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  1. Hi All, To keep along story short, we bought a toilet didn't like it so sent it back to victoria plumb through DPD couriers, we have been told the goods were damaged and won't get full refund. Who is liable? Many Thanks.
  2. Hi all, First time posting here but really need some advice. I'm a small business and use DPD regularly for shopping within the UK. I dispatched an order to the EU on DPD classic which has been subsequently lost on transit (also dpd staff have mentioned it being stolen - but nothing has been done about this). A search was conducted and nothing found so they've closed it today and offered £8.78 in liability. The value of the item was declared as £2000 on the customs form so was taken aback with their offer. The t&cs for this specific shipping option states anything lost and damaged within transit would be covered by the supplier with the maximum value being the amount on the declaration so I expected to be reimbursed in full or as close to as possible. My customer is expecting a full refund for all costs which is higher than the declaration so at present I'm likely out of pocket by a vast sum of money. DPD have stated they've closed the case and will offer their liability but no further. I would like to appeal this decision due to their mis leading t&cs. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on what's the best way to go around this? Thanks in advance,
  3. Hi Caggers, We use TNT for delivering our goods on a daily basis in my company and normally they are ok, yes we've had some DiT issues but on the whole they've played ball so no major headaches . . . until now! We sent out 5 parcels containing 14 products in total to our customer in a European country, 9 of which were damaged in transit. Our customer signed for them in the usual 'good condition' and more importantly then didn't contact me for almost 2 weeks before telling me they were DiT's. I put a claim in with TNT based on the 21 day rule but they have now replied quoting; "The Warsaw Convention which is applicable in law, states that a claim for damaged must be recorded within 14 days." I've already served them with a LBA 2 days ago, but i've not come across this Warsaw Convention stuff . . . can anyone please shed some light on this, thanks . . . Stuart
  4. Hope you can help. We have just moved house over the New Year. We hired a removal firm for Thursday 29 December 2016 through a bidding website. I received an e mail from the company saying they would attend after 1 p.m. on that day which I felt a bit late. On the day they came at 4.55 p.m. for a house removal! We got stuck in and starting moving and when it came to our 52 inch TV asked their advice about how to move this, they said use bubble wrap which we found and put round it and the removal men said they would use blankets and they moved the TV . When we unpacked the following evening (Friday) the TV was smashed completely. The company did advertise insurance. I telephoned early Saturday morning to be told, and received an email, that the TV was not in its box, we wrapped it ourselves, we probably broke it ourselves, and we didn't report it in 48 hours (which we did). They are saying its too small an item for insurance but this was a £600 television. Can anyone give advice please I hope I have put this on the correct forum page.
  5. Hi Guys, Please can you help with some legal stuff . . . We use DPD regularly and suffice to say damages do occur, fairly infrequent in all honesty but when they do I expect them to honour the claim. The latest problem was a delivery to our customers customer, 2 boxes full of acrylic display products, these were well packed with bubblewrap, double wall cartons and various void fill to ensure no movement in the box . . . sadly x amount of the products were damaged, photos were taken and I put the claim in . . . Today i've received a knock back on the claim saying the boxes were insufficiently packed therefore that's why the damage has occurred, clearly the customer had removed most of the packaging to inspect the goods on opening! When they photographed the damaged goods in situ they didn't think to replace the bubblewrap of course as you wouldn't be able to see anything but bubblewrap. This is the second knock back i've had and i'm now making a stand against them, please can anyone shed any legal standpoints so I can take this further. Thanks in advance . . .
  6. Got a bit of an annoying issue with Royal Mail. Will try and keep this as brief as possible. I sent a parcel to friends in Germany containing some baby clothing for which I paid just over four pound to go as a small parcel (airmail). The parcel never arrived and six weeks after sending it out it came back to me, in a clear plastic bag from Royal Mail, my parcel was more or less obliterated, the shipping bag I used was totally shredded with the contents falling out. The address was no longer visible as that part of the mailing bag was totally ripped away. Only my return address was still legible, so it was returned to me by what the enclosed apology letter says was Royal Mail’s lost mail centre. The contents although partly visible / fallen out were still undamaged, just a bit blackened from whatever caused the bag to be destroyed. (A machine ?) I managed to clean the contents (clothing ) but had to pay again to re-send them. I decided to make a claim against Royal Mail for the wasted postage costs for the first attempt to send the parcel. I submitted evidence of the destroyed packing and my proof of posting slip. Royal Mail then requested from me proof of value of the contents as otherwise apparently they couldn’t process my claim. I wrote back to them stating that I managed to salvage the contents and I didn’t have any receipts for the clothing as it wasn’t new and even if it had been I would not have kept the receipts. I couldn’t have anticipated that Royal Mail would destroy the parcel and then asking to see receipts for the contents to be honest. I told them I only wanted a refund for the wasted postage costs as they failed to deliver the parcel to Germany, which is what I paid for. They wrote to me today refusing any compensation / refund, because (I quote) “a postage refund is only available in the event of loss. In the event of damage to an item, we will look to compensate for the damaged iten, but still no potage refund is available.” They apologised for the inconvenience and that was it. I am not happy about this and would still like to pursue this as they charged me for a service they failed to carry out. What are my next options if any ?
  7. Hi all. My sister has just returned to Nottingham Trent University after being home for the summer. She got on the tram as usual expecting to buy a ticket from the conductor as she always has done previously. When the conductor arrived, she asked him for a return ticket. He simply said "can you come with me please" then he took her off the tram at the station they were up to, and the tram drove off. He then told her that you now have to prepurchase all tickets before boarding the tram and because she had not done that she will be issued with a £50 fine. He said he can see from your face that your shocked and genuine, so I have to give you this but don't worry you can appeal it. He gave her lots of advice on the appeal such as mentioned how she'd been home for the summer and wasn't aware of the new arrangements. She was very flustered, close to tears, a car drove past pipping his horn and someone shouted "ha ha you haven't paid for your ticket" so she was very embarrassed, a crowd was watching plus about 10 ticket collectors were all watching. She gave him her details and ID under intimidation and with the promise that she could simply appeal it. All they have given her is a flimsy carbon copy with no details or websites or anything. She can't remember the appeals info he gave her as she was so flustered. He then said she doesn't need a ticket now and put her on the next tram to continue her journey! The fine is for £50. We assume they will send her a letter as there is no instructions on how or who to pay. Over the summer they have added an A5 size sign on a lamppost along the platform, some stickers on the tram doors which aren't visible when they're open and stickers inside the tram which is too late. The ticketmachine also has a new sticker, but the machine is at the other end of the platform where 90% of people have no reason to walk past. She's gone back and taken some pictures. See if you can spot the signs! Here is the platform with its big new sign This is the sign on the tram doors. It's that green bit, and obviously the doors are usually already open! Here is the PCN they gave her, after getting her to sign it There is nothing on the back. Should this NET ticket be viewed as worthless as those from private carparks or taken more seriously like those from the council? A Google brings up several similar stories http://www.nottinghampost.com/Tram-traveller-starts-petition-50-fines/story-21446293-detail/story.html http://www.nottinghampost.com/Vicky-victorious-pound-50-tram-fine-appeal/story-22875134-detail/story.html How should she proceed? Personally I would'nt have given him a name or ID but what would they have done about it? Being an unemployed student she is very worried, and also quite shaken as she feels like she has been found guilty of a crime and publicly shamed. Thanks
  8. Hi all, I had a mattress delivered on Thursday by Arrow XL which I bought from a company on Amazon. It was already three days late (another story!) and I was waiting outside for them with my children in the car ready to take them to school as I'd been waiting nearly fifteen minutes for them to arrive after a call saying they would be five minutes! They put the mattress in the hallway and I left to take my children to school as they were now late! However, once I returned home and had time to inspect the mattress it was in an awful state! The double layered protective plastic was filthy and ripped in many places! This in turn had caused dirty marks (like grease?!) on the mattress and there is a rip in the corner of the actual mattress too! Having contacted the company I bought it from by email, with pictures of the damage attached, they have called me today to say that as I signed for it, they can't claim back from the delivery company, but as a "good will gesture" they will replace it if I pay £40 for carriage! My husband then spoke to them and they eventually said they may be able to offer us some money back and we keep the mattress. Now, neither of these options seem particularly appealing to me. When I buy a new mattress, I at least expect it to be in good clean condition to start with!! I feel this should be brought up with Arrow XL as well, seeing as they are the ones that have damaged my property. Funnily enough though, I can't seem to find anywhere I can send an email to raise my concerns (other than sales or press addresses) as I want to send them the pictures with the information. I have attached a few pictures to this so you can see the damage I am talking about! Any advice on how to handle either of these companies would be greatly appreciated as I know there are people out there who know more about consumer rights than I do! Thank you in advance Martini
  9. Hello I sent two separate orders throught Parcel2Go.com two days apart. The first order got to it's destination intact. Second order, same item damaged in transit. Did not use the Parcel2Go insurance cover, never had to, mabe i should have the pacel being £60.00 Anyway contacted Parcel2Go, sent off the pictures etc showing damadge. Parcel2Go got back your claim has been approved. I was offered £30 Prepay, i replied rejecting the offer on the grounds of the offer being to low. I received a reply, sorry thats all we are offering you, take it or leave it type of answer. So i accepted thinking Prepay was a form of e-commerce online money transfer, and Parcel2Go would be issuing a payment to my credit card. Turns out Prepay is basically a Parcel2Go £30 delivey voucher, yep i made a mistake. Even though i have accepted this as payment. Is there anything i can do to get it in cash? Thanks
  10. I recently returned a ceramic sink to the supplier (all agreed), the sink was sent back via a in the same packaging it arrived in, labelled "Ceramic- Fragile". I had to arrange my own return as the supplier stated they didnt do collections. (later found this not to be the case). The sink left me in tact, it arrived very broken. The courier said they were not liable, the supplier said they will not refund due to the damage. Where does this leave me?
  11. This is a speculative question, and I'm sure I've seen a post covering it but I just can't find it. I'm incredibly irritated by the fact that it is now common place for couriers to charge an additional insurance premium to protect against theft/loss/damage to the goods you post. Often this insurance is more than the actual delivery charge! They are asking you to take out insurance to cover their own negligence! Surely if they lose, damage or an employee steals it this is a matter for them to take up with their own insurance not for me to claim on my own! This be a breach of contract for which they would be liable up to the declared value of the goods surely? I concede you might have a battle on your hands but I'm convinced the law would be on your side and I'm convinced I saw a post to this affect.
  12. Hi. Purchased a new Ford Transit with 7 miles on clock in May 2012, having driven it home from the dealer I opened the bonnet to look at how clean the engine would be as new to find rust on the engine block and manifold and after checking the van rust on the hinges. Dealer had also failed to configure the locking as requested and van developed a fault with rear parking sensors also. I contacted the dealer who simply did not phone me back despite numerous phone calls and in the end six weeks later wrote to the finance company who assured me after a further three weeks that should anything happen that dealer would take responsibility. They requested I let the dealer inspect the vehicle and due to a combination of the contract I was on at the time and the dealer hours did not get the van in until 24'th Dec 2012, was going away for 18 days and this seemed the perfect fit. I left the vehicle and keys with a note stating all the remedial work that was required. I had also booked the vehicle in with Ford customer service and was assured they had made a note of all the problems and would be passing them on with my booking. I returned from my trip to find no work had been undertaken and was made to wait another two hours approx. so they could look at the reversing sensors but then not to rebuild the step (only noticed when I got home as collected in darkness) and drop the brain for the locking but leave it hanging down and not programme it correctly anyway. I now contacted Ford UK with my complaints via email and spent weeks again waiting on replies as staff members left and the new ones needed to be filled in as to what had happened again and again. During this period Ford issued a recall as there was an issue with the brake line and the engine developed a knocking noise and seems to have lost some power. Ford UK agreed that I did not have to take it back to the original dealer and booked me in with a local dealer who was to inspect the van and speak to them re the various problems. I have been there today and knew I was on a hiding to nothing when their mechanic tried to blame the engine rust on wear and tear despite the fact has been there from new and never the less should not be that bad after 11 months. They have blamed the rust on the inside hinges on outside influences despite again being there from new and the rust on the back door hinges on a lack of grease, now I know vans are workhorses but I fail to see where Ford have issued advice as to keep your hinges greased. They would not do any work at this dealer as Ford UK have told them I am to take it back to Polar Ford and therefore the brain for the locking still hanging down, the reversing sensors where not touched and the rest was a fob-off. They could hear the knocking noise but as their diagnostic told them no fault could not do anything and come back if fault developed, the fact the van broke down the week before and would not start did not help. I now feel that I should go SOGA on them and reject the van, I know it is over six months old but the majority of problems have arisen prior to this period and have been notified to Ford. I have serviced the vehicle correctly but even that was an argument as the service book states 15 k and the dealer insisted it was 20k for the first service. I know my way round SOGA but wondered if anyone had any other suggestions and advise as to how my length of ownership and continued use of the van may affect any claim I could make.
  13. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2222524/End-road-Transit-500-jobs-iconic-van-Ford-branded-backbone-Britain-wont-anymore.html
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