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  1. If it turns into a matter under the conduct, safeguarding or performance policies, at that point, there is a right to be accompanied; but not for an initial fact find. Might be a load of something and nothing that just needs a chat to clear up. Also I have 20 years HR experience and am minded not to post again, so thanks for your views!
  2. So, don't worry about the fit note until they reply; and do ask for a copy of the grievance policy so you are prepared. I assume it's an investigation meeting, so it would be normal not to know the topic in advance, and there is no right to be accompanied.
  3. Hello, the school can require additional documentation but there would usually be a fee for this from the doctor. Have you asked if it is available for a fee? I am assuming they do not wish to pay discretionary sick pay if you do not have the documentation? E See also The fit note: guidance for patients and employees - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK "2.2 You will not have to pay for a fit note if you have been ill for more than 7 calendar days, including weekends and bank holidays. If your employer requires medical evidence for the first 7 days of sickness absence, the healthcare professional may charge a fee, and this cost should be covered by the employer."
  4. Writing the tribunal claim (ET1) - Working Families WORKINGFAMILIES.ORG.UK Information on drafting the ET1 form for an employment tribunal. The examples here are not an exact match for your case but will give you an idea of the format/ layout. You will see it is important to be clear about what happened when, an the sequence of events.
  5. Then my advice is to wait for your legal support who you can tell the whole story to. I can't in good faith give advice on incomplete data.
  6. Missing bits again... You have jumped from raising a grievance to ACAS - what happened internally with your grievances? What is the Complaint you are preparing an ET1 for? What do you hope it will achieve? Is your disciplinary still on hold? Are you still suspended? Are you still signed off work?
  7. It's up to the trustees whether they think his response is acceptable. If they don't they can appoint someone else; but at this point the decision and the risk sits with them. If you are looking for a different legal recourse, you are not going to find one, I am afraid. The main concern seems to be safeguarding - you could report to your local authority. I would expect them to simply require retrospective permission for the photographs.
  8. Yes, that is what I mean. "This is a report under XXX policy." Otherwise it just reads a retaliatory for the investigation against you. Which - would you have raised the concerns if you were not under investigation yourself? Sounds like not.
  9. Hello, if you want protection from a whistleblowing activity you generally need to invoke the whistle blowing procedure or legislation at the time. Otherwise, you are complaining about your boss - which generally does not end well. They are, after all, the boss. The board will not be keen to replace them unless it's essential. Did you do this?
  10. Agree: unless you believe your dismissal was due to a protected characteristic - and it sounds like that is not the case - then at this point the best revenge is to move on, be happy, live well... do not let this eat you up!
  11. It would help me; but I also can't see any questions, so it might not be a great use of Boo's time.
  12. Is this a separate incident to "A couple of weeks ago, I made a remark to another employee, which they took offence to and reported it to my supervisors some time later."
  13. So there being two of you making potentially offensive remarks is new - I only saw one in the original post, that being you.
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