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Found 10 results

  1. Hi Guys, I have just received a postal requisition for alleged criminal damage to property. I believe the prosecutor must issue a written charge not more than 6 months after the offence alleged. Is this correct ?
  2. Hi there, I am to appear in court for the housing benefit fraud charges. I claimed housing benefits back in October 2014 while i was working part time. i became full-time university student in September 2014. when i made claim for housing benefits online, I mentioned that i am not full-time student. then benefits started and I ended my part-time job. Housing Benefits never stopped until july 2016 when i was interviewed under caution for benefit fraud. total amount for the housing benefits came up to around £4800. I have completed my degree in may 2017 now i am looking for graduate role. I am very scared and depressed knowing that i had committed fraud. If I plead guilty would I be sent to prison?
  3. Hi All, This one is a little different to the others I have read through and I'd love your advice please. I have just had a requisition for magistrates court through from the DVLA for failing to SORN my vehicle. I sent the relevant SORN documents to the DVLA in plenty of time (roughly 4/5 weeks before the date they say on the requisition)...I then received the penalty (£50 raising to £100 if not paid quickly etc) through the post but thought nothing of it as I'd sent the SORN off weeks earlier. One week passes and I receive my "SORN Acknowledgment" through the post but dated after (1 week to be exact) the date I am being penalised for. (ie my vehicle didn't have insurance for that one week/wasn't SORN'd) I sent a letter to the DVLA explains about sending it weeks earlier and must've been misplaced etc to which they swiftly replied telling me I was still liable for the penalty as I had not prosessed it in time. This is the problem because I had sent it in plenty of time and either a delay by Royal Mail or the document being delayed for processing at the DVLA itself has caused the overlap in dates. I've sent off the requisition and pleaded Not Guilty and requested their witness to attend court. Is this the right thing to do?? I have no proof of posting but refuse to be bullied in to paying a penalty I don't deserve. Any questions just let me know Your thoughts would be appreciated, thanks, T
  4. Hi good evening all, I will gratefully listen to any advice on this one... I am guilty of forgetting to tax my car for a month, it then got clamped outside my house, I immediately taxed the car and I think I paid a fine over the phone for the month it wasn't taxed, then paid £100 to get my car unclamped. Unfortunately clamped on a Saturday morning there was nobody available to unclamp my car until Monday, very annoying and disrupting on many levels, anyway... Sounds stupid but the reason I didn't tax my car is that I didn't receive any reminder through the post as I have with every other car. So the thought of taxing it just didn't cross my mind. Until clampy. This was not the end of my troubles surprisingly for me. I received a requisition 'requiring' me to appear at court for keeping an 'unlicensed mechanically propelled motor vehicle' and I have to pay £22.09 outstanding duty and £90 towards court costs. Apparently I was sent a notice under 'section 46 of the vehicle excise and registration act' requesting my details of ownership. I do not know what on earth this is and I know damn sure that I never received any letter from the DVLA about this. My thoughts are that along with my tax reminder letter, the apparent 'section 46' was sent to the wrong place, maybe the car dealership where I purchased it? The only document I received was the V5C with me identified as the registered keeper. What is the best solution to this problem, I sure don't want to scrape the barrel and pay these dogsbodies what little I have at present. Things are tight. Any thoughts/suggestions, i'm still not really sure what they are accusing me of!? yours hopefully.
  5. My son has received a requisition to appear next week for a car he sold almost a year ago. He works away & lives out of a backpack moving rooms sometimes many times a week, so he's really good at actioning paperwork when he gets it before it gets lost. Knowing this he is adamant he posted off the v5 but hasnt got any proof of posting etc He wants to plead not guilty.. but the court is nearly a 400m round trip and getting a day off is hard and the travelling costly .... isnt it always... but he's sure he posted it. I've searched the threads and we've drafted a letter to DVLA........... Can anyone advise please? Dear Ms Wooley or to whom it may concern, Re: Requisition for Failure to notify change of keeper motor vehicle xxxxxxxx on xxxxxx for xxxxx. I am writing in response to a Requisition to attend xxx Magistrates Court at xxxx on xxxxxxxx to answer to the charge of failing to notify change of keeper of motor vehicle xxxxx. I will be pleading Not Guilty to this charge as I consider I have no charge to answer as I have already sent the documents to you. I surrendered the V5 document to the vehicle to the DVLA as required by law when I sold it last year. This was sent to the DVLA by first class post to "DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1BA" as instructed by section 8 of the V5. With regards to this my responsibility ended as soon as I relinquished control of delivery to the UK Postal Service as stated in Section 07 of the Interpretations Act 1978. ******* would adding this bit help or just not bother..... I cannot recall the exact date I returned it as this is almost A YEAR AGO, but I do remember posting it a few days after selling it when I returned from a visit home. As I work and live in a ****, I have learned to deal with paperwork straight away as I have no fixed staff quarters and move frequently. Ironically, it seems that this paperwork has still been lost, but not while it was in my hands! Even though the court is nearly a 400m round trip and will be of considerable time and expense for me to attend I intend to enter a not guilty plea and claim costs as I am adamant that this was posted by me within a few days of sale. ******** Yours etc Help would really be appreciated thank you! Court date is next week and with everything else thats happening we could really do with some advice Thanks, Molly
  6. Hi all. If it rains it pours eh? This site has been valuable to me previously, and after receiving this letter from the DVLA, I'm hoping it can be a God send again. A long story short; I received a letter from the DVLA stating "Requisition" at the top of the letter, advising me that i am to attend Trafford Magistrates Court next week due to me keeping a vehicle on the public road when it was declared SORN. Now the car WAS kept on the public road for 1 day after me storing the vehicle at my partners house, towing it back it my house in order for it to be scrapped the next day. A company then came down my street at 3.23am and clamped the car; I paid the fine, as well as a sureity fee (which i was promised back and not returned) and then scrapped the car the day after. So whilst i agree i am guilty for keeping the car on the road, i'm unsure why this now has to be taken to court where i stand a chance of being fined £2.5k? The car was declared SORN in November 2013 and the car was clamped February 2014. The letter received makes reference to this, including documents stating that the difference in the months if it was taxed is £75 (if that makes sense). I have phoned the DVLA who were less than useful and the guy i spoke to, really had no clue what i was talking about, and certainly didn't know what a "requisition" was. I have phoned the court and i was told i would have to fill out the form to confirm i was guilty but include a letter giving mitigating circumstances, but there was no way for this not to go to court, and that I would be fined. Does anyone have any experience in this area, that can offer any advice at all? Thank you in advance.
  7. Hi Basically my car has been sitting in my parents driveway for months. I received a letter with a fine due to it being uninsured, I wasn't aware that it had to be insured if its parked and not in use. Anyway I paid the fine and sent off paperwork to SORN the vehicle. The fine was taken out of my account in early August and I assumed that was the end of the matter. In September I moved abroad and I am not due to go back home until 2015. My mother called me yesterday to say that there's a letter regarding a court requisition for 15/01/14. I am unsure about what do to as I'm not living in the UK currently and the only proof I have of posting the document is the bank statement which shows fine was deducted from my account. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ramah
  8. Hi, I am new to the forum and have found my way here after a couple of Google searches. I wonder if anyone has any experience with similar situations and would be able to offer some advice. This morning I received a summons to appear at Sevenoaks Magistrates on the 21/05/2013 for Failure to notify change of keeper on motor vehicle (Reg no) on 05/03/2012. I am a little bit confused by the summons for a number of reasons: I have sold the vehicle but it was 2 months after the date of the offence - I have the ebay listing still in my account as proof The DVLA evidence attached to the summons shows a vehicle disposal date of 05-03-2012 The Statement of Witness makes no mention of the offence date. I can evidence I was the owner at the date of the alleged offence so it appears they are trying to summons me to appear in Magistrates court to answer why I did not change the ownership of a vehicle on a given date when in fact I was the owner and no transfer of ownership had taken place. I hope this makes sense. Any help or comment gratefully received, Regards, Richard
  9. "You are required to appear at 9:45hrs on 20/11/2013 at Swansea Magistrates' Court held at... to answer to the charge that on the 06/08/2013 you were the registered keeper of vehicle ... which did not meet the insurance requirements, contrary to section 144A(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1988" the car in question was written off in an accident on the 03 dec 2012... i didnt notify them of that straight away because i wasnt aware that i needed to they sent me a letter after (cant remember exact date) saying that i needed to pay a fine because of it which i did (the date i paid was the 17th of may) i also told the person then that i thought it was the insurance that told them and they said it was my responsibility so no problem.. i paid. i then sent them a letter to inform them of the details of the salvage company etc like they advised me to do after paying the fine to make them aware i wasnt the keeper anymore etc. i didnt have the log book anymore (lost it) so sent them a letter instead. they said that would be fine as long as i have all the details on the letter. I havent heard anything since then until i got this requisition im wondering if i am liable for anything seeing as i sent a letter to them? from reading other posts it seems to be enough to send the letter but not my duty to make sure they get it? also.. is there a difference between this requisition? ive heard of a summons but not this... is it the same? and can i not have a hearing at a place closer to where i live?? i live in southend so swansea is far to travel. if i do have to go there can i claim back costs?
  10. I received a requisition to appear at court on Wednesday. I noticed at the time that my DOB is listed completely wrong, and made a mental note to find out who to contact. This morning, I received another letter in the post, but hadn't noticed it had the wrong name on the front. (Was half asleep, and trying to deal with a four year old at the time) This time, it's been issued to my address to someone I've never heard of, for 8 days after my court date, in the next county. This time, it has my DOB on it. The address and DOB are mine, but the name and charges aren't. What do I do about this? Where do I return the letter to, and do I phone the court or the CPS regarding the errors?
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