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Found 14 results

  1. Animal medicines seizure notice: Aquatic Chemicals Ltd (trading as Technical Aquatic Products (TAP)) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/animal-medicines-seizure-notice-aquatic-chemicals-ltd-trading-as-technical-aquatic-products-tap
  2. Cannabis-derived medicinal products to be made available on prescription READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cannabis-derived-medicinal-products-to-be-made-available-on-prescription
  3. I purchased 2x hiking sticks from Sports Direct 2 months ago. Whilst using them i realised one was longer than the other. Upon further investigation i realised one of mine was missing a piece to make it complete. Few days ago took it back instore asking for a replacement of the same product but was told that SportsDirect only offer 1 month warranty on all their products, even if they are faulty. They basically refused all service on the matter and was told something identical at a different store. Are they correct in only offering 1 month? As i thought warranties were supposed to be 6 months
  4. I bought a x-hose from a garden show and it was faulty, I managed to track the traders down ( Swissclub ) all I got was a contact who I think was the manager and they sent a replacement. This failed after 2 uses I called him again, no problem he said to call with my bank details and he would refund my money. I then could not contact him as he wasn't answering my calls even if I used a different phone. I then managed to get an address and e mail I contacted them and was told to send the hoses back, something which the manager never mentioned, but it woud be at my cost as they have a time limit on returning stuff. I've contacted Citizens advice and they told me I should expect a refund and not be charged postage and to send them a registered letter giving them 14 days to reply. I did this and I've not had a reply my complaint has been passed on to Trading standards and I have to wait to see what they will do. I was wondering if anyone else has heard of these traders or what I could do next. I could just send the hoes back and hope they refund me I feel that my consumer rights have been breached and theses traders sell at well known garden shows and there is nothing I can do to get my money back if Trading Standards decide not to do anything. Sorry if that all seems long winded. Regards. Steve.
  5. Hi all, I recently had a very bad experience with a purchase I did on a website called icoinela.com. Long story short, I was looking to buy an iPhone 7 plus on Gumtree, where I was contacted by a seller who informed me about a website with good discounts on Apple products, and he seemed kind enough at the time to provide me with a 40% discount code that was expiring a few days after. After some research I did online about icoinela, I found several articles saying that people have used it and that it is legitimate. One of them was BBC (well, not the official site, but a spoof site that was looking exactly as the official BBC website). In fact, all of them were spoof sites. The only payment method they were accepting was Bitcoins. And according to them, this was main reason why the products were cheaper. I placed the order, I transferred the Bitcoins to the wallet address they provided, in turn they confirmed the payment via email and after that they disappeared. I tried to contact them and they never got back to me. Yes, I feel totally stupid that I fell for it and I learned my lesson the hard way. The reason I'm writing this post is because I want to prevent this from happening to other people. After some research I did, I found out that many people have been [problem]med this way. In all those cases, similar websites were created such as icoinilla.com, icoineta.com, icoinesta.com and in my case icoinela.com. Of course, none of them exists right now, but this will continue happening I wanted to raise awareness to everyone, and I hope this post pops up to their search engine results. I have reported this to Action Fraud and I have claimed my money from the company that the website was referencing. I'm now in the process of contacting other victims of this [problem], gathering them and then open a legal case via a solicitor. I have already spoken to three more victims. In case this has happened to you please contact me here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks and Merry Xmas everyone! Tony
  6. I have a Very account and my wife's uncle asked me if he could purchase a £700 fridge freezer which he then sold without my knowledge for £250. When I found out I wasnt best happy and he told me it was none of my business so long as I got paid it would be OK and then asked me if he could order another £1000 worth of stuff which I point blank refused. Since then he has not been making monthly payments he agreed and making an excuse everytime but now it is coming upto the end of the 12 months interest free credit period so I've told him it needs to be paid or I will be placed in a debt I can not afford. I made sure that I used messenger so that I could get a copy of what he has to say. To which he said pass on his details to Very and they will collect it from him, unfortunately I know this is not true because this a personal credit agreement between me and Very and I am liable but since I knew he had moved address 3 months ago I needed his new address so played along with him. I asked him for his address and he messaged me back to tell me and gave me his old address from 3 months ago. As I have said I know that I am personally liable for the debt and am having to borrow money to pay more than he actually made, what I want to know is can I have him arrested and charged with selling goods that were not paid for and still have outstanding HP on and also the fact that he was giving me false information in order to dupe myself and Very ? And what legal channels can I follow to claim this money back I have also received threatening messages for asking for the money to be paid .
  7. I am sad to say I have been duped into giving my bank details to a company for postage and packing for free trial products. My bank is helping me to deal with this, albeit very slowly, but the company has told me that their terms and conditions, which I should have read, are watertight and as I have involved Direct Card Disputes they now cannot offer me compensation unless I get my bank to telephone them to dissolve their investigation which I have 99.9% of losing. My others issue is, I never received these goods but company say they are not responsible a nd I should take it up with their delivery company as delivery company say they left products in my garden shed. Checking, albeit after the fact, their terms and conditions on delivery it says a signature on receipt is required, as I never received the delivery, they don't have a signature. They still insist it's up to me to investigate delivery. I believe my contract was with them and not their chosen delivery company. Where do I stand? I hope to get an appointment with Citizens Advice tomorrow in the hope to recover my £97.95 for Free Products. Thankfully I managed to get the company to dissolve future subscription and unwanted shipments to me. But I would dearly love to get my hard earned cash back even if I did unwittingly allow them access to it. Thank you in advance for your time and any advice. I feel quite ill for being so foolish
  8. Free Water Saving Product may be available from your Water Company especially useful if you are in a water metered area. Go to this link: https://www.savewatersavemoney.co.uk/free-water-saving-packs If unsure of you water company your can use the search by postcode facility or just go down the webpage and then click on your water company provider to see what is available. Please be careful to check that the item is FREE as some items are available but at a reduced cost. Also remember to actually check your Water Companies own website to see what they may have FREE. You can also just do a search using a search engine adding your water company and Free Water Saving Packs.
  9. I purchased an s3 i while ago on the 3 network pay monthly and had many technical issues with the handset which resulted with the phone being sent away for repair. I was left without a phone for three weeks until it returned. This happened twice and until I upgraded my phone again with three but this time for (stupidly) another samsung, the note2. after about six weeks the phone failed again and i was told i would have to send it away again. I refused and demanded an immediate replacement and was told no the phone would just be sent away for repair continuously until the warranty expired. I refused to accept this and marched back into the three store handed back the product and refused to pay them any longer. I subsequently received a default on my credit file. Is there any way to remove this as it is non payment due to what i believe is them not holding up to their responsibilities in the contract. P.S. will never buy samsung again
  10. I need your advice. I believe that my husband was miss sold products by Barclays bank. We have lived overseas for the past 6 years. In that time he could not be considered a UK resident. He opened an account with them whilst overseas, and he used his sisters address as his own address. He did this as the last time he was over in Northern Ireland. While he was there he opened bank acc with Barclays using this address. This was in June 2008. He was then advised to open up a More4more acc. over the telephone. This was opened in April 2009 from Thailand. After reading their small print, it clearly states that you have to be a UK resident to utilize this acc. for tax purposes. Have they been in breach of any regulations? After a short period of time he open a Barclays Market Master acc. That is a share dealing account which again states that you must be a Resident. This is some of Barclays terms and conditions :- * Information on this site does not constitute an offer or solicitation to conduct investment business in any jurisdiction other than the UK. * This Site is not directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where the publication or availability of this Site or such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation. * Our internet site is designed for use in the United Kingdom only. * Certain countries have local securities laws that may prohibit you from using our Service. We are unable to offer our Service in these countries. * Our website is intended for use by UK residents only. You must not open any accounts using our website if you are outside the UK. * It is your responsibility to inform yourself about and observe any applicable laws relating to investments. * For guidance on rules governing your use, please contact a legal adviser. In particular, but without limitation, this Site is not directed to, or intended for use by, residents of the United States, Japan, China, Malaysia, Taiwan or India. It must be noted that my husband also set up a Market Master account online whilst living in Thailand. It was all completed over the internet. We know that Barclays monitors their customers locations and they would have been able to see from our IP address that he was most definitely not in the UK. And he could not be considered a resident of the UK since 2006, as he has only been back fro three months in that period Here is some more of Barclays Legal Info :- * If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified, details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies. Law enforcement agencies may access and use this information * We and other organisations may also access and use this information to prevent and detect fraud, crime and money laundering, for example, when Checking details on applications for credit and credit related or other facilities Managing credit and credit related accounts or facilities Recovering debt Checking details on proposals and claims for all types of insurance Checking details of job applicants and employees * Please contact us on the Barclays Group Information Line on 0800 400 100, if you want to receive details of the relevant fraud prevention agencies. * The information recorded by fraud prevention agencies may be accessed and used by organisations in the UK and in other countries. My husband was only able to open up the very basic accounts over there as his credit rating was very poor due to unpaid/disputed mobile telephone bills. Had they have done any of their checks my husband would not have been allowed to access any of these accounts. These are my reasons:- He is has not been a UK resident since August 2006 When He opened both his More4more account and Market master Acc he was in Thailand This can be seen from his IP address. When he opened these accounts he never signed any paper work to validate either accounts. It was all completed over the telephone. My husband was also persuaded into opening up a spread betting Account which completely contravenes Thailands laws on gambling. Gambling of any shape or form is illegal in the kingdom. The More4more acc states that only people living in the UK can obtain this account, and this again was opened up over the phone with the staff well aware of our living situation. In this period my husband lost our entire life savings. He has tried to commit suicide twice as he can not come to terms with what he has done. Our family life has been shattered. He became an alcoholic and extremely depressed. He had to be committed to a Temple for his own well being as he was going insane and a danger to himself. He has destroyed all our hopes and dreams for our children with his foolish actions. I just wish that he’d talked to me first. I am finding it extremely hard, as I have a three year old daughter and a 1 year old son to raise. We try our best, but it falls way short of the mark most times. Please help us. Is there any way that he could possibly retrieve any of his monies? Any help or response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time out of your Day to read my mail. I eagerly await your response.
  11. 'I OUTSOURCE PRINTED PRODUCTS AND CHOOSE VARIOUS SUPPLIERS TO PRODUCE THEM. I WAS LOOKING AT A COMPETITORS WEBSITE AND FOUND 2 OF MY CLIENTS PRODUCTS IN THEIR GALLERY. BOTH THESE PRODUCTS ARE CURRENT ORDERS AND IT APPEARS THE FACTORY THAT MADE THEM FOR ME HAS SENT THEM OUT AS SAMPLES(WHICH I UNDERSTAND) but this competitor has added them to his website along with many other bags which i recognise from the same MANUFACTURER. I stopped using this mfg some time ago and its apparent that he still has these samples so who do i complain to ? CAN I COMPLAIN? or is it something that there is no copyright on - if so can i lift pics from thier website? HELP THANKS>?
  12. Hi, I bought a laptop from apple a few years ago (2008), which was subsequently replaced due to issues and faults last year (April 2012). My new laptop has now also come up with a bunch of issues, which after an appointment with apple has indicated an internal issue. I talked to the manager asking whether my laptop would be covered under the "Sales of Goods Act", to which the manager said no due to the fact that, the protection granted from this only applies to the original product and from the original point of sale and that I have no claim. I asked the question before I left asking if the "statutory warranty" applied at time of sale of at the time of receipt of the goods and he said sale. Coming home and having done a little research I think he was incorrect and that this replacement laptop should have its own statutory warranty applied to it. Is there any basis for this? Am I completely off base or do I have a claim to have my laptop repaired?
  13. Hi, Can anyone help with this ? Purchased a watch of an online auction (bidspotter) it had very little information on the description. Anyway, cut the story short I won the bid it arrived and it is not working eg faulty. I have obviously complained, and was duly told read our t&c's NO REFUND. Surely my statutory rights apply, as they did not state it was in a faulty condition ? The Sale of Goods Act 1979 makes it an implied term of the contract that goods be as described of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose.
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