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Found 10 results

  1. Good Morning, and for those of you that read this, thank you. I am new to the forum as i am running out of options and routes for advice. I took on a lease two years ago and on the 15th July with no notice from my landlord, scaffold and boarding was put around my salon. I was told by the builder that it would be two weeks maximum. We are now on the 11th November and it still continues with updates by me from the builder and still not one word from my landlord. I have lost 80% of my client base and had to get a full time job to tide over my loss of revenue - which has lead the clients that did stay with me to leave because my hours in the salon were not convenient. I have lost approximately 9k in summer revenue and my client base which ultimately IS my business. I have sunk everything i have into the business and it was successful and just starting to really take off. I appreciate that work sometimes needs to be done but can anyone suggest if i have a case to take him to court? For loss of business, inconvenience and loss of revenue? Surely with no notice i have a ground for it .......and in my lease it states a clause of " you are allowed to trade quietly "...i.e no interruptions from your landlord. PLEASE HELP
  2. Hi all, I have a car on finance, which two days ago caught fire and is a write off, can I terminate my contract with the finance company under 'frustration of contract' as the finance company can now no longer supply the use of the vehicle to me under our contract? Just wondered what people's thoughts are on this. Many thanks for all and any replys Moonlandings
  3. Got a bit of an annoying issue with Royal Mail. Will try and keep this as brief as possible. I sent a parcel to friends in Germany containing some baby clothing for which I paid just over four pound to go as a small parcel (airmail). The parcel never arrived and six weeks after sending it out it came back to me, in a clear plastic bag from Royal Mail, my parcel was more or less obliterated, the shipping bag I used was totally shredded with the contents falling out. The address was no longer visible as that part of the mailing bag was totally ripped away. Only my return address was still legible, so it was returned to me by what the enclosed apology letter says was Royal Mail’s lost mail centre. The contents although partly visible / fallen out were still undamaged, just a bit blackened from whatever caused the bag to be destroyed. (A machine ?) I managed to clean the contents (clothing ) but had to pay again to re-send them. I decided to make a claim against Royal Mail for the wasted postage costs for the first attempt to send the parcel. I submitted evidence of the destroyed packing and my proof of posting slip. Royal Mail then requested from me proof of value of the contents as otherwise apparently they couldn’t process my claim. I wrote back to them stating that I managed to salvage the contents and I didn’t have any receipts for the clothing as it wasn’t new and even if it had been I would not have kept the receipts. I couldn’t have anticipated that Royal Mail would destroy the parcel and then asking to see receipts for the contents to be honest. I told them I only wanted a refund for the wasted postage costs as they failed to deliver the parcel to Germany, which is what I paid for. They wrote to me today refusing any compensation / refund, because (I quote) “a postage refund is only available in the event of loss. In the event of damage to an item, we will look to compensate for the damaged iten, but still no potage refund is available.” They apologised for the inconvenience and that was it. I am not happy about this and would still like to pursue this as they charged me for a service they failed to carry out. What are my next options if any ?
  4. I am about to raise a complaint with Kwik Fit relating to a winter service that they did on Dec 23 2014 the subject line says it all will keep this thread updated
  5. Hi, I recently switched a bank account that I'd had for about 14 years because another bank was offering 100 quid to switch. Prior to this I had a 5/5 credit rating (although not sure what the score was). It had been like this for about 8 years. The month after I switched my credit rating went down to 4/5. I assumed this was normal and it will improve however, the next month it changed to 3/5 It has been a long time since I missed a payment, at least 10 years. I've had loads of mobile phone contracts over the years and also have three credit cards and another current account with a bank that I've been with for 20 years and never missed a payment on their overdraft. I have a reasonable amount of credit card credit available to me but at the moment I have no debt whatsoever and it's been a long time since I even had a thousand pounds of debt. Sadly though I started claiming ESA recently and notified both banks of this. Might this be why they've done this? I'm so annoyed. I'm hoping (health permitting) to buy a house in the next couple of years and now that seems to be totally out of my reach although I'm obviously hopeful things will improve in about two years. What do you think is going on? Oh also, the account which I closed I missed about 6 payments in a row in 2004 because I withdrew money from an overdraft and put it in a savings account and didn't realise the overdraft was on my credit file. I'm told that when you close an account, missed payments can stay on your file for 6 years but I thought that applies to payments made in the last six years? Rather than any missed payments that were on the account?
  6. I'll try and make this as brief as possible... Drove my car 90 miles to the office (not a daily commute!), everything absolutely fine and running perfectly, except a minor judder on the front brakes at high speed, which had been going on for some time. As there's a National Tyres branch just down the road, I thought I'd leave it with them to get the brakes checked. Not long after, they phoned to say they'd test driven the car and the car was fine - in particular, nothing wrong with the brakes. I said while they had it, could they give it a minor service - i.e. change oil, plugs, filters, etc. The next thing I know, some hours later, I get a call saying there is a problem - no compression on cylinder 1. I arrive at the garage to find the mechanic with the rocker cover off. He shooes me away into the waiting room "so he can take a proper look". The end result was driving a perfectly running car in, and taking it back home on the back of an AA truck. I then got an engine specialist to recover the car from my house to investigate, which he did first with a borescope, and then removing the head. There is serious damage to the surface of the piston, and the valve is blown out. He's convinced they caused this, almost certainly by dropping a foreign object into the piston. The branch manager at National Tyres refuses to discuss this. He says he "1000% guarantees" they didn't damage the car, and he's "too close to it" to talk about it any further. However, repeated messages to anywhere higher up the chain have been completely ignored. The car is basically a write-off - most cost effective repair is a complete engine replacement, which is more than the car is worth. So I am down for a) cost of replacing car, b) cost of recovery and investigation, c) cost of hire car while replacing car. What's my next move? Given that they refuse to discuss or respond, do I need to go straight to a small claim?
  7. My partner and I have been working hard at paying off debt to get his credit rating up so we can get a mortgage before our second child is born. All was going well, we had paid off around 7k in the last six months, cleared all outstanding debt and his rating had shot up to excellent. Then at the beginning of Nov, we got an unexpected water bill for £600. Part of the reason it was unexpected was because over the past year ourwater bills had suggested that we were in credit. Prior to this, around the time I was expecting our first child, we were going through a rough time financially, and we had run up a large bill and had reached the stage where court papers were issued by YW. We managed to raise the money to pay this off before a CCJ was issued forunately and our account was clear. Then, as mentioned, for about a year afterwards our bills seemed to suggest we were in credit. To be honest, this seemed fairly plausible as we do seem to be paying a lot for water, and we never got round to questioning it. Then in November, we got this huge bill so I phoned up to see what was going on. I was told that this was correct and the situation with the other bills was a known problem after accounts had defaulted badly and then been paid off. The girl on the other end of the phone agreed that it was misleading and it was something they were trying to resolve. She then suggested that we could set up a payment plan for the outstanding balance and the bills going forward to all be rolled into one and go out by direct debit. This sounded really reasonable so we paid £200 there and then towards the outstanding balance, and an £80 direct debit which could be adjusted subject to meter readings. Fast forward to today, and my partner has done a routine check of his credit file and found that Yorkshire Water have been entered as a new account and they have filed a year's worth of missed payments. Needless to say this has had a very detrimental effect on his credit rating, dragging it down from excellent to fair and ruining our chances of a mortgage any time soon. Is there anything we can do to resolve this? What would happen if we paid off the balance and cancelled the payment plan, going back to quarterly bills. It just seems that we've worked so hard to pay off so much debt and get in a position to buy a decent house and now because of this we are right back to square one. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Hi all, I am trying to claim back PPI for a friend of mine which was sold in 1998 but she cannot find any agreement forms etc. I send Clydesdale Bank a cheque for the £10.00 but they have since replied with this letter, can somebody advise what I should do next! DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 - DATA SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We refer to your recent letter (attached) in relation to the above mentioned Act. We must advise that due to the passage of time since closure, we regret we are unable to supply any previous documentation as paperwork has been destroyed in accordance with the fifth data protection principle. Are we wasting out time trying to claim back! Why do they not hold any information when they have just sent a letter from their Solicitors instructing her that she has missed last months payment on the loan. Please help? Thanks Simon
  9. Natwest made the "assumption" that I no longer required the overdraft facility on my business account before attributing to me that I had requested it's removal. They acted on an instruction I never gave, and even wrote to me stating that I made the request to remove the overdraft knowing (and later admitting) that I did not. After realising their mistake they explained that they assumed I gave the request. How can an action be assumed on an instruction that was never given? Surely the bank can only know a request was made or not made, not assume it. Natwest have not given me a satisfactory explanation. My business has been crippled. Money I could have potentially earned has been lost. I estimate my total loss of earnings this year to be £8000. I am now starting to receive default notices on debts amounting to £12,500, which I am no longer in a position to pay. That brings total damages in financial terms to £20,500, and it's all attributable to the action taken by the bank. I have been unable to finance projects I was working on for 2012/1213 and my credit rating has plummeted. I complained to the Financial Ombudsman Service and was shocked when they rejected my complaint. Can anyone advise a way forward? Thank you.
  10. Ok so me and my partner decided to take a lloyds tsb joint current account out before my Son was born this was Octoberish 2011. Now i havent be too great with credit with over drafts and credit cards but this has all been settled now and my credit is well and truly destroyed to be honest but when my partner looked at her credit history earlier this year i was listed as a linked alias on her credit file which brought her credit down from 5/5 to 1/5 When we looked at our links it showed Lloyds TSB Joint Account which has obviously destroyed her credit She rang experian after closing the account 6 months ago and they said once the account is closed my name will be wiped from her report and it should restore back up to what it was 5/5 We have checked now on noddle and its still 1/5 and my name is still plastered on her report which is effecting her credit file She has had a brilliant credit history and this one thing is effecting it how can i get my name removed and her credit restored she has paid a £5500 loan to santander for our car and not missed one payment this has now been settled. A Couch which she has never missed a payment and is paid end of january 2013 Car Insurance - Paid in full all the time Moblile Phone Contract - Paid in full all the time we bought a £800 tv on her credit and a £350 washing machine last year and has been paid in full before the buy now pay later time and still its 1/5 how can we get this sorted quickly as we are looking to rent a house somewhere else soon and they do credit checks
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