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Found 8 results

  1. Hi If a party fails to carry out a direction ordered by the judge and Other side has, should I write to the court and advise them? Can the court sanction the other side ( it's not on the smalls claims track)
  2. Hello, I am in pretty desperate need of advice! I rented a unit to use as a photography studio around 18 month ago. When I looked at the unit, there were a few leaks, which the landlord said he would repair, but never did. I carried on paying rent, but not using the unit as a studio, more of a storage space, as the leaks prevented me from having my equipment set up. Fast forward to December (my dad was incredibly ill and passed away in the August of last year, so all of the unit leaking and not being able to use it went right to the back of my mind) the landlord gave me a polite reminder that my rent is due. I, again, politely reminded him that the unit leaks and nothing has been done about the leaks since I'd been there. He apologised and told me that I wouldn't be paying any rent until he'd repaired the leaks. I then spoke to the landlord in July, him asking what was happening etc. and whereabouts the leaks are etc. so he could get them fixed. I explained that I don't use it etc. and most of my work involves me working away (or I use my garage as a small studio) and I wouldn't be back until mid August. I then start getting messages from the landlord saying that I'm owing the full missing months of rent, from the last time I paid in December. I received a letter the other day from a debt collector company saying that I owe the landlord £4248, which is the 10 months rent (£400/m) plus a late payment fee. The guy was friendly enough and I explained the entire situation and he appreciated that I as clearly not trying to rip them off etc. He said that as it's a commercial property, the fact the landlord told me not to pay until he'd fixed the leaks was completely irrelevant unfortunately. The unit still leaks next to the 3-phase 415V main fuseboard, so as far as I'm concerned, it's a death trap and I could never have clients into the building etc. He said that even though the landlord had said that (not paying rent etc.), I was still responsible and if anything, should have had the roof repaired and taken it out of the rent. Where do I stand? The chap I spoke to said the amount may be negotiable, but to be frank, I feel that I shouldn't have been paying full rent for the period that I was, let alone for the period that he told me not to pay through. I fully appreciate that although the guy I spoke to was very friendly etc., but is obviously working for the landlord and not myself, so there is going to be an issue of him biasing towards their interests and not my own. There's just no way I could afford to pay that figure, it's hard enough working as a freelance photographer at the best of times, let alone paying rent on a unit that's been unusable since I got it. Where do I stand? If anybody has anything impartial to say, that'd be great and thanks in advance. Sorry for long post.
  3. I used to hire a studio space upstairs in an office building which was decorated by me. Then just recently I became a paraplegic and am wheelchair bound and could no longer get to my studio space so had to give up renting it. I agreed with my landlords that they should get someone in to do the work needed for them to re let. They provided me an estimate and I paid the money there and then. Although I was never given a copy of the estimate. They have now come back to me four months later asking for an additional 350 pounds on top of the 950 pounds I have already paid. Apparently it is to cover the cost of work which was not initially included in the estimate total but was written on the form as work that may needed to be done. This I did not see and certainly didn't agree to. Where do I stand? In my opinion the extra should have been agreed with me before going ahead. Although is it dodgy ground as in my rental contract I should have returned the space to its former state before leaving?
  4. Good evening, I hope you can help me. I am writing on behalf of my father in law. After a discussion with my father in law he said he was confused by a phone call saying he was owed £7000 compensation and asked if he wanted to claim it. An agreement was posted and he signed it the (t+c) in May. He is on various medication and currently in hospital with ill health. And still receives phone calls asking when is getting out etc After he told us about this we said, No they are parasites, we will do it for you, so WE contacted Barclays and then completed ALL the paperwork from Barclays, he was awarded £2100 compensation. Later, they demanded payment saying they were successful in their claim for PPI. NO they weren't I was successful, NOT them, they did nothing. They did not do any work Looking at the T+C there are breaches everywhere 2.2 The service We will review and consider the information and submit a FREE OF CHARGE data subject access. At most they may have contacted Barclays. Which as in their contract is FREE 2.3 We will update you on our process.. No sorry nothing till I claimed it back for him then demanded payment for MY work My wife rang them and what an evil nasty set of *&^^&%& on the phone, d emanding this and that, saying IT WILL be paid etc. You WILL pay it etc. She explained her DAD was mentally and physically ill and has no bearing of what was said on the telephone at all and they just laughed with words of yea yea we have heard it all before. We asked them to provide proof of their contact with Barclays and they can no do this, all they have is her Dads signature. Reading the contract we breached by going it alone, they breached it by not doing anything, therefore contract null and void. Where do we stand??? Im telling him not to pay it. I'm very angry they were even asking how long is he in hospital for is long or short term as it needs to be paid.
  5. Hi to anyone that can help My Fiance and I have been awaiting her Decree Absolute to arrange our wedding and it has come to light that her previous marriage of 10 years wasn't lawfully carried out due to an administration error of the Registry Office. We have been told her case is to be heard before a DJ this week to confirm that the marriage wasn't legal, and that the registry office will send out a form to complete regarding compensation that will go before a DJ to award compensation accordingly. Does anyone know how much compensation is awarded in these matters and what can be taken into consideration at all?? Many thanks Hadituptohere
  6. I sent my horsebox (7.5T lorry) in for an MOT which I expect to cost me a couple of hundred pounds for a 7.5T lorry. When I went to collect the vehicle their invoice system wasn't working and being a regular customer (well once a year) they let me take the vehicle and agreed they would call me to take payment. Which they did a few days later, when I was presented with a figure of just under £1000! I then found out they had carried out 2 big pieces of work without my knowledge. My boyfriend is a mechanic and could have carried out this work for the cost of parts only! I told them this and their answer was "well we have done the work now so you have to pay". I told them I haven't even received an invoice and they would have to send one. They continued to chase me for the amount and I repeated that I still hadn't had an invoice! Finally a couple of months later an invoice arrived. In the meantime my boyfriend had looked at the work carried out. They had cut away trim which protected the engine bay and not replaced it. And they had cross threaded several bolt holes and only put 3 of 6 bolts in, a couple of which weren't in correctly as they were cross threaded. And this was to bolt on the exhaust downpipe. I sent a cheque for about £250 detailing why I was not paying for the labour of fitting those parts but did say I would pay for the parts. I also deducted a few hours labour for what it would cost me to get the bolt holes re-tapped by an independent engineer. The cheque was dated 23rd July 2015 and they didn't return it until 7th October 2015 (I'm sure they should have returned it before this!) They have now issued court proceedings for non-payment but I did offer some payment and they didn't want to accept. Has anyone has any similar issues and how did it get resolved or does anyone have any advice to where I stand legally? Your advice would be appreciated. Thank you Katie
  7. Hi there, My husband works for an international company and paid in US dollars. However, the HMRC class him as self-employed. I carry out bookkeeping for him monthly with end of month reconciliation as well as annual returns with other specific tasks on his behalf. However, this work load will increase as of May 2015, hence charging him. My question is.... Can I invoice him for monthly duties carried out. I plan to go self employed doing exactly this once I have completed my Honours Degree in May, therefore, it would be far easier for myself to also go self-employed rather than being classed as an employee (seen other responses but always focuses on limited or sole traders). Can I do this as I am his wife, if not he will have to pay the accountant to do this as I suspect I will be too busy with my own clients. Thanks in advance
  8. Hi, Just need a little help, Imove into a private rental property back in May 2011, we loved the placebecause of the room and conservatory. There had been a leak in the conservatorysome time ago, way before we moved in and this had been repaired. From the next time it rainedwe had water coming in at 4 different points, called the agent the next day andabout a week later the LL sent his builders round who put what I can onlyassume was silicon sealant around the roof windows, needless to say the nexttime it rained the leaks started again. One part of the wall fromaround Sep last year is now water damaged where the water ran down streams. In the end they put an awfulblue piece of polythene on to cover part of the conservatory roof, which asblown off many times and still left part of the roof leaking. The builders cameround to keep securing the cover, till I got fed up with calling the agent. Jumping forward to Jan 2012after numerous calls to the agent the LL his architect and builder came round,they all decided that the roof would need to be taken apart and put backtogether with new seals. This looked like a big job inthe height of winter we agreed that it would be best if they did this inApr/May time hopefully with the chance of drier weather. We moved all thefurniture out of the conservatory into the adjacent room back in June ready forthem coming round to repair the roof. Summer as been and gone andstill no work has been carried out, with promises from the LL after we havespoken many times on the phone that it would be done. I emailed the agent 2 weeksago to find out what is going on, had a read receipt so I know that he’s readit, left it for a week still nothing back, I fired off another, he replied withthis, but with no time scale as to when. “Hi Tim I’m so sorry, the landlord has been desperately trying to get hold ofhis workman but has had no success. I have now suggested we get our own people round to sort the problem outand he has agreed so I will get onto it straight away.” I knowall this is not like a boiler or heating issue, but its drag on so long, it’smy hard earned money that I pay for something that’s not right. They even had the cheek to put up the rentback in May. I’m quite naïve with regardto where I stand. I’ve told them I wantthe rent reduce for the inconvenience of having two rooms out of commission andthey can carry out the roof repair next May when we leave, but I want the roofmade waterproof and the inside wall repaired soonest. Anyadvice would be much appreciated.
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