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  1. Looks like this MP could do with help from CAG: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-46316184
  2. Hi All, Not sure if this is the correct forum, I have a somewhat difficult situation I am contending with. in summary; I had a lease vehicle; prior to the end of the lease arrangement I arranged the inspection (Thurs 15th March 2018) and collection (Sat 17th March) with British Car Auctions (BCA) in accordance with what I had to do (inspection within 7 days of collection and end of contract). BCA failed to turn up (i took the day off off work!)! I called BCA who advised that they had made a mistake and schedule my inspection and collection for the incorrect dates. They advised management would contact me and they would rearrange. I received no contact. I repeatedly called to rearrange as I was aware I was now out of my contract date (phoned Audi to advise of situation). Was unable to get a response. Monday 19th March BCA turn up at my front door at 7:45am unannounced to collect the car. I advise that it has not been inspected and the collection date was 17th. Two collection agents then sat in my living room for approximately 2 hours trying to get through to their head office to check if they could collect the vehicle. Eventually advised that they could not, and went on their way advising BCA would contact me to rearrange. Fast forward several weeks of trying to arrange the collection and inspection and fit with BCA's availability and I mange to arrange inspection and collection (difficult as I work away for long periods of time and they have limited availability). Car was inspected Tuesday 17th April (another half day annual leave) and collected Friday 20th (half day annual leave). I have now received an invoice from Audi for the additional rental. I have spoken to Audi via telephone who agreed that this is BCA's error and they should cover the invoice, however Audi are still invoicing me as it is my contract! Audi have tied to contact a manager at BCA and also ha zero success. I am going down the formal complaint route and any tips on acts, cases, precedents or what I should include / not include in the letter would be gratefully appreciated. My first thought was to list it chronologically as above. I can go through phone records if required and list every call made and received (all via my mobile). I would like the invoice covering by BCA, and if possible compensation for the annual leave taken whilst waiting for their failed inspection and collection. Also, to add to this. I queried if I should even be responsible for this complaint as I did not employ BCA, Audi did.(my original complaint was to Audi) They advised that they are satisfied that the complaint against Audi has been resolved and I need to pay the bill and try to recover the costs from BCA. Please help!!
  3. Hello all, Had to guess as to the best place to put this as a bit of an odd case this: A year or more ago I took out Income Protection Insurance with Trent services. On May the 3rd 2018 I was told -totally out of the blue- that I was to be made redundant. Last week I received a letter from Trent services saying they were going into administration but a new company was taking over from May the 9th so I needn't worry. The issue is that my "incident date" as they call it, is six days prior to that and therefore, although my claim is legitimate, it can't be/won't be paid. The old company has no money to pay it. The no one won't accept responsibility and my employers can't change the date of my redundancy because of potential audit repercussions. This puts me in a pretty dangerous situation as I have only just committed to a new mortgage (two hours prior to redundancy!) Is there anything I can do? Thanks all Ali
  4. Hi, would appreciate any advice regarding the situation of a relative who is a single Mother. She had an outstanding housing benefit overpayment which was being repaid monthly over a payment plan for the last few years. At the beginning of this year the council got in touch to say that they needed to increase the amount paid each month; following a review of her income and expenditure a significantly higher amount was agreed to be paid which she has paid without fail. The council also stated that they would review the payment plan after 3 months, however they sent a letter 4 months later with a means statement saying she needed to respond within 10 days. She was out of town and didn't see the letter until she returned 11 days after it was dated; she called the council who said that they have now passed the debt onto a debt recovery agency and she has to deal directly with them and that there is nothing they can do now. She is now very worried and has been sent letters by the debt collection agency. I think the councils behaviour is unfair and unacceptable, she has always made the payments agreed and was compliant with the agreed payment plan, they sent the means review later than they had indicated but are punishing her by handing her over to debt collectors because she did not respond to their late letter within 10 days. Does any one have any advice as to how she should deal with the council and the debt collectors? She is willing to repay the debt within her means and doesn't think it is fair to have to deal with bailiffs and risk losing her possessions or work to their aggressive repayment plans.
  5. My new fridge freezer was due for delivery yesterday, but the delivery guy said that he noticed that it was broken as he was about to take it off the van. He said that he would order another one and that it would be delivered today. However, this morning I recieved a phone call from currys saying that this new Samsung freedge freezer is also damaged and that they will order another one, and that they will deliver this on Friday. I told them that the fridge freezer that I was supposed to get yesterday was broken, to which they said that this one is also broken. I have to say that I do not believe them, but said that this was okay, but if they fail to deliver on Friday then I will cancel. The only reason I did not cancel today is that John Lewis does not have any Samsung fridge freezers of the same type and price in stock, but this is not giving me any confidence in currys. I am also lucky in that I am on sickness benefits or else I would have had to take three days off work.
  6. At the beginning of February I went to Grand Canaria for a winter break . The problem was I forgot one of my prescription medications. My son immediately packed the missing medication ( a control for high blood pressure ) in a jiffy bag and went to local post office and asked for quickest method to get the package to me , telling the clerk exactly what was in the package . The Post Office counter clerk suggested Parcel Force Global Express for the sum of £47 ( for a small jiffy bag ! ) He duly filled in the dispatch form clearly marking it “medication “ The package was accepted , and the clerk said the package should arrive in 48 hrs ( posted on Monday , arriving Wednesday morning ) At no time was any mention made of possible delays due to customs etc . Following tracking ,I saw the package arrive at the “clearance depot “ Wednesday morning , and there it sat , until it was eventually delivered to the hotel the following Monday , whilst I might add still showing in transit ,even when we arrived home a week later , it was still in transit ! though I had possession of the package As you might expect we submitted a claim for refund , and as you might expect it was refused . Citing , A/ Medication excluded B/ not their fault , customs delay The only time medication is mentioned in exclusions , is under perishable goods , the medication has a shelf life of over 2 years . I repeat , no mention was made of any possible delay due to customs and content of package Simply , do I send a LBA , giving them ie Parcel Force AND their agent the Post Office 14 days to cough up , or without further reference to them , go to small claims procedure ?
  7. One in three nursing homes in England 'fail safety' READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-40499567
  8. That's right, our lovely DWP and JCP who want you to get back in to employment but when it comes to the crunch are unwilling to help you when you need a little bit of help and this set you up to FAIL! As you know I am on UC, I lost £95.00pm when moved from ESA and HB so am struggling. I have been applying for work but getting nowhere my work coach (work coach LOL) says to me "try registering with agencies and seeing if they can help" ... OK, I email a few agencies and I geta reply from Hays and speak with them on the phone about my work history and background etc. They tell me that they may have a few openings and would like to meet me - fine, train fare to town return is £9.40. As I am on UC almost £10 means a lot of food shopping and it is an amount that I can hardly 'lose' at the moment given my financial circumstances. I email my 'work coach' and say I have arranged an appt with the agency and I would like to claim my fare back. Guess what? DWP WON'T PAY IT as it is not an actual interview just registration. So I say "if I want interviews I need to register so I am on their books" - the answer (like a robot) "No we cannot pay your fare" Fine, end of story, appointment cancelled - you want to know why I have not been doing as you say and seeing agencies? BECAUSE YOU (DWP) ARE NOT HELPING ME AT ALL WHEN I AM TRYING TO BE PROACTIVE FINDING WORK!!!! What part of I am on UC and struggle with rent/food do you not understand? Want me back in work and off UC then HELP ME WITH A LOUSY TRAIN FARE! Angry? Yeah, expected this? Yeah ... DWP ... no help at all, just keep cutting peoples money and offering no help at all. Pathetic.
  9. Hi, Looking for some advice. I had a medical assessment now I got 0 points. I understand I can claim JSA and do a mandatory reconsideration, however the JSA claim online states you must not have received ESA within 1 calendar month? So, must I wait 1 whole month before applying? Thanks.
  10. Hope some of you kind people can help The Situation: Last November my wifes BMW 1 series (worth about 5k) had a strange rattling sound coming from the engine. Did some research, spoke to a few people inluding a mechanic who did a quick check and thought it was probably the timing chain. Unfortunately on these cars it is metal and BMW never thought they would fail and the only way of changing it is to remove the engine. All quotes coming in around £1200 - £1400 Spoke to a colleague at work which is 80 miles away who has a BMW and recommended a BMW Specialist that he uses and has been honest in the past. His quote come in at approx £1350, speak to the wife and decide to use them even though they are 80 miles away. During the work he says the oil pump drive chain is also shot and needs changing at an extra £100 or so which I tell him to do. He also told me all parts were guaranteed Get the car back beginning of Dec and all was fine for 3 weeks and then just before Christmas my wife was on a dual carriageway to work and she said the oil light came on and the engine sounded horrible like a bag of nails. She immediately pulled over and and luckily I was only 1/2 a mile behind her so I pulled up we called the AA and basically the AA chap said it was very bad and could tow to a garage or home. We decided to get it towed home as they said it would be a few hours for a recovery vehicle to take it all the way to the garage. The next day I went into the garage and told the owner what had happened and he seemed ok and said he could not do anything until he had looked at it which is fair enough. This was right before Christmas so I could not get it back to him at that time. Rang him last Tuesday and said when can I get it recovered to him and got the feeling he wasnt too keen to have it back but still said he needs to look. After that conversation I decided to get a local BMW specialist to have a look and at least tell me if its fixable. My dilemma now The engine is completely knackered and probably 2.5k for a replacement and fitting To properly diagnose what has caused the issue will be to remove the engine at approx £500 Cost of transportation to the original garage is £200 I understand that things can go wrong and it could be unrelated but we have never had any engine/oil problems with that car which we have owned for 4 years but I am sure this is something that has happened as a result of the work completed. Do I get a full report and diagnosis done at £500 and then towed back to the garage for a further £200 Do I just send it back even though I know the engine is now completely shot and they say it is nothing related to their work Do I write it off and swallow the loss. I really hate the fact that I have just paid this garage £1500 and they have probably caused me to lose a further £4000 from the value of the car. Just not sure what to do, car is currently sitting at the local grage. Help
  11. More slack journalism and inaccurate comments... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-3215274/I-turned-moment-looking-change-parking-attendants-pounced-Join-fightback-beat-parking-penalty.html
  12. I sent a subject access request form to buy as you view last year, after discovering that I had been paying for the following insurances: All sorted EPS A viewing guarantee (£136 has since been refunded because I had never purchased a TV with BAYV). I thought that I had recieved all of the information that was requested. After numerous emails to the company I have found out that they had failed to produce a telephone call log from 2012 and also a recorded telephone conversation in which it is implied that I asked specificaly asked for these insurances for the hp goods. I did no such thing. They have since sent me the call log in which I discovered that they lied about what was said in the conversation and they even lied about the name of the person who I spoke to! They have also conveniently lost the call recordings. I was just wondering if its against the law to fail to produce information that was requested in the SAR as I believe that the reason why some of the information was missing is because it would prove that they are liars. Thanks for your help.
  13. This story appeared on Scoop today. http://www.inquisitr.com/1690876/if-you-dont-pay-tax-in-russia-the-bailiffs-will-seize-your-cat-miaow/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+google%2FyDYq+%28The+Inquisitr+-+News%29 The story bring back the stark reminder that taking family pets was indeed part of the initial proposal from MOJ way back in 2006. Thank goodness it was rejected in this country (but is still used in some foreign countries). I remember complaining at the time that such a proposal would result in aggressive action as we brits are by and large pet lovers.
  14. Hi folks, On 9th January I received a letter from the DVLA accusing me of failing to notify them that I had sold my motorbike and demanding a £55 out of court settlement. I replied stating that I had notified them on the day of sale and completed the attached statement. I have now received a second letter demanding £35 before 20/02/15 or the cost will go up to £55. If I haven't paid by 27/02/15 they say they will take me to court. I know I am in the right and I'm perfectly happy to argue this in court as the law is on my side. I'm a police officer so giving evidence in court is nothing new to me I would like to stop this before it reaches court if possible and if not then I want to be as prepared as possible to beat this DVLA issue. I get the feeling that DVLA will send increasingly threatening letters and then drop the case at the doors of the courtroom. Would people advise just ignoring the DVLAs letter and waiting for the court summons or has anyone been successful in stopping this before it gets that far?
  15. Hi, I paid the deposit on a car a few days ago from a dealer and was told there would be no MOT done on it as it had aa long time to run on the current one. I asked them to put 12 months on anyway and paid an extra £30 for it. I was due to collect the car today but have been told it failed the MOT on tyres, pads and discs. I'm assuming they are under obligation to supply a roadworthy car so I'm not going to see these items added to my bill when I go to pay the balance?
  16. Hi all, I will provide the edited version here - any advice wold be greatly appreciated. ATOS agreed to provide a taxi to take me from my house to their Medical assessment, and return me home again afterwards. This was as a result of medical evidence provided by my GP. On the day of the appointment I was to be ready 1 hour before my appointment, when the taxi would pick me up. It was a journey of around 25 miles. No taxi arrived. No phone call from ATOS. I called ATOS who told me that my file had been marked "Failed to attend" and sent back to the DWP. No explanation was forthcoming for them not providing the taxi they said they would. It's out of their hands now. I received a form today from the DWP asking for my reasons for not attending, and making it quite clear that my benefits are at risk if I don't have a reason that they define acceptable. I suspect that there are alarmingly few acceptable reasons, irrespective of what they are. I have written a 4 page letter detailing every aspect of my involvement with atos, including them not providing the transport, which is the main thing. The whole thing is ridiculous. How on earth can my benefits be at risk because ATOS didn't fill their part of the bargain? I'm quite concerned about this.
  17. The media still do not tell the truth about what these tickets really are... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2686815/12-fold-surge-parking-ticket-appeals-just-two-years-More-600-drivers-week-contesting-fines-10-000-penalties-quashed.html
  18. I run a local work club where I help people with IT problems such as setting up email accounts, UJM accounts, CV building, basic Maths and English etc (voluntarily) and we had a new person arrive today in tears. It was his first time signing on and in his own words has no idea about computers, never used one, doesn't know how to turn one on etc. After calming him down and telling him I was there to help he told me on his very first visit to the JCP that unless he has an email account set up, UJM set up and a CV printed and saved he would 'be liable to sanction' Bear in mind he has no skills IT wise and only very basic English and Maths skills and no PC access he would not have a clue how to do any of this and would have risked no benefit money and an automatic sanction on his second visit. I told him that the JCP adviser was a bit extreme and as long as you initially show evidence of what you are doing to find work the email account, UJM and CV can be done in the coming weeks. He said he would do this to his adviser but the adviser, or coach or whatever they are called this week said it has to be done by his 9am appointment on 25th. Luckily he used his common sense and found the work club and I was able to do it all for him this morning BUT me doing it doesn't solve the problem, he needs help and training to do it himself especially if using UJM and email regularly. In my opinion the adviser/coach has set him up to fail at his first hurdle. He then told me the adviser/coach wants to see evidence this had been done so I printed a copy of his CV, noted his email address and password on paper and his UJM gateway code and advised him not to show his password to the adviser/coach. He also said he has to tick the authorisation on UJM, I said "leave it unticked, it is not mandatory for you to let them have access" but I wondered should I have done this to save him aggro - if he gets pulled on it I will fight his case for him. All in all, as the title says, I think he has been set up to fail from the start. In other news, unemployment is down, funny that being the summer season, but now that is over let's see the next set of figures - oh, and what about the thousands moving to ESA from JSA?
  19. A close friend did not get enough points on an ESA ATOS medical in April 2013. She put in appeal forms on time, along with all the medical evidence she could. She had leg and foot issues causing mobility problems, severe gastric problems and PTSD. She got her first tribunal date on 7th January. She got all worked up, went along and found the DWP hadn't sent anyone. She was told the tribunal would be adjourned. In the intervening months she has had many hospital appointments, started specialist psychotherapy for the PTSD which has mentally made things worse, had a gastroscopy confirming her stomach issues as well as finding more issues. She has had an MRI and knee surgery and now been diagnosed with further issues requiring treatment and probably further surgery. All of these things she has supplied info and evidence to the DWP and tribunals service. Today she went for another tribunal only to be told the DWP had once again not attended. The two people on the tribunal said there were over 300 pages of evidence in her case and they couldn't read them all. They have adjourned this again. As you can imagine, my friend is now in a right state. She has turned up twice hoping to resolve this and just been sent off again. She has not been able to get any help with this appeal from her local council welfare rights who say they are too busy, though they have helped her claim PIP. She was awarded low/standard rate mobility for this, though she has been told to appeal as she only need another couple of points and they have made blatant mistakes on the medical decision. Is there anything she can do? If she hadn't turned up they can make a decision against her, but the DWP haven't turned up twice- with no reason given. Every time she has sent them more evidence, the DWP have just sent back a standard letter saying they have looked again at the decision and will not change it. How can they just get away with doing this to a blatantly ill person? It's worse than ever and she is cracking with the strain.
  20. Hello, I was hoping for a little advise regarding a PPI claim against Barclaycard from any experts on these matters. The current status is that the Financial Ombudsman Service found in our favour and recommended to Barclaycard that our claim should be fully upheld and reimbursed accordingly. The basis of our claim was that Barclaycard were guilty of systematic selling of our PPI, they had implied our application for the card would be more successful should we take it out, a familiar and well established tactic. Barclaycard however have rejected the FOS initial findings and appealed against the FOS decision. The reason Barclaycard cite is that along with the application for the card comprehensive information regarding the PPI was included within a leaflet in the application package. We asked Barclaycard to produce a copy of this leaflet, they said they cannot due to passing of time. That is where we are currently. I was hoping someone could advise what is likely to happen next: 1. Are the FOS likely to change their mind? 2. Will the FOS make a final decision which Barclaycard cannot challenge? Thanks, Charlie
  21. Hi all, After struggling for months to obtain amounts associated to six different PPI products with HSBC, I am after some advise. The first thing is, do I treat each of these as individual claims, or can I combine as one claim for the total amount? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hi, I entered into an IVA in August 2007. Approx £40k was involved. I defaulted and emigrated in August 2008. I have now returned and am looking for a rented property, so need to pass the credit check before a tenancy agreement. I have had no contact with creditors or the IVA company since August 2008. Am I right in thinking that in one more year the debts contained in the IVA will be statute barred? Rather than wait for that year to pass, would it be better to write and ask for legal copies of the original credit agreements in the hope that they no longer exist? I'm in a bit of a quandary so any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  23. Hi, my fixed penalty notice says fail to comply with direction indicated by green arrow traffic sign, £75 + 3 points. The police officer that stopped me after the turn asked if I knew why I was stopped, I said no , he mentioned the arrow , I apologised to him and explained that I genuinely missed the sign and thought it was a normal green light , it wasn't my area of driving and i was following the traffic until that turn, there was a lot traffic, but unfortunately the officer still issued the ticket. Could anyone advise how to contest this penalty ? Cheers
  24. Hello guys, I am looking for a bit of advice. I have read quite a few threads here and my problem seems to be quite a frequent one, however I think I have a unique circumstance which may change the outcome so I felt I needed to make my own thread. today I received a letter in the post from a company called 'Collectica enforcement services' stating that they have been instructed by 'South East London' to execute the warrant with immediate effect, the amount due is almost £400 for the offence of 'Vehicle - Fail to Notify of alteration to particul' (I assume it means particular and was cut off). There is no other information on this letter, no registration number, no date of the offence, nothing. I have contacted the company and they informed me that it was the DVLA for the reason stated. I asked for more information on this matter such as time and registration number and she told me that she would email the client and get back to me at some point today. (I assume it was my last vehicle which was a motorbike and sold over 7 months ago) I was living with my parents at Address A, I had the bike at this point, then they split and I moved to my Mums address B and lived there with the bike for about 6 months, then moved to my girlfriends house at address C and was there for around another 8 months but I sold the bike around 6 months into living there. I am now at address D with my father. I completely forgot to tell the DVLA my new address and its still set as Address A (all my insurance for the bike etc was changed over). this is where all of the fine letters have gone to and obviously I have not seen them. Apparently it was taken to court on the 2nd Sept and I was found guilty obviously because I didn't attend. When I sold the bike it was put into my friends name by myself and then he sold it for me. He definitely sent off all of the log books because I was with him when he did it. do I have a leg to stand on at all guys? I know I'm in the wrong for not changing my address is there anything I can do. As a student this £400 is going to kill me. Thanks for any help guys I really appreciate it. Any more information you need please let me know.
  25. Hi, Yet more grief with the above company. This is more of a warning to you than asking advice. A stolen car hit my van which was a write off. I made a claim then decided to withdraw claim and use the MIB. Now before i ceased the claim i have been getting unsolicted calls from ambulance chaser company's. The only people who knew about the accident were the Police and the insurance company. I written a letter of complaint to Swinton head office in Manchester saying why have they passed my personal information on with out my consent and breaching the data protection act. This is the response they give word for word.(main juicy bits) I write further to your complaint received on the 25 September 2013 regarding the number of calls that you say you have recently received from Third Parties, who attempted to discuss any claims that you may have had. You believe that you are receiving these as a result of Swinton passing on your data to these Third Parties. The investigation has included discussions, with external suppliers and business partners who manage our customers claims on our behalf. As a result of these discussions it has come to light that there has been a breach of data, not only in respect of our customers but other companies as well. I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that the breach is limited to claims details and is not as a result of any action by Swinton. I can confirm that this breach of data is in the process of being further investigated by the relevant authorities. In view of this i am unable to provide any further information at present. However, once concluded letters will be provided to those affected by this. I advise the information Commissioner is aware of this matter. That's the ins and outs of the letter. So just be on your guard with this company. Also there chasing me for cancellation charges on my insurance but im playing the i want answers to this debarkle first so i suggest you freeze the charges or write them off as a goodwill gesture. There passing the buck it seems and i firmly believe its there cock up and not a business partner of Swinton. Now why would the under writers want to get involved selling information seems to baffle me to. Can't be that much to be made from it and the risks out weight the results. Thats just my opinion. If this is in wrong thread please move and sorry in advance. Michael
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