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Found 4 results

  1. Hi Can someone tell me if Natwest still charge you to have mobile phone, travel insurance and breakdown cover on their Select Platinum Natwest Account for new customers? I've been a customer for years (formerly Advantage Gold) and I'm still paying £16 for these insurance and breakdown cover. I've never wanted the mobile phone insurance as my phones aren't that expensive. I've used the travel insurance once in about 20 yrs but I have used the breakdown cover a few times. I use online banking and I cannot see any information on how much the package will be or does it mean you will get these benefits for free if you open this account? I don't want to be paying for these benefits if new customers don't have to. Thank you in anticipation.
  2. Hi, I hope someone might be able to provide some general advice. I am trying to reclaim £450 in Platinum Card membership fees, I have already unsuccessfully been through their complaints process and they've sent me the FoS leaflet. 1 - I've had both a British Airways Amex card and a Platinum Amex Charge card (with flexselect credit) for almost ten years. The latter has a membership fee of £450, paid in December 2 - I hadn't actually used the Platinum Card for two years until April 2015 when I tried to use it to pay for a hotel abroad - declined, despite my statement telling me I had over £1000 of my £3500 Flexselect credit available 3 - I rang Amex, and they essentially told me that because I was a risky customer, they were declining to put through my charges. Yes, late last year I ran into financial difficulties and had problems making loan and credit card payments and this will have affected my credit file 4 - However, at no time did Amex tell me I can't use the card. There is no notification on my online account, and I have received no letters or phone calls, so this is the first I had heard of it 5 - In fact the card does work sometimes. It usually works for smaller (less than £20) amounts in supermarkets etc. Not always. Yesterday an £8 charge went through, today a £17 one didn't 6 - I wrote to Amex making a complaint asking that my card be downgraded to one of the free ones, and that as I had been sold a card I can't actually make full use of, that my year's membership should be refunded 7 - Amex has rejected the complaint saying I could only have a pro rata refund (which I guess would be £300 odd) and making me aware that they can basically stop me using it when they want as it says so in the Tcs and Cs I would now like to complain to the FoC. The basis of my complaint will be that Amex knowingly sold me a card membership I can't make full use of, and never told me that I can't fully use the card. Had I known this, I would not have paid them the £450 at the end of last year. I have two questions: 1 - There is £550 due to be paid next week, some of this is from the small purchases I have been able to make - public transport, small supermarket shops etc. The rest is from my flex select balance. I am in a position to pay this, but would there be any grounds for me not to, if I am disputing the account? Or would this make things worse and I should just pay up as normal. 2 - Because the Amex card seems to work for most smaller charges, does this in any way negate my complaint? The £450 membership is sold with various travel benefits, but as I discovered I can't actually use the card when travelling Any other advice of how I should approach this with the FoS is appreciated. Thank you for hearing me out, all being well I'll look to submit my FoS complaint in the next few days
  3. Husband and I were sold a Platinum joint account in November 2008, having previously had a Classic account. From memory, we had been invited to see our bank manager for a review, and were sold the new account on the basis that the overdraft interest was lower and the package benefits were worth much more than they would cost us. At the time, we already had AA cover (as noted in the paperwork the bank manager signed at the review) and explained that, with two children, 3 and 8 months, we hadn't travelled abroad for over 4 years and had no plans to. We have never registered our mobile phones. Shortly after the account was upgraded, the package fee increased from £12 to £17 a month - I can't find any notification of this (but it's possible it's been lost over the years). My husband has used the AA cover, but bearing in mind we already had cover at a cost of £120, this one benefit equates to a cost of £204 per year - definitely not a saving! Do we have a case for mis-selling, given the benefits were of no use to us - or does the fact we used the AA negate any claim?
  4. Hi Took out Scottish Power Platinum cover September 2012. First cover taken. Was going to go with British Gas but as Scottish Power tailored my new energy plan to incorporate this cover for just an additional £6 per month on my monthly direct debit I was not going to query. They explained about the radiator cover as well and told me they would arrange for an engineer to come and do the service check. Due to the bad weather it was not until January that they eventually got out to look at the boiler. Just before that the display panel on the boiler (ideal boiler) was not showing anything even though the boiler was working fine. I rang up and even though someone had not been to service the boiler they did send someone out to fix it. Good service as sorted within 2 days and the panel was working fine. Inspection a couple of weeks after that About 3 weeks ago the display went again. Finally arranged for someone to come out and look and it seems that there is a leak in the boiler that is leaking on to the display panel that is why it was going off. The sub contractor said he would price up and inform Home 3 Assistance who rang me a couple of days abot and said would need a new heat exchanger for around £750 and plus other parts so totally £1,409 and as my cover is only for up to £1,000 they cannot do. I was horrified as I did not know there was a limit on the cover. I was never informed of this when I took out the policy as previously spoken with British Gas and they were offering unlimited cover when they explained to me so most likely assumed that this cover was unlimited as well as I was never told. The home assistance guy said that there was nothing he could do but if I rang British Gas customer services and inform them that I was mis-sold the policy as they were the only ones who could overturn this decision. Rang them today on the number he gave me who then told me I needed to ring another number from which the lady then new I was getting the run around so actually put me throught to a lady called Jan in the customer complaints. She took the details and rang me back about half hour later to inform me the the terms and conditions highlighted the maximum amount that they would pay. I told her that I was unaware of this but she just kept going on about the terms and conditions. I understand this but I told her I would never have purchased the policy if I had know that as pointless. Come on when things go wrong with a boiler it is more often going to cost over £1,000 as labour is just as much as the flipping parts!!!! She is escalating and getting some other person to ring me back on Monday although she was adamant that they would tell me exactly the same as what she has I just wondered if I had a 'leg to stand on'. I am furious as wasted the last 6 months on a policy that is useless. If I had gone with British Gas I would have been covered. If I go with them now my boiler is not going to get fixed. It has now this evening started making a noise like a crying sound and the pressure gauge is starting to vibrate back and forth. This only happens when powering up. Please help Many thanks Lisa
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