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  1. I Phoned up to change the seats on the flight on Friday night, only to find out the hotel we'd booked into 16 months ago (and requested special assistance a few days later because they were not open when the holiday was booked) is not suitable for those with walking difficulties (nor is anywhere in cap salou apparently) I was open about my disability from the first call and that of my children but wasn't told about the resort or hotel (I'd asked for 14 nights all inclusive but left the resort open to Thomas Cook while explaning I have sever walking issues) I received a phone call back offering Furturaventura a week earlier but my wife has never flow before and is really panicked so a 4.5hr flight isn't an option, also our kids zone out with theme parks and that's how they escape, hence Salou being a good fit. I'm awaiting a call back as I then asked for a hire car to be provided to us for our stay, if Thomas Cook refuse this, there is nowhere else for us to go and we're really stuck, I can't walk more than 10 meters I use crutches and wheelchair etc, so where would I stand about getting a full refund without being deducted anything? We're under 60 days out now, not that a full refund would help with such a short amount of time left. Sorry I appreciate its long one but my head is in a spin we could only afford this holiday as a one off because of my health etc and now stand to lose everything.
  2. I signed a 12 month Fixed Term tenancy in April 2015, no deposit was taken by the landlord. Since then I have had no further tenancy agreement so have been on a Periodic tenancy. The landlord has now requested a deposit but offered no new Fixed Term contract (not that I want one). Can he request a deposit during a Periodic tenancy or would it have to be as part of a new Fixed Term ?
  3. What with advice changing from that given a year or so ago, I thought I would just ask a couple of questions regarding a recent private parking charge. a charge was sent to the registered keeper of a car parked on council owned land that had a private parking firm (Premier Park Ltd) enforcing access to a site by way of APNR system. The driver has to access said site to gain entry to the work place, and had been using the site for several months whilst the ANPR was active, without any charges at all. Driver was led to believe the car was registered on the system by his employer, but in fact wasn't. Although when employer was approached, the car was immediately registered. This was too late obviously to avoid the one off PCN, even though the car was parked prior to and after the PCN issued. Employer insisted to ignore all letters from the parking firm, and consequently the registered keeper (who wasn't the driver) is a few months down the chain with increasing charges applied against them. No appeal at all has been made (taking the employers advice quite literally) Advice also from other drivers on same site that have also received PCN's from the same private firm, have said they totally ignored all letters, and after several months, the letters stopped coming. In this case, the keeper has had a couple of debt collector letters demanding payment, and also suggesting if payment is not received or failure to acknowledge the letters, it will result in a solicitor stepping in and court action following. So the question are:... Can you ignore a letter implying court action is imminent ? , and what would be the consequences of ignoring this? Is court the only way to settle this now? Would the keeper (who wasn't the driver) have to go to court, or can the driver go instead? Is it now too late to appeal anyway? (The appeal I guess would go to the Parking firm, not the debt collector) Others have suggested a letter accompanied with a cheque to cover the original charge could be sent, explaining the extra charges added to the original fine are excessive, and the enclosed cheque is sent with the understanding that the charge is now dropped, and no further letters are to be sent..... etc etc But does that actually work? Also, cheques and letters in the post all take time, so could overlap yet another demand with yet higher costs en-route to the keeper. Which would take priority so to speak? Any advice is greatly appreciated.... Thanks
  4. letter received from good old carpquest, those selfless souls (I think an 'r' needs adding to the start of that word for them) who are toiling thanklessly away on behalf of their [heavily connected] client, Erudio [arrows], in relation to a claim for student loans. Following a number of 'you owe this amount, please contact us' style letters, this latest letter seems more decisive regarding potential court proceedings by Erudio. Which is why I need a little help: ====> NOTE: Is it possible to add the original letter text here for only admin to see? ====> Is this the 'next level' of scare tactics? Or is it close enough to a 'letter before action' to start making definite court defence preparations right now? Because rather than using words like 'may' or 'might', the letter states: "If we do not receive contact from you...our client will be instructing a solicitor to commence court proceedings..." "...should no contact be forthcoming...your account will be passed to our clients' solicitors..." As Erudio has already stated that this account is dealt with by capquest, then are those words as good as coming from Erudio itself? Of potential note though is that the requested action stated in the letter is based upon 'contact' and to 'engage' with them - not in 'making payment' to them. Just as background to this particular situation: I didn't continue with deferment once the government sold on the loans to these Erudio. Instead I refused to acknowledge the loan (in writing) along with a CCA request. The (eventual) paperwork I received merely showed that any original documentation was poorly micro-fiched, incomplete, and partly illegible. The rest was, of course, 'reconstituted' for the purposes of the CCA. Following that I have not responded in any shape or form, other than to receive their letters of default, phishing letters, and 'passed on to caquest' notices. I'm not in panic mode or anything, as I decided to see things through this way - whatever the outcome - when refusing to acknowledge Erudio's dubious acquisition of loans in the first place. But any advice on what options/steps to take next in this situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time (and apologies for anything not made clear enough). PS: What's the best way to add content from the letter itself (if required) for limited viewing?
  5. Hi all This one's a worrying departure from companies generally steering clear of taking people to court for old/possibly dead debts - Hoist Portfolio Limited (HPH2 Ltd) have had a CCJ issued on me for a years old debt that may be statute barred. *If* it is the debt I am thinking it is, it is from an old bank account and is an amalgamated loan, overdraft and credit card debt that I had when leaving them after I lost my job and became very ill. I had already made several years repayments on it while it was in the black, but then became unable to continue and had to default. I sought advice from CCCS and established I could not afford to pay them any more than a token £1 a month payment. Some time later, my father came into some money and kindly offered to settle it for me. I also had another debt so he divided the money up in a percentage between the two as advised by CCCS. The other company happily took the offer, this bank declined. He made them a second offer. They declined. We explained I was in ill health and would never be able to pay it back in full so they really should accept the offer as it was all they were likely to get and the offer would not be on the table forever etc. They declined. I am afraid I do not know the dates of any of this, only that it is several years ago now. I wrote to them asking them to correspond with my father not me as I was in poor health and could not reply in a timely manner. Several other companies bought the debt, my father made the first two or three the same offer, they all declined, we did not hear anything for about two years. Enter Hoist. They have decided 1) not to contact my father but myself and consequently I do not have most of their letters as 2) they also have the wrong address on their letters, the address of the 'main' building I live in, not the actual address so I have not been getting them. The first letter I did get was one from the court telling me they had issued a CCJ against me! immediately confirmed it was real and contacted CCCS (now Stepchange) who advised me to write to the court asking for motion to put aside, which I did and also sent a CCA request to them, which they returned with the postal order and no documents. still do not have the documents (August). the hearing to set aside is on Thursday, which I just found out, since they are STILL sending the letters - including the court - to the wrong address! made it quite clear in my reply they needed to address the letters properly for them to get to me. was not aware that there would be a hearing to decide if we were to have a hearing. presumed the judge would look through the letter I sent and decide. After digging through the junk mail, found a letter from Hoist, who said they will not 'challenge' this hearing to set aside, which is very nice of them, as long as I started making payments. They still did not enclose the documents I requested. the hearing is on Thursday am I was wondering if there was anything I should know/bear in mind from other people who have done this. My defence is 1) sent to the wrong address 2) asked to correspond with my father due to my ill health and have ignored request 3) they have added interest to the debt when I was told 'once it is amalgamated interest and fees can no longer be applied, so that's one good thing about this'. 4) the debt may be statute barred 5) I have asked to see original docs and they have ignored request 6) if this is the debt I think it is - my Dad made several offers which they declined, and he explained that they could either take it or nothing, and they declined. So...well... 7) it may not even be a real debt or mine - I need to see the docs, which they have not sent. My name is actually very common, it is not completely impossible. I guess I go there on Thursday in my best suit and go through those things? It is really having a terrible effect on my already terrible health and I am so fed up with the whole thing. I believe we have tried our best to come up with a solution and it is not my fault that I became ill and unable to pay. Our offer was fair and certainly, for a debt co who probably bought it for 15 per cent or whatever, I do not understand why they have chosen this route rather than the money. Thank you all in advance for your help. These forums are literally life-saving. xxx
  6. Hi all Nearly 6 months ago my Father in Law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The Palliative Care team at his Hospital immediately requested that the council fit a level access shower in his council flat. 4 months later, his wife had heard nothing so rang the Council up. Was told that the adjudication Panel had rejected the request! The next day his daughter phoned to plead with them to reconsider. They immediately phoned back to say they had granted the application. No reason was given for the refusal or the reconsideration. She was phoned in August to say they would start work on shower on the following Monday. They never turned up. No reason was given. He passed away mid-September. The shower was never fitted. For the last few months of his life he refused to leave the flat because he was worried that he smelled. This despite his wife washing him frequently using cloths and bowls of soapy water. I have registered a formal complaint and I'm awaiting the response. I have had a phone call from the Director of Adult Social Care who apologised but refused to provide any explanation. He told me to register a formal complaint if I felt his apology wasn't sufficient. I have made FOI request for the minutes of the Panel meetings. However, I am now considering legal action to seek financial compensation for his wife. Would she have a case and if so, how would I go about it?
  7. Name of the Claimant ? PRA Group (UK) Limited Date of issue – 05 Sep 2016 Date to submit defence = 07/10 (33 days in total) - What is the claim for – 1.The claimant claims the sum of 19,000 for debt and interest. 2.On 18/07/05 the defendant entered into an agreement with HSBC Bank plc for an overdraft under reference xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 3.On 30/6/06 the defendant defaulted on the agreement with an outstanding balance of 24,500. 4.On 25/09/07 the debt of 24,500 assigned to Aktiv Kapital Portfolio AS, Oslo, Zug Branch, who itself assigned the debt to PRA Group (UK) Ltd on 31/12/14. Notices of assignment were sent to the defendant in accordance with S136 Law of Property Act 1925. Payments of 324.00 received up to 30/08/13 5.AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1. The sum of 15,000 2. Statutory interest pursuant to section 69 of the County Court Act 1984 at a rate of 8.00% per annum from 30/08/13 to 02/09/16 3669 and thereafter at a daily rate of 3.34 until judgment or sooner payment. What is the value of the claim? 19,866 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? OD/LOAN The particulars of the claim section states it is an overdraft. This is incorrect; no overdraft was held for more than £100. A joint loan was defaulted with HSBC for a similar amount at that time though. When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Before. It was 2005 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. PRA group Were you aware the account had been assigned –did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Possibly. Most debt related letters destroyed years ago. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Probably but unsure. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Don't know. Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties. What was the date of your last payment? 30/08/13 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Yes. We tried to enter into an IVA but not all of the creditors agreed and it never started. Additional info Is there a way to reduce the amount of this claim, or stop it altogether? If not, what would be the minimum amount you'd suggest offering as a monthly payment? any help gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Hello, I'm new here and looking for help if possible. I was claiming tax credits as part of a couple with my husband until June 2015 when he left the family home. We had decided to separate with a view to divorcing and had put the house on the market, as soon as he actually moved out I rang tax credits to inform them. I should point out here that my husband DID NOT WORK and had not been working at any point during the claim period (one of the reasons for our separation). I was the sole earner and continued to be when he left. He never paid me any maintenance as he had no income. Our previous mortgage was in joint names but I bought a new home for myself and our children in my name and my husband signed over the equity from the previous property during the sale as I had always paid the mortgage during our marriage anyway. I moved house in August 2015, all bills were in my name etc. In November 2015 I had a nervous breakdown and went on long term sick leave from work. I was struggling to cope with the children alone. My mum moved in to help me but was working full time. Eventually in January 2016 my husband came to stay for a fortnight to help and finally secured a job for himself as I needed to leave work indefinitely due to my health. I therefore agreed that he should move back in to the family home and I asked him to ring tax credits to inform them. Tax credits said we would need to end the single claim and begin a joint claim which we did (the same week he moved back in). The joint claim has been active since. I have now received a letter from concentrix stating they think another adult lives with me and I needed to send a long list of documents, which confused me. I called up to speak to someone who was disinterested, didn't even take my personal details or look at my individual case and told me that it would only concern the period of the single claim (June 2015- January 2016) so I should send documents for this period. We had sold the house when my husband left in June and I had bought a new home on my own, therefore we did not change any of the bills at that time (June-August). The mortgage was joint (and could not be changed), the electricity and gas were in his name. I did call them to ask if I could start a new account in my name and was told that I couldn't as there were big arrears on his account (which I hadn't known about). I just left it as the house move was imminent and I did not want to take on that debt as my own! I cannot provide a bill as they were in his name and he no longer has them (although he could ask for copies). The water bill was in joint names until I moved too. As soon as I moved here in August everything was in my name only but as my husband had no fixed address he had given the electricity/gas company this address to send correspondence about the money still owed. The account was no longer live, it was just arrears, but I wonder if this triggered their 'investigation.' Either that or the fact he earned some money between Feb and April this year when he hadn't been earning previously (but we were on a joint claim then anyway). I can provide bank statements (although i have no idea how these prove anything), as well as utilities bills and council tax bill from this house from August onwards etc and they should clearly be able to see that my husband did not change his bank account or driving license address or regsister on the electoral roll until he moved back in. I suppose what I'm wondering is: Do I send a covering letter explaining all of this and hope for the best? If I leave out any of the evidence but explain why, will they refuse to look at my case? If they decide that they are not happy with the evidence for any period, what happens next? Can they stop the current joint claim based on this investigation as it is a separate claim and we are in financial hardship on a low income? If they decide that in their view, the claim should still have been joint even when we lived apart because we were married and eventually reconciled, would they demand back ALL the money they paid me between june and January or would it be the difference between what they would have paid for a joint or single claim? (which would be nothing anyway!) What is frustrating is that until February 2016, my husband did not have any income so I did not financially benefit in any way from the single claim as the single persons element is the same as the couples element anyway. It would make no sense for me to have fraudulently claimed as a single person because there was no benefit to me. I've read horror stories about this company. If they tried to claim back the entire amount I was paid simply based on their own 'assumption', I wouldn't be able to backdate the joint claim so could they really insist I pay back 8 months of money that they know I would still have been entitled to either way? I am worried sick, I am still being treated for depression and anxiety and receiving counselling and I feel guilty when I've done nothing wrong, and terrified of sending them my bank statements so they can analyse everything I ever spent. Some friends have told me to refuse to send bank statements as they are personal but I'm worried that if I don't, they will punish me. There is nothing on my bank statements relating to my husband, no payments between us or anything else, but I just feel horrible about them rifling through my private financial affairs that way and worried because my mum has put money into my account for me to help me towards the bills, is she allowed to help me that way?
  9. I sent a subject access request form to buy as you view last year, after discovering that I had been paying for the following insurances: All sorted EPS A viewing guarantee (£136 has since been refunded because I had never purchased a TV with BAYV). I thought that I had recieved all of the information that was requested. After numerous emails to the company I have found out that they had failed to produce a telephone call log from 2012 and also a recorded telephone conversation in which it is implied that I asked specificaly asked for these insurances for the hp goods. I did no such thing. They have since sent me the call log in which I discovered that they lied about what was said in the conversation and they even lied about the name of the person who I spoke to! They have also conveniently lost the call recordings. I was just wondering if its against the law to fail to produce information that was requested in the SAR as I believe that the reason why some of the information was missing is because it would prove that they are liars. Thanks for your help.
  10. So they sent me a court form today from Northampton, I've already cca'd them and they admit they don't have it, what's my next move, the court form came after the CCA was acknowledged as not being present, it may be a cross over but I dont want to ignore it. What should I do next? Acknowledge service? Or defend.
  11. Hoping some can help.... I sent off a CCA request back in January 2011 to Santander and so far they have never sent any of the requested documents through. It's now been 2 years since I have received any letter from Santander/debt collectors but today I have received a debt collection letter from Robinson Way. Does this mean I have to start the CCA request all over again? Is there a letter I can send them? Surely they can't just ignore my request and each time send it to a new debt collectors? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  12. I submitted a MCOL to recover my deposit from a Used Car Dealer who refused to refund it, after I found out they lied to me about numerous things regarding the vehicle's condition. My particulars essentially state that when paying the deposit to the dealer prior to the car purchase, the verbal agreement was on the basis that: 1) They did not lie about the car. 2) The car would pass a vehicle inspection. I since found out that they breached (1) and hence the agreement. Before even filing the claim, the dealer actually offered to give me half of my deposit back to begin with, which I happily accepted. A few hours later that same day, they called me to say they changed their mind i.e. deciding to keep the whole deposit, because they now felt that my decision to cancel the car purchase was a "change of heart" decision, furthermore they spent my deposit money preparing the car for me (even though the salesman told me the car was ready to drive away the day I came to see it). When I challenged them to provide me proof of their expenditure, they outright admitted it was "done by a friend" they didn't have any receipts/invoices. It was at this point when I decided to submit a claim via MCOL as they made their position clear and that their decision was final. About a week after they were served, they called me up and we agreed for them to pay me 2/3 of my deposit back, as long as I cancelled the claim first. There was no way I would trust them after going back on their word last time, I said that I will only cancel the claim after the payment has cleared, I also asked them to provide their agreement in writing, which they did. We came to written agreement, and they said they were able to pay me the same day. I monitored my online account, waiting for this to happen, poised to cancel the claim as soon as I saw the money appear. The money never arrived, despite numerous chasers and calls, they kept making promises to pay "later today"/tomorrow, then afterwards kept made excuses for not paying. Yesterday I gave them the final deadline: Pay the agreed amount that day and/or call me to confirm it has happened, or the agreement is off and I will proceed with the claim. They acknowledged my position (I also have a recording of this phone conversation) and promised to call me back by the end of the day regardless of the outcome. Once again, no call nor payment was received. From my perspective it felt that they were just messing me about, and I was out of patience. It just so happened that the defendant had until yesterday to reply to the claim issue, according to the letter the court sent me. I waited until this morning, and submitted a request for Judgement. Upon checking later in the day I noticed that the defendant filed a defence shortly afterwards (the same day!), despite their deadline being yesterday. In the MCOL transaction history it says: In the Judgement panel it says "Requested", and the Claim Status now shows as "Defence". Surely they were too late? I spoke with the defendant a short while afterwards, they made more excuses, and gave me "his word" that they were still happy to pay the 2/3 of my deposit back, assuming I can get the claim cancelled with the court. I'm going to call the MCOL helpline tomorrow, I'm just wondering: Where do I stand? A bar is in place for this claim, despite them filing a defence too late according to the deadline. They are still offering to pay back 2/3 of my deposit.. . does this count as admission to some degree? In the event that they are still just wasting my time with this "offer", is there a chance that the bar will be lifted and their defence be discarded? Does the fact that they filed a defence mean it is now out of both mine and the defendant's hands? Any help/advice would be much appreciated. H
  13. I phoned Barclays fraud department earlier this evening and as part of the security questions I was asked for my name & card number. Then they asked me to use my pinsentry device and give them the code... I have never been asked to do this before ( usually get asked DOB, Mothers maiden name etc) and it concerned me as with my name, card number and the pinsentry code they could have logged in to my barclays online account. Is it usual to be asked for these details or does it sound a bit dodgy? I just hung up and then phoned the number on the back of the card instead in order to get through.
  14. Not long started to claim IS, have been instructed to attend the job center with some information (passport 3 months banks statements etc). Don't mind doing this but I don't like the idea of disclosing what i spend my money on surely I have a right to privacy here Can i redact the personal transactions on the statement and just show the income support payment along with the balance and my details etc? What possible use would they have for my shopping habits etc.....plus what if (and I don't) do not want to disclose certain transactions such as the purchase of adult materials etc ) Just think its very unnecessary and surely they must have to justify why they require such information. Thanks in advance
  15. I have an old lloyds overdraft debt that was in dispute due to charges etc from around 2008. Last I heard was in 2010 when I replied to a DCA stating the account was in dispute and to refer back to original creditor. In Nov 2011 I went abroad (and had heard nothing further by that point) and have been pretty much living abroad ever since apart from the odd visit back to the UK. I just went back to the UK in Feb 2014 and discovered a new DCA had taken over the account and had obtained a CCJ against me in my absence in Jan 2013. After a bit of research I have discovered that “If you are the Claimant and you become aware at any stage that the particulars of a claim may not have reached the Defendant you should apply to set aside any judgment which has been made” Needless to say the particulars of the claim never reached me as I was out of the country. Also - it seems that a court cannot make a judgement against someone whilst they are out of the country. So, I wrote to the solicitors in question requesting that they make the necessary arrangements to have the judgement set aside. They have replied and have asked that I sign the letter I sent them as "they need to be sure they are communicating with the correct person about the account" This is sounding all sorts of alarm bells for me, is there any reason why I shouldn't sign the letter and resend it? (The original was unsigned) Thanks in advance for any advice
  16. This is my first post, so please, bear with me. I've been an Orange customer since they first started and currently have 3 phones on pay-monthly contracts with them (mine, my wifes and my sons). When my sons came up for renewal it was automatically put on to EE. He has an iPhone 4s which he got over a year ago on a 24 month contract. After a couple of months we noticed he was getting billed £5.99 for a 1gig 4g bundle. We queried it and it was explained how it had been requested and applied. My son agreed that he'd done it, so we thought no more of it. These charges stopped for a while, but then mysteriously reappeared on the bills. I contacted EE and they said they'd been requested, but when I asked my son he said he hadn't requested them. Now, I'm not daft, I know he could have been telling porkies, so I took it on the chin. However, the next bill came in and the charges were there again. And here is where I stand now; I have spoken to more than 15 people in EE's laughably titled 'customer care'. I've been promised a call back on 5 separate occasions, none of which I've received (including the one I'm currently waiting for), although technically that's not true. I gave EE my work mobile number and my personal mobile number as contacts. I was making tea one evening and my work phone (which was right next to me) rang once then stopped, so I didn't even have a chance to pick it up, never mind answer it. When I checked the missed calls number it was from EE. I checked my personal phone and it had a missed call as well. They'd rung my personal number and when it started to ring they'd hung up so quickly that the ring tone hadn't even had time to kick in!! But, as far as their records are concerned the phone rang, so it shows that they tried to contact me. I have spent well in excess of 4 hours on the phone trying to find out why I've been charged for something I haven't requested, and basically they keep saying that because I've been charged for it then I must have requested it. My argument is that we haven't requested it, but can't prove it. But EE can't provide me with any evidence that it was requested. No receipts, no data logs, no info what-so-ever. They are adamant that their systems are perfect and can't make this kind of mistake, and one has accused my son of telling lies. I'm at the end of my tether! I get no calls back, no-one will escalate the problem to a higher manager, and most of all I can't find any way to prove we didn't request the data bundles. Everything is weighted in EE's favour. If THEY say we did it, then THEY are right. That's it. Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated as this has been dragging on now for nearly 3 months!
  17. c I have a long running complaint with MBNA, which is stuck in the MBNA interpretative calculations thread. I’m looking on a second opinion on these circumstances. My own complaint is not based on a miss sale but MBNA applying PPI when the original application which I have a copy of stated no to PPI. The communications log I have with MBNA starts in June 2000; PPI was applied from Jan 1999 the start point of the card. I have no recollection of discussing PPI with MBNA other than requests for it to be stopped which they refused unless I paid the card off in full. In my own case I don’t receive any benefit from my claim; it has only been brought on a matter of principle. Any claim belongs to my trustee in bankruptcy, but if MBNA were to pay out using FOS guidelines the amount would have cleared all my unsecured debts plus my mortgage arrears at the time and still l have left a reasonable sum. I took the decision to declare bankruptcy due to MBNA constant harassment and wanting to be able to start living again. If I was aware in 2010 that I had a claim with MBNA that would have cleared all my unsecured debts, then I would have continued to struggle on until it was resolved. Now MBNA have offered to make a payment in goodwill, I had to agree to this in principle before the offer was sent out. . Can I reject the offer of goodwill and ask MBNA how the PPI was applied to an account which did not give authority to do so Even looking at the rather understated offer by MBNA the Credit card would have been paid off in 2009, the extra £130 a month I was paying them would of cleared my mortgage arrears in 6 months at that time. My real question really is if MBNA aren’t going to play by the rules in regard to PPI redress can I take my complaint to a higher authority. Is there a potential to make a claim for consequential losses?
  18. Hi, my nephew wanted to complain about a serious matter on the building site where he works. I told him to ring up and ask for a copy of the grievance policy (as per our Stu007!), he simply asked for a copy to be posted to him and did not discuss what it was about. We wanted to work out if a grievance was the correct way to go. Even before the document arrived in the post he was approached by several people on the site asking him what his grievance was! He's livid, as it was to do with someone using drugs on site, and he wanted this to be dealt with in confidence to start with. He was really concerned about health and safety, and this person can be quite volatile, hence the need for confidentiality from the off. Now he feels he can't say anything, for fear of retaliation from the person concerned, who is already suspicious that the grievance was going to be about him. I feel now that it matters not what the grievance was about; that's not the point, the issue here surely is trust, confidence and confidentiality. Any thoughts? Would this be grounds for a grievance on its own?
  19. Sorry if i'm posting in the wrong place. I looked everywhere. Hoping someone can help. I received an invoice from the council in November 2010 stating I owed £146 for rechargeable repairs to a councill property I left in August 2010. I did not pay it as I was just too broke. Heard absolutely nothing for over 2years then fast forward to April 2013 I receive a demand for payment for £1503 for rechargeable repairs to the property and if I didn't pay within 7 days county court action would commence against me. I emailed the council asking 1) Why has this bill increased so dramatically 2) Why have I not been contacted at all in 2 1/2years for payment. I received an email back from the council informing me that I had not been contacted for this long time frame as it was with another department for collection and the department now sending me the bill has just had it passed to them and as regards to the breakdown of costs she has put my account on hold for 6 weeks so I can be sent a breakdown of where it came from. (No explanation as to why it has increased so dramatically) She CC'd the lady who would be sending me the breakdown. So in 7 days time the 6 weeks will have passed and as of yet I have received no breakdown. Basically I just want to know what my options are? I agree that probably I owe around £146 as I know when I moved out I left my bed there and a door was broken on a kitchen cupboard so I guess I am responsible for that. But what they say it is, £1503 I cant afford that! Also can they just take me to court even though they have not attempted to collect anything or make contact with me for 2 1/2 years? And what if they do not send me the breakdown? Any advice please. Thank You
  20. I requested a SAR from original creditor and have received a letter from them today acknowledging my receipt of £10.00 postal order but stating that the signature I provided does not match the one on their records.I only signed my name in capital letters. I have read through other posts which suggest using my signature but putting crosses through it. Is this correct please as I'm not sure if thy will accept this. Many Thanks
  21. Hi all, I am trying to claim back PPI for a friend of mine which was sold in 1998 but she cannot find any agreement forms etc. I send Clydesdale Bank a cheque for the £10.00 but they have since replied with this letter, can somebody advise what I should do next! DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 - DATA SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We refer to your recent letter (attached) in relation to the above mentioned Act. We must advise that due to the passage of time since closure, we regret we are unable to supply any previous documentation as paperwork has been destroyed in accordance with the fifth data protection principle. Are we wasting out time trying to claim back! Why do they not hold any information when they have just sent a letter from their Solicitors instructing her that she has missed last months payment on the loan. Please help? Thanks Simon
  22. Gents/Ladies, Just dropping a quick post to link a thread to my own up till now an unknown default raised by Vodafone. Going back 5 years I was a customer with VF, like many once it came to renewal I opted to change provider (moved to o2) and forwarded on my notice to cancel prior to this date and followed up with a brief call to let them know. Over the following month or two I received letter stating that they were happy to confirm my renewal, all of which I queried and was told they had not received my previous letter or had any record of my call. As requested I provided details of my new contract and was assured they would backdate the cancellation as per the date of my alternative contract and remove the balance. I heard nothing else and had assumed (1st mistake) that this was the end of it, bringing us up to date, my partner and myself have been looking to purchase a home together and after the stress of hunting to find somewhere suitable for us both, agreed upon a verbal offer. During our application for a mortgage I was continually declined, and upon an Equifax credit search I discovered a default claimed by VF for this account dating back to 2008. Understandibly furious I had no knowledge of this (Previous searches using Experian showed nothing) Unfortunately after several failed attempts to explain this matter to VF staff via the customer helpline to assist in removing this, they were both unable to assist and unable to comprehend the seriousness of this matter, simply stating that I must be mistaken as they are unable to find any record of my account? Feel like I'm going round in circles attempting to speak to a supervisor that is not available to take my calls/unable to pass the call as they have no record of me. Hoping posting here can get some assistance. Have already followed request to VF [#11151054] fingers crossed.
  23. Hi CAGsters, havent needed anyones help for a long time which is great. However now I do Please could you have a look at the attached request received from my employer. In a nutshell we are being told that we have to provide our Driver Licence, MOT & Insurance paperwork for our personal vehicle. We only use our personal vehicle to travel to work, no work is carried out in our vehicle and it is parked in a public carpark on our work premisses. We are teachers and are employed by our local council. They already have a copy of my driving licence for driving a school vehicle, but im not happy that I have to provide my personal MOT and Insurance details. All advice and help is appreciated. REGARDS, Spinster
  24. Hi All I went to the dentist , received treatment , I attempted to pay the fee for treatment by cash I was told the dentist only accepted payment by debit card, I didn't have my card with me. Anyway I said I would call them and make payment by phone which I duly forgot about. I received a couple of letters but thought I'll just pay them next time I go. Today I received a letter from P&J collection services saying I had an outstanding balance of £32.50 the original amount owing was £17.50 , which means they have added on a fee of about 80% . I realise its a small amount but I think this fee is unfair. I queried it with them and they said it was a fee added on for late payment. I looked at some of the other websites that deal with debts for professional people and they say they add the fee on for the client under late payment of commercial debts act 1998. Is this permitted and is the amount right. I couldn't understand the BOE rate + 8% mentioned
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