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  1. Interest rate increases without informing the customer CONC rules i.e customer not informed:- ? surely there is a time limit before they introduce increase, and the customer given a chance to disagree and state no further use will be made of the facility and just pay off outstanding under original interest Rate????
  2. Hello This morning I received a letter titled "Overdue Account" from Lowell chasing a JD williams debt. I am not sure of any dates or information regarding this account. I believe my next step is to SAR JD Williams to get all information. It is possible that this defaulted in October 2011. If someone could someone give me a nudge in the right direction that would be amazing. Thanks DC
  3. And here's another one. Name of the Claimant - Lowell Portfolio I LTD Date of issue – 16 JUL 2018 Date to acknowledge) = 03/08 Date to submit defence = 17/08 Particulars of Claim 1) The Defendant opened a Simply Be Regulated consumer credit account under reference xxxx on 10/02/2015 ('the agreement').xxxx 2) In breach of the Agreement, the Defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the Agreement was terminated. 3). The Agreement was later assigned to the Claimant on 12/01/2017 and written notice was given to the Defendant. 4) Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £4XX.XX remains due and outstanding. And the claimant claims a)The said sum of £4XX.XX b) Interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.089, but Limited to one year, being £32.58 c)Costs Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol)? I don't think so, she has been keeping that comes in now instead of throwing it away and she does not have a copy of that. What is the total value of the claim? - £5XX.XX Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? A Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after April 2007? After Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim? Debt Purchaser. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Unknown Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Unknown Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Unknown Why did you cease payments? Payments became too much, the Catalouge kept increasing her limit every month so she spent it, despite being unemployed. What was the date of your last payment? Early 2016 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes, offered reduced payments to clear but they kept adding interest on it which made clearing impossible. They did not respond to further contact through the account portal. Marked as defended and CCA/CPR will be in the post.
  4. Claimant -Lowells Date of Claim...02 Oct 2017 What is the claim for – 1 the defendant opend a jd Williams reg consumer credit acc under refxxx on 18/03/2008 (the agreement) 2 in breach of agreement the defendant faled to maintain the required payments and the agreement was terminated. 3 the agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 20/12/2012 and written notice given to the defendant. 4 despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £1530.00 remains due and outstanding, and the claimant claimes a.the said sum of £1530.00 b. interest pursuant to s69 count courts cost act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue accruing at a daily rate of £0.335 but limited to one year, being £122.40 c costs What is the value of the claim? £1837.40 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or a ctalogue or mobile phone account? catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? after Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? no Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? no but not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? no Why did you cease payments?was made redundant What was the date of your last payment?4 or 5 years ago Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? yes Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? yes What you need to do now. we dont have any paper work for this and not sure were to start,i will be responding to claim and sending the sar ect out
  5. Name of the Claimant: Lowell Portfolio Date of issue: 28 July 2017 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? 1.The claim is for the sum of £640 due by the defendant under the agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 for a J D Williams account with an account reference xxx. 2. The defendant failed to make contractual payments required by the agreement and a default notice was served under s.87(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 which has not been complied with. 3.The debt was legally assigned to the claimant on xxxx, notice of which has been given to the defendant. 4. The claim included statutory interest under S.69 of the county courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue of these proceedings in the sum of £50. The claimant claims the sum of £700 What is the value of the claim? 700 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Probably, but not confirmed Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Could no longer afford it What was the date of your last payment? Approx sometime in 2012 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No I received the above today. Have had a little read around and know I need to state I will be defending and I need to send off a CCA request and a 31.14 letter, which I will do. One question, if I go online to the court page and click the acknowledgement of service, do I still have the full time scale as I am away next week, so wont have the ability to send it later on, however I don't want to limit myself to 14 days from acknowledgement. Thank you
  6. Hi All, I have a massive debt, from JD Williams, from 2011/12/13 totalling nearly £5500, spread over six accounts. At the time, they let me open constant new accounts on their partner sites, and kept increasing the limit when I reached the limit I had on each one. I have not complained to them, but still it strikes me as irresponsible. I made payments for as long as I could, but then it all just became far too much for me, hundreds of pounds a month in interest and that was without all my other massive debts. This was from a period of massive debt issues, payday loans and numerous other personal problems. I have since sorted all the payday loans, credit card and other debts, and this is pretty much the last of what I have on my credit file. I get about 12 letters a week from Lowell who it seems now own the debt, sometimes more. I have been getting these letters for a year or so but need to sort my credit file as this is six constant red defaults staring me in the face. Lowell send me letters offering 50% off each account regularly, if I had the money I would pay it in an instant just to be rid of it. Does anybody have any advice for tackling this? I just want to sort it all out. I do not have much spare a month, but would be willing to pay it.
  7. Received an odd letter yesterday from J D Williams. We had an unenforceable account with them that became Statute Barred in February 2015. The letter makes reference to a PPI claim that we put in in 2008, that we have no record of. A check has also been included and the wording states that they made a mistake after rejecting our original complaint and that the payment is the 'full & final settlement' and the complaint is now closed. Any idea as to what is going on here? Are they trying to reset the Statute Barred clock if we cash the check? Any advice would be gratefully received?
  8. Hi Guys, I seem to be in quite the similar situation to OP. I received a letter from Lowell around a month ago and called to speak to them. My account claiming I owe £323.33 for an account opened in 2009. There are regular purchases and pay offs over the next 12 months and then didn't use them for a long time. In 2012 I then logged into my account to make another purchase and suddenly noticed a huge balance, not knowing any better I paid of some of the balance, covering the cost of the goods but was arguing about all the charges. IIRC they actually dropped some of the charges at the time as they couldn't provide me with anything that said I agreed to them. Around the middle of 2012 I remember getting a phone call from a debt collection agency who said I owed, at that time, about £200 to Premier Man. I again said I was happy to pay it if someone could show me what or where I had agreed to those charges. I think I got a generic copy of the T&C but they were dated as 2012 and they couldn't provide me with T&C from when I signed up. I've not used premier man since and I've moved house three times since then but last month got a letter from Lowells saying I owed £323. I dont have that kind of cash so I called them and spoke to them. I explained the above, Premier Man couldn't provide me any details, the other agency couldn't provide me any details but if Lowell could provide me details I'd gladly pay it. At that point the girl on the phone said if I paid her £150 there and then they would wipe off the debt completely. Had it been right after payday I might have done it but, again, I dont have that kind of cash laying around. I told her the same thing, get me a copy of the T&C, something showing I'd agreed to them and what the charges are. Yesterday they've sent me a second letter saying my account is on hold until Premier Man provide my Credit Agreement but have provided a copy of my statement dating back to 2009 if I would like to get in touch to "propose affordable payments". T he last transaction where I bought actual goods was in 2013, more than 30 charges of £12 "admin fee" and some months - january and february 2013 for example - I've been charged the admin fee twice.
  9. I've had a search around the forums and haven't found much in this regard, at least not where JD Williams/SimplyBe/Jacamo are concerned. Just a summary - in 2011/12 due to redundancy/ill health I got into some financial difficulties, end result is I have 3 defaults which I'm still contending with, but have repayment plans for and I'm currently trying to resolve/end. Besides these 3 accounts and since 2013 my credit history is perfect (bar the three accounts I mentioned). I worked hard to keep it this way so that when those defaults drop off my file at some point my other history is spot on. Fast forward to the recent couple of weeks when I've been mining my credit report - I noticed JD Williams have lodged a 1 month late mark on my credit file. This is highly aggravating, firstly because I'm normally pretty meticulous with my repayments but somehow this must have slipped my mind somehow (I was pretty poorly around this time, so that might explain it) and also I'm only £30 off clearing the complete balance (and closing the account). I emailed JD Williams for more details and this is the reply I received: To which I've replied: I know 1 late payment isn't the end of the world, but it's definitely bloody annoying. So my question is, has anyone had any success with JD Williams specifically or other catalogues with removing late payments? Especially when your account has always otherwise been 'perfect'. If so, how have you gone about it? Many thanks
  10. Hi all, this is the first time I have have posted on here and really could do with some advice. I have received a claim form from the Northampton CCBC on 26th September and as of yet have not been online to, acknowledge this but I intend to defend in full as I have no recollection of this debt. Name of claimant: Lowell Portfolio I Ltd Date of issue: 24th September 2015 What is the claim for: The claim is for £180.63, the amount due under an agreement between the original creditor and the defendant to provide finance and / or services and / or goods. The debt was assigned to / purchased by Lowell Portfolio I Ltd, on 31/03/2014 and notice served pursuant to the law of property act 1925. Particulars RE- JD Williams A/C No Pxxxxx98 And the claimant claims £180.63 The claimant also claims statutory interest pursuant to S.69 of the county courticon act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment of the agreement to date but limited to a maximum of one year and a maximum of £1000 amounting to £14.45 Value of the claim: £195.08 + court fee £25 + solicitor's costs £50 total: £270.08 Original account started: Unknown Lowell has issued proceedings. Firstly I was unaware of any debt with JD Williams, so have no idea of when this supposedly began. Secondly I have no knowledge of it having been assigned to Lowell and didn't receive notice of this. I can not remember receiving a default notice, although I have moved 4 times in the last 5 years. I have never received a statutory notice headed “Notice of Default sums” since the date of the default to my knowledge. There was no dispute with the original creditor. Having read some threads on here is the next step to send a CCA Request letter to Lowell and a CPR request letter to Bryan Carter? am unsure of what the wording for the CPR should be though. Also I know that I need to go online and acknowledge receipt of the claim form and register my intent to defend. This is all very new to me as I have never been in this position before. Any help/advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
  11. HI a friend of mine is trying to claim PPI from JD Williams (N Brown Group plc). That received this back from them , I have never come across this. You contacted on 14th March 2016 in connection with the payment protection cover associated with your catalogue account. You are a customer of J D Williams, which offers mail order goods and services for sale via a catalogue and other distance selling methods. The credit account has been open since 4th August 2002. Our records show that you opted to take out our Personal Account Protection (PAP formerly known as Peace of Mind Plan) on 20th November 2003 some 1 year 3 months after the account was opened. Please note, PAP is charged via a monthly premium. It should be noted that prior to 2005 the sale of PPI was not regulated by the financial services authority (FSA now FCA) and JD Williams were not a member of the General Insurance Standards Council and therefore this complaint is not covered by the DISP complaint handling rules, nor does it fall under the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service. We have as part of the review considered whether you were eligible for payment protection insurance and find no evidence held here nor detailed in your initial complaint which indicates that you were not eligible for this insurance. If you have any supporting evidence that this is not the case then please contact me, to provide this, so that I may review my final decision. You have received full insurance cover under PAP and you have received statements from us, which have shown the premium charges as a separate entry over the time you have operated your credit account with us. We do not consider that this policy was miss-sold and therefore, your allegations of miss-sale are refuted. Please note the insurance was cancelled on 29th March 2016. This will be our final response in this matter. If you are not satisfied with our response, you have the right to refer your complaint to The Financial Ombudsman Service, free of charge, but you must do so within 6 months of the date of this e-mail. If you do not refer your complaint in time, the Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if the Ombudsman believes that the delay was a result of exceptional circumstances. As previously stated we do not consider this sale to fall under the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service as the sale took place prior to January 2005, however I have included their contact details below, in case you wish to verify this with them. Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower Harbour Exchange Square London E14 9GE Any advise
  12. a quick question.. ...I can't find a link for the 'account in dispute' letter. ....I've a debt going back to 2010 with JD williams that Lowells bought last year it's mainly made up of late payment £12 fees and over credit limit £12 fees.. ...Lowells solicitos have now sent me a 'letter of claim' to commence court proceedings... ...I sent a CCA request back in september last year, but received a generic set of T&C's and a copy of a credit agreement that has my details filled in, but not my handwriting and no sig ....I feel it best to put the account in dispute for the time being to give me some breathing space but can't find the template. ...can anyone help?.....thanks
  13. Hi All So I have had some success claiming back Payday loan charges and getting things written off for irresponsible lending.. Can the same be applied to JD Williams? Currently on my credit file, I have SIX accounts in default with them, totalling around £6000. These were all taken out in the same two years, all when I had multiple defaults/loans on my credit file and they just kept increasing my limits without end. In the end I was buying stuff there to sell to pay my payday loans.. They never asked for my income, bank statements or anything like that.. But kept giving me new accounts when I applied with the same details.. and increasing my current ones.. Any advice?
  14. Hi all, I've today written my CCA request for UK Search to provide me with the original agreement for the Simply Be account I had when I was married. I'm currently paying £3.90 a month, but I'm not working now and I have no benefits at all. They have 12+2 days to respond - what happens if they don't? What do I do then? Best regards
  15. Hi My daughter received a claim form from lowell, we have acknowledged the claim form and sent a cpr31.14 request The response received is "We confirm the Claim Form was issued by the County Court Business Centre and that the Court's Protol was followed when issuing the Claimant's Particulars of Claim. Practice Direction 7C point 1.4 (3A) eliminates the requirements to attach the documents to the "Particulars of Claim when they are issued by this Court." Any advise as to what this means would be grateful
  16. Hi, I opened an account with JD Williams on 2nd April 2007. I fell into financial difficulty and couldn't continue making my payments. I know it sounds ridiculous but then I'm not quite sure if I was defaulted by them, when I got back on my feet I paid off the debt off with JD Williams which was £961 in Jan 2013. I looked at my credit file two weeks ago to find that Lowells had posted a default on 04/01/2011. I sent them an email requesting information about the account. To which they replied the account was closed with them on 21/01/2013 after my full and final payment to JD Williams. I then asked them that as JD Williams accepted my full and final payment, did this mean that the debt had not been sold to themselves? They then responded saying that I had made the payment to JD Williams prior to them sending a notice of assignment, and that because they were the legal owners that JD Williams had transferred the payment to them? Does this sound right? The default date is 01/2011 and yet I made the full payment in 01/2013 apparently before they had chance to send a notice of assignment? Also the debt was pre 07/04/2007 and so probably unenforceable? Can someone please help me with where I go fromhere to get the default removed? Many Thanks
  17. So sorry to hear of the passing of Robin Williams (Through Suicide) Thank you for the laughs you have given me & my family over the years. Stigman
  18. I recently wrote of to akinika to settle a debt I have with them, I was a little cheeky and asked if they could reduce my debt by 70% (previous debt companies have done this with me in order to settle my account quickly ) instead of paying £212.21 I would pay £65, they sent me a letter back saying this is "not acceptable, however our client would accept £180.37" They have also asked for a breakdown of my income & expenditure which I have typed up for them, after I have paid everything out (rent, council tax, gas electric) I am left with £0 a month. I am currently a full time carer for a parent which I have stated in the letter so for now (due to being made redundant) I am not working and my income is all accounted for. What action can they take now ? I physically have no money to set up monthly payments to them, I am only able to pay the £65 as a family member is willing to pay this for me, but due to them being retired and on state pension they can not afford to give me £180. Can they take me to court ? If so, does the fact that I offered to make a settlement payment count in my favor ? How much should I have offered to pay them ? Any key information that I should add in my income & expenditure letter ? ** This account is for JD Williams for a catalog** Thank you
  19. After wrting to lowells telling them that I could only pay them a £1 per month due to being a pensioner they today accepted what I offered. I told them I would pay it by standing order along with the acceptance letter they have sent me a made up standing order mandate which has all there details on for the bank but they want me to put my bank details and signature to it. Now in the past when I have set up a standing order I have always took it to the bank myself. do I do that then write and tell lowells I have set it up myself or do I return the made up mandate any help on this one please many thanks in advance
  20. Hi guys I am helping a dear old lady to try and get her finances back in order. The lady has a massive amount of debt but in reality it's just many accounts with various DCA's. To date I have done all the basic's like requesting NOA's which are now trickling through, I will deal with just one DCA per thread in this case Frederickson's Int' She has 4 accounts with them and have sent off the normal letters and have received back all of the NOA's and their version of statements which include Admin fees. Fred's bought this debt last year and the OC did not send out the NOA or any other letter, just the usual threat o grams I'll only post up one at a time to start so here goes. Account balance is £108.67 with 7 late fees of £12-00 each and will be sending off the letter to reclaim. so in reality the actual debt minus the late/admin fees is just £24.67 Now Frederickson's are being awkward in as much as they refuse to deal with me properly, ( I have a DPA release signed and sent to them) which is not like her normal signature. I have looked in the library for a template letter for Fredrickson's to write of the debt for commercial reasons as this lady has zero money left after paying her Priority debts off, She has serious life threatening illnesses that is now being compounded by the amount of contact these DCA:s are making She has 17 debts totalling £3,500 many with fees most of them catalogue debts but she has from credit cards what would be the best thing for her to do in the long run? Letters sent so far all accounts REQ NOA Prove the debt CCA's all debts next will be the DSAR's all accounts Door step letter Telephone letter Have I missed anything out? Also a note to ADMIN will it be correct to post up each debt separately in the relevant forums? Thx most debts are catalogue 3 credit cards and 1 bank account MM
  21. Hi all I have been dealing with this old ladies debts for 5 months, when I sent in a CCA request 17/01/2014 this was not forthcoming, a letter was sent in requesting them to write off the debt off, due to being uncollectable due to no spare money,Also a complaint was sent in last week for failing to supply the requested CCA. I was very surprised to have a letter back so soon, stating a zero balance was now due. This is the quickest that I have ever known a DCA to do as much so all in all just 3 letters for this debt and success in record time.. The DCA was Robinson Way.
  22. Hi There, I had a JD Williams account in 2006 I cleared it the following year (07) before I moved house since then they have sent me threatening letters both from them and debt collectionicon agencies claiming that I still owe them money. My account was online and I didn't sign a CCA I believe that they acquired my new address illegally contrary to the data protection act I have written to them informing them that I cleared my account and to point out that they have acquired my new address illegally but they continue to send the letters. This has gone through several DCA's and is now with Cahoot they sent me a letter today informing me that they are going to pass the debt onto MacKenzie Hall DCA. Given that the debt was incurred in 07 it is now statute barred and I receive a letter on average every 3-4 months which I just ignore. I am wondering if I should use the template on this forum for statute barred debts and write to Cahoot reminding them that the debt is statue barred or should I just ignore it as these people seems very good at ignoring such reminders and requests for CCA's. Just to reiterate my J.D. Williams account was online and I never signed a CCA. What do people think I should do? Regards Mac_fan_2010
  23. Hello Everyone, I have a very old catalogue debt, I don't know the exact date of opening it, but I would say maybe 2006/2007. I only ordered a small number of goods, then paid it off, but then for some reason stopped paying. In 2010 I was getting letters regarding it, so I CCA'd them in June 2010. I have a vague recollection that they send me a blank credit agreement form and said they didn't have mine, but it would be like this. After that I don't think I did anything with it (stupid me). I have a default on my credit report from May 2010 for this, and the amount is for over £600. I find the amount strange too, as I'm almost sure i only ordered 2 things, so I believe the debt to be under £80. Now I am getting letters again, and now a letter from Drysden Fairfax. What is my first step, do you suggest I SAR them, or CCA them (again) or can I send a SAR request and a CCA at the same time, or does that contradict the CCA (i.e. not acknowledging the debt) Thank you for your help everyone!
  24. Hi wonder if someone could please advise. I have Lowell chasing me for a catalogue debt. according to my noodle report lowells are now the owner of the debt. they are saying that the start date of account was 12/4 2008 and the default was 12/07/2011 now I know this account was opened before april 2008 and I stopped paying round about dec 2008 when me and my partner separated and I was ill and couldnt work. the debt they are saying is for 2,058. I am now a pensioner living on my own and only get my pension no savings and in rented accomodation. I have recieved anoother letter from them today saying if i don't pay £30 a month in the next two weeks they will start litigation I am willing to pay them a £1 a month but don't think they will accept it after what I have read about them. is there anything I can do many thanks in advance.
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