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Found 8 results

  1. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?490294-Received-A-Letter-From-Welcome-Offering-To-Give-Refund&p=5172113#post5172113 Hello. What was the outcome of your refund ? Did you get it ? I have received one of these letters today offering a refund. I was surprised as I think they already knocked off the PPI from my original claim from about 8 years ago.
  2. Hi all, I am new to this forum and apologise if this is the wrong section to post this. I live in London and was involved in an accident yesterday. As I was leaving the bus, a man ran to get on the bus and collided into me, giving me an ankle injury. I didn't know if it was broken or just sprained, but figured it may have been broken as I almost fainted moments after. Do I have any rights to receive compensation i.e. from the man? Thanks.
  3. Sending some Christmas presents, I booked a Next Day delivery with Parcel2Go on Thu 21 Dec. I put the item in an InPost locker for collection, but it wasn't picked up by the courier until Wed 27 Dec. The presents finally arrived Thu 28 Dec, a full week after I posted. Xmas happened in the middle extending the delay somewhat, but still the courier was technically 2 working days late in even collecting the parcel which was advertised and sold to me as Next Day delivery. I've asked P2G twice for a refund, but they say they don't guarantee delivery so aren't obliged to. They wouldn't refund even as a gesture of goodwill (I am, or was, a regular customer). Elsewhere I've read that as long as a parcel is delivered within 31 days it is not considered late. Can I somehow get a refund under false advertising/trades description (or similar) for this 'Next Day' charade?
  4. Hi to anyone that can help My Fiance and I have been awaiting her Decree Absolute to arrange our wedding and it has come to light that her previous marriage of 10 years wasn't lawfully carried out due to an administration error of the Registry Office. We have been told her case is to be heard before a DJ this week to confirm that the marriage wasn't legal, and that the registry office will send out a form to complete regarding compensation that will go before a DJ to award compensation accordingly. Does anyone know how much compensation is awarded in these matters and what can be taken into consideration at all?? Many thanks Hadituptohere
  5. Hi guys, I recently went to open a business account to start a new busines . I was rejected so joined experian and found out I had a ccj dated back to 2013. Couple of things. I wasn't aware of this ccj which is registered to my old address (which my ex wife lives at). I didn't get my post for the first year or so due to bad relations with her (2009-2010) but since 2010 I've been getting all my post and have no recollection of this. Should they send the ccj paperwork recorded delivery? I contacted Northampton county court and got the details. Then called the solicitors. They gave me some details saying it's for a credit card and the amounts etc. I said I don't think this is mine can you get me a copy of the credit agreement. Roughly 8 weeks after my request and many many phone calls I got a copy of statements (just plain and no details or specific marking of original creditors) but no agreement. I spoke to them again and they said they have requested agreement and are still waiting a response. I also received a letter from a dca saying they have put it on hold due to my request and won't chase till I have received relevant paperwork. I know in hindsight I should have really done all this via letters but was panicking and trying to sort quickly. If they can't find the agreement do I have a chance if setting this aside? Should I send a letter stating about the phone calls and again requesting the agreement, giving them a time limit? How can I prove I haven't received any paperwork? What are my options? Sorry for being long winded and hope someone can help. many thanks.
  6. Hi all, Basically I'm looking for a bit of advice really, I was involved in a car accident on the 23/06/14. I approached a dual carriageway roundabout in the middle lane and the third party was in the left hand lane after going past the first exit the third party appeared to be wanting to turn right at the roundabout and me going straight over he collided with the rear end of my car damaging the door, around the wheel arch and wheel of my car, his car is damaged on the drivers side wing next to the indicator. Immediately the third party blamed me for being in the wrong lane, which I wasn't, unfortunately no witnesses either. I Immediately contacted my insurance company and explained to them what had happened and they soon collected my car to be repaired. This is the situation My insurance company have told me worst case scenario if he blames me it will be 50/50 which I'm not happy about as it wasn't my fault. As either insurance company hasn't decided who's at fault yet I might be worrying for no reason. But on the other hand I want to be prepared for the 50/50 fault claim. Can I contest it? My cover has legal cover so can I use one of their approved solicitors to defend my case? Any other avenue I can take? I'm not very clued up on this, I've been driving for over 10 years with 9 years no claims never been involved in an accident so this is all new to me. Any help would be a massive stress relief and massively appreciated
  7. Hello to all, I was caught using my mobile phone whilst driving (bluetooth had not operated and answered a call) went through all the relevant questions and got a Fixed Penalty Notice, and a 'produce' ticket. I mislaid my Paper Licence, and went to local police Station, with other papers, and told them i had mislaid paper licence. Desk Sargent said don't do anything you will get a court date, The court date finally arrived, and i did not contest the Offence, just my explanation, to why i was using at that time. I didnt hear from the Court until a demand notice came demanding 197.00 ( the fine was 3 points and 86.00 pounds. I made an appeal, saying that i wasn't given the opportunity to pay the Fixed Penalty as was advised against it because paper licence was mislaid. Now the case has gone to High Court Appeal, and i am worried that i might incur more court charges, if they do not accept my explanation of events. can anyone suggest a course of action , or a letter to write in to the court? any help or comments would be appreciated, regards
  8. I'm in shock. I've got 4 letters from the Sheriff Officers today for council tax dating back years ago, saying that warrants have been granted against me and a former partner (letters addressed to both of us, we split 6 years ago) in the sheriff court. They are all for one address. For three of the years claimed we were not even living there, plus the council tax was included in what we paid our landlord (as far as I am aware - I wasn't party to the tenancy agreement) - we NEVER got a council tax bill the entire time we lived there an never since for that property. They have got hold of my current address so clearly know where I live yet have never chased me for this or sent a letter telling me they were taking it to court - if they had I would have fought it! It's thousands and I have to pay it in 7 days apparently! What the hell can I do about this? I am beyond fuming!
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