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  1. Heya, Hoping I can get a bit of advice on the following. I've emailed Ashbourne mgmt to cancel my gym membership. I signed up in December 2017 with 3 months free and then started my 12 months in March 2018. My final payment is due to come on 1st of Feb 2019 at which point I would then cancel my DD. They have replied saying I have to pay a 3 months notice fee so will pay up until May. This sounds ludicrous but would I be in my right to just cancel my DD after Feb? Unfortunately, I've looked everywhere and can't find my contract and they have ignored my request to send another one:evil: Suddenly remembering why I never wanted to join gym in the first place. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks
  2. Hi All, Just had a quick read of the other threads but haven't found anyone in this exact situation. Background: I signed up to Bannatynes back in Nov 18. Living in Edinburgh and starting a new job in Livingston (right next to the Bannatynes) I was delighted to find that both gyms were in the same "tier" for cross usage. I was given the tour by the membership girl who told me all about this and advised me to sign up online (weird? they're usually very pushy to get you to sign there and then). When I went to do so I noticed that it was £3-4 cheaper per month to sign up at Edinburgh as opposed to Livingston, even though I would be using Livingston more often... no brainer. I signed up to a 12 month membership. I then used both gyms without fail for around 2 months until mid January when attempting to enter the Livingston gym for the first time in 2019 I was told rather abruptly that Livingston price had increased and in turn they had gone up a tier, therefore I was not allowed entry as I was a member in Edinburgh, which is a now lower tier. I was told if i wanted to continue using Livingston I would have to upgrade my membership at an additional cost of £10 per month. I called head office and received the following response: Having read their terms and conditions, I then went back to them with the following: They have now replied to me by telephone and essentially told me the following: Cross usage is offered as a gesture of goodwill. Tiers may be subject to change without notice; Written confirmation did not need to be provided as I am a member at Edinburgh not Livingston; My notice to cancel has been refused as this does not come under any of their "valid reasons to cancel" They have offered a reduced "upgrade" of only £5 per month extra ​ I have been more than fair with them on the phone and said I am happy to give one months notice and pay any reasonable admin fees. They have escalated this to their manager who has declined my offer to cancel. I am now not sure what to do next. It seems I have the following options: Not upgrade and only use Edinburgh (not practical); Upgraded and continue using Livingston (don't want to pay any extra); Cancel DD and face the consequences (unsure exactly what could happen); Try to claim I am relocating outside a 15 mile radius of any gym; Repeatedly break gym rules until they cancel my membership. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks, Craig
  3. Hey Guys in a ongoing battle Going back few months now with harlands over the head of cancelled membership of a gym! Last July 6th months pregnant I verbally informed a member of the gym to freeze my account until after the baby was born. My gym membership is a 30 day rolling contract btw. Wasn’t until Feb of this year that I realised that the money was still Coming out of account I rang the gym who told me to put it In an email which I did and sent it off In March still had no response from The gym I went to the bank who claimed back the money under the indemnity scheme. Then the letters started from Harlands, immediately I rang them and explained the situation and forwarded them the email I sent to the gym in February. They were to look into It and get back to me. I got a letter to say that as harlands hasn’t heard from me the amount owed had now risen and was being referred to a debt collection agency. messages started coming to contact this number I rang harlands again and explained again and they told me it was now passed to Crs who I just rang this morning and they were just shouting at me that I should have contacted them as it states in the terms and conditions and I breached these conditions I am liable for all the money and they are starting court proceedings for the 180 I claimed back and 25 for administration fee and I don’t even know what else he as shouting. I thought no this isn’t on this is the gyms fault I just rang them this morning, turns out I spelt the girls name incorrectly that I emailed, but she also said that I should have left a letter to say I wanted to freeZe my account, this wasn’t told to me at the time however they were happy to verbally take my notice. But now start stating I should have done this and that when that day they were fine accepting that I wanted to freeze it was a 30 day Rolling contract , I wasn’t tied into any contract What should I do It’s such a mess and the messages and phone calls are unbearable
  4. Hi all, Looking for some advice - I've been reading through and there's lot of great advice here on the forum and I've kind of used some already but messed up in places to give the gym more than I should - so here's the story. My wife and I are a member of the Sweat Union gym in Chelmsford, we are both on rolling monthly contracts. On 22nd August 2018 we both sent them an email saying we would like to cancel our memberships and she subsequently cancelled the DD (2 x 21.99 as she paid for both of ours). We were then informed the next day that you had to cancel prior to the 15th of the month so we would have the pay the September gym fees. We were willing to pay and she called them to say the DD has been cancelled and they said this means we would need to pay the £21.99 for Sept and both incur a £15 admin fee because of the DD. She called the bank to try and reinstate it but they said Sweat would have to do it and they didn't seem willing. The payment wasn't due until the 31/08 so we emailed and said we'll pay the outstanding £21.99 each but don't agree with the fee, the email was ignored. I ended up looking at my account on the site and could see the balance due (£21.99) and the option to pay online so we went ahead and both paid the September balance on the 29th August (before the due date). I then emailed Sweat to say the balance was paid prior to the deadline and I assume this clears the matter, that the admin fee will be removed and that we can still use the gym through Sept as we are paid up. They emailed back to say no, we have to pay the £15 fee each, we cannot use the gym unless this is paid and on top of this, we cannot cancel our memberships with outstanding arrears on our accounts. Now this is really galling - I know £15 is not a lot but I don't want to pay it out of principal. The gym have acknowledged we would like to cancel but refuse to let us do so without paying the £15 fee. They say that if we don't pay the £15 our accounts will be passed onto a third party finance agency. Reading other threads, it seems like they don't have any legal right for the £15 fee Should I do anything else at this point or just ignore going forward? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi, The gym is called Ultimate Physique in a town called Castleford. - No water supply in the gym which in these conditions is just unacceptable - No air conditioning in the gym so in warm weather working out is unbearable and in the winter when working out on the first floor it's so cold you struggle to sweat - The duration of my contract is 36 months with I believe is classed as an unnecessarily long contract under Consumer Rights Act 2015 - The penalty to cancel my membership is £10 x by the remaining months, which is 19 in this case. - Is this also an unfair term in my contract due to it being a punitive penalty? Would these be classed as ground to terminate my contract? I have attached the T&C's from my contract if someone could take a look to find a way out of my contract. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, My partner had a 12 month gym membership with Xersise4less, unfortunately due to a foot injury she had to stop going after a couple of months we cancelled the DD (Stupid in Hindsight) now i am sure you know whats coming next they have passed it to Harlands / CRS and have of course added lots an lots of extra fees any help would be appreciated. Is there a way i can pay the 30 days notice and have done with this i refuse to pay the extra admin fees. Thanks in advance
  7. I attach a copy of a gym membership agreement, can I get out of it or have I just got to pay up please. clacton council leisure centre .pdf
  8. I signed up with The AA in 2015 for £99 a year (paid monthly). I just always assumed it was £99 as the website didn't state otherwise as far as I could see. I've checked it today and found I have been paying over £204 a year ever since the first year was up. I called them to complain, and the person said I would have had confirmation of the price in the post before it was due for renewal, and if I didn't call then I wouldn't get a better price (Why do I have to call!?). I don't recall getting these letters, and I keep everything, but I don't have that letter. I for sure check every letter I get, and I wouldn't have accepted a 100%+ price increase! I called back to their complaints to a guy who spends his life listening to people complain, and he just dismissed me saying I agreed when I took it out. I asked for a copy of the document several times but he just kept saying it would have been on the website at the time. I told him that the person I spoke to before said about it being in the renewal letters and then they relented and said they would send me copies. I want to dispute that I ever gave permission to a 100% price increase as I don't recall ever doing this, they seem to be unable to provide me with the terms and conditions I apparently agreed to. Realistically, what are my chances of getting my money back?
  9. after a little google and a browse around the forum I've seen alot of prople having the same issues with Harlands after trying to cancel gym membership! My situation is as follows I joined a gym (choices health club) september 2015 for a 12 month contract and then it went on to a rolling contract. I was working away monday to friday and the gym was near where i worked. I started a new job in sept 2017 (75 miles away from the gym I'd joined) I cancelled my DD on 13th september 2017, i rang up the gym to cancel my membership, I was told I'd have to call in to cancel, I explained I now live over an hour away and they emailed me a cancellation form. I got an email from Harlands 15th september regarding my cancellation of my DD and that if i didnt reinstate it by 25th september (my billing date) I would be charged a £25 administration fee. I didn't send off the gym cancellation letter. These are the t&cs on my cancellation letter, as I've already cancelled my DD I didn't want to sign this agreeing that If i cancelled my DD I would accept the 'irreversible adminstration charges' TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CANCELLATION • You must abide by the cancellation notice period applicable to your membership contract • In the unlikely event of a dispute, it is the member’s responsibility to provide proof of cancellation • You must keep your copy of this cancellation and be able to produce it if requested to confirm your cancellation, if you are not offered a copy please request one • Do not cancel your direct debit until all payments have been made after the submission of this form, doing so could result in irreversible administration charges • You may not downgrade your membership within the cancellation period • You are able to withdraw your cancellation at any point during the cancellation period, we can accept this withdrawal verbally and once it has been accepted you must resubmit a cancellation form to cancel your membership I then received another email from HARLANDS dated 26th september referring to their letter dated 15th september I have not contacted them. As i have not reinstated my DD I know owe £25 adminstration fee £39.99 for bill dated 25th september £39.99 cancellation fee £104.98 Total owed If i do not contact them by 16th October I will incur a further £25 adminstration fee. Just looking for some advice on what to do next? As I haven't yet sent my cancellation form off i realise that my gym still recognises me as a member. I called the gym again yesterday 26th september stating that I had received another email from HARLANDS and asked if they had processed my cancellation form (I haven't sent one) I haven't used the gym since July 2017 My home address is still the same as when I joined the gym I can provide the wording of HARLANDS emails however from what i have read from other people s posts it seems like a default reply. Thanks in advance guys!
  10. Hope this is the right spot for this .. . my first visit - first time I've been threatened with a court action, too - scary! In June of this year I cancelled my gym membership - no valid medical reason - we just weren't going. I had been a member for a couple of years but - and guys no laughing! Swimming three times a week was wrecking my hair.. .. okay you're allowed to laugh a little but just quietly please I went to my bank (Barclays) and instructed them to cancel my direct debit. They did. At least - they told me it was cancelled. They helpfully advised me to let the gym know. Soon as I got home I phoned the gym (Virgin Active at the time) and explained I was cancelling - life too busy etc etc... and they asked me to let them know in writing and said an email would be fine. I emailed them that same day - expaining I was cancelling my membership and had stopped the direct debit. Job jobbed. I thought. Didn't hear back from them so I presumed it was fine. Meanwhile - and this may/may not be significant? Virgin Active sells out to David Lloyd Clubs) Didn't look at my bank satement very carefully until a couple of months later - (I know, I know shocking... what can I say??? ) and it was then I noticed that the gym payments were still going out. Puzzled and miffed I went to the bank. They checked. yes, the direct debit was cancelled but the company that took over Virgin active - namely David Lloyd - had started up the direct debit again. I had no idea they could do that! So - nice bank lady said not to worry - they would sort it out - the money would go back into my account, they would block David Lloyd from taking money out of my account (sheesh that's still a scary thing to type) - but she says - if I ever want to go back to the gym I would have to unblock David Lloyd in order for them to take money for a direct debit - as if that is likely to happen after the way they conduct business! The story continues. Few weeks later I get a phone call from a company called Arc Europe accusing me of being two months behind in my gym membership payments. Argh. I take a deep breath and explain that I have cancelled my membership with Virgin Active. .. explained bank/phone call to gym/ email notification to gym, thank you please don't contact me again. Phhht no good - phone calls text messages, threatening letter - pay up or else you'll go to court and your credit rating will be affected. ... blah blah blah oh and by the way we have added some admin fees.... ! And then this morning an even scarier letter from Major Law solicitors - wanting even more money and how it will be easier and cheaper if I pay now..... lawd..... What do I do? I'm rubbish at paperwork... no idea where my original conract is with Virgin Active... . and I have deleted the email I sent to them confirming I was cancelling my gym membership. Sorry this turned into a ramble. Any one got any advice? Going to see someone at the bank today - maybe a letter from them confirming when I actually cancelled the direct debit will help? Cheers
  11. Hello everyone, I signed up today the 13th of February with a gym membership with Fit4less in Brentford. I decided to do that online so I selected £24,99 per month no contract. I received 2 e-mails after subsrcibing, one welcome e-mail from the club and one with my DD information, the terms and conditions and other relevant information. After reading the e-mail and reading also a lot of reviews for this type of gyms I decided to cancel my membership the same day. On the e-mail they state 'Please note that if you completed this membership agreement whilst not in the club, you have a period of 7 days from today in which to cancel this membership. This right to cancel will cease once you visit the club, or the period of 7 days has elapsed, whichever is the earlier.' I decided to call them to cancel the membership. First time I talked to A advising me that they have not received my details yet and I have to call back tomorrow (at that point I didn't say the reason of my call). Second time I talked to M asking her if they have received my subscription and information she confirmed and then when I told her that I want to cancel she told me I have to call back tomorrow because they do not have all information (only name and bank details). After putting a bit of pressure she said she will check for me. After waiting for 6-7 min on the line, she replied back saying she will put a note on the system and cancel my membership tomorrow. When I asked her if I will receive a written confirmation she replied she can sent me an e-mail. When I asked her when she will sent it she replied between 9:30 and 5:30. Obviously having read a lot of information on this forum I do not have faith that they will do that automatically tomorrow. So what would your advice be? Call them again tomorrow or put my cnacellation request in writting? Thank you for your help. Kind regards,
  12. I joined a gym with a month-to-month arrangement I was told I can cancel whenever I want, no minimum term. Set cost of £10.99 per month as detailed in the membershhip agreement. I gave my bank details to set up direct debit. Contract states minimum term 1 month. I have had this membership for about 3 years now so can cancel anytime. The gym has since had a new owner appear and things carried for a year or so without interruption and my 10.99/mth continued to be taken. Until a few months ago when the owner started taking a much higher cost from my bank account. They were taking out £18.99 p/mth without permission and without informing me. When I first noticed I told the owner there must be a mistake as its supposed to be £10.99. She sheepishly and vaguely told me she was 'universalizing' the prices. I said I was not happy to pay the new costs, had never agreed & informed her I didnt want to continue. She told me to take it up with the club manager which I found odd since I know she is the owner. I found the club manager email for the gym which they had written to me through in the past and wrote to them via email advising the that the previous months payment was overcharged and asking them to refund my money since I do not have any agreement with the gym for this amount, and have only ever paid on a month-to-month basis that can be disconitnued at any time I desire and I wanted to terminate membership. The gym ignored me and continued to take the money regardless despite the fact I had advised them I did not want to continue and had ceased using the service. i informed my bank, explained the situation. The bank cancelled the DD and stepped in to recover the unauthorised charges and told me that under the DD guarantee I am entitled to a full and immediate refund of the money paid as it has been taken in error and without my knowledge or consent. From speaking with other past members I know that the owner has done this to others too. Instead of advising customers and asking them if they want to continue and sign up for her new membersip agreement the owner fraudulently increased the customers direct debits without notice nor consent and 'presumed' to put them into a new 18.99 p/mth contract, which I can see from her online page is now a 12 month minimum term via standing order or DD. According to my membership agreement they cannot do this unless Harlands write to me and give me 30 days notice and I agree, which never happened and I never heard a peep from Harlands until recently... The gym owner has now instructed Harlands, who collect the direct debit, to request a payment from the indemnity claim filed with my bank, who are making legal threats and to levy on additional costs. They said the owner has emailed them many many times about this like she has some weird vendetta she also found my personal social media profiles and demanded I talk to her about my membership on there, which i ignored as I found it invasive and unprofessional. She has walked past me in town a few times since and said hello, and won't talk to me face to face and yet harlands told me she's being emailing them to chase me up for weeks. I explained to Harlands I was not informed of nor agreed to the new fees. They ignored this and told me that they will continue to chase me for payment as the gym asks them to, regardless of the fact that there was no agreement to pay this, and the fact that they breached the DD guarantee. Citizens Advice advised me to write to Harlands explaining that I never agreed to any new terms and conditions which I've done via email. I also included all the clauses in the contract that they have themselves breached and imposed a time limit to respond. However they ignore my contact and won't really speak to me even if I phone their premium rate number they say they are just following with what their client wants to do, I have emailed asking them to cease and desist unless they are able to show some evidence that I agreed to pay the new fees, of which there is none. She went behind all her customers backs in changing the membership specifications and prices, and what she did was wrong). I know she has done this same thing to a number of customers who have also left. As far as I can see from their terms the following (at least) are relavent or were breached: Once you have completed the Minimum No. Of Direct Debit Payments we will automatically continue collecting the Direct Debit Payment Amount every month. Your membership will be extended by one month for each payment (“Renewal Period”). This renewal Direct Debit payment amount may only be amended if we advise you in writing giving not less than 30 days notice. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Harlands Services Ltd. will notify you 3 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Harlands Services Ltd. to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Harlands Services Ltd. or by your Bank or Building Society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your Bank or Building Society. Breach: This agreement can be cancelled if we are in breach of contract including if we do not provide facilities or services you may reasonably expect and we have fallen well below that standard. Despite the breaches they continue to email me and ask me to call them on a premium rate number which I have no desire to do as the person on the other end does not know nor care about anything I tell them and seem to just be there to waste my time. What next? Shall I just send a recorded letter saying what I already said in the letter and pointing out the breach and that I will not be entering into any further correspondence? So far they have provided nothing, no evidence and ignored all of mine. I don't really want to get into a length back and forth debate with them as I have already wasted time getting upset and faffing about with this despite having done nothing wrong, and clearly the breach is on their end. Had they bothered to tell me about the price increase I could have told them there and then that I did not wish to continue, but they neglected to do this so it's their fault that this situation even occured in the first place.
  13. Hello, I am really hoping you can help. March 2016 I joined Lifestyle Fitness gym in my home town. My boyfriend got a job as a personal trainer there and we split in October 2016 and November 2016 I cancelled my DD. I sent via their online web form that I am cancelling and my reasons were due to a breakdown of an abusive relationship I no longer feel comfortable going into my gym. I didn't receive any correspondence back. Now, every few weeks I'm receiving threatening letters from CRS which seem to be getting increasingly more threatening. I have tried to call and explain why I've left which they were initially quite helpful and said they're going to contact Harlands to see what they could do. As of half an hour ago I received a phone call from them. I answered and the man on the phone couldn't care less.. . Just kept saying my reasons for leaving are not within the terms and conditions so therefore pay up. The call got quite heated, he wasn't professional at all! I got upset and told him to do one (not so politely) and hung up. I'm not looking for sympathy from them. Unfortunately, my reason for leaving (to me at least) feels like an exceptional circumstance. I'm reading a lot that states don't pay them anything as they're not legitimate. Is anyone able to offer some advice? What can I do to get them to stop and leave me alone!? It's at the point I'm scared to check the post to see more red letters. Thanks.
  14. Hello All, I have an annual membership with British Military Fitness which was taken via Salary deduction through my company via third party provider GYMFLEX. I trained with BMF for 2 months but had an injury on 1st of March in my left ligament and have not been able to train since. I wrote to my company HR as advised by GYMFLEX , along with recommendation from my physio for 3 month no boot camps that BMF provides since its not a GYM but boot camp setup only in outdoor parks, and the response sent back is as follows. 'Thanks for your patience whilst we looked into this for you. This has been raised to the gym and I'm afraid they are not willing to authorise a cancellation in these circumstances. When you signed up to the benefit you confirmed that you understood it is a non-cancellable 12-month membership and there are no exceptional circumstances in this instance for us to go outside of the standard terms and conditions.' I have looked up GYMFLEX website and they do mention that it can be cancelled if the GYM agrees as noted below 3.4 NON-CANCELLABLE MEMBERSHIP Your GymFlex Membership is a non-cancellable 12 month membership. In certain circumstances, and in line with your chosen GymFlex Gym’s own Terms and Conditions it may be possible to upgrade, suspend or terminate a membership. This process is subject to a written request by your Employer and a Process Fee of £25 is applied by Incorpore Limited. In the event a refund is agreed by the GymFlex Gym, Incorpore will pass on the entire refund received by the GymFlex Gym, less the £25 process fee and the Initial Set Up Fee. But the GYM which in this case is BMF which doesn't have an annual membership and hence no terms and conditions either They have a 6 month membership offer in which T&C mention that in case of injury, membership can be cancelled. (i) Cancellation for medical reasons, relocation or redundancy We may allow you to cancel your membership before the end of the minimum term if you have been a member and: Have a medical condition that stops you from attending classes Relocate more than 20 minutes drive from any of our venues (as measured by AA Route Planner) Are made redundant Can you kindly advise how I should proceed to take this further. Having attended only 2 months, I will loose more than 200£ in this. Thank You Sunny
  15. Hi. I was aged 17 when the contract was signed. On multiple sites I have seen the following: "The minor is also able to cancel a contract at any time before reaching the age of 18, and for a reasonable period afterwards without valid reason as the contract is ‘voidable’." I have been a member for just over 3 years, and 2 years 7 months since turning 18. Would that be considered a reasonable period afterwards? The cost is £30 p/m and I really would not like to pay another full calender's month of membership for several reasons: There is a much better gym nearby that is 24hr and costs less. When equipment breaks in DW it is not replaced for weeks at a time, affecting my workout. At some point, they changed the closing time on Friday from 22:00 to 21:00. Have only ever gone during night times and from next week can no longer do so. I'm not great on money right now so paying £30 for something I definitely won't be able to use would be horrible.
  16. I am in urgently, need your help and advice guys. Me and my mother signed up to E4L around July last year which we have been using fine for past four months. my father noticed a strange direct debit leaving their joint account, which he didn't recognised so he cancelled it. This we later found out to be from Harland or E4L, £11.99. He cancelled this direct debit via bank and then mother got an email from them, stating the account is now in default. A £25 admin fee has been added alongside the month where the monthly payment has not been released. Additionally, my mother has not been well due to a heart condition so she not even had the chance to use their service around Nov/Dec. I contacted the harland team and mentioned that mother been in hospital and my father accidently cancelled the contract. They, however, would not accept this and persist in paying the £25 fine and a months membership, which we decline. We are OK to pay the monthly fee but not the fine. I believe my father, recently, went back to the bank to reinstate the direct debit. What is the best way on moving forward? Any advice will be appreciated thank you very much KoshiZee
  17. Hi everybody, Today i received an interesting email, telling me that i owe money to lifestyle gym. Unfortunately i don't have my contract to hand as this was 3 to 4 years ago! I'm sure i never took out a contract of any such, but i don't have nothing to back it up. Not received any emails prior to this one either. just looking on best way to deal with the current situation. Wonder why after all this time they have now decided to chase me if i do indeed owe them money? (actual email copy and paste below) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Miss xxxx URGENT - PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIPT OF THIS LETTER Re: CRS Ref No: xxxxxx Lifestyle Fitness Ref. No: xxxxxxx Following attempts to resolve your outstanding balance with Lifestyle Fitness, we have now discovered that you have moved to the above address. A charge of £36.00 has been added for tracing you. Your balance is now £309.26. 1. You contact us on 01444 449 165 to either settle £ 309.26 by Credit/Debit card or set up an acceptable instalment plan with us. Our office is open between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. 2. You send us a cheque/postal order/bankers draft for £309.26, payable to Credit Resolution Services and sent to 2nd Floor Rockwood House, 9-17 Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3TW. Please ensure a payment is made on your account within the next 7 days in order to avoid further action being taken against you. Yours sincerely For Credit Resolution Services Rob Avery Collections Manager --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any advice would be appreciated
  18. Last week whilst sorting through bank statement I came across a Harlands direct debit for £19.99. After researching on google I realised it was for a gym membership (in my knowledge I hadn't been a member of a gym for s substantial amount of time)! After phone calls I realised it was for Simply Gym Wrexham which I had joined in April 2013! I'd been a member for a few months (been to only a handful of times) and had believed Sid cancelled it in January 2014! I remember telling a member of staff on the desk that I wished to cancel and writing to bank to cancel my DD. I've since been in to the bank and they have no record of me cancelling the DD and the manager in the gym said it's the responsibility of the member to cancel the DD and they do nothing (this was not communicated to me at the time either)! They have all the correct contact information (name/address/tel/email) but I have had no contact from them in 4 years. They also had me listed on their system as 'high risk' as I hadn't been there for such a long time (4 years!!!)! think this is morally wrong and really underhand on the part of the gym. They continued taking the DD but no contact. I have since spoken to a couple of friends, coincidentally one who had the exact same situation with the same gym. Membership believed to have been cancelled but was not. I know I should've picked up on this sooner and I will be checking my statements from now on what can I do to get some of the 48 x 19.99 (nearly 1,000) money back. To date the only response back I've had is 'it Is the responsibility of the member to cancel their Direct Debit with the bank when they wish to cancel, we believe we have abided by the terms and conditions of the membership and are unable to offer the refund requested'. It would be very interesting to find out how many other similar unknowing 'high risk' members they have! Any advice please..... Any advice on what to do next? realise I should've picked up on it sooner and will be going through bank statements monthly from now on... Thank you
  19. Hello, I began a 12 month contract with my local Xercise4Less gym at Hamilton on the 18th of April 2017. I'm moving to Edinburgh City Centre on the 9th of September and it's not going to be practically possible to travel 5 miles to get to the nearest Xercise4Less gym everyday, I'd like to cancel. What's the best way to go about it to ensure that Harlands don't get any more money than they are due? I looked at the sticky and it recommended to send a letter to head office informing them that you are cancelling. Should I do this along with telling them the reason for cancelling? Thank you. Kind Regards Jambo
  20. Hello there, I would love some help as I believe I have been mis sold membership to David Lloyd gyms. When I signed up I said I wanted a good deal and did not believe in signing up fees. The lady who signed me up said there was no signing up fee but with their membership there is a refundable deposit of £375 for my reserved place in their club which has a limit on members. That was all fine a lot of money but it is a nice club. However I have just cancelled membership two years later after always paying on time and I have been told my 'deposit' is a 'non refundable joining fee'. There is no way I would ever give as gym £375 just for the paperwork and I made this clear. I feel very cheated and powerless to get the deposit back but I want to challenge this properly. Please can anyone advise what the best course of action will be? Thanks, David
  21. hi, i'm joined a community and they want everyone to sign a doc which i personally think is a bit OTT also leaves me very vulnerable to be sued and kicked out at the drop of a hat. some advice around how legit this doc is and whether someone could actually sue me based on it as i am not sure a judge would see the terms as reasonable. the doc is attached thanks!!!!! contract.pdf
  22. i had joined the gym at around 2014 i entered a 12 month contract with them which was done but i kept my membership and kept going until around late this year, i had received a couple of letters from harlands and i recently received a letter from crs, i had realised that i had a missed payment as i had insufficient funds in my bank account but i had paid any late payments to harlands over the phone. I went on holiday around november got back and i had a letter from crs saying i had to pay £171 i decided to phone them up ask what the payments were for and it was mostly admin fees which i got deducted i paid any missed payments of £10 for the months membership but they tried to charge me £66 for debt recovery charge which i refused to pay, i have also cancelled my membership around the start of december and then few days ago rang my bank and told them to cancel the direct debit for harlands. i also recently received a message from crs saying the need to speak to me urgently edit: the months were 2 months around august and September but when i received a letter from the first time harlands i had paid them £10 for each of the month but then they sent even more letters saying that i owe even more now so i just ignored them
  23. Hi,haven't posted in here for a long time I joined a gym back last year and the 12 month deadline was up in april this year . I received a letter from the gym stating i owed them money after the 12 months . I replied asking them for a signed copy of the agreement/contract which I know I haven't signed one . Now i've had a letter from Daniel Silverman debt collectors saying I owe a lot more money . Wrote to them saying the same about sending me a signed agreement so just waiting for a reply. Just wondering if there's any advice on what they would normally do and if anybody has had dealings through a gym with these people before Thanks Dazza
  24. I joined Anytime Fitness Stroud November 2015. Now due to me working away I am unable to go to the gym, or at least that gym and Anytime Fitness do not have any gyms close to where I am working. When I joined I knew there was a possibility that I might be working away, so I asked how much notice I would need to give to cancel the membership. I was told 1 month. At no time was I told it was a 12 month contract. I gave my bank details to set up a DD, but was never given a contract to sign. I was told that they didn't have access to the contracts at the time but I would sign one next time I was in. In the whole 10 months I have been a member I have never signed a contract or seen a copy of the T&C's despite asking on numerous occasions (Staff always too busy). I have now decided to cancel, sent an email to the manager of the club and received a numerous responses including; "At the time you joined Anytime Fitness, all memberships were subject to 12 months contract and all personnel were trained to advise prospective members of this. Having not signed paperwork does not mean that you have not agreed to a contract." and "Having accepted the fob and having accepted the monthly payments this indicates that you accepted the contract terms." How could I accept the contract terms if I never received a copy of the contract? Now yes I should have insisted on signing the contract but after being fobbed off I eventually gave up. Am I contractually obliged to continue paying for the membership or are they trying to call my bluff? Many thanks Ian
  25. Hey guys, first time posting here. I just submitted the 'cancel my membership' form for my xercise4less membership. I did this because my 12 month student contract is up and according to my local branch I was now 'eligible' to cancel. I feel I may have messed up because in the 'additional comments' section I put my reason for not renewing was because I have permanently moved away. I am concerned they may ask for proof of this? Can they ask for proof of moving away even when you have completed your 12 month contract with them? Surely they won't ask for proof even when the contract is officially up? I could have put the words 'I hate this gym' or 'i can't be bothered to renew' Thanks, Mike can they ask for proof of moving even when you are out of your 12 month contract?
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