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Found 4 results

  1. Can anyone clarify this for me please? A brand new electrical item purchased online from a company showing a UK address with .co.uk website tells me in an email sent invoice (sent the day after purchase and sending) that the item is supplied with a EU plug and one of those plastic white adapters. At no point before this was I aware the company or location was anything other than UK. The item is being dispatched from Netherlands. If you go to their website http://www.bax.co.uk, they never once mention they are not a UK business. Even the postage is listed as Parcelforce, but in reality will be eventually delivered by them but is sent using a company called GLS, which is a Dutch courier. So, am I correct that all items sold in the UK must have a UK plug fitted? The problem I have is that the item I bought is a mic pre-amp. To prevent humming you always use an earth, but in EU cables there is no earth! Anyone know the ins and outs of this one?
  2. I am about to raise a complaint with Kwik Fit relating to a winter service that they did on Dec 23 2014 the subject line says it all will keep this thread updated
  3. I bought a yoghurt maker from amazon UK, It was from Amazon not some one selling on amazon. It is a severin yoghurt Maker with 14 jars. I received it this morning and when opened it I discovered that It had a European 2 pin plug. Not a British standard 3pin plug. And no adapter or any thing was included, so can't use it. No where in description on there website does it state that it comes a euro 2pin plug. Can they legally sell kitchen appliances like this with just a European 2 pin plug. I have searched on Google and came up with this THE PLUGS AND SOCKETS etc. (SAFETY) REGULATIONS 1994 REQUIRES most electrical appliances intended for domestic use to be supplied pre-fitted with a standard 3-pin plug that is independently certificated as complying with British Standard BS1363. There are some exceptions to this such as electric cookers intended to be permanently connected to the main wiring in a house. Items fitted with a non-UK plug (e.g. a 2 pin Europlug) may be supplied provided they have been fitted with an approved 3 pin conversion plug which must enclose the fitted plug and can only be removed with the use of a tool. Should the yoghurt maker have been supplied with just a 2 pin plug and no adapter or any thing. Is there any way to safely use yoghurt maker. My husband says he will cut off 2 pin plug and re wire a 3 pin plug but im not sure about this. As im not sure it would be safe would it and it would void warranty. So if after doing this we plug it in and find machine does not work we would not be able to return it. Is there a adapter that we could buy that would be safe. Should I just return yoghurt maker to Amazon. And If it is illegal to sell such a appliance like this with just 2 pin plug who would I report it to. Is it trading standards. Any advice would be much appreciated thanks in advance
  4. Hello. our 53 plate diesel estate has developed problems. The dashboard light for the glow plus comes on and off as you are driving and limits the acceleration. The engine has (so far) never cut out whilst driving and always starts. Any idea anyone? Many thanks.
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