in the UK and don't plan returning any time soon, possibly ever, can a Decree be issued against a non UK resident? I know a CCJ in England can't, but I am struggling to find a definitive answer on Scottish Decrees. Ideally if I can avoid a decree/have it set aside I will offer to continue paying a token payment, or if I come back to the UK and work, increase payments and pay the debt off in full, If i never come back i guess it will get statute barred! Thanks in advance for any help!!
  16. All documents are here: simple procedure 2023 WWW.SCOTCOURTS.GOV.UK Below are those relevant to DCA/Debt Buyer Claims with specifics highlighted within them. Some interesting musings... It is heavily directed toward the claimant/respondent dealing with this via ADR outside of court There are no immediate court hearings/if any at all...the sheriff is directed to read the responses by the claimant and the respondent and decide what should happen. it is very much geared toward Mr Joe Public, with NO legal knowledge needed, to represent themselves and be helped and NOT be disadvantaged by the sheriff nor the Claimant in legal matters. they must explain and help the respondent in legal matters use the response form 4a PDF attached to post 2 or 3 to plan out you response use the online website: hit respond in blue from here: Welcome to Civil Online Gateway (scotcourts.gov.uk) to fill it in online.
  17. Hi all, A friend has been bullied and harassed enough to quit his job after only 9 months. He resigned and I was wondering if he could still take his harassment to an Employment Tribunal or is there a time restraint for length of service. Thanks in advance for any replies.
  18. This has been kept pretty quiet, hasn't it?) Based on vehicle emissions there is a 3 tier band with the zero emissions paying nothing and the highest paying... lots! https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/motoring/cars/using/2016/ved-car-tax-changes-2017
  19. Just a thought. If you are on ESA and you have not got savings above the threshold of £6000.00. Is it possible to try and save by the help of family members to save for an old age pension, not to be touched until your official retirement age? This is just a general enquiry on behalf of my friend who is already worrying for her retirement, if she lasts that long! Any advice would be welcomed. Thank you, and if it's in the wrong place please move the post to where it should belong. I put it here as she is on ESA. The silly thing here is, she can hardly live on her ESA as it stands at the moment, never mind save e bean!
  20. I read recently that Barclays are the worst offender for dipping into current or savings account funds uninvited, but can anyone shine any light on whether Halifax are likely to take this course of action? I'm pretty confident it won't happen - it's my partner's current account which tends to be in credit for 3/4 days at the end of the month by a couple of hundred quid then soon reverts to overdraft. So if they did take a significant chunk they would effectively be using their own cash. The situation should be sorted anyway in the short to medium term but potentially having a months wages wiped out is a bit of a worry. As ever any advice would be most appreciated.
  21. Main .... https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules ORDINARY CAUSE RULES) 1993 https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules/ordinary-cause-rules Small Claims Rules. https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules/small-claim-rules Simple Procedure Rules https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/rules-and-practice/rules-of-court/sheriff-court---civil-procedure-rules/simple-procedure-rules
  22. A close friend of mine has come to me with an issue he has with these nice people. He is a very busy guy, so approached them to run PPI checks, he understand they take a wapping 35%. he had 4 results, cap one £160+, Natwest £700+ 300+ from another NWest and some other for £70+, He is YET to be paid out for the 2 larger ones, the other two sent the cheques to the claims guys, They called him up and informed him they would offset the smaller ones against what he owes on the other two, yet to be paid out, bear that in mind. minimum fees for the two larger ones is £350 :o0 and approx £80 for the other two £80 was fees of the small ones and £150 kept and off set against the other £350, he has an invoice asking for approx £200 for the larger two. He was talking to me this morning and he explained what was the situation, he was ok with it.. .until i pointed out, they have breeched their own agreement with him!! As he has NOT been paid for the larger two, and taking into account they run a system where you do not pay them until you have been paid, offsetting the other money is indeed breeching their own rules and agreement he has with them. be warned, these people WILL keep money owed to you BEFORE you get paid for any larger refunds. he has contacted them and is negotiating a outcome, i do not known what is the end result. I just thought this needs to be highlighted and a warning for any one out there to be careful
  23. Don't know how these were missed. http://www.fca.org.uk/news/tougher-rules-for-payday-lenders-take-effect
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