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  1. Hello all, apologies if this is repeating other posters, but just needed some reassurance or additional advice: I was sc@mmed via an Ebay/Paypal seller. I sold a bike to a buyer, the payment was requested as bank transfer, however the buyer suggested using PayPal and all I needed to provide was my email for him/her to deposit the money to my PayPal account. The money was deposited, the bike collected (I didn't ask for a collection receipt as it wasn't a courier I had arranged). I removed the money from my PayPal account, and thought everything was good. Two days later, PayPal indicate that the the person who deposited the money didn't receive the bike and the money will be paid back. Now I am missing a bike and my PayPal account is negative £900. I argued strongly with PayPal, explaining the details of my case, supplied the CRN, all conversations with the buyer, etc, but with absolutely no joy. I haven't had any formal communication from PayPal about paying the debt, however, this week I started receiving communications from Westcot (2per day at present). Their number is blocked and I am making a log of their calls. My question is, how do I know if PayPal have sold my debt, or have they just instructed to recover it on their behalf? If they have sold the debt, am I legally obliged to pay it back? In my eyes I don't have a debt and it was PayPal's decision to give the money back from the process of an obvious [problem]. I am quite happy to go to court as I believe PayPal are assisting and allowing fraudulent transactions to take place. It is apparent their security is flawed, and I would love to fight this, I'm just concerned that if PayPal sold the debt that they created then I am tied in to paying Westcot which clearly I don't want to do. Any advice on this would be very much appreciated. Clearly I haven't disclosed all details as its quite complex, but nonetheless I have been the victim of a this and PayPal facilitated this. Regards.
  2. I managed to avoid getting a ticket {I think} at the above address but many haven't been so fortunate. There have been a few CAGers caught a while ago but no recent ones. Station Approach is a private road leading to Hayes and Harlington station. The owners of the road have appointed those well known crooks PCM to manage the area. Here is the start of the road-
  3. Hi my husband inadvertently got spoofed with this over the phone. I read the paper that came with it and sent a cancellation letter in order with the terms of their agreement with their agreed notice period. They ignored the cancellation letter sent in January 2018 and next sent a letter stating when direct debiticon payments will be taken out of this account. Checked his bank account, cancelled the Direct Debit - contacted the bank to tell them under no circumstances allow them to re-set it up. Sent emails stating all this - next get phone callsicon. My husband says he's going to ignore any more paperwork eg DCAicon's letter that may come I am worried that we will be stuck in a spiral of hassel and debt from them - even though we have done the right thing.
  4. Potential phishing impersonating Ministry of Defence READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/potential-phishing-[problem]-impersonating-ministry-of-defence Shortened URL to the same article: https://tinyurl.com/y9fw49nf
  5. Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with a new contract I've been spoofed into by Select Energy with NPower. I recently moved into a new shop premises and unfortunately before the process was entirely complete, the agent died so I had no knowledge of who the energy supplier was. I was in the process of trying to find out when I received a phone call from someone who gave me the impression that they were from NPower and that they were my energy supplier. I was relieved initially because I'd been struggling to find out who the supplier was and he told me that until I'd registered my details I was being charged an emergency high rate which would be reduced once I'd given my details. For some reason I found this plausible ! At no point during the conversation was I told that he was setting up a new contract or that he was an agent, he gave me the impression entirely that he was the supplier and was just updating new tenant details. I asked to be billed quarterly and specifically said I didn't want to pay by direct debit. The alarm bells should have rung when he asked for the bank details I said I was uncomfortable giving the details but he assured me it was only to confirm I was who I was claiming to be and that there wouldn't be any payments taken from the bank. A couple of weeks later I received a letter from NPower telling me that I was now in a 36 month contract and they would be taking £195 a month by direct debit. The previous tenant from what I understand was paying less than £50 and the supplier was British Gas. I was utterly misled when I phoned to question NPower I discovered I was actually on the phone to Select Energy who I had never heard of. When I did eventually get through to NPower I was told I was in a binding 36month contract and there was nothing I can do. Surely this is fraudulent. Any advice would be incredibly welcome.
  6. Has anyone received a similar email from their car insurers? I have insurance with Quotemehappy which is Aviva. They requested A copy of my photo card driving licence A copy of my ‘Licence Summary’ A copy of the V5 registration documents Proof of address: a utility or council tax bill dated within the last 3 months Where applicable, a copy of proof of ‘No Claims Discount’ from your previous insurer. They contacted me by email and I asked them to provide on online facility to upload my documents safely which they didn't. Then, they sent me another email assuring me it is genuine and not phishing. I did contact them from my online account and got no reply. 2 days later another email threatening to cancel my policy. I have tried calling them and nobody ever answers. For such a serious matter, I would expect a letter.
  7. I'm O2 pay monthly and have just been charged £3 for a service called "watch it". I did not subscribe to any such service. O2 say it's nothing to do with them and have told me to call 3308085223 which is a number in France and supposedly the contact number for the company that runs the service. I googled the number and found the following: Terms of use - Watch It - Watch Your Replay and Programs Online https://www.watch-it.tv/gb/terms e-mail, [email protected]. mail, ALCHIMIE Service Client BP 60270 AUBERVILLIERS 93534 LA PLAINE SAINT DENIS CEDEX FRANCE. phone*, +44-3308085223. unsubscription Text Command, Send STOP by SMS to 62442 (message free of charge. unsubscription info, http://www.watch-it.tv/unsubscribe ... I'm worried about calling that number or sending any texts in case it's a [problem] and I get charged even more. Also I don't really want to confirm my number as a live number so they can send me more scams. O2 have reversed the charge this month but told me I might get charged again and it's down to me to call the company and stop the charges. Any thoughts on how to proceed?
  8. I checked the CC yesterday and found two transactions: One from ONLINENTRLSHOP.COM for £44.80 and one from CSBDYCLIENTS for £49.95. I had no idea who or what they were and googling found nothing. It turned out that my wife had followed an ad on FB and signed up for what she thought was a free trial. It turns out that the trial is not free at all and cancelling is next to impossible. The two websites do not have an address and the freephone number gets a recorded announcement. Emails are returned. Trimbiofit CleanseDTX I have spoken to the fraud department at Lloyds (the card issuer) and they have (hopefully) stopped any further transactions. They also said that they will pursue them for a refund. Is there anything else that I can or should do?
  9. These [problem]mers are sending out unsolicited emails trying to get you to click on a link that directs to another website to trick you into switching your supplier. The email claims that you are a subscriber/user of ourproperty.co.uk when the likelihood is that you've never ever heard of them before, and they have simply acquired a mailing list from some where to spam people with. Please let everyone you know to mark anything from this company as spam and/or phishing attacks. I recommend that everyone reports them to the ombudsman.
  10. Hello, I am writing here on behalf of my mum. My mum works for one of the major food retailers. One day, in the store canteen there was an independent advisor who had set a desk for the day to talk to staff about tax relief/rebates etc. The main points were about how you can claim back allowance for washing your own work uniform and stuff like that. The company that were allowed by the retailers was called UK Tax Refund Limited. As you can imagine, many staff members at the store, and at 3 other stores around the area were interested in this advice. Unfortunately this has since turned into a bit of spoof, in that people were asked to sign forms in which they were assuming they were giving permission for the person to act their behalf to claim back rebates/ allowances ect. However it now appears that the extra small print on the forms gave up far more than that. I dont have the exact details as this is third hand information, but it appears people have signed away certain rights etc. What I want to ask is, surely the retailer has liability here for any loses suffered from this. The retailer allowed the company in and set up on their premises. From a staff point of view, they did not seek out the advise, it was brought to them. the staff all made the assumptions that this was something sponsored by the employer, and was therefore safe. at this moment the retailer is washing their hands of it, stating that any member signing a form accepts responsibility for their actions. Surely that cannot be true. What would be the best course of action for the staff here to get the retailer to acknowledge their liability in this by allowing a company on their property without checking credentials, or, even telling the staff that this was an independant company and in no way affiliated with the retailer? Is there a class action here? we are talking about lots of people across multiple stores that were miss-sold advice.
  11. Hi Reclaimed PPI from Barclaycard never asked for it or knew of it, in a nutshell card balance was £1500 without PPI should have been £400, received a payout of £1100 on my £495 paid to PPI. However this payout was for the interest of around £1100 that should never had accrued but for PPI. money I had to pay extra, so got this back all is well. However my card balance stays at £1500 so they can snatch it all straight back and in effect I am duty bound to pay it all again at a high rate of interest. With this redress principle are the Banks actually paying anything back at all. as if £1100 should never of been there why is it still. If I had used the £1100 to pay off my card balance I would be paying what I have already paid for via my £495. so paying a debt that only was there due to PPI added without my knowledge. This is a [problem] of epic proportions this refund lark.
  12. Hi, I'm hoping for a bit of advice in regards to an issue I've had with Gymbox and now ARC. I joined Gymbox at the end of January'16. I was chased by the 'sales guru' to pay in Jan to qualify for the no joining fee offer in that month only. However, I was unable to get to the gym until Feb 11th to sign the contract. Verbally (stupidly!) I was assured that this wouldn't impact the terms of my membership. According to Gymbox's terms and conditions the minimum term of all monthly memberships starts as of the 1st day of the first full calendar month, so therefore I believed my membership should start on 1st February and last to 31st July, if I gave notice by the end of June. However when I gave notice I received an email saying that my contract start date was the 2nd of February and 'As per our terms and conditions the minimum term of all Monthly Memberships starts as of the 1st day of the first full calendar month. For example: Your membership starts on 2nd February 2016, the minimum term would begin as of 1st March 2016'. When I looked at my contract I did find the start date had been captured as 2nd February, despite having email communication to confirm I was able to use the gym from 28th Jan. To me this is a total [problem] to increase the membership period, but clearly I have signed a contract and not noticed the start date. Gymbox have now referred this to ARC, who require £112 (the £77 monthly charge plus their admin). I have sent them the initial emails confirming I was joining on a January offer and that I was able to use the gym prior to Feb 2nd, however they have just sent me a copy of my contract and threatened me with court. I understand from reading other threads that they have no power to do this and I'm happy to ignore them, but I really don't want to negatively effect my credit rating. This also seems incredibly unfair and underhand of Gymbox, but are they legally in the right? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me on how I should handle this situation.
  13. Hello everyone, I took out a vehicle insurance online via one of the van insurance comparison sites beginning of this month and paid the deposit of around £250 upfront with the first instalment of £130 coming out shortly after on the 10th of Feb. Now, I just got home and had a letter (dated 20/02) from the insurance company, or rather the broker as it turns out, telling me that the insurer (they don't mention the name of the insurance company) advised them that my policy must be cancelled within the next 7 days. "This is because of where your vehicle is kept overnight". The vehicle is kept on the road overnight, as I indicated on the comparison site, which based on all the information I have given listed the different insurers and their premiums, from which I had chosen this one. The letter goes on to say that I urgently have to contact them so that they can place me with an alternative insurer. Now I have a few questions: 1. First of all, I think this smells very fishy and I have doubts that this is legal? 2. I provided all the information beforehand, based on which I was given a premium. If this would have been an issue they should have not let me take out the insurance in the first place? 3. The vehicle is kept on the road overnight. I did not lie. It's not like I said it's kept in a garage when in actual fact it isn't. I mean everyone keeps their vehicle on the road, or at least the majority of the population? This would mean they would only have a handful of customers? Again, another reason why I think it doesn't make any sense? 4. Do I have 7 days from date of receipt of this letter, ie from today until the policy would be cancelled? 5. If I don't agree with this and they cancel me completely or I want to leave them as this is not a very honest start with them, can I get my money back? I haven't even been with them for a month. My installment from the 10th should at least take me up to the 10th of March, not to mention my £250 deposit I paid at the outset? 6. The premium is set up to be paid monthly through a financing deal, which I signed. Am I now required to pay the full premium every month to the Finance guys, even if the brokers or I end up cancelling altogether? I would really appreciate if someone could explain the legalities of this all to me before I give them a call as I don't want to end up playing my cards wrong. Should I get legal help/advice to get my money back? Get in touch with watchdog? I am a bit at a loss with this as you can probably tell so any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance!
  14. In 2010 I got a PPI ppi refund from Black Horse for a policy which they had sold me years before. My account was in arrears and so from the PPI refund they took an amount which they said in a letter had been "netted from the arrears". This I took to mean that the account was now up to date. Within a couple of months I started to get letters saying that the account was in arrears so I wrote to Black Horse who offered no explanation other than to demand payment. The account eventually ended up being investigated by the Financial Ombudsman who found in favour of Black Horse. (no surprise there then) This has continued to be a bone of contention and I have kept investigating Black Horse and what I appear to have found is alarming. It would seem by looking on the FOS investigations page that some PPI refunds were made to accounts which were in arrears and as with my account the refund was reduced to cover the arrears. Black Horse then say that they made a mistake with their calculations and that the account arrears were not cleared properly. They then agree to remove fees and charges to apparently rectify their mistake. The problem being that according to Black Horse the account is still then in arrears which attracts huge interest charges. It is my understanding that if they had not made the error in the first place and cleared the arrears properly then accounts similar to mine would not have attracted the extra interest. Interestingly earlier this year Black Horse had to send a further payment to me due to a "miscalculation of PPI refund" but according to the Ombudsman this has nothing to do with my now closed case.
  15. Hi all, I recently had a very bad experience with a purchase I did on a website called icoinela.com. Long story short, I was looking to buy an iPhone 7 plus on Gumtree, where I was contacted by a seller who informed me about a website with good discounts on Apple products, and he seemed kind enough at the time to provide me with a 40% discount code that was expiring a few days after. After some research I did online about icoinela, I found several articles saying that people have used it and that it is legitimate. One of them was BBC (well, not the official site, but a spoof site that was looking exactly as the official BBC website). In fact, all of them were spoof sites. The only payment method they were accepting was Bitcoins. And according to them, this was main reason why the products were cheaper. I placed the order, I transferred the Bitcoins to the wallet address they provided, in turn they confirmed the payment via email and after that they disappeared. I tried to contact them and they never got back to me. Yes, I feel totally stupid that I fell for it and I learned my lesson the hard way. The reason I'm writing this post is because I want to prevent this from happening to other people. After some research I did, I found out that many people have been [problem]med this way. In all those cases, similar websites were created such as icoinilla.com, icoineta.com, icoinesta.com and in my case icoinela.com. Of course, none of them exists right now, but this will continue happening I wanted to raise awareness to everyone, and I hope this post pops up to their search engine results. I have reported this to Action Fraud and I have claimed my money from the company that the website was referencing. I'm now in the process of contacting other victims of this [problem], gathering them and then open a legal case via a solicitor. I have already spoken to three more victims. In case this has happened to you please contact me here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks and Merry Xmas everyone! Tony
  16. New to site, but im desperate for help.* I sold a brand new iphone 7 on 02/12/16. Buyer paid through paypal straight away, no problem. I withdrew funds to my bank account,* and got item ready for dispatch. Received follow on email from buyer stating that they forgot to update their details, and could i send to their alternative address? I said ok, as it wasnt initially suspicious as they had already paid, and it is something ive requested myself in the past, when i bought tyres for my car, but asked for them to be delivered to my local for fitting. sent phone to address requested 1st class next day track & traced, and signed for. All good, or so i thought! On 17/12/16 i received email from paypal to inform me that buyer had initiated a "chargeback" and my paypal account had been debited £759 and sent back to buyers card company for "unauthorised use" i was furious! I provided paypal with all the information they requested, proof of postage tracking number, even a copy of signature from buyer. They told me they would investigate on my behalf, and inform me of their decision, I told them I have been with ebay/paypal since 06 and in over 300 transactions in have NEVER HAD A SINGLE NEGATIVE FEEDBACK! I have received a email from paypal today 30/12/16 saying that I've lost my money, and that's the end, case closed! I'm absolutely staggered by this, and would appreciate some advice, from any kind people of what I can do about this? I cannot afford to lose this money, as I have a low income, but of course paypal font care. Thanks
  17. Not sure where to post this but I just had to show you the latest email from the US customs!!!!! or so they say U.S. Customs and Border Protection 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20229, United States. Urgent Attention: Beneficiary, I am Assistant Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan head of Field Operations (OFO) of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). We have just intercepted and confiscated two trunks at John F Kennedy International Airport in New York, NY 11430 coming from a foreign country. We crosschecked the content of the boxes and found it contained a total sum of $4.1 million dollars. With one of the trunks were documents with your name as the receiver of the money. As we progressed in our investigations of the Diplomat which accompanied the trunks into the United States we learned that he was to deliver these funds to your residence as payment of an inheritance/winning, which was due to you. Further checks on the consignment, we found out that the consignment paperwork lacked the PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE forms. We then confiscated both trunks and released the Diplomat. The trunks According to section 229 subsection 31 of the International, Commerce Regulators Code Enforcement Guidelines, your consignment lacks PROOF OF OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DELIVERY PERMIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE from the joint team of Homeland Security and therefore you must contact us for direction on how to procure the two certificates, so that you can be relieved of the charges of evading tax which is a jail offense under section 12 subsection 441 of the Tax Code. We will also be asking the IRS to launch an investigation of money laundering if you do not follow our instructions. You are therefore required to contact me within 72 hours, at that point I will walk you through the process of clearing and claiming the money. Failure to comply may lead to your arrest, interrogation and/or you being prosecuted in the Court of Law for tax evasion and or money laundering. You are also advised not to contact any bank in Africa, Europe or banking institution. Yours in service, Kevin K. McAleenan Head of Field Operations (OFO), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Goodness me I am rich!!!!!!!!!
  18. badboy09

    online scam

    Hi there , just looking for a little info in regards to a recent claim i put in to santander and wondering what the outlook may be ? I joined an online REVSHARE business called " MY ADVERTISING PAYS " back in march 2015 , and this was the first program i had got involved in when i started network marketing online , i invested about 4-5 grand in this business over a period of about 18 months , the idea of this business was that for every credit pack i bought costing $50 i would receive $60 back , ( yes i was gullible and believed this) as it looked legit at the time , i had now managed to purchase 235 of these packs over a period of time , i was earning roughly $100 off this program , when it came to the time i wanted to withdraw , they then turned the option off , leaving thousands worldwide with mass losses , i contacted santander , and put a claim in that i didnt receive the service i had signed up for , and would like them to put a fraud claim in so i could claim the funds back , i used my visa debit card to do all these transactions , over the time period , they have since closed down " MY ADVERTISING PAYS" and reopened it as " THE ADVERT PLATFORM " and started doing the same again !! what are the chances of me getting any of the money back ?? ty in advance badboy09
  19. Hello, tried everywhere including sheriffs office itself.... it is a long story but i will start from getting CCJ against me, which i was paying £15 a month (in total until HCEA came £360 of £1490 original debt) just to clarify i admit the debt and i have intention to pay it in full. I had arrange £15 a month but has few hard months and debt been transferred to HCEA, in the mean time we have moved shops (this is business debt) when EA came he couldn't do anything as address on writ was wrong EA said all letters has been send to our old address and he need to go back to office and send new letter to us (not sure if i am right but i was expecting Compliance letter), we never received letter (i did even contacted EA to ask about where letter is) instead i had EA visit with Enforcement stage 1 £275 added to my bill then we arranged to pay £100 a month (£1690 at the time) from 1st of july. I was paying £100 a month in December i forgot and in the 14th of December EA came back adding Enforcement stage 2 £490 plus Sale or Disposal Stage £600 all that plus VAT and been asked to pay £500 or he will start to remove goods i did read a bit but cant find anywhere if they can charge me few stages at the same time . If someone please can check this out and see if that is all correct because from original debt they received £1130 (i am aware they got compliance fee and other fees) i since then paid (in 5 months) £1000 but still got £1950 to pay!!! I am not very familiar with debt recovery but it all looks like [problem]. Thank You
  20. Hello, I hope someone on here can help before things get worse. I have taken out car insurance with Octagon and emailed them all the required documents. I even called (expensive hotline which is the only way to contact them) to confirm they received all documents. All of a sudden I have received a text message saying they will cancel my policy unless I get in touch. I have called them again and asked what the problem was. All I was told is that some documents are missing. When I told them that I have emailed all documents twice and have previously been assured that they have all required documents, I was just told that no one from "that department" was in today. I was then advised to just email all documents again "for a third time". Having done so I today received a letter that they will cancel my policy on 17/11/2015 because I have responded to them. Firstly I have responded every time they text, wrote or emailed me. Secondly they are not saying in the letter what it is that is missing or why they want to cancel my policy. I am worried that this is just a [problem] where they cancel your policy to charge a cancellation fee and then charge an additional deposit to re-start the policy. Can someone please help me?
  21. I rented a car from Green motion over the weekend. Upon returning the car, it was discovered there was a small scratch (no more than 2mm in diameter) at the rear end of the car. I did not cause the damage but I didn’t spot it when I got the car (it was really very small and probably near impossible to see in broad daylight). However, the guy at the car rental place managed to spot it in a late evening with a torch. Long story short, I disputed without avail paid for the damage but now I feel that I have been set up. It is as if the rental place knew exactly where to look. The cost is £320 which seems excessive. Now I’m considering my options. I can contact the rental place and start a complaint (which I have done already outlining what I’ve said above). In the best case scenario they will refund me (unlikely as I’ve paid!) in the not as good scenario they may refund me partially. Do I have a case here? I also have an excess insurance with a third party – however I’m not sure if it is covered under accidental damage as I do not know the precise time of when/where the scratch occurred. There’s a chance that it might have been there when I rented the car and I didn’t spot it. So I’m not sure what I put in the particulars of incident in the claim form. I feel I have been penalised by something that is not my fault. Bottom line is I just wanted to get my money back. Any advice would be appreciated. -
  22. On the 6th of November my son ordered a moped online from a company called thescooterbox.com. He received an email asking him to do a direct bank transfer to a Lloyds bank account. Unfortunately it did not occur to him that this was not a normal process when ordering goods online. He was then informed that delivery would be three to five working days. A week later he had still not received his order when he tried to contact the company there was nobody answering phone calls or responding to emails. Now the website is down and I feel that he has been [problem]med for a total of £650.00. I have logged this with the police fraud department and was wondering if there is anything else that can be done to try and get his money back. Any advice would be much appreciated. Regards Kim
  23. I just received a letter in the post from GDR Trace, simply asking me to contact them as I may be the person their client is looking for. No other info is given, just a freephone number and an email address. All I have so far done is send them an email saying I can be contacted by return email. Almost immediately, I received an email from them with exactly the same wording as the letter. This made me suspicious enough to do some research on the net and what I've found is very worrying. Apparently they are a debt collection agency who hound people to pay debts which very often they don't owe, or are out of statute date. Has anyone else had dealings with these people? I have no outstanding debts, old or new and have never had any CCJs either, so obviously they have the wrong person, but none the less, I don't need a lot of hassle with people like this. Any advice please?
  24. I purchased a ticket before travelling today, only to discover that my train was cancelled and the next one wasn't due for an hour. I went to a member of station staff, asking who I should speak to about receiving a partial refund due to the delay. My ticket was then taken from me and they wrote on the front of it that it wasn't valid. I looked for the station manager to complain, but I was told that I would have to purchase another ticket if I wished to travel. I was then told that, as my new ticket was purchased after the cancelled train was due, I would no longer be entitled to a refund. I have been delayed by an hour and have had to pay twice as much for the privilege of waiting over an hour for a train. Is there anything that I can do from this point?
  25. Why do car insurance firms increase policy premiums for people with poor credit history? I just went online to check out my renewal costs on go compare - my new premium would be £520 - thats with 9 years no claims and 1 accident So I entered exactly the same details again and the only detail I changed was the name of the driver (made up a name) the address, car, annual mileage etc all stayed the same and the new quote came in at £380 As a previous discussion I had with an insurance firm the person stated that they only do a CRA check to confirm your details - but its quite clear they are using a poor credit rating to up the costs
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