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Found 6 results

  1. Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with a new contract I've been spoofed into by Select Energy with NPower. I recently moved into a new shop premises and unfortunately before the process was entirely complete, the agent died so I had no knowledge of who the energy supplier was. I was in the process of trying to find out when I received a phone call from someone who gave me the impression that they were from NPower and that they were my energy supplier. I was relieved initially because I'd been struggling to find out who the supplier was and he told me that until I'd registered my details I was being charged an emergency high rate which would be reduced once I'd given my details. For some reason I found this plausible ! At no point during the conversation was I told that he was setting up a new contract or that he was an agent, he gave me the impression entirely that he was the supplier and was just updating new tenant details. I asked to be billed quarterly and specifically said I didn't want to pay by direct debit. The alarm bells should have rung when he asked for the bank details I said I was uncomfortable giving the details but he assured me it was only to confirm I was who I was claiming to be and that there wouldn't be any payments taken from the bank. A couple of weeks later I received a letter from NPower telling me that I was now in a 36 month contract and they would be taking £195 a month by direct debit. The previous tenant from what I understand was paying less than £50 and the supplier was British Gas. I was utterly misled when I phoned to question NPower I discovered I was actually on the phone to Select Energy who I had never heard of. When I did eventually get through to NPower I was told I was in a binding 36month contract and there was nothing I can do. Surely this is fraudulent. Any advice would be incredibly welcome.
  2. F-35 jet cleared for Carrier take-off, Defence Minister tells Select Committee READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/f-35-jet-and-new-batch-of-uk-pilots-cleared-for-carrier-take-off-defence-minister-tells-select-committee
  3. Hi Can someone tell me if Natwest still charge you to have mobile phone, travel insurance and breakdown cover on their Select Platinum Natwest Account for new customers? I've been a customer for years (formerly Advantage Gold) and I'm still paying £16 for these insurance and breakdown cover. I've never wanted the mobile phone insurance as my phones aren't that expensive. I've used the travel insurance once in about 20 yrs but I have used the breakdown cover a few times. I use online banking and I cannot see any information on how much the package will be or does it mean you will get these benefits for free if you open this account? I don't want to be paying for these benefits if new customers don't have to. Thank you in anticipation.
  4. Blimey, it's been a while - hello lovely people! I'll save the recap of the last 8 years for another thread (all good though, largely thanks to CAG!) I was shredding old statements last weekend and noticed payments to Barclays Select (the revolving credit/loan facility they provided way back when) On the offchance I called Barclays PPI claim number and after a great deal of faffing around he managed to get a useable reference from the old statements (as the computer denied I ever hair a Select Loan!) After he admitted I did actually have a Select Loan he went through the mis-selling spiel and has submitted a my (potential) PPI claim online I have no idea if there was PPI on there or not, although on a few threads I see there was a box to be ticked if I did/did not require insurance - which I would not have ever ticked hence zero PPI claims for me! However it does seem some people had copies of CCA's with both unticked boxes and PPI was still applied. Anyway, will let you know what they say, and unless it's a "yes you have PPI" will SAR/CCA just to be sure - for now will sit on my hands and wait. Interested if anybody has any successful Barclays Select Loan PPI refunds? Cheers for now
  5. Hi I placed an order with Select Fashion online on 19th June; they took money from account on 20th June. I was informed the order would be delivered within 5-7 days, but it never showed up - I called them - no reply, I emailed them - no reply, so I sent them a message on facebook and they replied with excuses about moving warehouse etc, eventually my order turned up yesterday (3rd July - 14 days after the original order) However i am missing 2 items and instead I have 2 items that i never ordered! So i sent them a message on facebook as this is the only time I ever get a response - they called me back this morning. I do not even want the missing items now as I am fed with waiting, so I asked them to refund me the items that i am missing but they said they will not refund my items until I send the incorrect items back, but i have to pay the postage! I want to know what my rights are? I paid for items but they have failed to deliver them. It's not my fault they have sent the wrong items, I am happy to send them back but not at my cost.
  6. Hi, I've had a number of unfortunate circumstances where i'v had to contact Barclays regarding a Select account and 2 loans. I've not been able to keep up with the payments and have defaulted. I thought i'd done the right thing and contacted them and after going through endless letters back and forth (mainly where they threatened things and I offered solutions) - Its ended up that I offered a monthly payment I could handle and in the end they have accepted this. This all sounds good except for the following things which I hope someone could shed some light on please: 1. The offer for payment was accepted last September/October however I haven't heard anything from them since. I have chased them and they just tell me that i'm in the pile of people who are doing the same and I will be contacted when its my turn! Does this mean they are still adding interest to these loans and Select account? 2. I noted that some people have been talking about PPI on their Select accounts, is this something thats automatically been added? Can I find out if this is on my Select account and can I claim back this? Thanks in advance
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