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  1. Hi all, It's not an echo. But having just looked around on the forum, this post will read like one. I am also in the frustrating position of having to provide Parcel2Go with documentation to corroborate their inability to deliver a parcel. The item was clearly labelled in more than one place. It needed to get from Devon to Berkshire. I valued it at £200 which an estimate for an amplifier chassis made in the 1980s. I was sending part of an amplifier back to the manufacturer for a service and upgrade. I've had it for nearly thirty years and it had a lot of sentimental value. I did not buy extended insurance. At the time of purchase, I had no idea how frequently Parcel2Go and Hermes both found the risk of correctly delivering parcels too great to effectively manage. It's a very difficult item to value but I think that the value I quoted on the site was fair and I believed that delivering a parcel was not too risky to warrant more than doubling the cost of the service. From now on I'll hire a car and take things to recipients personally if this is the future of couriering. So one lesson learned. I have a ticket with a sticky label on it which is the only evidence of collection. I used PayPal for the service transaction. Anyway, I've read from another thread that I should compile an lba and send it off with these documents but there's obviously no easy method of doing this through there website. Who should I be communicating with and how? If I submit the documents they ask for, then I'll get £20. I would obviously like to pursue this as far as possible. I am pretty sure that the manufacturer of the item can provide evidence of the value. Should I be looking for the realistic value of the item? If anyone is able to provide some advice, it would be extremely well received. Thank you.
  2. Please advise Parcel2Go have lost a laptop I was returning to Argos for a full refund, They have lead me a merry dance with lots of excuses and won't compensate. What now please?
  3. Hello, I have recently been unfortunate enough to experience the bad end of when Hermes loses a parcel. A quick summary: I was returning a phone which was faulty back to Amazon DE for a refund. I had to pay return postage. Amazon said they will refund me up to around EUR 8 for postage. I then got a quote from P2G and the only service which would allow me to not be out of pocket was Hermes International. I put in the parcel details and the value. I did not choose to pay for their additional insurance as it was £30, in fact if I could go back in time I still wouldn't pay extra for their insurance. Some time went by and I still hadn’t received a refund from Amazon so I checked the tracking. It was as follows: 16/01/2019,20:17 Entered the Hermes network 16/01/2019 10:29 Dropped off at the ParcelShop 15/01/2019 18:04 Order placed Nothing after that. I then contacted Hermes who referred me to P2G. After chatting they opened an investigation as the parcel should’ve arrived no later than 24/01/19. I waited about 2 weeks and chased them for an update. Of course the parcel was not found. The next step is for me to submit a claim and supporting documents. They will however only offer me £20 as I didn’t take out the extra insurance. I will not accept that as I will need to recover the full amount of the phone. What is the best course of action for this? Do I need to go through their claim process (even though I know the resolution is not satisfactory) or can I just proceed with a letter of action? I have an idea of the small claims process but any links regarding a letter of action and what needs to be included etc. would be very helpful. Any general advice would also be great. Thanks.
  4. Hello, I have a very serious issue with Parcl2go right now. I booked a Hermes collection and delivery through Parcel2go. There were 4 parcels in total. they delivered 2 out of 4 and have now told me that the remaining 2 have been deemed lost. This has been over 8 weeks ago. When i booked the delivery, i stated the weight of the parcels as they were quite heavy, however, parcel2go deemed them as ' Light parcels ' When the 2 delivered came, the boxes were battered with my belongings spilling out of them, the delivery driver also stated that they shouldn't have been referred to the light parcel depot. - Hermes claims they have checked their depot and cant find the parcels. But i dont understand how 2 big parcels can go missing and neither the box nor the content can be found. - The contents of the parcels are expensive. they are expensive clothes, shoes, bags, accessories. - the parcel wasnt insured at the time of booking - I did pay extra to guarantee a delivery date and also for a signature on delivery - at the time of booking, i did it on my mobile phone and the website didn't let me put the full amount. For example, 1000 was declared on the parcel instead of 10,000. The worth of the lost parcels is over £30,000 . they are personal belongings I have collected over the years:( - i paid over £80 to have the items delivered. - The 4 parcels were collected on the 5th of September. 2 delivered on the 10th of September and they have said that the remaining 2 are lost. The last update on those was that they were collected on the 5th of septemeber. -Hermes claim they have searched their depot and cant find the parcels have advised i make a claim through Parcel2go I have done some research and know that the company might hide behind my not taking out insurance to try to get out of paying my full claim. However, there is clear negligence in this case as they cannot trace where my parcel i even after they have acknowledged and admitted to collecting the parcel. The 2 out of 4 parcels they did manage to deliver were destroyed and torn ( note, the boxes used were heavy duty and shouldn't get damaged if handled with reasonable care ). - Parcel2go have asked me to put in a claim with evidence of the value of the goods, however, i got he majority of the items years ago and do not have the receipts. I do however have pictures of all the items that i put in the parcels. Can i still submit my claim without receipts? This has given a severe headache. I have been depressed ever since this happened and super sad knowing that not only have they lost my belongings, they also will try to get away with not paying for my items. - What is the best thing to do now please ? Should i submit the claims with the pictures of the items , i have some receipts for some and don't for others. - if they do come an reject the claim or dont pay the worth of the items declared, what should be my next step? As these are highly valuable items and a high claim, is it best to get a lawyer? What sort of lawyer should i be looking for ? I am prepared to go to court if that is what it takes. I would really appreciate your help and guidance. Kind regards
  5. Parcel2Go lost my item and have admitted liability. I had insurance with them up to full value (£45). They have already refunded me the postal costs (but say the additional insurance cost (a pound or so ISTR) is non-refundable). Seperately, they have offered me a refund of the full value of the item, but I rejected and said I want the cost of packing that was lost too (or like-for-like replacement of such items). They have refused and said they think a refund of just the item value alone is fair. Do you think it's possible to get packaging costs back? It's only a few pounds, but why should I be out of pocket when I didn't lose the parcel?
  6. I sold a tv on ebay, listing it as collection only. The buyer sent a courier (Yodel) to collect it but he told ebay it wasn't received. Ebay refunded his money, leaving me £250 out of pocket. The buyer has a feedback score of 1, isn't on the electoral register and hasn't answered letters or emails. Probably a [EDIT]. I issued a county court claim against him and Yodel Delivery Services Ltd. Yodel sent a defence, saying it's not them, but Parcel2Go.com Ltd, trading as Yodel Direct. I contacted P2G, who say I have no contract with them, as the buyer paid for the delivery. I see the driver who collected my tv as he delivers to the estate regularly. He won't tell me who employs him and is actually very evasive. He could have stolen the tv, the way he acts. The Police aren't interested, saying it's a civil matter. Any advice people have is welcome, please.
  7. Hi I'm new here but would like to ask has anybody taken Parcel2Go to small claims and won? My case is: I instructed P2G to pick up and deliver a very heavy 33kg Subwoofer speaker to my address without taking their extra insurance. Its was delivered a couple of day later with broken corners and a grill that was recessed into the unit. I'm taking them to SCC under section 54 of the consumers rights act 2015 holding them of negligence and in breach of contract by operforming reasonable care and skill in delivering this item. A last letter of action was sent and I'm now looking at a Notice of proposed allocation to the small claims Track which needs to be sent before 20 July. P2G have sent 12 pages defending the claim Any advise or help - Thanks
  8. Good morning, Booked via Parcel2go, Hermes lost a parcel I sent to Europe worth £150 - I did not buy additional insurance for this parcel because as far as I am concerned, it is within their duty of care to ensure the basic and functional delivery of an item within the £12 of postage I paid. Nonetheless, I sent P2G a Letter Before Action 2 days ago, to which they offered the standard response pointing me to their T&Cs: "The Limitation on the Amount of our Liability 6.7 If we are liable to you for any reason, we shall (subject always to clause 7) only be liable to refund to you the cost paid for the Service(s), unless you have purchased compensation cover for your Consignment from us." They refunded me the cost of postage as a "goodwill gesture". I have no intention of accepting this, and so I wanted to confirm that I should now submit the claim I prepared via the Moneyclaim wesbite? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  9. Hello all and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this. I am a business seller on ebay and instructed UPS (via P2G) to deliver a £240 pair of speakers to one of my customers based in the UK. It was fully insured and tracked but did not require a signature. On the scheduled delivery day I received a message from the buyer saying they had returned from work to find a card through the door which said that the parcel had been left on their doorstep but no parcel was there. The on-line tracking confirmed delivery to their doorstep. I did not specify that their doorstep would be a safe place so i'm rather surprised they just left it here, especially as the area crime rate is 2 the national average for theft! I advised my customer to look all around the house, in bins and to check with neighbours but to no avail, it just wasn't there. I have made a claim with them but it has been rejected, they just say it was delivered to a "safe place" as per their T&C's and are washing their hands of it although they have offered to pay the cost of carriage as a "gesture of goodwill" I am just wondering if there are grounds for me to bring a case in the small claims. I don't see how a doorstep can be described as a safe place especially when I haven't specified a safe place. I have looked on Google maps at the delivery address and it's a small terraced house with a small front yard which fronts onto a busy road...not exactly hidden from view or protected from the elements for that matter. Any help or advise gratefully received Regards Chris
  10. Hello I am posting this on behalf of my father who used parcels2go to return a zimmerframe which cost £89. He also paid for extra insurance on the web site in order to sent this item back. My father was unable to use his printer to print out a label and informed Parcels2go. Parcels2go sent Hermes to collect the parcel. The parcel was collected by a Hermes courier on March 15, 2018 and has been missing ever since ! After numerous chat sessions and emails no progress in finding the parcel whatsoever was made. Hermes admitted that the parcel was lost by them, but told us that we had to contact Parcels2go. Parcels2go said that we should contact the retailer etc .. Long story short Parcel2go offered a refund... only for the delivery costs. The total sum of £12. My father was ready to say goodbye to his money. Luckily I found your website and on Saturday I sent them a letter before action giving them 4 working days to respond, because so much time has already passed. If you read the correspondence it really seems as though they are just trying to waste time . This is what they sent as a reply to the letter before action: Good Afternoon Ashley. Thank you for your email. Firstly, please allow me to apologise for the inconvenience caused to you and your recipient. I cannot see the links you have provided in your email Ashley. If you have sent attachments, we are unable to view this on this account due to security reasons. Please upload this directly onto your claim or email ,,,,,,, Should you have any further queries Ashley, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kindest Regards A Ali Parcel2Go.com What a joke ! We did not send any links or attachments .This whole back and forth with these people has been an absolute nightmare. I think they do it on purpose to wear you down so that you just give up. I convinced my father not to let them get away with this. He paid for a service then paid for insurance for the service ... ( so bizarre. ) Could you please advise us on the next steps to take Thank you so much for taking the time to read this
  11. In December, I painted a picture of somebody at the University of Toronto and decided to send it to them as a gift for Christmas. I am not employed so I didn't have a lot of money to spare for shipping it but when I looked on Parcel2Go, there seemed to be a reasonably priced service which used MyHermes and Landmark Global. At that point, I had never heard of Landmark Global but I had never had a problem with either Parcel2Go or MyHermes which had not been anything other that a delayed delivery so I opted for that service. All seemed to be going well until it was delayed due to a claim by Landmark Global that I had under declared its weight by a factor of 2.2:1 and I was required to pay extra .I thought was odd for two reasons. Firstly, I had been extremely careful to measure it and weigh it and double-checked everything because I wanted to avoid just such a problem. Secondly, 2.2:1 is the conversion ratio from pounds to kg and I wondered if the weight I had declared in kg had been read in pounds. I challenged this and in the meantime read all kinds of similar stories about Landmark Global on Trust Pilot (I wish I had read them before I booked the delivery!) many of which seemed to have almost identical weight discrepancies. Eventually, Parcel2Go said that the matter had been resolved and no excess was due. The next problem arose when the tracking information said that import duty was due. This came as a surprise as this was genuinely a gift and as I had only paid for the materials, i.e. canvas and paint, I would not have been able to put a value on it. I contacted all the various companies for clarification and they all pointed at each other like some farcical whodunnit. Then, after all the delays and in the week before Christmas, a delivery was attempted but I assume that the office at the university was closed and a collection note was left and the painting was kept for the two weeks over Christmas uncollected as there was nobody to collect it. Eventually, before the Christmas and New Year break was over, Canada Post initiated the return of the painting to me. I watched on the tracking as the parcel bounced around Ontario, actually doubling back on itself at one point, until on 8th January, it stopped and from then there is no trace of it. I contacted Parcel2Go who said that returns from abroad could take up to eight weeks after which time they would consider refunding me. I reluctantly accepted that maybe they aren't priority and come by sea or something so checked the tracking several times a day until eight weeks were up and the tracking still says the same thing; last seen in Burlington Ontario, 8th January. Up until this point, there had been a lengthy thread of e-mails between Parcel2Go and me and they generally got back to me within 24 hours - 48 hours maximum. I e-mailed them on 4th March and got no reply. I e-mailed again on 11th March and got no reply. I have repeatedly attempted to contact all the companies involved via Twitter (like using silver bullets with most companies) but have had absolutely no response from anybody. The status remains as it did on 8th January. I tried to post tracking links but I am not permitted to do so. At this point, I don't care very much about the refund, I would just like to see my painting again. If nobody from any of these companies replies, I don't know what else I can do.
  12. Hi, Parcel2Go lost my 4 dining chairs. They refused to refund of the value of £180.00 of chairs because I did not buy insurance cover. I have taken them to Small Claims Court. Apparently, they defended against all claims and so, we are in the process of me sending back the DQ and waiting for mediation. As I did not send a detailed particulars of claim to them and would like to change my mind to do that at this stage. Does anyone know the procedure etc.? Thank you.
  13. I have used this company in the past, at least 2 times for low value items where their £20 base compensation amount would suffice on my last experience I used them to carry an item of higher value and that is where things started unfolding. As a parcel broker, I though they are just brokers like travel agencies I was wrong because the moment you purchase a delivery slot through their company with one of the main shipping agents such as UPS, DHL, TNT, Royal Mail, Parcel Force, YODEL and many others, you cease to be the sender of the package as they are the sender/shipper so the actual shipping companies don’t want to know you and always refer you to the [removed] at Parcel2Go.com. For my most recent service request, I booked a collection through Parcel2Go via UPS late October with next day delivery on 1st November for a printer I purchased from eBay The seller kindly agreed to allow me to organise collection at my own cost through my own courier of choice. 1st November came and late in the afternoon, the UPS delivery driver arrived at the delivery address and rang the bell to state that he has a parcel for us to my surprise, moments later he stated that the parcel in question was not my one and that my parcel would follow on the next delivery. I could clearly see my parcel in the back of his van with exactly the same box, make and model of the item ready to be unloaded but the packaging appeared to have been tampered with. After the driver stated that he actually has 3 more of the same boxes in his van and that my one would be delivered on the next delivery, I took his word for it and let him go here I was wrong because that was indeed my package. (I am taking this matter with the UPS on a separate complaint and will also address this issue with the driver in question in due course) This is where things get even uglier by the day. I contacted Parcel2Go via chat after that day passed and no delivery took place the same day or the next day or the day or week after. They started a so-called investigation. During this time the tracking details for my parcel were updated to state that my parcel was incorrectly sorted and then days later it was updated to state that my parcel was now damaged. I made countless calls to UPS and made countless chat contacts with Parcel2Go.com to ensure that regardless of the damage to my parcel every effort was made to return my parcel to the address on the shipping label. Whilst the [removed] at Parcel2Go claimed that they were making call and sent emails to UPS to request that the parcel would be returned to the original delivery address, UPS was telling me to go back to Parcel2Go as they are their customer not myself and that they are the official shipper not myself even though I booked the collection and I am the recipient of the parcel. UPS was able to confirm on numerous calls that Parcel2Go was not telling the truth about the state of my parcel and that due to confidentiality reasons they urged me to go back to them they kept on apologising day after day without offering any concrete solution. UPS agents did however confirm that Parcel2Go did not make any contacts with them regarding a request to allow my parcel to continue its journey to the original delivery address. Clearly Parcel2Go agents acted dishonestly and gave me incorrect information on every occasion. I recorded all my phone conversations with UPS and have kept all the chat logs with Parcel2Go in case the matter escalates. I am now glad I did because things took another turn from bad to worse. Following many contacts with UPS and Parcel2Go, I was then told that UPS could not return my parcel to my address and that it had to go back to the sender (Parcel2Go warehouse). I was then given numerous assurances by Parcel2Go that my parcel, regardless of its state would then be returned to my address. Subsequently, I was told by UPS that the parcel was indeed sent to Parcel2Go and then during another live chat session, the agent from Parcel2Go did confirm that the parcel was at their warehouse and that it would be returned to my original delivery address as agreed. By this time, as per their claims process, my claim for damage in transit was settled with an offer of £20+shipping fees but here is when things got worse. After 2 weeks passed since my last contact and the promise of return of my parcel (as recorded on chat logs), during one live chat where I queried what was happening, this time I was told that my parcel is now lost in transit. I challenged them but they kept on giving me scripted excuses, apologies but no concrete response. I was very shocked and complained to their claims department but they kept on stating that as my original claim for the damage in transit was settled there was nothing else they could do. [Removed] Because they have non-disclosure agreement with the courier company, the customer is always sent back to Parcel2Go and the courier does not accept any liability. [Removed] I am giving you a brief account of my experience here [Removed] as well as false promises about the actions they would take to resolve my issue. In the end I wrote to their CEO and every other email address I could find because they don’t have a dedicated customer service call centre and all I get was a bunch of staff with fake aliases or accounts of what they will do to resolve my issue but no honest action on the problem. As a result, I demanded for them to at least refund me the declared value of the item plus compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused for more than a month they even failed to realise and acknowledge their underhanded practices aside from scripted apology lines. I am now convinced that if I had taken insurance for my parcel , I am sure they would have jumped upside down to get my parcel back to me and to find excuses to pay less or no compensation. Just because I did not take insurance, they are trying to take advantage of the situation like they have done with many other people. I am very disgusted, angry and disappointed with authorities for allowing such a dishonest company to trade. They are [Removed] with disgusting ways of dealing with customer complaints and have no regard for customer service. They should be banned from trading. I gave up on dealing with them directly, so here is what I am planning to do with immediate effect; 1. I will publish my story on every forum, website where there is concerns raised about [Removed] so that others don’t fall into the same trap that I did. 2. I will report this matter to the local trading standards in Bolton, {removed] 3. I will use social media to highlight the dangers of dealing with these dishonest companies and will name and shame each of their employees that are involved. 4. I will log a complaint with ActionFraud to get the police involved in investigating [Removed] 5. I will initiate a Small Claims Court action to recover my losses. I have sufficient evidence to sue them thanks to their chat logs and the UPS call records as well as emails but what will they have to defend themselves. Hope justice will be done to prevent them from trading any longer. More importantly eBay and other responsible companies should not allow the services/lack of Parcel2Go and the likes ever. Stay clear of this company at all costs. If you have been a victim then do not wait and put up with their crap, take the matter further and report to the relevant authorities and take action to recover your losses. Don’t be an easy target.
  14. Morning all, I have an interesting but perhaps a rather open and shut case with TNT Direct aka Parcel2Go. Purchased courier service to transport a PC from my home to a close friend in the USA. Paid £68.46 on 15/11/2018 for collection on 19/11/2018. Delivery within 1 - 3 days but confirmed for 22/11/2018. Customs paperwork and FCC 740 form was completed and provided. There is very little information out there on how to complete the FCC 740 form but after finding the example version on the FedEx website I completed it and attached with the parcel. 19/11/2018 TNT arrived to collect Parcel and it was handed over. 22/11/2018 comes and no updates on the tracking information. I contacted TNT Direct / P2G via webchat and was told they were missing the FCC 740 form and the parcel was being held in their depot. I explained to them that I had already included the FCC 740 with the customs paperwork as per the instructions. Nevertheless they requested duplicates and I provided those the same day in good faith. 23/11/2018 TNT bring the parcel back to my home address. I was in but as I was not expecting any callers I did not answer the door. So the parcel was taken back to the depot. I contacted TNT and explained what had happened, they advised me it would be resolved and the parcel delivered. 27/11/2018 still no updates on tracking so contacted by webchat again. Was told they did send over the duplicate forms and contacted the depot but this was not followed through correctly. 29/11/2018 Parcel Delivered - But tracking information not showing this and P2G / TNT completely unaware of this also! 03/12/2018 still no tracking updates so another web chat. This time they opened an investigation. But this time I was told "Good afternoon, Order number This is in transit now" 06/12/2018 again no tracking updates so contacted them again and was told an investigation would be opened again and they would contact me within 1 - 2 working days. 11/12/2018 still no updates so I contact them again and begin to lose patience and this is where things started to get a little interesting. I was told: "Consignment showing as Delivered by FedEx 29/11/2018" I had already mentioned and was advised on delivery that a refund would be "looked into" because of the lengthy delay for delivery. But nevertheless the agent I spoke with used just about every excuse under the sun to blame me for the late delivery and said a refund was not possible. When I didn't take no for an answer he then tried to change the date the parcel was sent to the 27/11/2018 so delivery was made within the 1 - 3 days. I wasn't having that either. I then used the example of public transport and that a service is not guaranteed to arrive at the time advertised in the timetable. But if there is a delay the operator will compensate (obviously I know there are exclusions to this, but the principle remains the same) the passenger for late arrival. The agent then tried to say that a service guarantee was not purchased, but this was never offered on the website in the first instance. But go and look at the TNT Direct website for this nice little extract on parcels to the USA: https://direct.tnt.co.uk/services/parcel-delivery-to-usa So a guaranteed service is not a guaranteed service it seems... But the absolute icing on the cake are the terms and conditions on the TNT Direct website: https://direct.tnt.co.uk/legal/terms-and-conditions But the agent seemed to think that the terms and conditions I agreed to are these, on a completely different website: https://www.parcel2go.com/content/about-terms.aspx When I advised the agent they had contradicted themselves they tried to blame the delay for delivery was because of the address used and not because of the paperwork. I had the PC sent to my friends work address, which is a small bank branch in the USA which has a mailroom on site. They use PO Boxes for each staff member, But the mailroom is small enough that staff would know who a parcel should go, even if the PO Box was not put on the label. But nevertheless this is a moot point as they still accepted the order and carried out the contract in a rather amateurish manner. But it just goes to show how they tried to use every excuse available to avoid being responsible. I'm going to take this on as I am satisfied I did not receive the service I paid for, which was delivery within 1 - 3 working days. If they offered a 50% refund at the time of conversation, I would probably have accepted that as they still provided part of the service paid for. Now I most likely will not and am going to look into doing a chargeback for the service. I'm reasonably comfortable with handling this without too much input. But I wanted to document this in case anyone else has the same problem with TNT Direct / P2G. Is it worth writing a formal complaint to the executive office for this or should I just do a chargeback and see what happens? Oh and the tracking website still has the parcel in Liege Euro Hub... So I have no actual proof of delivery, just their agents say so...
  15. Hi, before Christmas I sent a laptop through Parcel2Go. I did not buy insurance because I usually think it's a waste of time dealing with claims if something goes wrong - and it has never gone wrong. Until now. They lost the parcel which I had to open a claim for, after which they found the parcel to my relief. Hermes who was the carrier, then tried to attempt delivery to the recipient and found that they were out (I have been in communication with the person I sold the laptop to the whole time). Hermes left a note ( I have a picture of this note) saying it was unsafe to leave the parcel anywhere - IE. the front garden . On the second delivery attempt, Hermes decided to leave it in the front garden ( I had to penetrate through Parcel2Go's chat system to gleam this information, as they did not leave a note this time!) of the recipient which happens to be in a dodgy London area on a main street (my recipient tells me, and sends me a photo too). The parcel goes missing, and I've had to refund my buyer for £240. I have already sent a 'Signed For' letter before action via Royal Mail to Parcel2Go and am counting down the 14 days. I would just like a bit of advice on what sort of grounds I have to go against them - I know that they have broken the contract by not delivering the parcel. And if it goes as far as court - some idea of what I need to go into court - ie an argument etc..
  16. Sending some Christmas presents, I booked a Next Day delivery with Parcel2Go on Thu 21 Dec. I put the item in an InPost locker for collection, but it wasn't picked up by the courier until Wed 27 Dec. The presents finally arrived Thu 28 Dec, a full week after I posted. Xmas happened in the middle extending the delay somewhat, but still the courier was technically 2 working days late in even collecting the parcel which was advertised and sold to me as Next Day delivery. I've asked P2G twice for a refund, but they say they don't guarantee delivery so aren't obliged to. They wouldn't refund even as a gesture of goodwill (I am, or was, a regular customer). Elsewhere I've read that as long as a parcel is delivered within 31 days it is not considered late. Can I somehow get a refund under false advertising/trades description (or similar) for this 'Next Day' charade?
  17. In January I returned my daughter's Christmas present to the shop to be exchanged. I booked using Parcel2go and they in turn used myHermes as the courier. T he parcel was lost. My problem is this...I dropped the parcel at a drop off shop. I returned to the shop and they looked on the CCTV for me and it clearly shows my parcel being collected by the myHermes courier. The parcel was never scanned in not once. Parcel2go claim that they they have no liability due to their t's & c's. My understanding is that if the t's and c's are unreasonable then they can be held liable? They have offered me a refund to the value of the insurance that I took out (which is less than the true value). I am claiming the full value of the goods that they lost - this is purely because I know that the courier never once scanned the item. Had they followed their own procedure and still lost the item I would have accepted the insurance money. Surely they can't just do what they want with people's parcels and never be accountable? Advice please, I have sent a letter before action and they haven't moved so next stop is court action. Thanks in advance for helpful comments
  18. Avoid parcel2go Ltd terrible company, paid for next day delivery service, took 20 days to delivery. If you try and leave a review on Trust Pilot they report it, even though I have proof. Having to take legal action against them now, already gone to my bank to start chargeback, and starting court case http://www.moneyclaim.gov.uk If anyone else is having same problem, and interested in class action, please let me know.
  19. Parcel2Go are still scammming their fraud service. I sold item on Ebay for £50. I sent parcel by them and insured it for £50 Two weeks later still not recieved so customer reported me to Ebay who took £56 out of my bank. I asked P2G for refund but as of this date they are still refusing to pay bu claiming they cannot recieve attachments to emails so cannot get proof of nondelivery - yet they gave me a chart showing that the depot had handed the parcel to the courier and the courier had 'lost ie stolen it'. It seems they have a bad record of this and numerous complaints so it looks like they are operating a nice little fraud and my case may just be the tip of the iceberg.
  20. Hi all I wonder if you can help I sold a item on ebay and I sent the item throught parcel2go. I book the parcel on the 17/02/2016 and they was due to pick up the parcel the next day The courier came on the 18/02/2016 to pick up the parcel. parcel2go told me that the parcel would be delivered by the 22/02/2016. It wasn't until the end of the month that that told me by email that they lost my parcel . I put in a claim for the parcel they lost. which they Approved. Since then it been nothing but a nightmare to get my claim money back. I have waited 4 working days for the money to show in my bank account and I'm still waiting for this claim money from parcel2go. I have checked with my bank to see if they know anything and they told me they can;t see anything on their system . I have contacted parcel2go vie live chat and have been told to wait another 2 days and it will be in my bank account. I'm getting so much miss information from parcel2go that I don;t know where I'm going or coming and how many more lies I will get when I talk to them on the live chat service. Can someone help me with this problem with parcel2go as I'm not sure what to do for the best .
  21. I placed an order with Parcel2go via MyHermes on 20th July. I dispatched the small item on economy service which I would assume 3-5 days max. My Ebay customer started ranting and set up an issue that he didnt receive the item after 5 working days. I tracked it and sent a copy to him and contacted company that assured my parcel would be delivered within 24hrs. after 10 days my customer refused to accept the parcel in annoyance 1st August. I assumed the parcel would be returned to me. I checked yesterday and it states that its been signed for. This is now the issue I have contacted Parcel2go and they want me to pay again to have the parcel returned to myself???? In the meanwhile Ebay have sided with the customer and refunded the item and the postage however I am left is debt now as the tracking states - endless excuses why it wasn't delivered. I have have now had money withdrawn out of my account and the parcel is in the hands of someone who can prob resell the item - surely this is illegal practice as it hasnt been delivered. Is it worth complaining and threaten with small claims?
  22. In mid July i sent a parcel via Parcel2Go. Have used them before and had no probs. This time i was sending a child's fancy dress costume back to a company as we had bought it but it hadn't fit, so it was a simple return. The item cost £30 (which we would be getting a refund for once returned). The courier fees were £4.02 (i did not chose to pay for the extra compensation cover - as i refuse to pay compensation to cover myself against the company not doing what i am paying them for). It was using My Hermes (via Parcels2Go). A week later we were contacted by Parcels2Go to say that the packaging was damaged, what should they do. I asked them to continue with delivery as hopefully the item wouldn't be damaged. We let the company we were returning the item to know that the packaging has been damaged and to inspect the item before signing for it, and to reject it if the item was no good. A few weeks later we had still not heard more. I asked on Parcel2Go live chat and again reiterated that i want the delivery to be attempted. Nothing further happened for a few days (i was following the tracking info online). I contacted them again via live chat and they confirmed that the item had been lost and to initiate a claim. I raised the claim for £34.04. Only £4.04 has been refunded. They are rejecting my claim for the cost of the lost item (£30) as i did not take out their extra insurance. I have spoken to them via live chat today to complain. I was told that they were not liable for the lost item as i did not take out their additional insurance. I asked to escalate and spoke to someone else via live chat who reiterated the same thing. I asked for their full complaints procedure and was given an email address which they say is the last step in the complaints procedure and they will issue a final decision (and they have reiterated a few times that they will 'just say the same thing that i have been already told'). Although it is only £30, i am willing to stand up for my rights and demand compensation for them losing my property. They have referred to Ts&Cs 6.7 "If we are liable to you for any reason, we shall (subject always to clause 7) only be liable to refund to you the cost paid for the Service(s), unless you have purchased compensation cover for your Consignment from us. " Can i have anyone's thoughts on their liability to compensate me for lost goods in this situation?
  23. I sold a baby carrier to someone in France and purchased delivery via packetport through Parcel2go. I paid extra for insurance to cover the cost of the item £130. The parcel was collected on 7/5/15 and I was quoted delivery should take 5-10 working days meaning it should have arrived by 21/5/15. Alarm bells started ringing when a Hermes driver came to collect the parcel but as tracking seemed to be updated I wasn't too worried. The buyer jumped the gun a little and started a paypal claim for non receipt on the 11th as the tracking information was confusing to her. I wasn't too worried as I assumed tracking would continue and had been told by paypal as the tracking was showing the item was still in transit they would not complete the claim. The tracking hasn't changed since the 11/5/15. I have been in contact with Parcel2go daily and each time have been told different things. I was originally told the item arrived in France on the 14/5/15 and they were waiting for details from the courier. On the 20/5/15 I was provided with a tracking number for La Poste which didn't work On the 21/5/15 I was told to open a claim which I did. On the 22nd the claim was rejected as the parcel had supposedly been located. I contacted p2g immediately as the buyer still hadn't received anything, tracking had not been updated and to top everything off paypal refunded the buyer. I sent a letter of complaint in to p2g, I'm still waiting for a response and took to social media. The p2g twitter team said they would look into it and get back to me. On the 23/5/15 I contacted the twitter team again for an update, they said the courier had delivered to a mailbox and asked me to confirm the address. On the 27/5/15 I was told p2g were still waiting for an update and I would be contacted. Today is the 29/5/15 I contacted the twitter team yet again and was told they delivered to number 1. I advised there wasn't a house number so why was it delivered to number 1? I've now been told they will get back in touch with the courier. I am out of pocket as I have had to refund the buyer as she won her paypal claim and I no longer have my item. P2g don't seem to be interested in helping me, the service I paid for via packetport was sent via a different courier, I have been lied to and promised management call back on 5 occasions which didn't materialise and I would like to reclaim my money. Will I have a case with the small claims court?
  24. I have noted the number of concerns expressed about Parcel2Go and thought ought to add my own. Prior to the Post Office privatisation I sent the majority of parcels through my local PO. There may be odd concerns but I have to say my figures show a problem rate, expressed as the percentage of parcels that gave rise to problems, was approx 0.04%, over 3 years total. My problem rate with P2GHermes is 48.20%. A staggering figure. That is all documented. Friends and I have done 'test' parcels and sought feedback, the results have not been good.at all. I have tried taking matters up with them on their 'chat' line, almost entirely in vain. The chat operators are 'homeworkers' just manning a computer, they have no way of knowing what is really going on and have to email P2G themselves if they want info other than that on their screen. 2 operators come up with different answers. The customer service system is amongst the very worst I have even seen in a long working life. Their web info is misleading, it only includes selected positive feedback. They edit negative comments off Facebook etc. There are a whole host of issues from standard service issues to legal issues re contract responsibilities and matters of public safety. Any company operating in this way ought to be brought to the attention of all potential customers. A couple of us re now using the internet to ensure all our contacts are aware, and make others aware. We are also putting together a dossier to send to ebay as they actively promote P2G and may be able to put some pressure on. You might want to consider passing this to your own contacts?
  25. I sent a parcel via Parcel2Go using their "shop to shop" service When it arrived at the destination shop in Nottingham my customer received a text to say it was ready for collection at the shop. (as planned) The text message said that the parcel would be there up to 1st of March. When he arrived on 23rd February, the parcel was not there. The shop assistant in Nottingham said they had returned the parcel as they did not have enough room to store it. The parcel was sent back to Parcel2go in BOLTON (NOT BACK TO ME)... and now they want to charge me to send it back to me as the receiver of the parcel refused it. The “receiver of the parcel” was the shop IT WAS NOT THE PERSON WHO THE PARCEL WAS SENT TO Why should I have to pay to return the parcel to me, when the agent at MAHAL STORES, 250, Trowell Road, NG8 2DS refused the parcel !!!.... NOT MY CUSTOMER And when you contact them they are only available via web chat and the returns team are only open whilst I Am at work between 9 & 5pm. I am livid. WHAT A JOKE
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