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  1. Name of the Claimant Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd Date of issue – 07/01/2019 date to acknowledge 25/01/2019 date to submit defence – 08/02/2019 Particulars of Claim 1.The claim is for the sum of £310, due by the defendant under an agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974, for a SD account. An account with reference of …… 2.The defendant failed to maintain contractual payments required by the agreement and a default notice was served under s.87(1)under the consumer credit act 1974. Which has not been complied with. 3.The debt was legally assigned to the claimant on 27.01.2017, notice of which has been given to the defendant. 4.The claim includes statutory interest under s.69 of the county courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of the issue of these proceedings the sum of £26 the claimant claims the sum of £340 Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol) ?NO What is the total value of the claim? £420 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or catalogue or mobile phone account? Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after April 2007 ? After Is the debt showing on your credit reference files (Experian/Equifax /Etc...) yes to lowell Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? redundant What was the date of your last payment? cant remember will see if its on bank statemewnt Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a dmp - Yes and no ….......... received a claim form yesterday, have acknowledged service. just about to do letters to creditor and solicitors will keep you all updated as i go
  2. Hi CarTrader89, have you had any luck in sorting out this situation with copart I also purchased a Australian import from copart and I myself is in the same dilemma as you, I’m thinking about taking them to court
  3. Hi all I hope that somebody an assist with a money claim online against FedEx. It concerns a package that was mailed by my wife and I from the UK to India. It contained life saving medicine for our cat. Unfortunately it was delayed –FedEx admits liability for the delay – and it meant that the medicine was no longer viable. It was specially packaged in insulated wool with ice packs which kept it temperature controlled for 72 hours. FedEx have refunded the £177 that we paid them for carriage but we have had to pay another £207 for the medicine (its original cost) plus another £50 or so for the packaging for the medicine. We submitted the claim and FedEx asked for extended time. We then received a letter from a paralegal from TNT stating that their conditions of carriage meant they were not liable. I’ve attached the letter here. When I sent the claim, FedEx had not at that point refunded all of the original order but they have now. The letter is attached. Fedex had to reply by 29th May. What I’m puzzled about is that this letter is not recorded on my money claim online dashboard but seems to be trying to warn me off continuing with the claim. I have a couple of questions: 1.) Can I ignore this letter and just see whether FedEx will actually dispute the claim and go to court to contest or just pay up? 2.) If it goes to court, does anybody agree that the conditions of carriage are unreasonable exclusion clauses and that just because they said they are not liable does not mean that the court will agree. I stated that the cat medicine was £207 in the original FedEx order. I just want to be put back to my original position. I have letters from the vet saying that the medicine is no longer viable plus a letter from the drug company stating what would happen to the medicine if it ceased to be temperature controlled 3.) Do I need to provide a power of attorney for my wife? Thanks in advance for any advice – basically – should I continue the claim or is it unlikely to succeed? NB: Some interesting caselaw here: https://openjurist.org/917/f2d/1119/hampton-hampton-v-federal-express-corporation
  4. Hi, i'm looking for some advice on where I stand with regards to a vehicle purchased at a online Copart Auction please. The vehicle was advertised as Unrecorded and in the additional information stated that it was an import, it has never been UK registered, additional charges may apply to register in the UK and it's history cannot be guaranteed. There was no mention of where the vehicle was imported from, so was extremely difficult to trace back any history. I purchased the vehicle believing it to be a UK car, it was right hand drive and sold through a UK company. It was only when I had paid and sent a driver to collect the car that I realised it wasn't a UK car. Not only this, but the damage was much worse than photographed on the website, someone had basically polished a turd. I accepted this and cracked on and repaired the vehicle. The retail of the car here in England was £42,000 and after its repair I have around £40,000 in it. Because the speedometer was in Kilometres, I then had to order brand new clocks before the vehicle would pass an IVA Test, these were on backorder and took 4 months to arrive. Speedo arrived, the vehicle was completed and passed through its IVA Test with no issues. From here is where I tried to register the vehicle with DVLA. I was told by them this would take 10 days and after 6 weeks of waiting I finally received a response from them to the tune of... We have been liaising with Australian Authorities and the vehicle was a statutory write off, because of this we cannot issue a logbook under it's original VIN number. It must have a replacement VIN number and be on Q Plates because of a it's questionable history. I looked into this more now I knew where the vehicle was from and a Statutory Write Off in Australia means "A statutory write-off is too badly damaged to be repaired to a standard that is safe for road use. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is recorded as a statutory write-off, and the vehicle is not allowed to be registered. These vehicles are only suitable for use as parts or scrap metal." - What's known in the UK at a Category B vehicle. These are worth around 10% of a cars retail value as they should never be allowed on the road again - only dismantled for parts and crushed. I have since spoken to Copart who have told me that because the vehicle has never been registered in the UK, that the car is "Unrecorded" and they have not misrepresented it on the advert. They have said they will look into the documentation and come back to me. I was looking to get opinions on this. As I have £40,000 in a vehicle which is worth around £8,000 as a breaker and probably £15,000 - £18,000 as a vehicle with "Q Plates". Not only this, but I am now concerned for my safety as it's been deemed unsafe by an assessor previously. Copart are saying the vehicle is unrecorded, yet I have a certificate confirming it is, although not in the UK. What has happened here is a [problem]mer has purchased the vehicle in Australia as a parts only vehicle, exported it to the UK then sold it as an unrecorded right hand drive vehicle for maximum profit. Surely Copart should have done the due diligence before advertising this car as unrecorded? I have been told international titles will confirm if the vehicle is for destruction or not - something Copart will have asked for before making the vehicle available for auction. Any advice and thoughts would be appreciated.
  5. Hoping someone can help. I recently bought a car from a trade seller for my daughter after seeing an advert on FB. I went and viewed the vehicle, and I asked the seller some specific questions, one of which was "has the car ever been written off?" (I have a witness who was with me when the questions were asked). The seller said it hadn't and I also got a friend who is a car dealer to do a full HPI check, which came back clean. The seller said that he hadn't received the log book (V5) back from DVLA and that we would have to apply for it. Nothing untoward with that. I purchased the car and it's now registered in my daughter's name. However, when the log book came back from DVLA it had the dreaded this car has been salvaged having sustained structural damage and repaired, ie it's a Cat C or Cat S meaning that its value is greatly reduced. We paid £2900 for the car and it's worth around £2000. I have written to the seller and asked to cancel the contract under the misrepresentation act 1967 as I believe I had been deliberately misled when the seller stated it wasn't written off. I have given the seller 14 days to respond. The seller is leaning on the fact that when he sold be the car it was HPI clear. I have said I will take it to court. It seems there's a loophole whereby once the car is declared a write-off the insurers keep the log book but the HPI data isn't updated until the new owner applies for the log book from DVLA. I strongly suspect that he knows that the HPI doesn't get updated and therefore he can sell the car 'clean'. My question is am I taking him to court using the correct legislation? ie (Misrepresentation Act 1967. I am wondering whether I should be using Consumer Protection regulations against mis-selling but I'm not sure. Any advice is appreciated. Nick
  6. Name of the Claimant ? Cabot Date of issue –31/01/2017 What is the claim for –. 1.The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendent(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and JD Williams Ltd. Dated on or about Dec 20 2014 and assigned to the claimant on July 06 2016. What is the value of the claim? 900.34 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? after 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Cabot Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? not sure Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? dont think so Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? ? no Why did you cease payments? financial difficulty What was the date of your last payment? july 2015 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? no Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? no Hi, i acknowledged the claim on line and sent out a CCA to Cabot and a CPR 31.14 to Restons and i have never had a reply yet from anyone. the deadline for the defence is this sat i believe so i will need to get it in by 4pm friday? Any idea what i could put in the defence please.
  7. Hello I'm looking for some advice please with reference to the below:- Name of the Claimant ? Capquest Date of issue: 18/11/2016 > Defence filed for SB 06/12/2016 What is the claim for: 1.The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant under a contract between the defendant and [Retailer] dated on Mar 13 2002 and assigned to the claimant on Feb 12 2010. Default balance £1867.74 31/10/2016. What is the value of the claim: £2052.74 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account: Cat Debt / Store Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007: Before Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim: Capquest Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment: Unsure, have recently received letters from Capquest Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor: Unsure, possibly as it was a long time ago. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year: I don't believe so. Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties & personal problems What was the date of your last payment? Late 2008 to the OC, 2012 to Capquest [i think]. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? I stopped making payments and the debt has now been sold on. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Please see below. I received the claim form last month, did some homework [although perhaps not thorough enough] and believed that this was SB. I registered on MCOL, submitted my defense for SB as to the best of my knowledge I believed it was. However, my memory isn't what it used to be unfortunately and things are currently very unsettled at work so I'm not thinking straight. I received a letter from the court saying that the defence had been forwarded to Capquest, then I received a letter yesterday from Capquest stating that they believed it wasn't SB because their client last receievd a payment from me in August 2012, therefore I should withdraw my defence as I've not provided the last payment date, I do not appear to be disputing the the balance, and I'm invitied to withdraw my defence in the next 14 days and complete and return the admission form. I tried to sleep on this last night and ended up searching an old email account and found a communication I sent to Capquest in early 2012 disputing what was showing on my credit file. I must have been making regular payments for just over 12 months, yet this was not reflected on my credit file and I must have emailed them to ask them to correct this. As per my email I must have believed the balance was just over £1000 yet it was showing way over £2000 which I'm guessing is not what we had agreed as part of the payment plan, hence my email to them. I've scoured this mailbox but cannot find a reply from them. I know that later that year I was made redundant twice in a very short space of time [last in, first out] and that will be why I didn't keep up with payment plan as I was out of work for a while but then took a substantial pay cut just to get back into work. There is no mention of Capquest or the retailer on Noodle. I'm now at a loss and I don't want to make the situation any worse. I honestly believed it was SB but have since discovered that it isn't and feel terrible for making that mistake. I haven't submitted any CCA, CPR, SAR, etc. I'm just looking for some sound advice please.
  8. Hi, We bought a 2003 Fiesta in November 2014 (last year) from a car dealer in Warrington for £1500. We didn't do any checks as we felt that it was unnecessary from a dealer (We now know this to have been a mistake and should have done checks), however we did ask if there was anything historical about the car that we should know about, they said there wasn't. Fast forward to today, we've come to trade in this car as a part exchange and they've informed us that it was a Category D write off, and would only offer £150 for it. We've now run a check on it ourselves and this is true. Do we have any recourse against the dealer in Warrington? Since we'd asked about it's history, and they didn't tell us this information, have they mislead us? What course of action should/can we take? There seems to be conflicting reports from similar situations around the internet ranging from them being told to take them to court, to them not having any rights at all. If we would have known that it was a write off, we'd have never bought the car. Over the Course of the last 12 months we've spent over £1000 on repairs for the car (yes - fully admit that it was a bad purchase, all things considered), are we able to claim any of that back as well as the price paid for the car, given we wouldn't have bought the car if we knew the full story? Just a little bit confused on what our options (if any) are? Thanks in advance to anyone that can advise.
  9. I received a court letter a few days ago from Lowells solicitors for a court summons for a dept that is over six years old. the last time i paid anything was in 2008, what should i do?
  10. a quick question.. ...I can't find a link for the 'account in dispute' letter. ....I've a debt going back to 2010 with JD williams that Lowells bought last year it's mainly made up of late payment £12 fees and over credit limit £12 fees.. ...Lowells solicitos have now sent me a 'letter of claim' to commence court proceedings... ...I sent a CCA request back in september last year, but received a generic set of T&C's and a copy of a credit agreement that has my details filled in, but not my handwriting and no sig ....I feel it best to put the account in dispute for the time being to give me some breathing space but can't find the template. ...can anyone help?.....thanks
  11. johnb123

    Cat c - help!!

    Hi, My car was involved in an accident when it was parked at the side of the road. Everything has went through insurance fine but the car was wrote off with the category C. The car was only damaged on the back doors. All I need to do is replace the back doors I have decided to buy the car back from the insurers and I have to pick the car up tomorrow. Am I allowed to drive this car from the insurance depot to my home to start getting this car fixed. It shows online that it is taxed and Mot'd. Thanks
  12. Can anybody explain what might have occured? Is the seller a shady Sam who hasn't disclosed this information? Is the HPI input wrong? 27th February 2014 - Registration Of Bike. 25th December 2013 - Written Off, Cat C.
  13. Hi All, Need some advice, I'm contesting a Cat 6 CIFAS marker on my file by NatWest History In 2012, i was the victim of fraud, which involved fraudulent cheques being paid into my account, then cashed out. I contested this fraud to Natwest, however they rejected my appeal; I escalated this to the Financial Ombudsman, however they sided with Natwest. Now I tried apply for a credit card with my bank (Barclays) but was turned down; this prompted me to investigate (currently have a Credit Expert score of 991 and earn £50k+) as I should have met the criteria. Upon investigating, I found out that NatWest have placed a Cat 6 - Third Party Fraud marker on my file. I've contested this with Natwest, however they believe this marker 'is a true reflection of my credit file'. I'm currently in discussions with the Obudsman regarding this; I either want this marker removed or changed to 'Facility Takeover'. I would love any tips or advice from anyone on how I can deal with this or how I can get the FO to side with me. (p.s. I'm not contesting the fraud as I can't contest this again, this matter wasn't in my original complaint in 2012 as I wasn't aware of it) This marker is casuing me major issues as I'm unable to apply for credit or open new accounts, so the mortgage I wanted to apply for this year is offer the table. Thank you in advance for your help
  14. Hello, my wife has received a claim form from Shoosmiths on behalf of Cabot. We have been away visiting relatives and only got back Sat and the issue date was the 7th July. I quickly acknowledged the claim on sat 23rd. Has she run out of time to handle the claim. Details are below: Name of the Claimant ? Cabot financial Date of issue 7th July 2016 What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? The particulars: 1. The claimant claims the sum of £668.85 being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and JD Williams led (Jacomo) and assigned to the claimant on the 17/02/2016 Notice of which has been provided to the defendant. 2. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served. Pursuant to the consumer credit act 1974. 3. The claimant has complied, as far as necessary, with pre-action conduct practice direction. What is the value of the claim? £668.85 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? was in 2010 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Cabot issued the claim Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? no Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? I don't think so. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? None Why did you cease payments? Finance problems What was the date of your last payment? 11/02/2016 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No Actually I've just checked on noddle and the last payment on the account was made on 11/02/2016.
  15. Hi so June last year I part exchanged my motor bike at a local small garage/dealer it is meant to be a mark 1 Triumph speed triple 1994 I have had one or two people ask me how genuine it is as some parts look wrong so I did a hpi check it turns out it has had a colour change and was a cat c write off in 2005 it seems bikes don't need a vic check or is recorded on the V5. the dealer never told me it had been a write off I paid £600 plus my Kawasaki ZZR600 I would never have brought it if I had known and I believe the dealer should have told me. would I be in the right to ask for a refund I would be asking for around £1600 what do you think ?
  16. This story appeared on Scoop today. http://www.inquisitr.com/1690876/if-you-dont-pay-tax-in-russia-the-bailiffs-will-seize-your-cat-miaow/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+google%2FyDYq+%28The+Inquisitr+-+News%29 The story bring back the stark reminder that taking family pets was indeed part of the initial proposal from MOJ way back in 2006. Thank goodness it was rejected in this country (but is still used in some foreign countries). I remember complaining at the time that such a proposal would result in aggressive action as we brits are by and large pet lovers.
  17. Hi all - I am new to these forums and am desperately seeking advice as to whether I can take a complaint with a local emergency vet further. I am beyond devastated at the moment - I suffer with anxiety and depression which has worsened since I lost my beloved 4 year old cat. I got my cat shortly after my Mum was diagnosed with cancer and he was a great comfort to me, especially after my Mum passed away in 2011 - I believe that my cat, Jasper saved me after I lost my Mum - he was so loving and affectionate (am crying as I type this). Jasper was insured, fully vaccinated, micro-chipped, neutered, well looked after and ate better quality food that I do(!) Below are details of what happened to Jasper and the stress and upset that came about afterwards (all of this information was provided in an email to the principal vet at the clinic, the RSVS and head office of the emergency vets) After being pushed from pillar to post and told by staff members to speak to other staff members and furthermore, being lied to, I felt that I had no choice but to involve head office/RSVS. 26th August - ginger cat was taken into emergency vets - later found out that 2 ginger cats had been taken in, one of which was also microchipped and from a different area and the owners had been to collect the body which was DOA. 1st September - After advertising my cat as missing via Facebook, information came to light regarding a cat being taken into the vets surgery matching the description of my cat. My partner, that evening went to the vets and was told that it was a different cat that had been taken in. 4th September - My partner and I spoke to a lady who had taken a ginger cat into the local emergency vets - matching the description of my cat and which was found in the outside area of where I live. Following posters put up advertising Jasper as lost, I later received a phone call from a lady who also took the cat to the vets with the other lady. Having told both ladies that the vets only had one cat taken in that night from another area, I believe one of them phoned up to enquire about the cat that they had bought in. 5th Septermber - I went into the vets where the emergency vets operate from in the hope of gaining some information but was told that I needed to contact the emergency vets directly - I was however told that a ginger cat (the one from a different area) had been taken in the same night (26th August) as my cat. There was no information in the book regarding Jasper but information was written down about the other cat (which I have seen for myself) 9th September - At 9.20pm I phoned the emergency vets as advised by the receptionist at the practice where they work from (out of hours) and was told that there was no record of my cat being taken in. I asked if any cat had been taken in that evening and was told a definite no - (this is an obvious lie as I know for a fact that my cat and another ginger was taken in that night) After this, and my building frustration I did a websearch of my cats microchip details and found that information on him had been logged with Pet Log - my partner phoned Pet Log and we were told that a phone call had been made regarding my cat on 26th August at 10.51pm and we were given the name of the person who made the call and where the call was made from (the emergency vets where the 2 ladies had taken Jasper). In relation to Jaspers microchip, on 30th August (4 days after a call was made to Pet Log) I contacted the microchipping company to register Jasper as lost and was told that they had no information on him but would contact me if anything came to light (I have heard nothing from them). Also, all of mine and my cats details were up to date on the system Following this information we returned to the vets clinic with little success, only to be told to return the following evening when the person who made the call would be working. I enquired as to why information on animals is not stored digitally and why there is no record of my cat being taken in, but it was still denied that my cat had even been there. (I find it baffling that in this day and age, computers aren't used to store details of animals which come into vet clinics in the situation that Jasper was). I asked one of the nurses if she could check cold storage to see if my cat could be in there but he wasn't and she was adamant about this (I also showed the nurse a picture of Jasper who was a ginger cat) Furthermore, on an earlier visit I was told that animals are kept in cold storage until the owners are contacted, or for 7 days (often longer) - as my partner visited the clinic to enquire about my cat on 1st September, this was not a week therefore, if Jasper had been in cold storage he should have been returned. The following evening (12 September), my partner and I again returned to the clinic to speak to the lady who had made the call to Pet Log, with my cats microchip details. After waiting a while to speak to her we were taken into a room and given no further information - the only thing to come out of it was that she was the only person out of all the staff at the clinic to admit that 2 ginger cats had been taken in on the evening of 26th August. I asked where my cat was and she said that she was unsure and it would be best to speak to the people who were working that night, one of whom I believe was the nurse who checked cold storage. We were told that they would look into the situation and contact us but we heard nothing. We were also told that we would be given the names of the staff working that night but were but this was not done. My partner phoned the emergency vets head office (10th Septermber at 5.36pm) to take this matter further and were told that they would get back to us - this never happened. I myself also emailed head office and had no response at all. In 2012, Jasper required emergency treatment and was taken into the emergency vets and I couldn't fault the care he was given which makes me wonder if they are only interested in animals when there is money involved. Following the email that I sent (I have condensed it down a bit and removed names etc), I had a standard email from the RSVS saying that I could fill in a form, although they had all of the details that they required. I heard nothing from the principal vet at the emergency vets surgery - when I last phoned the vets I was told to contact the principal vet by letter or email - I did enquire as to why I couldn't speak over the phone or in person but was fobbed off. A few days after sending the emails I had a response from head office asking if I could provide contact details of the 2 ladies who found my cat and took him in to the emergency vets - fortunately one of the ladies was forthcoming (I think the other has moved as the house has a sold sign outside), so I emailed back with the details of the person and was informed that an investigation would take place. As this email was sent at the beginning of October, I had come to the conclusion that Jasper had died but couldn't fully accept it or move on until I knew for sure. On Friday 31st October, I received an email - the email came from head office but was written (typed) by the principal vet with her findings on the situation. Although, as I say, I had come to the conclusion that Jasper had passed away it was still a shock when it was confirmed. The letter was extremely apologetic but some of the issues that I raised were not even answered. Moreover, the email in parts pointed the blame at my partner (for apparantly giving the wrong date that Jasper was taken in to the vets which is wrong and his daughter was with him who can confirm that this is untrue). They have also put blame on the microchipping company for not being able to get my details after Jasper was scanned and blame on me for not making sure his details were up to date (which they were as I rang the microchip company after he went missing). What upset me the most is that the email stated that Jasper was sent for cremation on 29th September - almost a month after he arrived at the clinic, and during which time I phone them/went into the clinic - even asking a nurse to check cold storage. According to the email this was due to "human error". I am beyond devastated - I had suspected initially that Jasper had been cremated and they were trying to cover it up and I said in my first email that, if that was the case I would prefer honesty. But the fact that he was at the clinic and all staff knew about Jasper (from the amount of times I visited/contacted them, they were all aware that I was looking for him). I never got a chance to say goodbye to my best friend - I wasn't there at the end and I would have liked to have had him cremated (on his own) so that I could keep the ashes. The vet did apologise in the email and offered as a "goodwill gesture" to pay for a memorial for Jasper. I have yet to reply to the email because I am so upset (crying as I type this). As a result of everything that has happened, I have been unable to stay at my flat where I have lived for 6 years. My partner lives a few miles away so I have been staying with him but whenever I need to go back to my flat I end up getting extremely upset because my flat has a lot of Jaspers things in there (3 beds(!!) a box of toys etc). It has also had a significant impact on my ongoing depression/anxiety. I don't know what else to type - I just wondered if anyone had any advice? Losing an animal is heartbreaking but to then be denied the chance to say goodbye is horrible. I said in my initial email that I wouldn't want anyone else to go through what I have and the last email I received stated that they have now changed their "procedures" - to be honest I find most of what they say to be untrue. Over the 2 months where I was contacting this practice (which operates emergency out of hours service in many different practices) I did some research and found a lot to be not great in terms of service provided/cost etc. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated - and apologies for the lengthy post
  18. hi I haven't been on the forums for a while just over 18 months ago my dad became ill and I took on the role as his full time carer I carried on using studio in that time as I needed to buy xmas presents etc as I was only on carers allowance a couple of months back my farther passed away and at the time I was paying about £75 a month now since the end of November they have increased the repayments to 10% and my repayment has almost doubled I managed to pay the full £134 last month but as I am now of carers allowance and on job seekers I cant afford to pay the full amount this month which is due on the 17th jan. has anyone had dealings with this company as it looks like I will have to ring and tell them I cant pay the full amount each month ive been with them over 3 yrs and have never missed or had a late payment I am really worried about this as xmas has been harsh for me without my parents does anyone have any advice with dealing with them... many thanks
  19. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/05/14/cat-saves-boy-from-vicious-dog-attack
  20. Hi, I have sent a CCA to Lowells as they are chasing me for a cat debt, I have been paying a small amount each month direct to catalogue, even while paying this they sold the debt to Lowells, or though I have not received a notice of assignment. I have now received a recon credit agreement, it has my name and address on the top, but no signature, date or account number on any of the pages. I have read lots of threads and my conclusion is that it does not matter if they have a recon copy of the agreement, and signature. The amount is for 870, I am just going to send letter reclaiming the charges back of 225 to the cat company. I am not trying to get out of paying this, I would just rather carry on paying the catologue company direct and not to Lowells. Can anyone advise me differently Thanks for any replies B
  21. We have just taken in a rescue cat, had him castrated, jabbed and chipped. He's stopped spraying, but he has a bad habit of trying to hump every thing in sight, the wife, the dog, the sofa, the other cat (who's male). Can anyone suggest a remedy?
  22. Hi i was told to come here by a relative for some advice, im sorry my first post is requesting help. Ive recently recieved an eviction notice from the court. on the house ive lived in for the past 4 years, it states we are being evicted due to a breach of my tenancy agreement. i phoned my letting agent up and asked him why i was being evicted. to which they replied i breached it by decorating the front room, and there was some steel drainpipes on my drive (6) as i did not have the means to take them away at the time as they were left by a friend. Also another thing they have stated is there is damage to the front door. The front door is a UVPC door which has never closed properley since we moved in as it catches on the top part of the lock so you sort of have to slam it. however one of the times we had to slam it shut in the bad weather we had a few months ago one of the 2 panes(which are sandwiched) on the door smashed. it was the pane of glass that blocked people looking in so the only pane now is a clear one that looks right into the house. As for the decorating, i only decorated the front room due to the wall paper peeling and the fact i have 3 children and lived here 4 years so obviously its going to get damaged and scuffed. However every person who has visited my property has complimented how well done the decorating is and better than what was originally there. i believe the reason they are being like is is due to the fact most the houses on my culd-i-sac are rented and recently the value of the rentals has gone up however ours stayed the same, and i feel i'm being made a scape goat just so the owner and the agents can earn more cash. since living here ive paid for the boiler to be repaired twice myself, as every time i report a repair it gets ignored and i'm not having my kids going cold. i told them the conservatory leaks and i had to turn the power off in there as it trips the electrics. the front door isn't working properly(they ignored and then glass broke), the cooker which is built into the units doesn't work properly. the kitchen cupboards falling apart, split bath panel and also bath leaking into dining room , you can actually see the outline of my bath on the dining room ceiling. funny thing is in the garage since we moved in, has had a area boarded off with a padlocked door which only the owner of the house has access to, which contains tools and diy stuff, however all that stuff so close and they still dont do repairs. even tho i pay rent for the whole house and i act as a storage locker for the owners stuff. i dont now what to do. how long by law do i have to get out, and if that time passes and i havent got anywhere do i get an extension as i don't want to be on the streets with the kids. thank you for listening to my rant
  23. It's true. I'm sat listening to Emily Smith's new album and reading the threads on this forum and in he runs like something not right and then crouches in front of the wall unit, wiggles his bum then jumps up and the next thing he's got something in his mouth with legs waggling about and then it's gone. Is this normal behaviour for a 10 year old cat? Apart from that did you notice the reference to Emily Smith? have a listen, she's fantastic. Now I've got your attention, People of a certain age have memories of groups, singers, "pop stars" from their "youth" and have favourite tracks etc. but what is the absolute top record of your life? never mind your top ten, try to think of the top album that you could listen to again and again after say 20 years. Mine would be "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" by Genesis, but close behind is "Graceland", Paul Simon and "Ziggy Stardust ", David Bowie. So if you have any advice about insect eating cats or if you agree about Emily Smith being absolutely brilliant let me know. Also, what is the "album of your life'"
  24. Hi, hope you could shed some light on the matter? I have recently bought a car (1992 modern classic) off ebay sold as 'spares or repair' with no mot & sorn since 2005. Since owning the car i noticed it has had a replacement front bumper and bonnet (car blue but replacement panels mentioned before being painted were red), i only noticed whilst sorting out the expected niggles ie commissioning/servicing etc). The car did come with a v5 (which has been completed/signed and sent off) keeping the green new owner slip, now waiting for new V5. After noticing the change of panels this made me do a car check and it came back as a cat C in 1997. The car did not come with any past mot certs etc only apart from V5 mentioned and has got a few old tax discs in the windscreen upto the year 2005 (so obviously has been driven after 1997 upto 2005). I havnt received the full V5 yet (only been 2 1/2 wks) and have not mot'd or taxed it yet. I was waiting for the new V5 to come through the door before doing anything else. So my main query is with the dates(yrs) i have given and the car showing it has been taxed up to 2005 and the cat c being issued in 1997 does this mean its had a VIC check and if not/or so will i need to have another one done????? I didnt check on the V5 when i was filling in my details to see iif it was recorded as a cat c ( i know silly but never been in this situation before and not that bothered as the car was cheap but a useable car that seems to drive spot on (on private land of course Forgot to mention the car did come with an temp export cert as the car was driven in switzerland for about 10 mnths before returning back to the uk in the year 2001. Car was put into storage due to family bereavement in 2005. All your thoughts and help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
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