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Found 8 results

  1. Hi all I hope that somebody an assist with a money claim online against FedEx. It concerns a package that was mailed by my wife and I from the UK to India. It contained life saving medicine for our cat. Unfortunately it was delayed –FedEx admits liability for the delay – and it meant that the medicine was no longer viable. It was specially packaged in insulated wool with ice packs which kept it temperature controlled for 72 hours. FedEx have refunded the £177 that we paid them for carriage but we have had to pay another £207 for the medicine (its original cost) plus another £50 or so for the packaging for the medicine. We submitted the claim and FedEx asked for extended time. We then received a letter from a paralegal from TNT stating that their conditions of carriage meant they were not liable. I’ve attached the letter here. When I sent the claim, FedEx had not at that point refunded all of the original order but they have now. The letter is attached. Fedex had to reply by 29th May. What I’m puzzled about is that this letter is not recorded on my money claim online dashboard but seems to be trying to warn me off continuing with the claim. I have a couple of questions: 1.) Can I ignore this letter and just see whether FedEx will actually dispute the claim and go to court to contest or just pay up? 2.) If it goes to court, does anybody agree that the conditions of carriage are unreasonable exclusion clauses and that just because they said they are not liable does not mean that the court will agree. I stated that the cat medicine was £207 in the original FedEx order. I just want to be put back to my original position. I have letters from the vet saying that the medicine is no longer viable plus a letter from the drug company stating what would happen to the medicine if it ceased to be temperature controlled 3.) Do I need to provide a power of attorney for my wife? Thanks in advance for any advice – basically – should I continue the claim or is it unlikely to succeed? NB: Some interesting caselaw here: https://openjurist.org/917/f2d/1119/hampton-hampton-v-federal-express-corporation
  2. Hi all, been a while since I've posted on here, but we need help. Just traced an old Pension of hubbies and it amount's to just over £13,000, but having phoned to find out further details, have been informed that it's just that a lump sum!!, nothing else. No income, no pension nothing! just a Lump Sum of £13,069. Seem's like someone gave him bad information over 40 years ago. We are waiting on a CETV, but our plan's on buying a little holiday retreat have gone. However, we would like advise as to whether this minimal sum is worth doing anything with Pension wise, as hubby is 62 this year or should he just spend it? (thank goodness for the state pension(eventually). Any well meaning advise welcome. Cheers
  3. Just a thought. If you are on ESA and you have not got savings above the threshold of £6000.00. Is it possible to try and save by the help of family members to save for an old age pension, not to be touched until your official retirement age? This is just a general enquiry on behalf of my friend who is already worrying for her retirement, if she lasts that long! Any advice would be welcomed. Thank you, and if it's in the wrong place please move the post to where it should belong. I put it here as she is on ESA. The silly thing here is, she can hardly live on her ESA as it stands at the moment, never mind save e bean!
  4. Hi you techi's I wonder if you could throw some light on a problem I have with Word when saving the document? Microsoft Office Word 2007 OP XP Pro Once I have opened a new document (or old one come to that) and wish to save it, there are 2 ways I know of for doing so. 1) Use the 'disc' icon next to the Microsoft office icon top left hand corner which sits in the uppermost quick action toolbar along with a printer icon, ABC, and arrow for going back a stage. 2) Use the Microsoft icon and come down to 'Save As' then place the document in appropriate file I want. Now 2) works perfectly, but 1) doesn't and sends the document into a wrl or some such file with a ~$ before the document name. and it says it can't save the document, then I lose the document altogether or cannot open it if I do find it. It's not a big problem, but it's annoying as I know that's not supposed to happen and probably I have a corrupted 'something' gizmo inside the machine. Any ideas what it is and how I can remedy it? Thanks, no rush. A1 p.s. I still have those 3 blown capacitors inside the pc waiting to be fixed, whether that has any remotely associated causation connection to this problem only you guys can say, just thought I'd mention that.
  5. Free Water Saving Product may be available from your Water Company especially useful if you are in a water metered area. Go to this link: https://www.savewatersavemoney.co.uk/free-water-saving-packs If unsure of you water company your can use the search by postcode facility or just go down the webpage and then click on your water company provider to see what is available. Please be careful to check that the item is FREE as some items are available but at a reduced cost. Also remember to actually check your Water Companies own website to see what they may have FREE. You can also just do a search using a search engine adding your water company and Free Water Saving Packs.
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mum-undergoes-life-saving-kidney-transplant-4424880
  7. Does anyone know the best saving account to open for a 12 and 14 year old girls. I want to open one for a christmas present for them as opposed to purchasing christmas present that they my not want and also I do not want to give them cash.
  8. Hi all, I had an accident in work on August 12th. Today, I had a letter from my employer that I need to attend a disciplinary hearing next week because I initially failed to report my mishap to all and sundry. Is there a time limit for when the incident actually happened and when my employer can call me for a disciplinary? Funnily enough, I asked for a copy of the incident report I submitted to our jobsworth, sorry, very efficient H&S rep, to show my creditors that I'm not pulling a fast one when I tell them I can't pay my bills due to being off work after an accident. One day later this disciplinary letter comes through the door!
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