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  1. And here's another one. Name of the Claimant - Lowell Portfolio I LTD Date of issue – 16 JUL 2018 Date to acknowledge) = 03/08 Date to submit defence = 17/08 Particulars of Claim 1) The Defendant opened a Simply Be Regulated consumer credit account under reference xxxx on 10/02/2015 ('the agreement').xxxx 2) In breach of the Agreement, the Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the Agreement was terminated. 3). The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 12/01/2017 and written notice was given to the Defendant. 4) Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £4XX.XX remains due and outstanding. And the claimant claims a)The said sum of £4XX.XX b) Interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.089, but Limited to one year, being £32.58 c)Costs Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol)? I don't think so, she has been keeping that comes in now instead of throwing it away and she does not have a copy of that. What is the total value of the claim? - £5XX.XX Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? A Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after April 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim? Debt Purchaser. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Unknown Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Unknown Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Unknown Why did you cease payments? Payments became too much, the Catalouge kept increasing her limit every month so she spent it, despite being unemployed. What was the date of your last payment? Early 2016 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes, offered reduced payments to clear but they kept adding interest on it which made clearing impossible. They did not respond to further contact through the account portal. Marked as defended and CCA/CPR will be in the post.
  2. Hi, hoping someone can help me with this. The driver of the vehicle received a PCN on their windscreen. MPS want £100 or £60 within 14 days. This is extortionate and completely unreasonable for the following reasons: - There are NO signs upon entering the car park stating there is restricted parking - The private land apparently belongs to a company called "Atlantic Cladding" which is joined onto a building called "Simply Gym" where the driver was training - The PCN was issued at 06:13AM. Atlantic Cladding does not open until 8AM resulting in no loss of earnings or obstruction to their business - Having re-visited the premises in daylight, there are two signs either side of Atlantic Cladding stating that the area is under 24 hour management and is for Atlantic Cladding customers only. These are not visible at 6AM as there is no lighting surrounding the signs - I have since learned there is a private car park for Atlantic, one for Simply Gym and a public land parking area. There are no clear instruction or signs to differentiate between these 3 areas I have attached photos to support my argument. The red car in the photo is where the driver was parked. You can see the sign on the building in the background, there are no lights around it. The bollards you can see in the photo come up to the red car, after that it is all open so the areas are not really sectioned differently. 1 The date of infringement? 31/08/2018 2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] NO If you haven't appealed yet - ,......... have you received a Notice To Keeper? (NTK) [must be received by you between 29-56 days] what date is on it Did the NTK provide photographic evidence? NO NTK RECEIVED AS OF 10/2/2018 5 Who is the parking company? MILLENIUM PARKING SERVICE 6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? St Davids Road Industrial Estate, Enterprise Park, Swansea, Llansamlet, Swansea, SA6 8QL Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance pix.pdf
  3. Good morning folks, I'm getting in touch on behalf of my partner. She signed up to Simply Gym back in August, who use Harlands as their money collector She's just received an email this morning stating that she is £97.98 in arrears because a direct debit was cancelled and the last two payments of £25 have not been going through. They also state that if the debt isn't paid by 14th November a debt of £313.89 (yes, £313.89!) will be passed on the a Debt Recovery Company. They stated that they've been sending letters up until this point, but we haven't received anything prior to this. Upon checking, it seems that the direct debit to Harlands was cancelled accidently back in September, and not because she wanted to cancel the membership. We haven't used the gym during this time, anyway, so it's not like she's been using the facilities for free. Is there any way she can just make the two missed payments for the service, and avoid paying all these ridiculous extra charges (£313.89.. , as there was no foul play here, it was a genuine mistake that the DD was cancelled. Kind regards
  4. Last week whilst sorting through bank statement I came across a Harlands direct debit for £19.99. After researching on google I realised it was for a gym membership (in my knowledge I hadn't been a member of a gym for s substantial amount of time)! After phone calls I realised it was for Simply Gym Wrexham which I had joined in April 2013! I'd been a member for a few months (been to only a handful of times) and had believed Sid cancelled it in January 2014! I remember telling a member of staff on the desk that I wished to cancel and writing to bank to cancel my DD. I've since been in to the bank and they have no record of me cancelling the DD and the manager in the gym said it's the responsibility of the member to cancel the DD and they do nothing (this was not communicated to me at the time either)! They have all the correct contact information (name/address/tel/email) but I have had no contact from them in 4 years. They also had me listed on their system as 'high risk' as I hadn't been there for such a long time (4 years!!!)! think this is morally wrong and really underhand on the part of the gym. They continued taking the DD but no contact. I have since spoken to a couple of friends, coincidentally one who had the exact same situation with the same gym. Membership believed to have been cancelled but was not. I know I should've picked up on this sooner and I will be checking my statements from now on what can I do to get some of the 48 x 19.99 (nearly 1,000) money back. To date the only response back I've had is 'it Is the responsibility of the member to cancel their Direct Debit with the bank when they wish to cancel, we believe we have abided by the terms and conditions of the membership and are unable to offer the refund requested'. It would be very interesting to find out how many other similar unknowing 'high risk' members they have! Any advice please..... Any advice on what to do next? realise I should've picked up on it sooner and will be going through bank statements monthly from now on... Thank you
  5. Sorry, I can see there are many threads about this and I have searched but can't find any advice specific to my issue. I joined simply gym online in a period before a gym was actually open (joined at the end of November and gym due to open at the end of February) I decided it wasn't for me after all and simply cancelled my direct debit (I know, I know...!) I received an email on joining saying that my first direct debit would be taken on 26th February. On the 14 dec I received a letter stating they had not been able to collect my direct debit (true, I'd cancelled it) and that I needed to pay it. I did ponder why they had tried to take my direct debit in December when a) the gym wasn't open and b) they'd said no direct debit was due until 26th February. There was no joining fee as I recall, as it was a pre opening offer but I think I was out of the 7 day cooling off period - can't find the information about that at the moment. With the magic (!) of Christmas I completely forgot about the letter and did nothing In fairly certain I don't have to pay the admin charges (now up to £50) but I'm not even sure I need to pay the 12.99. Should I make telephone contact or send a recorded letter? Any advice, please? It was a month by month contract.
  6. After checking my credit file I noticed a company called Cabot saying I had a debt of 780 and default on my account after ringing them and not being able to give them the correct details my d.o.b was wrong. I had to get cab to involved to get the to speak for me about this account they said it was from a catalogue... the debt in question had been paid but had not proof as it was paid from a very old now closed bank account. I am currently writing to the bank to try and get the Statements. After being told I would be taken to court I stupidity said I will make monthly payments but also said I'm taking it further and want all info and credit agreement for this account.. I also rang simply be and asked them for the same info.... then a week later simply be sent me a credit agreement blank saying they hasn't received my credit agreement and I must have forgotten to sent it back.... Do I have to pay if they have no credit agreement? Where do I stand? I have just had a Baby and suffer mental health issues and the whole thing is making me very ill as well as affecting my chance of getting a mortgage. Any help advice would great thanks.
  7. I have a credit account with Simply Be with a limit of £750. The current balance is almost £600. I always pay the minimum repayment every month and have never missed a month but the repayments are getting higher and higher. I know that only making the minimum payment each month is only very slowly chipping away at the balance. I have been trying to sell bit and bobs, doing online surveys etc to try and earn some extra each month so I can make above the minimum. I feel like it's a long shot but I don't suppose it is possible to freeze interest on the account whilst I repay the balance? I am completely fine with not being able to purchase on the account anymore, especially with the remaining credit.
  8. Hello, just a question to ask if it is legal for simply be catalogue to charge extremely high credit charges, i owe them around £2000, thing is my actual amount for items i bought was about £1300, the rest is interest which was slapped on because the items were buy now pay later offer, the intention being to pay it off before they were due to be added to my account, this did not happen as hoped due to just not having enough money the bigger problem is , they are adding extreme amounts of interest each month, my payments last few times were minimum payment £115 , i paid £120, but i have only just examined my statement properly as i thought my balance was not reducing very much and got a proper shock, i pay £120, only £51 actually came off my balance, there was £69 in credit charge for each of last two month, going back i can see that over half each payment i make is a credit charge, can they legally do this, seems excessive .
  9. Hi everyone i placed an order for a phone with simply electronics on 23/4 this was a birthday present for my mother. They stated it would be dispatched within 24-48 hours. 2nd may i emailed them and asked why my order had not been dispatched yet. They replied it would be dispatched within 48- 72 hours. I then requested to cancel my order because i got fed up with waiting and because it would not arrive in time for mams birthday. i recieved a reply offering me a free memory card if i continued with my order or if i still wanted to cancel email them and confirm i wanted to cancel and i would receieve my refund. i confirmed cancellation and i then receieved another email saying i couldn't cancel because it had been dispatched and it would arrive within 2 days(this was 4 days ago) even though it clearly stated on my account that the item had not dispatched yet. I am now actioning a charge back with my credit card provider. But lo and behold this morning i received an email saying good news we have just dispatched your order. Its seems that they just completely disregard my right to cancel and looking online just now its seems hundreds of people are having problems with this company regarding cancellations/refunds/returns. Can anyone offer any advice?
  10. I have dealing with Reliable collections re a JD Williams Debt, which I am paying a sum of money every month ( the most I can afford.) They have sent the usual threatagrams including the one that told me they would contact me at my home, I have sent them the template letters which included a requirement that they only contact me by letter. They have rang several times and as soon as I see the number and hear the automated voice I hang up Today I have received a letter that said they have undertaken investigations to trace my whereabouts and local sources have confirmed that you are still resident well since I have replied to every letter they have sent to my address and have included my address in the reply I am not actually hiding my whereabouts so I don't really understand that part. Also the local sources part, are they trying to intimidate me by suggesting they have put a PI onto me or spoken to my neighbours, or could the local sources mean that they have checked the electoral roll, and/or checked the land registry. Is there a template letter I can use to answer this if not can someone give me any suggestions Thank you
  11. i bought a phone for £198 from simply electronics thinking it looked genuine when i placed my order all looked fine, email acknowledgements the lot was sent, then tonight i looked into my order history and it comes up you have no orders in your history, also checked the pending orders and nothing in there also After doing some research i find endless negative reviews about these bunch of hong kong rip off merchants, I have no idea how the hell this company is still going Post and Post saying people are having there money taken and nothing being delivered to them i want my money back, what is the best way who can i complain to and will my bank refund me in full if i can prove its a [problem]. I basically sold my phone for this
  12. Hi, These 2 companies are such a pain in the proverbial. I opened an account with Simply Be in July 03, due to financial difficulties in May/June 06 began reduced payments of £4 per month. My balance at that time was £202.66. Over the years payment agreements have been broke, due to confusing letters and demands from Reliable. in Feb 09, I lost my benefit and wrote to them offering a £1 token payment as that was all we could afford. Never heard from them. Contacted them in June 09 to give new address and because I wouldn't give my new telephone no, the Agent threatened to go into my bank account to obtain it. I went ballistic and demanded to speak with a manager, which I did, who apologised for the Agent's behaviour, during this call, I arranged the £1 payment with him. Unfortunately I did not record the call. Since then they say I did not make that agreement and have continuously harassed me with telephone calls, up to 8 in a day, threatening bankruptcy, doorstep callers, bailiffs etc. I have asked them numerous times to take me to Court and they said it would not be worth their while! I have also sent them the harassment letter regarding calls twice but they have ignored it. I now don't answer the phone. I sent an SAR Oct 12 and after going through everything, they have admitted that they do not hold a copy of a signed agreement but can provide a "True Copy" of the credit agreement and t/c's from the opening of the account if I send a £1 payment!! I have requested a True Copy of the CCA , not a reconstituted one and I am waiting to receive that. They have never defaulted the account, saying it would only do this after 6 missed payments and then send it to a DCA, but the account has been back and forth between SB and Reliable for years. I wrote asking for explanations on various aspects of my account. I told them I did not accept the charges and interest that they had added to my account, which is now £730.41. I have paid them back what I owe, plus £7. I have told them I do not accept responsibility for the balance on my account and I have stopped the £1 payment. I requested again that they take it to Court. Now this morning I received this letter: Notice of Assignment Assignor: Simply Be Assignee: Fredrickson International Ltd Moorcroft Debt Recovery Robinson Way & Co Ltd 1st Credit Limited Buchanan Clarke Wells Group We hereby give you notice that one of the above companies may be acquiring from Simply Be all its rights, title and interest in and to each of:- a. the debt of £730.41 under the account agreement XXXXX, made between Simply Be and yourself b. all other rights, title and interest in and to or relating to the outstanding debt It is essential that all future payments, correspondence or queries regarding this account be directed to the above company, as and when the title is transferred. This assignment will come into effect within the next 2 weeks. To prevent further or immediate action being taken to recover the full outstanding balance you must: a. Pay the debt in full by using a credit/debit card Or alternatively b. Contact our recovery company on xxxxxxx ensuring you quote account no, to agree a suitable payment programme and make a first payment For and on behalf of Simply Be 1. Can they assign this debt, when I am disputing it? 2. I'm not sure about this, but could I reclaim the penalty charges and interest, although I haven't paid them? 3. Can they enforce payment of these penalty charges/interest without a true copy of a CCA? Any input would be appreciated.
  13. Hi, Does anyone have an email address for reliable collections? I have a few accounts with them, but dont want to pay a fortune on postage for all of the accounts. Appreciate it.
  14. Simply Electronics . net. Has anyone had any experience of this company good or bad? Any information you have regarding this company would be helpful.
  15. Hii just wondered if anyone can help me please, my husband recently had his hours cut at work which meant i couldn't afford my payments, stupidly i just left it and didn't let them know si it has now been passed to reliable collections i spoke to them on the phone and offered to pay them £10 a week off the debt but they wouldn't accept it saying it wasn't enough, if i don't pay what they want they will continue to keep putting charges on my account, what can i do please... Thank you in advance Tracey x
  16. Hi, I'm here again, seems like a long time and i'm not so in touch with it all now! I do need a bit of help with "simply Be" the name sums them up anyway. In December,2010 I bought a laptop from them then returned it a week later, as I found it much cheaper somewhere else! Weeks later I noticed it was still showing on my statement and they acknowledged this and told me it would be re credited. It was never re credited and large amounts of interest were added to the account. They finally re credited the amount on the 29th December, 2011 after many more annoying phone calls. However they have refused to refund any charges and interest added to the account. If I am to try to reclaim this, do I only claim interest on the purchase price of the item x the number of days?:|and if you could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated At the moment the account is in dispute so no further interest is being added.
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